Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Ordinary world (excerpt)

Ordinary world (excerpt)

? Ordinary World 199 1 won the third Mao Dun Literature Prize in China in March! Mr. Lu Yao's million-dollar novel is set in China from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s, centering on two brothers, Sun Shaoan and Sun Shaoping, and depicts the images of many ordinary people from all walks of life at that time through complicated contradictions and entanglements. Labor and love, frustration and pursuit, pain and joy, daily life and huge social conflicts are intertwined, which profoundly shows the difficult and tortuous road that ordinary people have gone through in the historical process of the great era.


? We have experienced a great era. We have gone through all kinds of historical storms. From leaders to ordinary people, they have left different degrees of scars on their bodies and minds. Even before the end of our life, we may not see the full maturity of this society, but just a general trend. But we still have reason to be proud of the land and years we have lived in! What our generation may do is to lay a foundation for the bright future of China with our experience, lessons, tears, sweat and blood. There is no doubt that in this historical process, the limitations of society and ourselves, as well as various defects and disadvantages are inevitable. But this must not be an excuse for retrogression. It should be understood that these limitations and defects are produced at a higher stage of social progress.

However, in concrete real life, people who persist in moving forward always have a hard time. Chinese-style reform will encounter Chinese-style resistance.

Scene description:

Regardless of the joys and sorrows of the world, nature always changes the seasons step by step according to its own laws.

The crops have been harvested. The vast wilderness, withered vegetation, cold mountains and sparse water; Lush summer and colorful autumn seem to be distant past. The desolate land will lie under the snow-white cloak, close its eyes and recall the lost sun and moon.

The earth will not age, and winter is just a quiet dream; It will wake up in the warm spring breeze and make itself young again!

Sleep, dear earth, our overworked father. ...

I finished reading the first and second volumes in one day. The first one is over!

Venue: Shangyuanxi County, Northern Shaanxi Plateau, June 65438+March 0975-June 1980.

There are always two groups of words in the book, suffering and struggle, ordinary and great. Struggle in suffering and achieve great things in the ordinary world, which is a realm and a life.

Core idea: labor is the most glorious! People can only live more valuable in labor!

Whether a person's spirit is full, or whether his life is meaningful, mainly depends on his attitude towards labor.


Sun Houyu, father. He is a good cook in crops. He is as skilled, careful and confident about the land as a skilled eight-year-old worker in the factory.

Mother, housewife. Hard-working and kind, hard-working.

Sun Yuting (Hou Yu's younger brother), a member of the Standing Committee of the village, is willing to speak as an official. In fact, like an idle man, he is impractical in agriculture.

He gave this notebook to his daughter as a wedding gift, and wrote two words on it: a red heart, two hands, and walk with the party from generation to generation.

Times have changed, and Yu Ting's enthusiasm for public affairs has not changed. He also dragged two broken shoes and ran around the banks of the Dongla River.

Sun Shaoan, the eldest son. Excellent study, the third place in the county was admitted to high school. In order to help the family share, 13 years old dropped out of school. Later, because of inferiority, she left Runye, who loved him, and married Xiulian, a Shanxi woman. I opened a brick factory and my life became better. Life is an endless struggle! Only by choosing a goal and feeling that your efforts have not been in vain in the struggle can you live a full life and be young forever!

The second son, Sun Shaoping.

Shao Ping is a man who strives to cultivate his own thoughts and spiritual world. Yes, what's the point of living alone? Putting aside all material things, what should we pursue spiritually? Shao Ping has been searching for this answer from beginning to end, which is what we should seriously consider. The enrichment of the spiritual world is truly noble and perfect. His lifestyle is also worth learning. He is honest, considerate of the weak, caring for others, responsible for his family and full of human feelings.

Don't give up studying anyway! I'm afraid that when I see you again in a few years, you will become a completely different person. All you say is eating; With a wallet on his shoulder, he bought a cheap baby pig on the street of Shigejie.

