Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Ugly, but kind-hearted, will anyone like it?

Ugly, but kind-hearted, will anyone like it?

Don't think so, you will be cheated to death.

Ugly men and ugly women are jealous of handsome men and beautiful women.

The poor envy the rich.

Short people are jealous of tall people.

Losers envy winners.

In this world, people who are treated unfairly and suffer from cold and warmth are jealous of those lucky people who are cared for by everyone.


Happy people will convey happiness.

Tragic people will create new tragedies.

If a person really doesn't care about beauty and ugliness, he won't say something like "ugly, but kind-hearted" Those who say this are the people who care most about beauty and ugliness.

As Fan said in "Essays on the Yangtze River", "Concentrated is the essence"? Are there fewer successful people in big men than in short men? Nowadays, one of the performances in many film and television storytelling is "big fool". See how many big men are stupid in real life. Tall people are not stupid, but most of them are leaders. ..................................................................................................................................................................


Listening to the voice, "ugly but kind-hearted" can also be understood as "beautiful and vicious", which is naked jealousy.

Don't say I think too much, I think too much. If I were in school, I might agree with you, but I can't enter the society without much thinking, because in China's adult world, people can reverse black and white out of thin air right in front of their eyes.

After watching programs like football and basketball, you will understand how terrible people are. How many commentators, how many media, and how many fans stood there with their eyes open, reversing black and white and maliciously slandering some weak people for some unknown purpose. Some experts even openly say that basketball is a jungle, and they take it for granted that CBA has done evil to foreign star players (not to mention that it has lost its sportsmanship and publicly encouraged unhealthy practices to distort the psychology of fans).

I'm not saying it's not good to watch this kind of program, at least let people know how twisted and dirty people are, let them mature and know the real society.

I want to say that after watching this program, you will find that there are two kinds of people who speak clearly. One kind of people are typical mindless herd mentality (or mainstream voices and superstitious experts), and the other kind of people speak out of their own position and selfishness.


At present, there is a popular dictionary on the Internet called "Water Army | Navy", which influences the judgment of the audience and consumers by commenting on news posts of expert media.

The human heart has nothing to do with beauty and ugliness, but with interests, likes and dislikes and life.


Beauty and ugliness are obvious at a glance ... but how to judge "good and evil"

"ugly, but kind-hearted, will anyone like it?" I'm sorry I don't have the ability to see through people's hearts (I don't have super powers, and I've never heard of such NB super powers)


Before you step on the tiger's tail, you may just think of the other person as a "sick cat" ... you have never been hurt and don't know what pain is.

Compared with the wicked, the more terrible good people in the world, the naked people who are greedy for money, greed and power are more likely to find ways to get along, and those who are thinking completely out of line are even more "liars".

Crazy people who are obsessed with power, technology, money, beauty, wine, novels, comics, games, football, investment, etc ... Maybe they are crazy, they are different, but their goals are clear, and they will pay everything for them. Such people are easy to get along with.

A good man is often a "devil" at home (because his fear of outsiders makes his family a doormat, and he beats his family too hard to take it out on his family), and it is often a "nightmare" for children to live an ordinary life (tearing up their dreams and pursuits day and night for more than 20 years).

"The road through hell is paved with good intentions."


Don't wear colored glasses to confuse Confucianism and label people. Lust, greed and power are the most basic desires of human beings?

Why do women get married with a bride price, a ring necklace, a house and a car, and why do women's husbands depend on men's career status, income, assets and so on?

There are no lecherous men in the world, only men who have no lecherous courage.

A loser without courage is no different from a scum who ignores his family and plays with women and other people's lives everywhere. A man is willing to marry and have children with a woman he doesn't like, so this man doesn't really love this woman and love this family for life. If he has no emotional commitment, it will certainly bring endless "disasters" to the family, which is why children without true love parents often have many tragedies in their lives. Either follow suit and let the tragedy repeat itself (just like the story of giving birth to a baby, herding sheep, and marrying a daughter-in-law to give birth to a baby), or turn against your parents, deny their parents' lives, put up with the world's complaints about the discord between six parents, and walk out of your own way.

Why do you often change the door to a general? Is the scholarly family a generation of high-ranking writers? And most people do it for farmers? The vast majority of slaves replaced slaves. .......................................................................................................................................................................

Tragic people often say "fate". They don't support people with dreams to pursue their dreams, but when you fail to pursue your dreams, it is a tragedy. Everyone knows that "failure is the mother of success" and "Edison failed to invent the electric light more than 2,000 times", but in fact, for the weak who are content with the status quo, as long as the person who pursues his dreams fails once, he can regard this person as "waste" and satirize obstacles everywhere. The biggest enemy of a dream catcher is not others, but parents who flaunt themselves as "good people" or "willing to be ordinary" ... Instead of struggling to pursue their dreams, it is better to borrow money to buy a house and a car in the city, then marry and have children, and go out to move bricks to earn money to repay the loan (a sheep is a sheep, and a cowardly character can never be changed without ambition and desire. ) that is "face the reality", "people should accept their fate" and "you will never make a lot of money in this life". "I can tell a fortune (I really thought I became a fortune teller by looking for someone to tell a fortune all day ... let's talk about fortune telling first. Science? Is it verified? How can I know the correct rate of my fortune telling? I don't know where I got my confidence. )」)

Only those who are unwilling to be ordinary can create an extraordinary life. .............., don't expect a pie to fall from the sky, just strive for what you want.

Don't treat "ambition" and "desire" as "a scourge" and "the source of all evil"

In fact, people who have no ambitions and desires are terrible, because when people lose their dreams, they will not lose their pursuit of money, because no matter ordinary or extraordinary, they will spend money every day, while those who have no dreams will only become dirty and degenerate, because they have no dreams, so they will want to seize things that do not belong to them ... because the more people lose, The greater the "jealousy" ... what incompetent and cowardly parents can grasp is "children's freedom" and "children's dreams" (they think they are supporting themselves to go to school, but in fact they just throw their children to educational institutions as robots, and all arts, music, football, basketball cartoons and so on are exploited. A student who has no pursuit and doesn't know what to do in the future can study at school, just like buying lottery tickets all his life to see who can choose the right one.


When people are distracted by other purposes and forget their own beauty and ugliness, this is reassuring.

People become different because of ambition and pursuit (pursuing dreams requires self-discipline), and people fall because of ordinary (on the contrary, it has nothing to do with me)