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What idioms are there with streams?

Not blocking, not flowing, not only not blocking: blocking; Stop: stop. Metaphor means that only by getting rid of old and wrong things can we build new and correct things.

Follow advice like a stream, listen to blunt advice like running water from a height. Describe a willingness to accept criticism from others.

Handsome and talented person.

Eternal romance refers to the elegance that has been circulating for a long time.

Romantic rhyme: wind, fun. Something elegant and interesting. It also refers to the ambiguous relationship between men and women.

Romantic implication: peaceful and generous, implicit and inner show. Describe an elegant and talented person. He also described articles, poems and paintings as elegant and subtle.

Scrap: hand over; All: to; Eastward: A river that flows eastward. Throw it into the East River and wash it away. Metaphor hope, go down the drain.

Sweating describes extreme tension or fatigue.

The primitive farming method in ancient times was fire farming.

The pyrometallurgical stone metal is burned and the stone melts. Describe the dry and hot weather

Sweating on the back is the same as "sweating on the back", which means being very ashamed or afraid.

Nine schools and three religions generally refer to various religious and academic schools. It also refers to people from all walks of life.

Immortality means that a good name will be passed down forever.

The lasting appeal and sentiment handed down by predecessors.

Streaming time is extremely short.

Flowing gold describes the hot weather, as if the stone were going to melt.

Reluctant to go, forget to go back.

Wandering, wandering, depraved, nowhere to live.

Exile in other countries: elsewhere. Forced to leave home and wander in other places.

Wandering world: running away from home; Tianya: It's far away. Down and out, leaving home, wandering to other places.

Running water does not rot, hinges do not rot: door shaft; Moth: Insects eat it. Running water will not stink, and the revolving door shaft will not rot. It is a metaphor that things that exercise frequently are not easily eroded by foreign objects.

The spread of seedlings: absurdity; Type: seed. Ridiculous things handed down from generation to generation.

Take advice and listen with an open mind.

No indecent assault means that Confucianism cannot be promoted unless Buddhism and Taoism are blocked. The metaphor now is that new and good things cannot be established unless the old and bad things are removed.

Crossing the sea: refers to the sea; Cross-flow: Water is everywhere. The sea is everywhere. Metaphor is political chaos and social unrest.

Endless stream: a river. Describe pedestrians, cars and horses as continuous as running water.

Obey orders: obey orders; Liu Ru: It's like running water flowing downwards. It describes rapidity. Describe absolute obedience to orders.

Listen to good advice: listen; Good: good, right; Liu Ru: It's like running water flowing downwards. It describes rapidity. Describe being able to accept other people's good opinions quickly.

Stride meteor describes striding big and walking fast.

Recite: Recite. Recite a book or an article backwards, and recite it as smoothly as running water. Describe the back skillfully and remember it firmly.

Virtue: morality, virtue; Thick: heavy; Traffic: influence; Light: spread "wide". Refers to high morality and far-reaching influence.

The mainstay stands like a pillar mountain in the torrent of the Yellow River. This is a metaphor, a strong and independent person can play a pillar role in a turbulent and difficult environment.

Wandering from one place to another: falling is a metaphor of poverty and frustration; Displacement: waves fall. Because of famine or war, the flow is scattered. Describe life is hard, wandering around.

Decision-making is like a stream: as much and as fast as running water. Decision-making transactions are many and fast.

Answer like a stream. A: a. Answers flow like water. Good eloquence and quick response.

Evil: hate, hate; Dirty: that is, downstream, extending to an inconspicuous position. Hatred is downstream. The original intention is that a gentleman does not want to live in a humble position. Now I also said that I don't want to live downstream.

Jean Millet: Drink, drink. Eat and drink soup. Old fingers are impolite.

Let nature take its course, without asking.

Short-distance flight and long-distance flight, currently: scattered; Short and long: refers to right and wrong, good and evil. Make rumors and slander others.

Gefei Liu Dan Gefei: Elevated Pavilion Road; Liu Dan: The pigments in the colored decorations are bright and flowing. The pavilion built in the air is painted with bright red paint. Describe the exquisite beauty of this building.

