Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Readers' fortune-telling _ fortune-telling reading

Readers' fortune-telling _ fortune-telling reading

What do you know about fortune telling?

Many people think the fortune teller is "accurate" after consulting him. In fact, those who turn to fortune tellers are easily influenced. When people are depressed, they lose control of their lives, so their sense of security is also affected. An insecure person's psychological dependence is also greatly enhanced, and the suggestibility is stronger than usual. In addition, fortune tellers are good at trying to figure out people's inner feelings and can understand the feelings of help seekers a little, and help seekers will immediately feel a kind of spiritual comfort. The fortune teller's next general and harmless words can convince the helper.

Psychologist Bertram Forer conducted a personality test on the students of 1948, and analyzed the results according to the test. After the test, the students scored a minimum of 0 points and a maximum of 5 points on the fit between the test results and their own characteristics. In fact, all the students got the same "personal analysis":

"You pray to be loved by others, but you find fault with yourself. Although there are some defects in personality, on the whole, you can make up for them. You have considerable untapped potential, but you haven't developed your advantages yet. The seemingly tough, strict and self-disciplined appearance hides inner anxiety and uneasiness. Many times, you will seriously question whether you have done the right thing and made the right decision. You like a certain degree of change, but you feel dissatisfied when you are limited. You are proud of being an independent thinker and will not accept statements without sufficient evidence. But you think it is unwise to be too frank with others. Sometimes you are outgoing, friendly and full of sociality, and sometimes you are introverted, cautious and silent. Some of your ambitions are unrealistic. "

The average score was 4.26, which was revealed only after the score. Vla collected these contents from the description of the relationship between constellation and personality. It can be seen from the description of the analysis report that many sentences are applicable to anyone, and these sentences were later named barnum sentences after barnum.

In another study of Barnum Effect Test, students used Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Questionnaire (MMPI), and then the researchers evaluated the report. The researchers first write down the correct evaluation of students' personality, but give them two evaluations, one is correct and the other is wrong, that is, use some vague and general evaluations. After that, the students were asked which evaluation report they thought was the best for them. More than half of the students (59%) chose the fake evaluation report instead of the real one.

Barnum effect is also called Foley effect, but Barnum effect is used more frequently. This word was coined by Paul Meehl, an American psychologist, in the article "Wanted-A Good Cookbook" written by 1956. He mentioned the vague personality descriptions of psychological tests of "false success" of some notorious swindlers, entrepreneurs and businessmen.

There are two very important factors to ensure the reliability of the research. The content of the description is very important, with special emphasis on the proportion of positive evaluation and negative evaluation. Another important factor is that those who study trust and give feedback will give comments based on honesty and objectivity.

The effect is so consistent because the sentences are vague. People can find their own ideas from these sentences, and then think that these sentences have become their own personality. The most effective sentences include the word "sometimes", such as: "Sometimes you think you believe in yourself, but at other times you are not so confident". This word is applicable to almost everyone, so everyone can read it according to his own meaning. When the experiment is repeated, it will ensure high reliability in this way.