Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Mr. Shu has always been a thought-provoking film. What does Mr. Shu, played by Wang, stand for?

Mr. Shu has always been a thought-provoking film. What does Mr. Shu, played by Wang, stand for?

The narrative of the movie "Mr. Tree" seems a bit chaotic, and the perspective often switches back and forth between Mr. Tree's subjective and objective, making the whole story look a bit magical. But the story itself is not complicated. It tells the story of Mr. Shu, a young man at the bottom of the countryside. After witnessing his father kill his brother, he went from longing for a romantic and free future to being strangled, and gradually became a mental patient, that is, a madman in the secular sense.

Xiaoshu once envied his brother's freedom and romantic nature, but his biological father strangled him at the head of the village. From that moment on, the tree's inner vitality and yearning for the future were also stifled. In the later days, he tried to cover up his keenness with dullness and deceive his heart with stupidity in an attempt to spend this difficult life safely. A lovely heart is hard to cheat. If a person can't find the balance between the outside world and the heart, he will go crazy sooner or later.

The story of Mr. Shu is a sad song of life and a complete collapse of personal spirit. His relatives didn't save him. Xiaomei married him regardless of other people's criticism. His mother stayed in the village to be demolished for a long time to take care of him, but in the end they all left after the tree's illness gradually worsened. He didn't save himself. He has been trying so hard to suppress his memory that he can't remember his dead brother's face. The love of his wife Xiaomei once brought him a rare turning point in life, giving him a spring-like hope in his dying heart. But all this failed to cure him, but eventually promoted the aggravation of his illness.

In a long time, in the accumulation of trivial things in life, the inner world of the tree collapsed step by step, becoming fragmented and unable to justify itself. He began to hear voices and hallucinations, and he often spoke into the air. In the illusion of trees, I often see a serious father, glaring at him without saying a word, always lingering. It is his fear of his father and the authority of the times, and the ubiquitous monitoring. My brother obviously only pursued his own life, but he was convicted of hooliganism by that era and the civilization of that era, and finally strangled. Trees are always worried about that kind of fate coming to them, so they don't hesitate to bury their true selves. The result is not peace, but psychological distortion and crushing, and the complete destruction of individual life.