Dividing wind and water is a metaphor for simple and powerful speech.

Romantic elegance: literature and art are informal; Elegance: profound knowledge and extraordinary bearing. Refers to an elegant, free-spirited and knowledgeable person.

Romantic, handsome, talented and detached.

Clouds flow and dissipate like wind and clouds. Metaphorically, people together are scattered in all directions.

Romantic crime romantic: it was originally what feudal literati called elegance. Originally refers to the fault caused by elegance. Later it also refers to the crime of engaging in sexual relations.

Romantic figure: handsome and outstanding. Refers to people who have a great influence on an era. Sometimes it also refers to a person who is handsome or used to flirting.

Romantic and charming: talented but informal; Charm: outstanding, free and easy. Describe a person who is full of talents and whose words and deeds are not bound by secular etiquette.

The popularity of Yun Liu means that the writing style of the article is sharp and emotional.

Paid the money and threw it away in the east water. Metaphor hopes failed, grades lost, all previous efforts were wasted, as if washed away by running water.

High mountains and flowing water is a metaphor for a bosom friend or confidant. It is also a metaphor for the beauty of music.

Sweaty: soaked to the skin. My back is sweaty. Describe being very scared or very scared. Now I also describe a lot of sweat, and the clothes on my back are soaked.

Cross-flow flood: it doesn't follow the river. Floods flooded. Metaphor is evil.

Rivers and seas do not choose trickle metaphor, regardless of size, they all receive it.

Face the rapids bravely. Describe the courage to act in the face of danger and never flinch.

Metaphor is hitting the water in the middle, determined to work hard.

The deeper the accumulated achievements, the wider the spread of kindness to future generations.

Bravely retreat immediately in the rapids. It is a metaphor for an official to retire in time when he is proud and avoid disaster.

Controversy is like a stream Controversy: argue with "contempt" and speak out. Words of exhortation are like running water.

Rivers and seas do not object to the vastness of small streams, because they can accommodate small streams. This is a metaphor. People can only undertake great things if they are tolerant.

Open source and reduce expenditure to develop water source and control water flow. Metaphor to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

Nine-stream characters refer to all kinds of characters in society.

Decision-making is like running water, decision-making and decision-making are like running water. Describe a quick and smooth decision.

A fast-paced meteor describes a striding meteor and walks very fast.

Gossip: unfounded words. It refers to creating rumors, deceiving and confusing the masses.

Immigration and migration, no place to live.

Displacement is a metaphor, indicating that the situation has changed from smooth to difficult.

Displacement: conversion and dispersion. Nowhere to live, wandering around.

Water is heartless, water is gone forever, and there is no affection. Metaphor time goes by, no intention to stay.

A good reputation will last forever.

Falling flowers are intentional, and running water is ruthless. On the one hand, it is a metaphor for love, on the other hand, it is unintentional (mostly referring to men and women falling in love).

Flowing water and falling flowers describe the remnants of spring. This is also a metaphor for the passing of good times.

Vaguely describes the flight of time.

Rumors are unfounded. Refers to slanderous words that spread behind your back.

Flowing peach blossoms describe the beauty of spring. It is also a metaphor for love between men and women.

Diaspora was dispersed by famine or war. Describe life is hard, wandering around.

Meteors chase the moon just as meteors chase the moon. Describe quick action.

I can't bear to leave if I have fun. I was so nostalgic that I forgot to go back.

Time flies like water: time. Describe that time is gone forever.

Out of the water originally described the decline of late spring scenery. Later, it was often used to describe being beaten badly.

The popular ridge stops the flow: the water flows with the tide; C: Low and uneven. Let nature take its course and the pain will stop. Metaphor is benevolent when prosperity, retreat when frustration.

Flowing water towards the ancestors: originally refers to ancient princes and emperors, generally refers to rivers entering the sea. Metaphor is what people want.

Unfavorable fleeting time: fortune tellers used to call it "luck" in a year; Pro: Geely. Refers to a person who has been in an unfortunate state for many years. This is called bad luck.

Wandering in rivers and lakes, describing poverty and wandering in a foreign land.

