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Cangshan Erhai Fortune Telling _ Cangshan Erhai Fortune Telling

Historical myths, legends and stories

Historical myths and legends 15 stories

Historical myths and legends 1 Shennong was originally one of the five major families. He was born in a cave in Lieshan Mountain. It is said that his body is transparent, and there are two horns on his head, that is, a bull's head.

Because of his special appearance, hard work and courage, he was promoted to tribal leader when he grew up. Because his tribe lives in the hot south, it is called Yandi, and everyone calls him Yandi. Once, when he saw a bird holding a seed, he invented grain agriculture. Because of these outstanding contributions, everyone also called him Shennong.

Historical myths and legends Story 2 The Queen Mother of the West was born in the most wonderful gasification in western China. She and Dong share the immortal books of men and women in the world, which are in harmony with the West. Her deity is second only to Sanqing, which is very noble.

According to legend, the Queen Mother lives in Xiandao, Kunlun, and the flat peach garden of the Queen Mother is in Yaochi. There are flat peaches in the garden, which can be eaten forever. Also known as Jinniang, Jinniang in Yaochi, Notre Dame in Yaochi and Queen Mother of the West.

Historical Myths and Legends Story 3 After Pangu created Nuwa, Gonggong, the God of Water, has been at odds with Zhu Rong, the God of Fire. He led soldiers and crabs to attack Vulcan. Zhu Rong, the god of fire, came out to fight with a fire dragon. Zhu Rong, the Vulcan of Light, won.

Gonggong fled all the way to Butoushan. Looking back, the pursuer was near. Gong Gong was ashamed and angry, so he slammed into the mountainside. There was a loud noise, and the mountain was not broken by Gong Gong.

Before the mountain collapsed, disaster struck. It turns out that mountains are big pillars supporting the sky. The pillar was broken, half the sky collapsed, exposing a big hole in the stone bone, and suddenly the Tianhe River flooded.

The famous allusion of "fire and water are incompatible" originated from this war. Nu Wa refined the colorful stones to make up the sky, and the earth returned to normal.

Historical myths and legends Story 4 Legend has it that in ancient times, heaven and earth were indistinguishable, and the whole universe was like a big egg, chaotic and dark, unable to tell up, down, left, right, southeast, northwest.

But there is a great hero in the egg, and this is Pangu, who started the world. Pangu was conceived in an egg for 18 thousand years and finally woke up from a deep sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he only felt dark and sultry. Pangu was furious, grabbed a congenital giant axe, and with a wave of his hand, the big egg suddenly burst, and the light and clear things in it rose upward and became the sky, while other heavy and turbid things gradually sank and became the earth.

Historical Myths and Legends Story 5 Zhu Rong, whose real name is Li Zhong, was an ancient China emperor who was transformed by fire. His name was Chi Di, and he was later honored as Vulcan, Fire God and Nanhai God, one of the three ancient emperors and five emperors (controversial), and was buried in Nanyue District, Hengyang City.

According to Shan Hai Jing, Zhu Rong's residence is Mount Hengshan, which has no end in the south. This is his way of inheriting the fire and teaching people to use it. He often plays melodious and touching music on the legendary mountain called "Nine Days", which makes the Lebanese people refreshed, high in spirits and full of love for life.

On the other hand, Zhu Rong was Gao Xin's fire official and was named "Zhu Rong's family" by the Yellow Emperor. In everyday language, "Zhu Rong" is synonymous with fire. Zhu Rong was buried in the sun of Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue after his death. In order to commemorate him, later generations called the highest peak of Nanyue Mountain Zhurong Peak.

According to historical myths and legends, Razer is strong and powerful, and his job is to thunder and rain. People make dragons first, which is miraculous. When the thunder snake god learned that Nu Wa made man, he made a saint Hua Xu according to his own appearance. He was curious and painstakingly inquired about the Hua Xushi family, and finally met in the southeast of Kunlun.

In order to test the mind, a huge footprint was made in front of the March of the sage of Hua Xu. Finally, Hua Xu walked into the footsteps of Razer, and the world was at peace. All shall be well, jack shall have Jill, and gave birth to Fuxi (pronounced: X: He).

