Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Cell and fortune telling _ Cell and cell theory

Cell and fortune telling _ Cell and cell theory

The difference between cells and viruses

The difference between cells and viruses:

1, with different properties.

Cell: Cell is the basic structure and functional unit of organism. As we all know, all living things except viruses are composed of cells, but the life activities of viruses are bound to be reflected in cells.

Virus: A virus is a small, simple non-cellular organism, which contains only one kind of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and must be parasitic in living cells and reproduce through replication.

2. Different structures

Cells: Cells are very small and can only be seen under a microscope. They have different shapes. It is mainly composed of nucleus and cytoplasm, with cell membrane on the surface. There are cell walls outside the cell membrane of higher plants, plastids are often found in the cytoplasm, and chloroplasts, vacuoles and mitochondria are found in the body. Animal cells have no cell wall, centrosomes often exist in cytoplasm, but not in higher plant cells.

Virus: A virus is a non-cellular life form, which consists of a long nucleic acid chain and a protein shell. The virus has no metabolic mechanism or enzyme system. So when the virus leaves the host cell, it becomes a chemical substance that has no life activity and cannot reproduce on its own.

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3. Different copies

Cell: Cell reproduction is achieved through cell division, and a cell cycle begins with the completion of one division and ends with the completion of the next division. There are four ways of cell division, among which there are three eukaryotic cells: mitosis, amitosis and meiosis, and the first two are somatic cell division; The division mode of prokaryotic cells is binary division.

Viruses: Biological viruses, whether toxic or mild, must replicate in living host cells. They use the nucleotides and amino acids of host cells to independently synthesize some of their own components and assemble the next generation of individuals. Achieve their goals. The replicated biological virus is released by lysing the host cells and infecting new host cells.

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