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Then talk about the definition of tarot cards. Tarot cards are a tool to analyze, predict and provide suggestions for people, things and things. This definition is accurate and direct, and has been widely recognized by the tower.

Tarot cards are just a tool. Tarot cards can be used in love, interpersonal relationships, work (school) and other different aspects. There are 78 tarot cards, including 22 big Alcana cards and 56 small Alcana cards. You can use divination alone or 78 cards together. Fortune teller's advice.

From the overall card information and energy flow, we can see the development of the situation and the surrounding influencing factors, so that we can clearly understand the direction of this matter, which is called divination. Tarot cards can be aimed at love, interpersonal relationships, work (school) and so on. Some scholars use tarot cards for divination in psychology, but generally only use the analytical function of tarot cards. Free eight-character test career development direction.

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9. Free Personal Career Test Free: Where can I get free software to test my personality and career? Personality is a relatively stable psychological characteristic of people's attitude and behavior, and it is an important part of personality or personality. Personality has a great influence on the success of one's career. When choosing a career, you should choose a career and work that suits you according to your own personality.

Swiss psychoanalyst Jung divided people's personality into introversion and extroversion. Jung believes that there is a kind of psychological energy in human life-libido, which is the basis of all human behavior changes. Due to the different tendencies of Libido, people can be divided into two basic types: Libido is object-oriented (external), and people whose interests and concerns tend to face others or other things are extroverted; Japan is more subject-oriented (introverted), and people who are interested in and concerned about themselves are introverted. Extroverts show concern and interest in external things, are good at expressing their feelings and behaviors, and are willing to associate with others; Introverts, on the other hand, lack care and interest in external things, are not good at expressing their feelings and behaviors, and are unwilling to associate with others. Divination of career future

Generally speaking, extroverted people are more suitable for occupations that can give full play to their initiative and have extensive contact with the outside world; Introverts are more suitable for a planned, stable career that does not require too much interaction with others. Typical occupations suitable for extroverts are: lawyer, psychologist, teacher, salesman, police, salesman, journalist, human worker and so on. Typical occupations suitable for introverts are: natural scientists, technicians, artists, accountants, general workers, stenographers, typists, programmers, etc.

Whether introverted or extroverted, there are many very specific and rich personality characteristics. There are not many people who are simply introverted or extroverted, and most of them are mixed, but there are differences in degree. Therefore, the above analysis of personality and the following analysis can only provide a general direction. In the actual matching process, we should also adopt targeted methods according to people's personality characteristics and professional requirements.

In recent years, some educators and psychologists have divided occupational character into nine categories, which can be used as a reference when choosing a job. God will test the latest surprises.

1, variant: This kind of people are happy with new and unexpected activities or working environment, and like jobs that change jobs frequently. They pursue diversified activities and are good at diverting attention and working environment. Suitable occupation types are: reporter, salesman and actor.

2. Repetitive: This kind of people like to work in the same job continuously, like to do things according to the plan or timetable arranged by machinery or others, and like repetitive, regular and standard occupations. Suitable occupation types are: printer, textile worker, machine tool worker, projectionist, etc. Measure your position in the boss's mind.

3. Obedience: This kind of people like to do things according to other people's instructions, rather than making decisions independently, and prefer to let others be responsible for their own work. Suitable occupations are: office clerk, secretary, translator, etc.

4. Independent: These people like to plan their own activities and guide others' activities. I feel happy in an independent and responsible working environment and like to make decisions about what will happen. Suitable occupation types are: lawyer, policeman, boy scout, etc. Free horoscope career.

5. Cooperative: This kind of people will feel happy when they cooperate with others and hope to be liked by colleagues. Suitable occupation types are: workers, personnel, etc.

6. Persuasive: This kind of people like to make others agree with their own views, usually through conversation or writing. Have strong judgment on others' reactions, and be good at influencing others' attitudes, opinions and judgments. Suitable occupation types are: personnel, administration, propagandist, writer, etc.

7. Wit-type: This kind of people can perform tasks well in a tense and dangerous situation, self-control and calmness in a dangerous situation, and can complete tasks well. Suitable occupation types are: driver, pilot, public safety expert, fireman, lifeguard, etc.

8. Good phenotype: These people like a working environment where they can express their hobbies and personalities. Suitable occupation types are: actor, poet, musician, painter, etc. Free eight characters to see academic qualifications.

9. Rigidity: These people like to pay attention to details and complete their work as perfectly as possible according to a set of rules and steps. I tend to be hard-working and strict, so that I can see the effect of my work after hard work. Suitable occupation types are: accountant, cashier, statistician, proofreader, librarian, typist, etc.

For personality, as a psychological feature, it has certain stability, but it is not static. The change of objective environment and personal subjective adjustment will change personality, so personality's adaptation to occupation is not, but has certain flexibility.

The following series of questions will help you analyze your personality. Please write a circle of letters relative to "yes" or "no" according to your real situation. Each question can only draw a circle, no more or less.

Class: People's free fortune-telling is super accurate.

Select "Yes" or "No"

1. You often consider other people's opinions before making a decision.

2. Are you willing to handle statistical CA?

You always help others solve problems without hesitation.

You often forget where you put your things, BC.

You can rarely convince others through discussion.

6. Most people think that you can bear humiliation.

7. You often feel uncomfortable among strangers.

8. You seldom brag about your achievements. AC will help you tell your fortune for free.

9. You are tired of worrying about your children's future study.

10. The main purpose of your participation in an activity is to win CA.

1 1. You are easily shaken by most people. CB test is the most accurate and free.