Historical myths and legends story 7 The prince looked for fairy flowers to treat his father's eyes.

Once upon a time, there was a respected king with two innocent and lively sons. A few years later, the queen was pregnant again.

One day, the king called a minister who was very good at divination and fortune telling and asked, "Is my third child a boy or a girl?" What is the fate in the future? "

The minister knelt on the ground, calculated for a long time and looked up at the king; I buried my head in the calculation again, then looked at the king hesitantly and asked, "I don't know if I should speak?"

The king said, "Go!"

The minister said, "I'll calculate it again." He divined again, then stood up slowly, kowtowed respectfully to the king three times and said, "Dear king, the third child is a boy, and he will have good luck. But you can't see him, or you will be blind. "

The king was very sad, so he had to send someone over a mountain to build a small palace in a forest full of flowers, wild fruits and gurgling streams, where the queen could have children. He told the queen, "After the baby is born, you should take good care of him and never bring him to see me." The queen was very sad and reluctantly bid farewell to the king and went to the distant Woods.

Not long after, the child was born and looked very beautiful. The little prince is just seven months old, just like a seven-year-old boy. The queen and maids took care of him all day, for fear that he might run away.

One day, the little prince knelt on the ground and begged his mother, "Let me go out and play for a while!" " I'm so old, I don't know what it's like outside. "

The queen could not bear to refuse the child, so she agreed and told the maid to follow him and never go far.

The little prince bounced in the Woods, picked a lot of bamboo and made a bow and arrow.

The next day, the little prince asked his mother to let him go out to play. The queen still agreed. The little prince jumped into the Woods, the clear stream was singing, and birds and animals were roaming and playing here. When the little prince saw a doe, he shot an arrow and hit the deer's ass. The doe endured the pain and quickly fled to the top of the mountain. The little prince spread his legs and ran after him. The maids shouted and shouted, but they couldn't catch up with the little prince, so they had to watch him run away

Just then, the king was hunting with a group of people at the top of the mountain. He saw a beautiful boy chasing a doe from a distance. The king quickly drew an arrow and tried to help the child. Just as he was about to shoot an arrow, the king's eyes suddenly went blind.

The attendants were stunned. Send the king back to the palace quickly. The king came to the fortune teller and told him what happened today. The minister said, "dear king, you must have met the little prince!" " "The king asked," can my eyes be cured? "The minister calculated a divination and said," As long as you find the flower in the fairy's heart, you can cure your eyes, but it's too difficult, too difficult! " "

The king thought for a moment, called the eldest prince and the second prince to his side and said, "My children, I have always regarded you as the fat in my heart and the pearls in my hand. Now that you have grown up, you can help your father do something. Today, something happened to my father. I hope you will spare no effort to find the fairy's heart flower and relieve the disaster for my father. "

The two princes set off with an army and countless treasures.

The king immediately wrote a letter to the queen, telling her that she was blind and asking her to return to the palace quickly.

The queen was in great pain and burst into tears. The little prince asked strangely, "Mom, why are you so sad?" The queen told him the whole story. The little prince plopped down on his knees and said, "mom, I'm going to find the fairy's heart flower and cure my father's eyes."

The queen said, "You are too young to go out. Your two brothers are very capable. They will find the flower. "

But the little prince knelt on the ground and begged, and the queen had to agree.

The little prince knocked his mother on the head three times, rode on the injured doe and disappeared into the towering mountains.

Walking, the doe suddenly asked, "Little prince, little prince, where are you going?" The little prince said, "Take me to my brother."

The doe ran to the hillside near a small town and said to the prince, "Your brother is in a small town. Go and find it! " "Say that finish, blink of an eye disappeared.

The little prince went straight to town and saw an old man. He asked: "Paula (Tibetan old man), I heard that there are two princes here. Where do they live? "

The old man sighed and said, "Yes, yes! It is said that our queen gave birth to a monster. After the king saw him, he went blind. Two sons went out to find the fairy's sweetheart, but they came here and ate, drank, gambled and gambled in the hotel all day. Hey! "

The little prince changed into a tattered dress and came to the hotel dressed as a beggar. The proprietress gave him some Ciba, and the little prince asked, "Do you want a handyman in the shop?"