Shao Ping realized that only when a person has a broader understanding of the world and a deeper understanding of life can he have a higher understanding of his own hardships. Even treat joy and happiness frankly. (My favorite character)

Big sister orchid, two children. Boys and girls, marry the prodigal Wang Manyin. Life is bitter. Later, with the help of Shao An, it got better and better. Wang Manyin went home and lived a down-to-earth life.

Wang Manyin: opportunistic, wandering around, hooking up with Cantonese women. But there are principles. Making fake rat poison, the thief invited him to take a stake, but he refused. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately evaluate whether he is a good person or a bad person.

My youngest daughter, Lan Xiang. Math genius, four-year-old carrying a basket to collect firewood. Wu Zhongping, a college classmate, is in love.

Lan Xiang's description: We are really surprised that such excellent girls have been trained in this poor mountain village. Look, how tall and slim the figure is wrapped in old clothes! White as glazed white porcelain, shining like pearls; The black hair is beautifully cut and bent on the cheek, which makes the chin look even more distressing. Long eyelashes protect a pair of clear and moving eyes ... when she sits quietly in the classroom, we can't help but think of the immortal Rodin's famous sculpture "Meditation".

September 4th, the second part. 1980~ 1986。 Reform and opening up have begun.

Tian Fujun: Cadres.

Wife, doctor and father-in-law retired cadres

Daughters Xiao Xia, Shao Ping. Shao Ping, you should remember that you are different from others. You are from another world. Your heart should not be here, but in the distance, that place full of light. This is a passage of Tian Xiaoxia's exhortation to Sun Shaoping in Ordinary World. After graduating from high school, he had no choice but to go home to farm.

Tian, secretary of Shuangshui Village.

Son Runsheng (learning to drive with his brother-in-law) fell in love with his high school classmate Hao Hongmei (the widow brought a son). Part III)

Daughter moistens the leaves. Kind woman! And Shao An are childhood friends, but their status is different. They compromised with their families and got married. Finally, because of pity, I lost my legs in a car accident, lived with Li Xiangqian, gave birth to a son, had love, and was very happy.

Fate always goes against people's wishes. But often in countless pains, in heavy contradictions and difficulties, people are mature and strong; Although these things don't all bring joy to people in actual feelings.

Tian Runye and Li Xiangqian, who lost their legs, have been living together for some time.

She put his shoe-nailing tools in the restaurant opposite, and then helped him into a wheelchair. She pushed him, walked through the bustling crowd, walked through the orange streets reflected by the sunset ... (Part III) Life, life! How much suffering, how much sweetness! The sky won't be dark forever. When the dark clouds disperse, the bright sunshine in the blue sky will light up the earth. The grass will still be bright green and the flowers will still bloom vigorously. We wish all the people in the world who have experienced all kinds of hardships emotionally will finally get happiness!

Life in middle school will always remain vividly in everyone's life memory; Even in old age, we often think of it.

Read the third book at 6:40 pm on September 5. Then reread in 65438+February 1 1.

Sometimes, some unexpected events that cause strong social shock in real life are often the echo of history. In order to explore the causes of such events, we often have to go back and talk about the distant past. ...

Twenty-five years ago 1958, the famous Great Leap Forward swept through Chinese mainland. Judging from the scale of the mass movement, it can be said to be a preview of the "Cultural Revolution". At that time, romanticism entered the political life from the central government to the local government. In order to "surpass Britain and catch up with the United States" and increase the steel output symbolizing the country's prosperity, people even eat in pots and use cut trees instead of coke to smelt steel. The land of China is ablaze with extraordinary momentum, which makes the whole world stare. As a result, a little bit of good steel was also refined into scrap iron.

Newspapers solemnly report these big lies with a set of red headlines every day. I remember that the author had just entered primary school. In order to make the yield per mu in the village the highest in the whole commune, he followed adults to cut crops in other fields on autumn nights and secretly concentrated them on a small piece of land. The leaders of the newly established people's commune came here to turn a blind eye to the "yield per mu" and brazenly reported it to the county, so that our village and our township were awarded two two-foot-high red banners in the county respectively ... The release of the "satellite" made the whole country in a state of delirium. Even an old poet of the Writers' Association slapped his chest and roared that he would trample Homer under his feet in 1959!

