Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why are there "flying generals" in chess?

Why are there "flying generals" in chess?

The origin of chess is said by India, China, Arabia and Persia. However, according to rigorous research, it is proved that the earliest chess was invented by Indians. There is a legend that the inventor was a queen of Ceylon. Although there is no sufficient basis for this legend, chess originated in India, which has been confirmed by scholars from China, Western Europe or the Soviet Union in literature and antiquities research.

According to ancient legends in China, chess was invented by Shun. Shun's younger brother was very bad and tried to kill Shun several times (as recorded in Mencius). Later, Shun imprisoned him, fearing that he would be lonely, so he played chess for his entertainment. The word "Xiang" in chess represents Shun's younger brother. This legend has been proved to be unreliable, but according to some textual research by Wang Guowei, Mr. Chang can infer the route of the introduction of chess into China from this legend. He believes that the elephant is not Shun's brother, but the leader of the elephant-producing areas in southern China (such as Myanmar). Xiang and Shun once formed an alliance of brothers and defeated other nationalities, but later they clashed. Probably. Chess was introduced to China from India through Thailand and Myanmar. In recent years, there are many famous chess players in South China, and the number of talents seems to rank first in the country. Although this has nothing to do with the fact that chess was first introduced to South China, it is interesting to think about it now. More than a thousand years ago, people in South China learned chess before people in the Central Plains.

According to the Yan Shu Classic, chess entered China in the early years of Wei and Huang Dynasties (Cao Pi, Zhuge Liang era).

Modern chess style was not formed until the Song Dynasty. Cheng Hao, a Neo-Confucianist in the Song Dynasty, wrote a poem about chess: "Most people abandon the play, just like turning over a play to learn how to play. There are also Zhou's famous works in chariots and horses, all of which have official Chinese names. The Han army is heavy on all sides, but it is light outside the river, but it laughs at itself with the pattern, and it is as heroic as Liu Xiang. " There was no mention of guns in his poems, and he was the last one to join. Of course, it was only after China invented gunpowder and firearms that it was reflected in chess.

The original chess game in India was played by four people, just like playing mahjong. Everyone must roll the dice first and play chess according to the number of points. The dying family withdrew from the battle, and the remaining pieces were captured by the victors, and the prisoners were degraded and used. After the four are eliminated into two, the two will decide the outcome. In Song Dynasty, Sima Guang once created Qi Guoqi. Seven people can unite with Lian Heng, and the victors will annex the prisoners and increase their own strength. Now Japan's "general military chess" has captured the opponent's chess pieces and can also be used for its own use. These rules are all derived from Indian chess. Militarily, taking advantage of enemy prisoners, chess is more humane.

Chess, which is popular in Europe and America, is similar to Indian chess, with 64 squares, and the pieces are placed in the middle of the squares. China people have come up with a clever way to put the chess pieces not in the grid, but at the place where the lines cross, so that only one line is added to the chessboard, but the position is increased from 64 to 90. I think this may be inspired by Go, because the chess pieces are placed at the intersection of lines, and the elephant chessboard is just a quarter of the number of squares around the chessboard.

After Indian chess was introduced into Europe, some changes were made in its name. For example, a scholar became a queen, an elephant became a bishop (Russia remained unchanged), and a car became a battery (or a boat). The queen was weak, and Europe replaced her with a flying invincible, far better than a car. It may also be related to the European concept of "women first".

Korean chess evolved from China chess. It is said that during the Korean War, General Dian of the United States was captured, and later he learned this kind of chess. During his capture, he played chess with the guards every day for recreation.

In addition, there are Malay chess, Burmese chess, scholar chess and modern Indian chess (there are * * *). Although roughly the same, there are also differences.

The Frenchman Bue wrote an article about chess. He said that although most people in Europe and America think chess is worldwide, in fact, its popular area only accounts for 40% of the world population. There are probably more people who can play chess in China than in the whole world.

Considering the winnability of the endgame, flight will gradually evolve. The rule is simple. Generals can't meet each other.