Seeing that he was clever, the proprietress left him behind.

The little prince wants to ask his brother how to find the fairy flower. But the eldest prince and the second prince indulged in debauchery all day and never talked about finding flowers. The little prince didn't see any news, so he quit his job in the hotel and left.

Go on and on until you come to a deserted valley. There is a lonely tower in the valley. On the edge of the tower sat an old woman, dressed in a tattered Tibetan robe, with her upper eyelid drooping over her lower eyelid. The little prince stepped forward and asked, "Maura (Tibetan, grandmother), do you know where the fairy's heart is?"

The old woman opened an eyelid with her hand and asked in a strange voice, "who are you?" Where are you from? No one has ever been here except me. "

The little prince told his life story. "Oh, so that's it!" The old woman pointed to a high rocky mountain with a cane and said, "The fairy's heart is on it. It is said that the milk of the lion in the snow mountain is sweet and no one can take it; It is said that the fairy heart is beautiful, and none of them can be picked. Many people used to go up to pick flowers, and none of them came back alive. "

The little prince looked in the direction pointed by the old woman and saw a narrow path on the high Rocky Mountain. The brave prince thanked the old woman for kowtowing and trudged along the path. The shoes were worn out, with ten toes exposed and bleeding. After walking for three days and nights, I saw a cave that looked inhabited. There is a clear spring flowing through the hole. The little prince was so thirsty that he picked up the spring water, drank it with a thump, and then went into the hole. There is a suffocating stench in the cave. When the little prince came to the end, he found an old lady with white hair like a conch sleeping on a bluestone board, full of feces and lice. The little prince felt sorry for her and squatted beside the old lady to catch lice for her. For a long time, the old lady did not wake up. The little prince cleaned up the shit on the ground and threw it out of the hole. When he came back from the outside, the hole became the same as before. The little prince had to continue to catch lice and sweep feces. After doing this for three times, the old lady woke up, sat on the clean slate and said to the little prince, "I have lived in the cave for hundreds of years, and I have never seen such a good person as you." Please stay with me! "The little prince could not bear to refuse the old grandmother and decided to stay for a while.

Not long after, the old lady found that the little prince was getting thinner and yellower, so she asked, "Son, are you homesick?" The little prince quickly said, "No, no! I don't want to go home, but I'm bored. "

The old lady took a hair and blew it with her mouth, and it became a conch-a white horse. The old lady said, "Get on this horse and go out to play for a while."

As soon as the little prince got on the horse, he heard a shout and the white horse flew into the sky. It asked the prince, "Little fellow, little fellow! Where do you want to go? " The prince said, "I'm going to pick the fairy's heart."

The white horse jumps over one cloud after another, flies to a red palace, and then says to the little prince, "You go in three doors from here, and there is a small yard. There is a pool in the yard, and there is a red flower without leaves in the center of the pool. I don't understand yet. There is a small room next to it. When you walk in front of it, the door will open automatically and there is a girl lying inside. You sneak up on her, take off her ring, put it on your hand, and then go back to the pool. Just reach out and the flower is yours! "

The little prince went into the palace and went through the first door. The yard is full of sandalwood trees, pine trees and various fruit trees, and birds are singing melodious songs. After the second door, a thick fragrance of flowers came to my nose, and the lawn was covered with azaleas, Gesang flowers and golden flowers.

The little prince walked into the third door and saw that there really was a pool in the yard. The fairy's heart sparkles like a diamond in the sun. The prince came to the hut, the door opened gently, and a beautiful fairy lay asleep on the bluestone board, her black and golden hair flowing like a waterfall. The prince quietly stepped forward, took off the ring on the fairy's hand and put it on himself. He reluctantly wants to stay with the fairy for a while. Suddenly, he heard the shrill scream of the white horse. The little prince turned quickly and returned to the pool. Hold out your palm and the flowers fly to his palm. The prince ran out of the palace quickly, rolled over and mounted the horse.

On the way, the white horse told the prince, "When you go back, don't tell the old lady where we are."

Back in the cave, the old lady asked, "Did you have a good time today?" The little prince said, "Have fun!"