The "canteen" system was implemented throughout the country, and people "took what they needed" and took what they ate, happily entering the glorious "capitalist society". But it is said that the upper level is still arguing: Is the "big brother" Soviet Union the first to enter the capitalist society, or is China the first to announce its entry into the capitalist society?

Of course, before the conclusion was reached, China soon entered an appalling three-year difficult period, and many people starved to death. At the famous conference of 7,000 people in the future, it is said that President Mao Zedong, who initiated this "movement", inspected it. Regrettably, this great and epoch-making old man in the history of China did not learn this lesson. Later, he made mistakes again and again. Since 1966, it has led to greater chaos in China and plunged the whole country into the abyss of pain and despair. ...


The farmers are busy. Fairy mountain, Miaoping Mountain, Tianjiage, this side of the mountain, from time to time came the voice of farmers singing back to cattle. The women covered their heads with white sheep belly towels, and the children carried litres and old bowls in their hands, followed the plow to light seeds and spread manure. Pumpkin, pumpkin, black beans, green black beans, corn, tomatoes, summer potatoes, summer plums, watermelons, melons and cucumbers are all in the sowing season. Pockmarked has sprouted; Onions and leeks can be cut with a sickle. Wheat seedlings have turned green, and cultivators are busy weeding and topdressing. ...


Jin Bo: The literary and art soldiers were forced to leave the army because they fell in love with Tibetan girls, and they went to look for them eight years later, which changed a lot.

The author has spent so much effort to describe love, but he still wants to tell us that people will encounter many hardships and setbacks in their lives. People should strive to get rid of the shackles of the secular, dare to pursue what they yearn for and face life seriously. Ordinary people will have extraordinary lives in the ordinary world. There is no perfect world, no perfect people, no perfect life, we are all ordinary people.

Shao Ping: When we started from Huangyuan, Sun Shaoping and his companions knew that they were workers in Daya Bay Coal Mine of Tongcheng Mining Bureau.

The sun shines on the disappointing Daya Bay. The little smile on people's faces was suddenly swept away. The mining area is rough, chaotic and monotonous. No flowers, no fountains, no vaginas, no all the beautiful sights they fantasize about. Only black coal ash buildings; I only heard the rough and hoarse sounds of various machines. The house is dirty with soot, the leaves are covered with coal dust, and even the river in the ditch is black …

The hardships of coal miners:

On the working face of roadway, there are seven or eight coal stubbles per shift. The axe worker is a stubble. Usually two coal miners and an axe worker. Whenever a cannon is finished, we should quickly hang up the stubble and set up the shed. This is a critical moment, you should act as fast as lightning, otherwise it will cause roof caving and the consequences will be unimaginable! At this time, the squad leader usually shouts, and people rush into the working face from the return air lane. The waste earth and stone on the head fell, and the axe worker picked up the heavy steel beam and quickly hung it on the old stubble; At the same time, the coal haulers, like the nurses who handed the instruments to the surgeon in the operating room, nervously and quickly handed the tightly stretched Beijing bus and lining stick to the master, and also made room to dig up the coal pile, find the bottom plate, plant the steel column, raise the column core, buckle the stubble, and let the master lock the column with an axe in the shortest time ... All this was done nervously and silently, and the atmosphere was indeed. What is more difficult is that under this pile of dense and chaotic beams and columns, the dangerous and hidden coal trough is still spinning wildly. In the intense, fast and heavy labor, people can't even straighten up in the low roadway; 100 kilograms of steel guys, most of them are out of balance; And a little careless, stepping on the cruel and heartless valve, will be pulled into a pile of meat in an instant!

Only by setting up a broken shed can safety be guaranteed. At this time, stubble heads generally squat down to rest. The coal miner picked up a big shovel and smashed the coal on the chute ... a group of three guns, after each gun, had to do it desperately. In such intense and heavy work, the time of the day passes slowly. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to finish the work in eight hours, and it often takes ten hours to get into the well.