Describe fear or joy to the extreme

The manners and habits of celebrities. Refers to having talent and learning without sticking to form.

The spread of fallacies and heresies generally refers to the transmission of absurd things from generation to generation.

Advection and slow entry mean that the ship moves slowly in slow current. After the metaphor of steady progress.

Section, such as flow section: analysis and solution; Flow: Like running water. Describing, analyzing and solving problems is smart and agile.

The metaphor of poor source and new flow explores and traces the cause of things.

Letting go is to let it develop freely without restraint and guidance.

The cross-flow of people's desires means that the social atmosphere is corrupt, and people indulge their lust and ignore moral justice.

Three religions and nine streams used to refer to various religions or academic schools. It also refers to people from all walks of life.

Go with the flow: vulgar; Dirt: Dirty. It means doing bad things with bad people.

Fangfang: Xiang means a good name. A good reputation will last forever.

Time flies like water: time. Describe that time is gone forever.

Head broken, face covered with blood. Often used to describe a fiasco.

A rosary pillow is used to refer to seclusion.

The tail is scattered: it looks good when it is small; Displacement: another name for owl. Owls are cute when they are young, but ugly when they grow up. Metaphor situation from smooth to difficult.

Cry bitterly: tears. Describe sadness to the extreme.

A deep ditch refers to a stream. Many streams are racing to run. Describe the scenery in the mountains.

A good reputation will last forever.

Soil trickle soil: soil; Stream: a small river. Metaphor is a small matter. It also means that although things are subtle, they can play a huge role through accumulation.

Flowing clouds describe the natural and unconstrained style of the article, just like floating clouds.

A river of blood describes how many people were killed.

Bleeding pestle: a mallet used to pound things. Rivers of blood make rafts float. Describe many people who died in battle. It also refers to massive bleeding.

Running water is a metaphor for saving property, so it is often used. It is also a metaphor for doing one thing bit by bit without interruption.

Answer like water, answer like water. Describe the answer quickly and fluently.

The source is clean, the water at the source is clean, and the water downstream is clear. The original metaphor is that people with high positions are good, and the people below are also good. It is also a metaphor for the causal relationship between things.

Flow by grade: grade; By flow: by grade; Ping Jin: Step by step. Refers to officials who are promoted step by step according to their qualifications.

It has a long history. Metaphor has a long history.

Pillow washing stone is used to refer to seclusion.

Pillow gargle is used to refer to seclusion.

Clouds and romantic feelings are metaphors for things to disperse and disappear.

Midstream percussion: knock; B: Flesh. Metaphor is determined to work hard.

The mainstay stands like a pillar mountain in the torrent of the Yellow River. This is a metaphor, a strong and independent person can play a pillar role in a turbulent and difficult environment.

Go with the flow and forget to return. Refers to conform to the times and customs, but I don't know how to return to the original.

Ups and downs [explanation] chic, relaxed and talented.

Falling into romance [explanation] A chic, relaxed and talented style. With "ups and downs".

Romantic ups and downs [explanation] ups and downs: indulgence. Temperament detached, natural and unrestrained.

Source: water. Flow: Water flowing downstream from a water source. Metaphor is the priority, beginning and end of things, successively.

Waves and currents drift with the waves and fall with the wind. Metaphor has no fixed opinion and goes with the flow.

Different customs: popular customs. Different from secular habits. Describe the noble character.

The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future

See "Good advice".

Metaphor electric meteors quickly spread out and dissipate.

Disturbance is the same as "erratic".

Spreading from east to west means living in all directions.

See "east expansion and west flow" for east flow and west flow.

East flows west, water flows east, and people flow west. Metaphor is people's nostalgia for their hometown.

Take a romantic holiday, which shows that you are informal and literary.

Gossip means spreading rumors and slandering others.

Short-distance flight and long-distance flight, currently: scattered; Short and long: refers to right and wrong, good and evil. Make rumors and slander others.

Unfortunate injustice caused by amorous feelings between men and women.

Floating Liu Cui Cui Dan: turquoise. Dan: Scarlett. The colors of turquoise and vermilion are flowing and emerging. Describe bright colors.