The old lady blew a breath at the white horse, which immediately turned into a hair and flew over the old lady's head.

Historical myths and legends Story 8 Dong and the Queen Mother of the West are both Taoist immortals Dong, also known as "Mu Gong" and "Donghua Emperor". The origin can be traced back to the Warring States period. Chu believed in the God of "East Emperor Taiyi", also known as "East King", that is, the deified sun god (Sun Star King), which was Dong's predecessor.

Originally a male god in ancient China mythology, he was regarded as the head of male immortals after being decorated by Taoism, and the two sects in the north and south were regarded as the founders.

Historical myths and legends Story 9 Legend has it that Nu Wa imitated herself with clay and created human beings.

It also established a marriage system for human beings, so that young men and women can marry each other and reproduce, so it is called the goddess of marriage.

Is the great mother of the Chinese nation, who kindly created us and bravely took care of us from natural disasters. It is the creator god and ancestor god widely worshipped by people for a long time.

Historical myths and legends 10 Jin Qizhi

The water monster in China mythology. He is shaped like an ape, with a flat nose, a protruding forehead, a white head and green body, and a pair of golden eyes. His head and neck are 100 feet long, and his strength exceeds that of nine elephants. He often makes waves in the Huaihe River, endangering the people. When the great god Yu ruled the Huaihe River, there was no support from Qi, and the wind and thunder joined forces to make trees and stones sound. Yu was very angry, summoned the gods, personally commanded the beast, and captured Wu alive. Although Wuqi was arrested, he still fought and jumped, and no one could control him. So Yu locked his neck with a big iron rope, put a golden bell on his nose and suppressed him at the foot of Guishan Mountain in Huaiyin. Since then, Huai River has quietly flowed into the East China Sea. At the same time, Wu is also the prototype of the Monkey King in the classical fairy tale The Journey to the West.

Eliminate our differences.

Xiang Yao, also known as "phase liu", is a subordinate of the legendary Water God Gong Gong, and has nine snake bodies. Everywhere he went, he ate everything and turned the land into a swamp. The water in this swamp is poisonous and undrinkable, so Xiangliu has become a no-man's land, and even animals can't survive. After Gong Gong was destroyed by Yu, Xiang Liu continued to endanger the world and Yu defeated him several times. After Xiang Yao was killed by Yu, people killed snakes everywhere on him. But Xiang Liu's blood polluted the land, making it impossible for crops to grow. The legend of Liu Xiang symbolizes the repetitiveness of Dayu's water control work and the harm brought by floods to the ancients.

Xuanniao hallows

On the banks of the ancient Yellow River, a "black bird" flew through the air singing songs, which brought people endless reverie ―― it was an angel from heaven, and people of primitive tribes worshipped it one after another. A woman named Judy became pregnant and gave birth to a son named Qi after swallowing the eggs laid by the "Xuanniao". Qi, or Kui Bo, is the legendary ancestor of Shang. The Book of Songs Ode to Shang Dynasty Xuanniao says: "Xuanniao was born by destiny, and Shang Dynasty was born from it." This is the beautiful story of "Xuanniao Shengshang".

Changji's creation

Legend has it that Cang Xie was born with "two eyes and four eyes". There are only eight heavy-eyed people in China history books, namely Yu Shun, Cang Xie, Xiang Yu, Zhong Er, Gao Yang, Lv Guang and Yu Zhuo. According to Li Yu's legend, Cang Xie "started making book contracts". Before that, people tied knots to keep records, that is, tied big knots, tied small knots, and connected things into a string. Later, it was developed to carve symbols on wood and bamboo with a knife as notes. With the development of history and gradual civilization, things are complicated and there are many famous things. The knotting and carving methods of wood are far from meeting the needs, and there is an urgent need to create words. The Yellow Emperor was a period of numerous inventions in ancient times. At that time, not only sericulture was invented, but also boats, carts, bows, mirrors, cooking pots and retort were invented. Under the influence of these inventions, Cang Xie was determined to create a kind of writing. Cang Xie's words are made according to the shape of everything. For example, Japanese characters are marked according to the red circle of the sun; The word "moon" is painted in imitation of the shape of the new moon. The herringbone is looking at the silhouette painting of people ... The first article that the Yellow Emperor learned was very moved, so he was named Cang. It means "one person is superior to another, and one person is inferior to the other".