True feelings in the world:

What should we cherish most when we live in this world? Money? Power? Honor? Yes, it's good to have these things. However, nothing is more precious than warm human feelings-nothing is better than this.

Less prosaic love:

Tian Xiaoxia, reporter of the provincial newspaper. Later, he died because he saved people in the flood. Only endless tears pay tribute to the love of youth that is gone forever. ...

The summer heat has arrived, and I often go swimming in the nearby golden tube, and my tanned skin becomes black charcoal. I have always believed in my "charcoal digger". This yearning is as intoxicating as sweet wine. Although love has "seen the first clue" for me, it has made me dizzy. I indulge my nature and believe that love can give people creative power. I am proud of my "charcoal digger". Yes Is fused together-completely fused together * * * and struggle! Are you determined to make the greatest sacrifice for him (her)? This is the standard to measure whether you really love or not, otherwise you will be deceived by your feelings. -Xiao Xia's diary

Xiao Xia snuggled up to him and couldn't help humming the episode of Captain Grant and His Children. Shao Ping's rich baritone joined in, turning the splashing stream into a rolling river. Sing, what a beautiful night; Even without the moon, my heart is bright.

Xiao Xia died to save lives;

Life is so emotional!

Sun Shaoping couldn't help thinking of his first love ten years ago. He remembered the first woman he fell in love with, Hao Hongmei. Dramatically, the emotional entanglement happened between him and Gu ten years ago. Unexpectedly, ten years later, he was entangled with Gu again. The difference is that ten years ago, Hao Hongmei left him to love and care for the people. Today, Jinxiu will leave Gu, love him!

Life seems to have come to an incredible cycle.

But life doesn't end in a circle. Life goes on!

Jinbo, drive at the post office.

Literary and art soldiers were forced to leave the army because they fell in love with Tibetan girls, and they went to find them eight years later, which changed a lot;

Love can make a person fall to such a level. An encounter, a blend of eyes, will always be one, that is, an agreement with God; Even storms and lightning can't break this spiritual bond. Two ethnic groups, who don't speak the same language, live far apart, and don't even know each other's names ... It's incredible!

Jin Xiu: I was admitted to the Provincial Medical University and fell in love with Gu Xianmin. Later, I found that I loved Shao Ping. Rejected by Shao Ping.

Shao an:?

Sun Shaoan is the first able person in Shuangshui Village. He built a brick kiln with a machine, and he was the first person in the village to transform a new place.

This simple villagers' consciousness makes Shao An feel a solemn sense of responsibility. He suddenly thought, can I expand my brick yard? Wouldn't it cost more labor to sell the existing brick-making machine, buy a big one and open more brick-burning kilns?

The hired brick baker is fake, and the disaster is devastating. Roughly estimated, the losses are all above five or six thousand yuan. This is almost equivalent to declaring him bankrupt! Needless to say, dozens of people in the village have worked hard with him for nearly a month, but he can't even give you a penny. And he's still blaming himself.

The love between Sun Shaoan and Xiulian;

Shao An felt more than that in Xiulian's arms. He can't tell how important the thoughtfulness of Qing Xiulian is to him. He and she are not only a physical fusion, but a fusion of the whole life and soul. This is the great love established by the labor and suffering of people in the same way. Their love is not only different from Sun Shaoping and Tian Xiaoxia, but also different from Tian Runye and Li Xiangqian now. Of course, Tian Runsheng and Hao Hongmei are different.

Of course, we remember that this extraordinary young man never fell down in the past disaster, but mustered up courage and worked hard for the establishment of the family business again. But at that time, he was penniless, and despite his mental pain, there was no big burden. Now, he is heavily in debt at once, and he can hardly breathe! A warm woman's arm is always as important to a man as a port is to a sailboat and a baby. This kind of hug is as broad and deep as the earth, soothing people's injured hearts and giving them warmth, happiness and the strength to return to the storm.

You know, it is not easy for people like us who come from a peasant family to do this!

