Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Have you ever been scared to death? What is it?

Have you ever been scared to death? What is it?

When I first went to elementary school, my father worked in the organization department of the county party Committee, and my family lived in the relatives' hospital of the county party Committee, which is just a path away.

At that time, my mother worked in the county post office and worked at night almost every few days. Every time my mother works the night shift, my father will take me to his office in the county compound to do my homework, and my father will read the newspaper and write something in the office.

At that time, the county was not big and the suburbs were not far away. Every night from my home to the county party Committee, I have to pass through a wilderness. There is a small forest in the wilderness. There are several graves scattered in the forest, some of which are full of burnt paper money. Moreover, the street lights on that road are dim and there are few pedestrians.

Therefore, every time my father and I go to his office, it becomes my nightmare. Walking on that road, I always clung to my father's skirt for fear that something terrible would suddenly appear in the bushes.

Every time I go to that road, I almost always close my eyes and dare not look around, for fear of seeing something that breaks my intestines, especially when the wind blows and the wind with a whistle sounds particularly strange. I'm really scared, my scalp is numb, and I wish I could escape from that horrible place.

I admire my father's courage. Now that I think about it, he was in his twenties, but he was not afraid at all. His calmness also gave me great courage.

Then one day, many policemen came to the county compound and said that there was a man hanging in the public toilet of the county compound. At that time, I was very young and timid, especially afraid of hearing people say something about the dead. My legs were weak when I heard that, because I often pass by public toilets and go there to go to the toilet.

Afterwards, I realized that it was a fool wandering in the street every day. I don't know what happened, but I hanged myself in the public toilet of the county compound. After that, I was afraid to follow my father to his office to do my homework.

However, when I was a child, my father was particularly dignified in my eyes. Although he never hits me and rarely criticizes me, I am particularly afraid of him.

Even if I am scared at night, I never dare to tell my father that I don't want to go to his office to do my homework at night. Therefore, as long as my mother works the night shift, I am particularly scared. Walking to my father's office to do my homework in this trembling night has become a nightmare that I can't get rid of in my childhood. I'm still scared until now.

Fortunately, soon my family moved to the administrative office with my father's work, and also moved to a bigger city with lights everywhere, and our family also moved to a building to live in. My mother also transferred from the post office to the procuratorate, became a prosecutor, and no longer had to work at night. My dad's office is in the administrative compound, and the guards are heavily guarded. Even if I go to his office occasionally to do my homework, it is brightly lit. Don't pass that dark path full of graves again.

Until I grew up, I never told my father about the fear of going to his office with him in those years, and I didn't quite understand why my father liked to take me to his office to do my homework at night. Maybe people of their time liked to write and read newspapers in the office at night. Now my father is old, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and has no chance to talk to him about his fear of going to his office at first.

The dark path at night is terrible for children, but nothing for adults. In fact, think carefully about the path next to the county compound. What's to be afraid of? I'm just too young to scare myself.