Pingu breaks the sky.

Legend has it that in ancient times, the universe was like a big egg, regardless of heaven and earth. It's a mess, it's dark, and you can't tell up and down, left and right, southeast and northwest. But there is a great hero in the egg, and this is Pangu, who started the world. Pangu was conceived in an egg for 18 thousand years and finally woke up from a deep sleep. When he opened his eyes, he only felt dark and sultry, and he could hardly breathe. He wanted to stand up, but the eggshell wrapped his body so tightly that he couldn't even stretch out his hands and feet. Pangu was furious and grabbed a natural axe. With a wave of his hand, he heard a loud noise, which was deafening. The big egg suddenly broke, and the light and clear things in it kept rising upward and became the sky, while other heavy and turbid things gradually sank and became the earth. Pangu was very happy to open the heavens and the earth, but he was afraid that the heavens and the earth would close again, so he held the sky with his head and stood on the ground with his feet, each showing his magical powers and changing nine times a day. He grows ten feet every day, ten feet in the sky and ten feet in the ground. Eighteen thousand years passed like this. Pangu has now become a giant with indomitable spirit, with a length of nine Wan Li.

In this way, I don't know how many thousands of years have passed, and finally the sky is firmly fixed and will not be reunited. At this time, Pangu was relieved. But this epoch-making hero is exhausted and has no strength to support himself. His huge body collapsed. When Pangu died, great changes took place in his whole body. His left eye turned into a bright red sun, his right eye into a silver moon, his last breath into wind and clouds, and finally his voice into thunder, his hair and beard into twinkling stars, his head and hands and feet into the four poles and mountains of the earth, his blood into rivers and lakes, his muscles into fertile land, his skin and hair into flowers and trees, his teeth and bones into treasures of gold, silver, copper, iron and jade, and his sweat into. From then on, there was a world.

Nu Wa made man

In ancient times, the four poles were abolished, Kyushu was cracked, the sky was not covered, and the land was incomplete; Fire never goes out, water never stops; Wild animals eat people, while birds prey on the old and the weak. So nuwa refined five-color stones to make up the sky, and the broken claws were enough to set up four poles, killing the black dragon and helping Jizhou, and accumulating reed ash to stop water. Tianbu, four poles are positive; Water is dry, Jizhou is flat; The death of cunning insects is beneficial to people's livelihood.

Fuxi painted hexagrams

He was at a loss, at a loss. In my spare time, I often sit at the top of Guatai Mountain and think hard about the mysteries of the universe. Look up at the changes of the sun, moon and stars, look down at the laws of mountains and rivers, constantly reflect on yourself, chase the years and months, rain or shine. Perhaps his sincerity touched the world. One day, a wonderful fantasy appeared before his eyes. After a loud noise, Ma Longshan on the other side of the Weihe River was suddenly enlightened, only to see that Ma Long flew out and fluttered down the river, landing straight on the flying stone in the middle of the river. It is clear and shiny. At this time, the distraction stone also turned into three-dimensional Tai Chi, which was intertwined with Yin and Yang and radiant. This situation suddenly shocked Fuxi's mind, and Tai Chi was deeply reflected in his consciousness. He suddenly became angry and completely penetrated the password of the unity of man and nature; It turns out that heaven and earth are so simple and clear-only yin and yang. In order to let people enjoy the benefits of nature from generation to generation, he turned the sacred thought into the simplest symbol, using "one" for yang, "-"for yin, and arranging all directions into gossip. Fuxi's paintings opened the sky, opened the floodgates of people's rational thinking, and sent people struggling in suffering to the other side of happiness, thus winning people's eternal memory and respect.