Changes in villagers:

As a result, our secretary Tian ran to the original Xicheng and became a contractor. Jin Junshan, the deputy secretary-he is also the village head now-bought more than a dozen milk goats and fed them in partnership with Jin Cheng, the son who taught. Last autumn, he sold his goat's milk to the organ of Shijie Festival, and it is said that his income was considerable. Well, after all, when will a capable person be capable?

You see, now there are talented people in Shuangshui Village who want to dig pond culture! This man is Tian Haimin, a division commander of the brigade.

Jin's son became a thief.

Kim keeps two cows and several milk goats. And signed a contract with the commune to raise seedlings.

Golden, raised by Italian bees.

Kim's sister, Malaihua, sells lunch boxes by the roadside.

Many masons in the Jin family have gone out to work.

It is not difficult for people who take writing as their profession to quote Mo Yan's words to make up a story of suffering, but the sense of fatalism that people who have suffered in suffering may have and the compassion based on the insurmountable weakness of human nature cannot be made up by virtue of talent. The reason why a person is influenced by a writer lies in the similarity between the influencer and the affected. It's the same here We are influenced by a writer because we are similar to his soul. I think I also like his works. People who like "Ordinary World" may be at a wonderful intersection. You think the people and things in Ordinary World overlap with your life track, and then you are infected and warm by the heat of life, so you like it.

Sentiment: The person you like: Shao Ping, a giant in the spiritual world!

He successfully explained to people that suffering is not necessarily a disaster. Thinking about suffering and disdaining to fight against fate will often lead to another life. I think this is the most profound meaning of life that Sun Shaoping has brought us.

Letter to my sister:

You know, it is not easy for people like us who come from a peasant family to do this!

First of all, we should be self-reliant and face the strange world bravely. Don't be afraid of suffering! If we can deeply understand suffering, it will bring people a sense of loftiness. Dear sister, I hope your life is full of joy, but if life requires you to endure pain, you must grit your teeth and stick to it. A great man once said, is pain tolerated in vain? He should make us great.

In addition, I don't know where to read a news that is very enlightening to us: the daughter of an American president used her spare time to wash dishes in a restaurant to make money for others in order to prevent her father from subsidizing her school. Sister, second brother said this, not to force you to make a living by yourself. Trust me, ten yuan a month will be paid to you on time! I really want to have a good talk with you. I'll write when I have time. I hope it's bigger than it is.

—————— Shao Ping's letter to spearmint.

After the injury, he left an ugly scar on his face, but he happened to see the winter jasmine and immediately had hope!

Unable to restrain his excitement, he got up and walked out of the ward and came to this clump of winter jasmine. He stared at Huang Liang's dazzling flowers for a long time, and his heartfelt joy made him laugh involuntarily.

This is life! Nothing can kill life. Life is so tenacious that it has resisted the whole winter. Winter has receded, but flower of life is in full bloom. How many bleak moons and moons have you endured for the glory of this moment? You will die, but you will also prove how powerful life is. Only the body dies, and life will be nirvana and endless, and will last forever in another form. As long as spring does not die, life will not die, and there will be flowers that bloom year after year. Oh, winter jasmine ... he vaguely saw a white-haired and wrinkled mother in that yellow flower. Why do you think of your mother now? mother ...

He raised his head, a flock of white pigeons flew over the blue sky, and their wings buzzed ... He heard the roar of the sea in the distance; When he saw it, Xiao Xia cocked his head and smiled, stepping barefoot on the smooth satin ridge and jumping on the distant horizon. There was a golden winter jasmine on his temples, shining with dazzling light. ...

Now, he is walking in this crowded street, no matter how many complicated eyes are directed at his face, he is calm as usual. I don't know why, he even felt his emotions getting excited.

He bought a pair of sunglasses at a self-employed booth and put them on at once-partially covering the scar on his face. Then, he went to the store to buy an iron-gray raincoat and put it on. This dress, plus that scar, strangely gave him a different kind of manly charm-

Ordinary world, ordinary people. We can't get lost in the ordinary world. Believe in your ordinary self, and you can create an extraordinary life in the ordinary world!