Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune-telling Buddha _ Buddhism and Taoism fortune-telling

Fortune-telling Buddha _ Buddhism and Taoism fortune-telling

The relationship between Buddhism and Taoism

The relationship is as follows: First, talk about the difference between Buddhism and Taoism.

First, Buddhists talk about "transcendence" and Taoists talk about "birth"

1. Buddhism advocates "no life" and thinks that reality is a sea of human suffering. There is nothing you can do about people in reality, so you have to endure and be detached-that is, "detached." To be patient and detached, we must give up all kinds of desires, pursue the "sea of suffering" beyond the cycle of life and death, and enter nirvana (a blissful world without suffering). Buddhism advocates abandoning the pursuit of realistic material and paying attention to spiritual cultivation and yearning for the afterlife.

2. Taoism believes that the promotion of personal accomplishment and even Ming Dow's immortality lies in personal accomplishment and has nothing to do with others. Advocating to stay away from the crowd and find a place to practice in the mountains. The cultivation method of Taoism also fully embodies the Taoist thought of "being born". Taoism uses inner Dan and outer Dan to practice. The so-called inner Dan is qigong, while the outer Dan is an elixir of life. The cultivation of inner Dan and outer Dan is a personal secret and needs to be far away from society. Therefore, Taoism advocates "birth".

Second, Buddhism attaches importance to psychology, while Taoism attaches importance to physiology.

1. Buddhism's interpretation of "heart" has many levels of analysis and explanation, and many metaphors are used to explain our hearts, thus teaching us how to discover, feel at ease and purify our hearts. The western meaning of "psychology" is "knowledge to explain the mind", and later it is extended to "behavioral science to study human problems". This development and evolution is in line with Buddhism's explanation of cosmic life, and the so-called "mind can give birth to all kinds of laws."

Buddhism summarizes everything in the world from the perspective of mind and nature, and makes a fundamental discussion and explanation of human behavior. Therefore, Buddhism has already built a mature psychological knowledge system. Almost all Buddhist teachings are intimate, which can be seen everywhere in many Confucian classics, among which the analysis of human spirit with "knowledge-only learning" is the most modern psychological color.

2. Taoism advocates taking life as the truth and pursuing longevity. Taoism believes that human life is composed of vitality, and the body is the residence of the spirit. To live forever, we must cultivate both form and spirit, that is, "internal cultivation" and "external cultivation" ?

Third, the characteristics of Buddhism and Taoism.

1. Buddhism combines ethics and utility, reason and witchcraft, revealing a unique wisdom of survival and tact. Taoism retains more elements of primitive religion, which is quite witchcraft and more suitable for the needs of the bottom people at that time. Confucianism, on the other hand, has the characteristics of ethics or moral religion to a great extent.

2. In the process of inheritance, Taoism has gradually moved towards a relatively hidden road. Taoism doesn't like to do the work of "universal education", that is, it doesn't pay much attention to "universal compulsory education" for all. Taoist disciples pay special attention to their "roots", that is, the so-called "talent." Your roots are bad. If you weren't cut out for this, Taoism wouldn't accept you as an apprentice.

Let's start with Buddhism and Taoism, the same.

First, it inherited and developed the thought of "treating before illness" in Huangdi Neijing, and put forward the theory of "nourishing nature", emphasizing that "those who nourish nature should be treated before illness".

Second: emphasize spiritual cultivation. "If you are sick, you know it. If you get sick, your heart disease will be cured. When you are calm, your body will also be quiet. When heart disease is still sick. "

Third: advocate diet aftercare. For example, it is suggested that "the food of the elderly should generally be warm, cooked and soft, and it should not be hard or cold". "Those who are good at treating diseases are not as good as those who are good at treating diseases; Good medicine tastes bitter than good food. "

Fourth: Pay attention to personal care. "The place to live, the place to sit and lie down, and the place to live at the banquet must be cleverly set up with a system."

Fifth: pay attention to drug support. For example, the medical treatment of the elderly should adopt the method of "nourishing", that is, the prescription of warming stomach and smoothing qi, tonifying deficiency and stimulating appetite in the middle can not complete diarrhea.

Extended data:

As we know, in the history of China, Buddhism and Taoism have long had serious opinions, estranged from each other and even slandered each other. However, in history, people who really learn from the two religions can often abandon their own views and advocate equality between the two religions and learn from each other's strengths. In many Confucian classics of Buddhism, Taoism and Taoism, it can often be seen that Buddhism, Taoism and Taoism are often explained and said by many great virtues, eminent monks and Taoist priests. All the statements are equal, interrelated and integrated to explain the same truth, so there is a saying of "two religions and one family".

Buddhism and Taoism do have similarities, even similarities. Their similarities, mainly Buddhism and Taoism, require restraining people's sensory desires and advocate that people should not be bound and enslaved by physical instinct and return to the natural peace of human mind. Both religions regard peace of mind as the pursuit of life, and all preaching and practice are aimed at achieving peace of mind.


Taoism-Baidu Encyclopedia

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