The liver pulp flow field describes fierce and cruel battles and corpses everywhere.

Running around describes speaking with skill and fluency.

Sweating on the back is the same as sweating on the back.

Sweaty skin, see "sweaty body".

Sweating all over. Describe extreme fear.

See "sweating like a pig" when sweating profusely.

Sweating, see "sweating"

Sweating is the same as sweating.

Sweating on clothes, sweating a lot, wet clothes. Describe extreme fear and shame.

Sweat flows to the heel. Sweat flows to the heel. Often describes extreme fear or shame.

The words "Huai Nan Zi Terrain Practice" and "River Flowing Stones" were all lured by Gao Han: "The source of the river flows out of Kunlun, floating for 3 thousand miles to China, attracting stones." Later, "the river runs out" was used to describe the potential power explosion, which was overwhelming.

Hong Award Romantic Hong: Big. Romance: refers to a talented person. Reward people with outstanding talents; Or hire a large number of talents to encourage others to make progress. Also known as "Macro Award Romance".

The fleeting time describes how time flies.

It can still be said that this is the end of the story.

This river is getting worse and worse.

Cutting off the crowd means knowing deeply. The more you know, the more you know.

Metaphor completely lost or give up all previous efforts.

Nine schools generally refer to various academic schools. See Nine-stream Family.

From the pre-Qin period to the early Han Dynasty, there were nine academic schools of Jiuliuke: Fa, Ming, Mo, Confucianism, Taoism, Yin and Yang, Vertical and Horizontal, Miscellaneous and Agriculture. Refers to all kinds of talents and figures.

The floorboard of hundred schools of thought from pre-Qin to early Han Dynasty.

Stop the epidemic when you encounter a hurdle and follow the trend. Metaphor decides to advance and retreat according to unfavorable environment. The text "Biography of Han Jiayi": "Vast and desolate, soaring with the Tao. Ride the stream and you will die. If you cross the ridge, you will stop. " Yan Shigu's note: "Meng Kang said:' The obstacle of the Book of Changes is danger, and it is difficult to stop in distress. "Zhang Yan said,' It's easy to be an official, but difficult to hide.' "

There is still a middle flow in the buckle.

I was in tears. Describe extreme sadness.

Scales gather and flow upward, just like fish meet upward. Metaphor is the return of man.

The execution of orders is like water flowing downwards, fast and smooth.

Later generations see "immortality".

The wind blows back the snow, swaying lightly.

Fashion and history handed down from the last generation of wind relics. Also known as "the legacy of the wind"

The atmosphere and customs left over from prevailing customs.

For the aftertaste of the wind, see "the aftertaste of the wind".

Sweating on the back (1) describes sweating a lot and getting all the clothes on your back wet. (2) describe very ashamed and uneasy.

An old saying that often hangs on Liu's lips is: Everyone talks.

The word "floating population" (poetry, etc. ) is widely praised as beautiful.

In the case of shift broadcasting, see "Shift Broadcasting".

The spread of displacement is more and more migratory.

See "drift from place to place".

See "drift from place to place".

Wandering around: forced by life to stay in the field; Dust: refers to a troubled life. Down and out, wandering the rivers and lakes.

Forget drowning. Forget it.

Liushan is a metaphor for bosom friends. It is also a metaphor for the beauty of music.

Running water and floating clouds. (2) metaphor fleeting. 3 metaphor is natural and smooth, not rigid.

Flowing water Youlong language book "The Queen of the Later Han Dynasty, Ji Shang, Mingde Ma Huanghou": "In front of the dragon gate, I saw people who were asked by my family, and the car was like flowing water. Ma Rulong, wearing green clothes and white head, took care of the royal family, and it was not far away." Later, "flowing Youlong" was used to describe the endless flow of horses and chariots.

Flow clearly describes the overflow of liquid.

When you turn on the meteor, you see "Meteor Flying Electricity".

Meteor flying electricity is a metaphor for fast.

Bleeding and floating brine: pass the "paddle" and be a big shield. There is enough blood to float the paddle. Describe the heavy casualties. Also known as "bleeding".