Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What if a fortune teller meets a short-lived ghost _ What if a fortune teller meets a short-lived ghost?

What if a fortune teller meets a short-lived ghost _ What if a fortune teller meets a short-lived ghost?

Can short-lived ghosts harm people?

Short-lived ghost is a superstitious concept, and there is no scientific basis to prove its existence in reality. There is no clear discussion and confirmation of short-lived ghosts in numerology.

According to numerology, a person's life span is influenced by many factors, including family genes, health status, living habits, environment and so on. There is no evidence that short-lived ghosts will directly affect a person's life span.

If we encounter some unfortunate or unexpected events, whether it is health problems or other difficulties, we should usually seek scientific explanations and reasonable solutions, instead of blaming short-lived ghosts.

Therefore, from the numerology point of view, short-lived ghosts will not harm people. If you have specific problems or troubles, I suggest you seek appropriate professional help and support.