Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why can't diligent practice be better than the transformation of karma?

Why can't diligent practice be better than the transformation of karma?

The power of the heart is from psychological change to ideological change, and the power of the Buddha is the blessing of the Buddha, so you can jump ship! Otherwise, becoming a monk can't turn karma. I have experience in this field and have told many fellow initiates. This is a real example. When I became a monk, there were three people with my Taoist friends, one of whom was Master Farong and Master Yan Ming. We were appointed in the same year. The fortune teller said that the fate of the three of us is similar, and none of us will exceed forty-five, and our luck is very short. All three of us know in our hearts that we are very diligent after becoming monks. Especially the wise Lord, brave and diligent. In this generation, I haven't seen anyone surpass him for half a century. It is not easy! Strictly observe the precepts and lead an honest and clean life. Forty-five-year-old, married in February, left in May, and caught a bad cold in July, thinking that we could not escape. At that time, I was in Keelung Academy for summer settlement, and the abbot of Lingyuan asked me to talk about Shurangama Sutra. I talked about three volumes, but I couldn't go on because of a bad cold. I knew it was time. So don't see a doctor or take medicine. Why? Doctors and drugs can only cure diseases, not diseases! Life is coming, which medicine cannot do. Only chanting Buddha can survive in the pure land. After studying for more than a month, my body slowly recovered, and I haven't been sick for the second time. A year later, at the Wang Ren Fa Conference, I met the living Buddha of Ganzhu, who is also an old friend of mine. He is a student of Master Zhang Jia, almost sixteen or seventeen years older than me. When we met at the Dharma meeting, he told me, and he said, "We all talk about you behind your back." He said, "You are smart, but you are short-lived and have no good luck." I said, "These things can be said to your face, not behind your back. I accept, I am very clear and understand. " He said, "You've been passing on the classics for years, and you've completely turned around. Not only longevity, but also great blessings. After studying Buddhism, I understood the extraordinary victory and perfection of Buddhism, but unfortunately no one preached it. We don't know forget it, there is no fate; Knowing without shouldering the heavy responsibility of reviving Buddhism, I am sorry for the Buddha, the teacher, the sentient beings and myself. That's what I thought. Learn Buddhism, how to learn Buddhism? Buddha is Sakyamuni Buddha, and we should learn from him, that is, learn from him. What is the heart of Sakyamuni Buddha? It is entirely for the benefit of all beings, and nothing is for yourself. He wants to do it for himself. Why didn't he become king? He is a prince and can inherit the throne. For enjoyment? He has ready-made enjoyment. Why did he give up his rich aristocratic life? It makes sense here. The Buddha wants to help the suffering beings in the world. Help suffering sentient beings. If you can't get along with suffering sentient beings, how can you help him? Who will believe you? People look at you, the prince is coming, hurry away, who dares to get close to you! So he wants to live the same life as the people who suffer.