12. After you make a choice, you will do it your way. This will be a bombshell to measure your age.

13. The success of your work is very important to you.

14. You like jobs that require a lot of physical strength and brain power, BC.

15. You often ask yourself how you really feel.

16. You trust those who make you sad. They have a good idea. CB wants to calculate his own career.

Calculate (not counting the answer C), and get 1 point for each option. Online divination work transfer.

A score (), caring about people; B (), affecting people; The total score of a and b (). Look at the career development direction in eight characters.

Section: Procedures and Systems

Select "Yes" or "No" whether ai measures couples.

You like cleaning the air conditioner.

2. You can quickly draw conclusions about most things, and CA can test your future career.

3. The tested and used resolution is the most worthwhile AC birth date to calculate wealth.

You're not interested in other people's problems, BC

5. You rarely question what others say, CB.

6. You can't always be punctual

7. You feel comfortable in all kinds of social situations.

8. You are always willing to consider the consequences before doing anything. AC calculates your career direction.

9. You think it's interesting to finish something quickly in a limited time, BC.

10. Do you like to accept nervous new tasks?

Your argument is usually credible, CB.

12. You are not good at checking details, CA.

13. Clear and original opinions are important to you, BC.

14. Too many people will inhibit your self-expression, BC.

15. You always try to finish what you started.

16. The beauty of nature often makes you CB.

Calculate (not counting the answer C), and get 1 point for each option.

A fraction (), word; B (), finance/data processing; The total score of a and b ().

The third category: communication and lack of skills

Select "Yes" and "No"

1. You like to play a role in TV programs.

Sometimes it is difficult for you to express yourself.

Do you think you can write short stories?

Can you provide the blueprint of the new design?

You know little about art, CB.

6. You would rather do practical work than read or write articles.

7. Pay little attention to fashion design CB

8. You like to talk with others about their opinions.

9. You are full of original ideas, BC.

10. You will find that most of them are boring.

1 1. You are particularly creative, CB.

12. You are a real person, CA.

13. Would you like to show your photos and drawings to others?

14. You can design things with intuitive effects.

15. Do you like translating foreign languages?

16. People who are unconventional make you feel uncomfortable, CB.

Counting (excluding answer c), each choice will get 1 point.

One point (), literature, language, communication; B (), showing art and design; The total score of a and b ().

The fourth category: science and engineering

Free Fortune-telling Birthday Measurement Is Career Choice Yes or No?

1. In the debate, you are good at grasping the weaknesses of others.

You almost always make decisions freely.

It is no problem for you to come up with a new idea.

4. You are not good at persuading others, BC.

5. You like to prepare in advance, CB.

6. think abstractly about that CA that can help solve the problem

7. You are not good at playing with CB.

8. You like to talk about the impossible.

9. What others say about you won't make you feel bad, BC.

L0。 You solve problems mainly by intuition and personal feelings.

1 1. You sometimes give up halfway.

12. You don't hide your emotions, CA.

13. You will find it easy to solve practical problems.

14. Traditional prescription is usually BC.

You cherish your independent air conditioner.

16. Do you like reading classical literature?

Calculate (not counting the answer C), and get 1 point for each option.

A score (), research; B (), actual; A and BB points ().

Please calculate the A and B points of each part and the total score of A and B. ..

The total score of 0 ~ 4 indicates that this job can't meet your personality needs; 5- 10 means average; 10 indicates that this type of work is most suitable for you and can best meet your individual needs. According to the scores of A and B, determine the specific occupation within the scope of work.

Category: people

In this category, if the score of A is higher than that of B, it means that you are better at caring for people, and you should find a career in medical work, welfare or education, such as doctor, health consultant, worker, teacher, etc. If the score of B is higher than that of A, it means that you are more able to influence others in military, business or management, and feel comfortable, such as politics, soldiers, security guards, market managers, trade and market researchers.

Section: Procedures and Systems

In this category, if the score of A is higher than that of B, it means that you are suitable for language-related jobs such as administrative management, such as office director, personnel management, company secretary, lawyer, librarian, archivist and clerk. If the score of B is higher than A, then you are more suitable for finance and data processing, including accounting, banking, cashier, economy, insurance, computer programs and system analysis.

The third category: communication and art

In this category, if the score of A is higher than that of B, it means that you are suitable for journalism, literature and language, such as journalist, translator, radio or TV station, public utilities and so on. If the score of B is higher than A, it means that you are more suitable for designing and artistic jobs, such as graphic designer, cartographer, architect, interior decoration designer, theater design, fashion design, photographer and so on.

The fourth category: science and engineering

This kind of work can be divided into research work and practical work. If one has a high score, it is suitable for the previous job, such as biologist, physicist, chemist and so on. If the B score is high, it is suitable for the later work, such as mechanical engineer and civil engineer. A and b

Can't be separated

Everyone's personality has both positive and negative aspects. Through measurement and analysis, it is helpful to overcome negative personality and develop positive personality. For example, some people are enthusiastic and helpful, but the good times are not long, and they always behave anticlimactic. Such people should pay attention to cultivating their determination and confidence to overcome difficulties, and exercise their perseverance and persistent character will; For another example, some people are enthusiastic, hardworking and fast, but sometimes they are so-so, even anxious and irritable when something happens. While developing their personal strengths, such people should pay attention to cultivating serious and meticulous spirit, prevent impatience and "control anger" at any time; Some people do things deeply, seriously and rigorously, but sometimes they are indecisive and procrastinating. Such people must always remind themselves that "things have been done" and gradually develop a decisive character.

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