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Jojo fortune teller _jojo fortune teller

What are some unknown but good-looking novels?

Jojo published a list of famous novels yesterday and was badly scolded. . . .

Maybe I didn't emphasize too much that this is just a list of famous novels, so today I will bring you a list of novels that are not very famous.

Note: The following novels are relatively unknown. Maybe some novels are famous to you, so please don't hit your face. . .

13. The best father in another world

It was a novel many years ago. I was going to read it again not long ago, but I was not familiar with the writing, so I didn't read it. However, as a cool novel, it is well worth reading.


Dragon group, here only refers to the first book, the pioneering work of dragon group, and many dragon groups in urban power novels we read come from here. This is also the first novel that makes me intuitively feel the mystery of power.

1 1. The strongest and the weakest.

Jojo thought it was a stallion, but who knows that Temo is actually cultivating immortals. I thought cultivating immortals meant cultivating immortals, but who knew he would come back to make a city.

Jojo really doesn't know how to classify such novels, neither urban nor urban.

10. the patron saint of the zodiac

Well, this novel was written by Tang Jiasan Shao. Jojo didn't recommend Douro mainland, which was quite popular. Instead, he recommended this. On the one hand, the ip of the zodiac is really nice.

Secondly, when I was an ignorant teenager, this book taught me what is crystal love and what is desert storm.

Let me know that jelly and pop rocks can still be used like this. . . .

9. Song Wu

A good novel, a collision between modern and ancient times, turned out to be just a tragic epic.

8. Hell Apartment

The only recommended horror novel, in fact, is quite a lot of horror novels, featuring Cai Jun, but I won't recommend it here. You can go and have a look if you like.

Because jojo's taste won't often read horror novels unless they are very good.

7. Ant God Operator

This is a novel that jojo is reading. I haven't finished reading it. It's very long. It's a fortune teller. You can read it. There are many fortune tellers, but such fortune tellers are rare.

6.thriller paradise

How can I put it? jojo talks too much about this novel.

For three days and two nights, the author was really powerless.

Have you seen the advertisements of his other novels in the text of the novel?

Have you ever seen a story that clearly knows who the murderer is, and that chapter is called chapter 33 to complete the novel, and then it has been dragged on for 33 chapters in the protagonist's spit?

Have you ever seen the madness of the protagonist? He always laughs wildly.

Have you ever seen a key story, stopped halfway, then turned to the next chapter, and found that the story had nothing to do with all kinds of idiots, and then it took many chapters to tell it slowly.

In the later period of this novel, I felt that the world outlook began to collapse and the author couldn't hold on.

5. The first chaos in history, the first mashup in history.

I put these two novels together and even wrote two novels with only one word changed. The novel style is unheard of, you won't regret it! These two novels have also been adapted into cartoons, you can go and have a look.

4. Lotus Treasure

Fried steamed stuffed bun is one of my favorite authors. His style and Butterfly Blue are humorous, and the plot is unconventional. He was also the first person to talk about ass.

3. Alien veterinarian

Like the last one, it is also a novel about fried buns, written many years ago. It is an ancient novel now, but I have always remembered it deeply.

2. Once upon a time, there was a Lingjian Mountain.

I don't think this novel should be put in a less famous place, but there are still many people who don't know it. I am addicted to spitting. I don't remember the name of the main character, but I remember Wu Wang. . .

This is also an animated novel.

1. Records of abnormal organisms

Very headstrong author, the cover of the first novel was actually typed in word document. Can you believe it? A super-awesome protagonist who saved the whole universe went out to fight and didn't forget to close the door behind him. He has to wear slippers when he enters the door, and he has to mobilize the whole family to sweep the floor if he has nothing to do. . .

Have you read the second novel of this kind? Anyway, it refreshed jojo's understanding of the novel. His last novel "Schilling Empire" is also a sacred book, which created such a huge imperial system as Schilling Empire. It's just that I can't stand that style, so it's not recommended here.

. . .

The above is jojo's recommendation this time. I don't know if everyone is satisfied. What else do you think is good and I haven't found it? Welcome to put forward. Good books are exchanged.

Welcome to hit jojo in the face if you have any good novels!

In the next issue, let's talk about those super famous novels that jojo can't understand, so stay tuned.