Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - No, no, no,no. The complete works.

No, no, no,no. The complete works.

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When Li was born,

The fortune teller said that the child would be an official in the future. Li Laosheng was born with a destiny.

Excited as a hen lays eggs.

Run all over the yard


I have a son.

I have a son!

Actually, it's already the' 80s.

Li Lao is a deputy minister of the Organization Department of Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province. His family has been a scholarly family for generations.

All generations have been officials.

It is said that our ancestors were handed down by Emperor Taizong and Li Shimin. He was 56 years old then.

Married three wives. The first wife was the daughter of a wealthy businessman.

Gave birth to two daughters for him.

Li Lao divorced her when she was 35.

Because he found that the only disadvantage of being married for too long is that he can't tell the difference between a wife and a pillow when he sleeps at night. Second year of divorce

Li Lao married another talented woman.

Graduated from Nankai University.

Two more daughters were born. Li Lao divorced her again when she was 43.

Because when he found that his wife was more talented than her husband,

That means that apricots are in danger of going out of the wall at any time. So he married his third wife at the age of 48.

22 years younger than him.

The beauty of human beings



Authentic little jasper.

Because Li was born to his third wife.

So Li Lao called his son.


Moreover, nannies from the countryside like to call him San Shao. I can recite Li's genealogy when I am three or two years old;

Dao zi Qing Chuang

Shencheng ...