Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How can you understand several places in the interstellar space if you don't know physics?

How can you understand several places in the interstellar space if you don't know physics?

Black hole:

1 What is a black hole?

Black hole is an ultra-high density celestial body with strong gravity in space. If the mass of the sun remains the same, but the size of the sun becomes like a table tennis ball, it is that the sun collapses into a black hole.

Black holes are characterized by no exit, namely:

Anything can fall into a black hole, and there is an "activity horizon" around the black hole. Anything that crosses this "horizon" will fall into a black hole.

Nothing can escape from a black hole, including light.

In addition, because no light escapes from the black hole, it is impossible to observe the black hole directly, but the existence of the black hole can be obtained from the edge information such as ultraviolet rays and X rays released before the object is inhaled by the black hole.

2 Black hole tidal force

A big spaceship flies to a celestial body. The spacecraft's head is close to the celestial body, so the gravity is relatively large, and the tail is far away from the celestial body, so the gravity is relatively small. The gravity difference between the head and tail will produce a tearing force in the middle of the spacecraft, which is tidal force.

If the celestial body is a black hole with great mass, the smaller the distance between the spacecraft and the black hole, the greater the gravitational difference, which is the tidal force of the black hole. This force can even tear a spaceship to pieces. The astronauts in the spaceship will also be influenced by tidal force.

For the general object we contact, even if it reaches its surface, the tidal force is not great. But if it is a supermassive and dense celestial body like a black hole, it may produce a large tidal force to tear the object apart.

Second, wormholes

Where is the wormhole 1?

There are three theories about wormholes:

First, a wormhole is a shortcut between two distant points in the universe, which is an apple. Worms go far along the surface of the apple, but if they dig holes, they go much closer from the inside of the apple. Gu Mingsi thinks that worms dig holes in the apple to cut corners.

Second, wormholes are pipes connecting black holes and white holes or black holes and black holes, so wormholes can be found in black holes. (White hole: When a black hole dies, it will become a white hole, ejecting the substances previously inhaled by the black hole)

Third, the wormhole is a time tunnel, which can travel in time and space.

No one has ever seen a wormhole. Some people say that there are wormholes everywhere around us, and some people say that there are wormholes in black holes. Kipa Thorne also said in his book that we can build our own wormholes.

2 negative energy substance

Wormholes appear at a certain moment, open briefly, then close and disappear. From appearance to disappearance, the time is so short that nothing can pass from one hole to another in such a short time. Therefore, only if there is a way to keep wormholes open and prevent them from disappearing, can we use wormholes for time and space travel.

In fact, negative energy is not difficult to achieve, and it can be achieved with different reference frames. When the spacecraft approaches the wormhole at a speed close to the speed of light, the energy around the wormhole naturally becomes negative.

Therefore, to enter the wormhole, the speed of the spacecraft must be close to the speed of light.

Fifth, the fifth dimension

In the movie, the hero saw his original life by entering the "fifth dimension" and gave a hint to his daughter at that time, thus changing the future.

1. What kind of world is the fifth dimension?

This subverts the understanding of Zhongyujun. Students who haven't seen the movie have a look at the following and make up for it themselves. You should be familiar with three dimensions. The world we live in is three-dimensional, while the world on paper is two-dimensional. Now cosmologists regard time as the fourth dimension, and the fifth dimension refers to a plane composed of countless fourth-dimensional time, without energy boundaries. Imagine that there is a wall in front of you, which is made up of countless vertical lines, and each vertical line is a fourth-dimensional timeline. Through each timeline, you can see what is happening in three-dimensional space at this time. This painting is like God watching everyone's life. It's amazing. In the "fifth dimension" world, there is no boundary between time and space.

Something abstract like this makes my head explode! Help yourself!

2. Does the "fifth dimension" really exist?

The material composition of the "fifth dimension" is completely different from the world we can perceive, and its chemical composition and existence are also completely different from our world. The only thing it communicates with us is gravity. Only the energy generated by gravity can travel between two different "worlds". At present, CERN is building the world's largest large particle collider at a depth of more than 100 meters on the border between Switzerland and France. After the particle collider is officially put into use, it can be observed whether any particles disappear under the action of strong gravity and enter the "fifth dimension" invisible to human beings. Wow, is it possible that there is a person living a different life in every space?

3. How to reach the "fifth dimension"

Through a black hole, gravity is the only way to the "fifth dimension".