Queen mother of western saints

"Shan Hai Jing Xi Shan Jing" says: "The Queen Mother of the West lives in Yushan. She is like a human being, with a leopard tail and tiger teeth, but she is good at whistling, and her hair is full of success, which is the strength and five disabilities of the company. It means that the Queen Mother of the West is roughly like an individual, with a powerful appearance, and is a monster in charge of disaster (plague) and punishment. According to the legend of immortals, the Queen Mother of the West was born in the most wonderful gasification in western China. She and Dong share the immortal books of men and women in the three realms of the world, which are in harmony with the West. Her deity is second only to Sanqing, which is very noble. The Queen Mother of the West is a lofty Taoist goddess who gathered the wonderful spirit of Western China and was born in Yichuan, Shenzhou. She first lived in the west, was the master of yin spirit and yin qi, and was the supreme of cave yin. The legendary goddess. The great god who is in charge of disaster and punishment has gradually become soft and gentle in the process of spreading and become a kind goddess. According to legend, the Queen Mother lives in Xiandao, Kunlun, and the flat peach garden of the Queen Mother is in Yaochi. There are flat peaches in the garden, which can be eaten forever. Also known as Jinniang, Jinniang in Yaochi, Notre Dame in Yaochi and Queen Mother of the West.


Spiritual consciousness of myth

1. The sense of suffering emphasizes that the gods go to great pains and deeply experience the real suffering, which is in sharp contrast with the hedonic spirit of Olympus.

2. Have a strong sense of loving the people, love and respect people's lives, and live in harmony with nature.

3. Resist the spirit and struggle with fate.

Thinking characteristics of ancient myths

1. Thinking is not divorced from nature. When we perceive nature, we often move our own attributes to nature, forming a mythical thinking feature of looking at things by ourselves and feeling, which is more prominent in explaining natural phenomena.

Some common physiological behaviors of people are used to explain the formation of natural phenomena.

Imagine some huge, primitive gods.

2. The concrete thinking of the image. Ju Mang, the spring god, and Zhuan Xu, the east god.

3. Accompanied by strong emotional experience. Nine songs.

4. Mythical thinking is actually symbolic and metaphorical thinking.

5. Comparison between myth and literature: Symbols and emotional expressions in literary creation are more subjective and personalized, expressing the author's subjective feelings. Myth is rooted in collective consciousness and mysterious.

The reason why the myth is incomplete

First, scholars do not attach importance to it.

Second, the historization of myth. Myths are regarded as historical legends, gods are reduced to human ancestors, and fairy tales are regarded as facts, which constitute some illusory ancestors and development pedigrees. Robbie's road history is a masterpiece.

@ The image of half man and half beast was obliterated.

@ Transform. The distorted interpretation of myth makes it a real event, thus becoming a cornerstone of ancient history.

Third, the myth of fairy tales.

Historical myths and legends 1 1 Houyi, also known as "Houyi", is said to be the leader of a poor family of an oriental family in Xia Dynasty, and is good at archery. At that time, Taikang, the son of Qi State, the king of Xia, was addicted to amusement hunting, didn't care about political affairs, and was hunted by Hou Yi. After Taikang's death, Hou Yi made Zhong Kang, Taikang's younger brother, King Xia, and the real power was held by Hou Yi.

But Hou Yi just went out hunting and was later killed by his cronies "Han Zhuo". According to the myth, Hou Yi is the husband of Chang 'e.

When Houyi was there, there were ten suns in the sky, which burned the vegetation and scorched the crops. In order to save the people, Hou Yi shot nine suns in succession. Since then, the climate has been suitable and everything has grown. He also shot wild animals and poisonous snakes, killing people. Therefore, people regard him as "the God of Arrows".

Historical myths and legends 12 is often called "mother and daughter of the moon", because she was often born in December, so she is called "mother of the moon", and the so-called "female harmony" is probably because she is responsible for reconciling yin and yang.

It is convenient for people to use the lunar calendar. Having said that, we can understand why Chang 'e is called "the mother of the moon". Because Chang 'e is responsible for making the lunar month, she must ensure that the lunar month can be coordinated with the solar season, that is to say, to reconcile yin and yang, so she takes the name of "female harmony".

Chang is still engaged in maintaining the order of the universe, so he also belongs to the god of creation. Chang is a mother. She and her sister He created a new world.

Historical myths and legends 13 Nu Wa, a beautiful goddess, slim as a snake. Like the story of Pangu Tiankai, the story of the goddess mending the sky is also famous in China.

In the era of Nuwa, with the increase of human reproduction, society began to be turbulent. Two heroes, the water god Gong Gong and the fire god Zhu Rong, fought in a non-Zhoushan war. As a result, Gong Gong's anger failed to reach non-Zhoushan because of his great defeat, which triggered a series of vigorous and moving stories such as The goddess patching the sky Caishi.

The goddess of mending the sky is a very famous legend.

Historical myths and legends 14 totem myths: myths and legends in Dali vernacular areas

Totem myth

Dali is full of stones and is known as the "country of stones". Because the Bai people live between Cangshan Lake and Erhai Lake, they have a mysterious feeling about strange stones, so there are some myths about giant stones. There is a myth about "stone is the master":

Erhai Lake is choppy, and a piece of maoshi as big as a cabinet rushes from Haidong, and its stone face is as thin as wood. People in other villages can't carry it, but people in the constellation carry it, so it's easy to carry it back to the village. People regard him as a god and a master.

Ocean myth

The myth of the sun reflects the Bai ancestors' love and pursuit of light. The sun god is one of them:

A long time ago, the sun was bitten by Sirius, the sky was gloomy, the ground was dark and cold, the trees died and the crops didn't grow. A Guang, a young man living in a village near Ge Dong, ventured over mountains to find the sun god. The sun god shot Sirius away with an arrow, dispersed the dark clouds, and a radiant sun appeared in the sky.

Kowloon myth

From the ancient Ailao country, that is, Ailao Mountain today, this myth says: A woman named Shahu got pregnant and gave birth to ten sons because she went fishing by the river and touched the submerged water. After turning heavy wood into dragons, people asked, "Where is my son?" ? Jiuzi was scared to leave, and the only youngest son didn't go, so he sat with his back against the dragon, so he was named Jiulong. When Kowloon grew up, it was promoted to be king. At that time, there was a woman named Nubo Xi, who also had ten daughters. The Kowloon brothers are married, and their children are scattered in the valley. After the death of Kowloon, Xiao Wang was separated one after another. In the early Tang Dynasty, Xi Nuluo's father took refuge in Mengshechuan from the mourning prison and plowed the fields at the foot of Weishan. The local white king married his daughter to Xi Nuluo and gave way to him. This is a founding myth circulating among the people.

The myth of Guanyin

There are the most stories about Guanyin in Dali mythology, among which the story of subjugating Luo Cha is widely circulated among the people and is still popular today, because it embodies the belief that justice triumphs over evil. This myth is about:

The ancient Dali bazi is a piece of Wang Yang, and Luo Cha ruled this land. In order to let the people on the mountain have farmland, Guanyin borrowed a piece of land from Luo Cha, where only a white dog jumped three times and built a cassock. Luo Cha agreed without hesitation, made a contract and carved it on the island of Chiven. Who knows that the cassock has a skill and retreats from the foot slope of Cangshan Mountain for more than ten miles; White dog jumped from Shangguan to Xiaguan, occupying all the territory in Luo Cha. Luo Cha regretted it and wanted to escape. Guanyin pointed with her hand, and suddenly there appeared a Qionglou Yuyu beside Shangyangxi. As soon as Luo Cha entered, he rolled down two huge stones from the mountain and locked Luo Cha in it forever. Since then, Dali people have cultivated land and lived and worked in peace. In addition, some legends of Guanyin, such as "stopping soldiers with negative stones", "turning Monopterus albus into a real dragon" and "calming Haidong", are all entrusted with the beautiful wishes of the Bai people, inspiring them to think, fight and pursue.

Historical myths and legends 15 According to legend, Emperor Yan, the sun god, had two daughters. The eldest daughter is Yao Ji, and the youngest daughter is Nuwa. After living in the Heavenly Palace for a long time, I was bored. One day, a girl went to the East China Sea by boat and drowned. Her uneven spirit turned into a bird with a flower head, a white shell and red claws, perched on Fayushan Mountain and whined "Jingwei, Jingwei", so people called this bird Jingwei.

Jingwei flew to the East China Sea with grass stones and vowed to fill the East China Sea. Later generations often use the idiom "Jingwei Reclamation" as a metaphor for the established eternal goal, which is backed by perseverance.