Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Yuan Shao's Poems in the Three Kingdoms Period

Yuan Shao's Poems in the Three Kingdoms Period

1. What are the poems written for Yuan Shao? The famous poem written for Yuan Shao is "Yuan Shao's Death" in The Romance of Three Kingdoms. The full text is as follows: Yuan Shaozhi's death came from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the author Luo Guanzhong became famous, and the teenager was filled with emotion.

There are three thousand heroes in the air and a million heroes in the air. Not sheep and tiger skins, not chicken feathers.

Pity a sad place, it is difficult to delay the two brothers at home. Appreciation: Yuan Shao was defeated in the battle of Guandu, but he was still ill, and Cao Cao attacked Jizhou again.

Yuan Shang, who thought he was brave, went out to fight for his father, and was defeated. Yuan Shao was frightened by this again. His old illness recurred and he vomited blood and died.

These seven laws give a general conclusion to Yuan Shao's life. Yuan Shao was the greatest strongman in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, dominating the North and the Central Plains, with great potential to unify the whole country.

The main reasons for this advantage are: first, he has unparalleled political capital, and he was born in a family of "four generations and three publics". His great-grandfather Yuan An worked as Stuart in the Han Dynasty. Since Yuan 'an, his great-grandfather Chang Yuan, his grandfather Yuan Tang and his uncle Yuan Feng have all reached the position of "three publics" and "fallen into the world". Secondly, Yuan Shao is handsome in appearance, formidable in manners and flexible in body, and many outstanding men in the world have joined him.

Coupled with "Yuan Shuen IV, one's intimate party followers and students are all over the world", Yuan Shao Group has gathered a large number of talents. Moreover, he spared no effort to prop up the building that was about to collapse in the Han Dynasty.

Killing eunuchs, resisting Dong Zhuo, going out of Beijing with a long horizontal knife, and being elected as a leader by the 18 th Route Army are all glorious undertakings and heroic feats of his life. Therefore, the first couplet of the poem says: "The ministers and ministers are famous from generation to generation, and the young people are in high spirits."

The necklace of the poem suddenly turned, "Three thousand air heroes, one million air heroes". Why? Yuan Shao occupied the land of Qing, seclusion, congratulations and Hebei, "with a million valleys for ten years". He has a large number of civil servants and military commanders who can fight for the world ahead of time and defend one side when retreating. In Guandu World War I, there were 700,000 troops, leaving only 800 defeated soldiers.

Then they lost one after another, and Yuan Shao's powerful group was finally eliminated. People can comment on this from various aspects, but people of insight believe that Yuan Shao's personal weakness is an important internal cause.

As the poem vividly says, "sheepskin can do nothing, and chicken's courage can do nothing." It can be said that it is three points.

This is the case. Not only Yu Xun, Guo Jia and Xu You left him; Even the people who died at the beginning, such as the giant hand and Tian Feng, could do nothing. Gao Lan and Zhang He, loyal generals, were suspected because of the slanderers of treacherous court officials, and rebelled in a rage, which led to a large number of brain drain and brain drain in Lombardi Group. Although Yuan Shao died, his legacy did not stop.

Before he died, he changed his sons to foreign posts, one state at a time, and supported them with self-respect. Yuan Tan, the eldest son, was the secretariat of Qingzhou, while Yuan Shang, the youngest son, stayed in Jizhou, causing discord between the young and the old.

In addition, there are forces in the other army. The contradiction between Shen Pei of Hebei Group and Xin Ping and Guo Tu of Yingchuan Group influenced and developed into the Yuan family.

Therefore, the struggle between Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang brothers is manifested in the struggle between Hebei and Yingchuan Group. After Yuan Shao's death, Shen Pei and Ji Feng Jiaoshao ordered the appointment of Yuan Shang as Jizhou Pastoral.

Guo Tu and Xin Ping held Yuan Tan hostage for a long time, which led the Yuan brothers to attack each other and caused ruins. Cao Cao took the opportunity to divide and rule, destroying Yuan Tan first and then Yuan Shang.

Yuan Shang and Yuan perished and fled to Liaodong. Gongsun Kang lured and killed two brothers, Yuan, and gave their heads to Cao Cao. At this point, all the aristocratic families of "Four Worlds, Three Fairs" perished because Yuan Shao sowed the seeds of disaster.

"What a sad place, it is difficult to delay two brothers at home." Although it can't be said that it is completely unreasonable, in fact, the curse is still on Laozi, the "second brother".

Extended information Yuan Shaobing defeated Guandu: In the fourth year of Jian 'an (199), Hanoi's desire to leave Yuan Shaohe was destroyed by Cao Cao, and Yuan Cao's decisive battle was inevitable. Yuan Shao decided to lead 1 00000 elite infantry and100000 cavalry to capture Xudu and destroy Cao Cao in one fell swoop.

Appointed Shen Pei and Ji Feng as military orders, Tian Feng, Xun Yu and Xu You as counselors, Yan Liang and Wen Chou as generals, and actively prepared for the south. At that time, Yuan Shao's subordinates had different opinions. JuGongLi's point of view is completely opposite to that of Guo Tu and Shen Pei. Ju Shou suggested that the sooner the better, the longer the battle. Guo Tu and Shen Pei advocated a quick victory.

Yuan Shao relied on his huge army and abundant food, and did not listen to Ju's advice. Guo Tu and others said behind his back, "Jushou is in charge of the internal and external forces, which is a great threat to the three armed forces. If his power is gradually strengthened, how can he control it? " ! Shrimp soldiers and crabs will prosper only if they obey their masters, and they will perish if their masters obey them. This is what Huang Shigong warned in the "three views".

A general with an army outside let him know that internal affairs are inappropriate. "So, lombardi JuShouJun is divided into three parts, two of which don't give Guo Tu and Chunyu Qiong.

In September, Cao Cao suited himself to guard Guandu and prepared to attack Yuan Jun ... Yuan Shao tried to join forces with Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao to attack Cao Cao.

He sent messengers to contact Zhang Xiu in Yacheng, and specially sent a letter to his counselor Jia Xu. Zhang Xiu was about to answer when Jia Xu spoke first. He said, "Please go back and tell Yuan Benchu that brothers are incompatible with water and fire. How can they accommodate the nationals of the world?" The messenger came back dissatisfied.

Soon, Zhang Xiu led the people to surrender to Cao Cao. Yuan Shao sent someone to ask Liu Biao for help, and Liu Biao hypocritically agreed. In fact, in the war between Yuan and Cao, he just planned to stand by and watch.

Zhang and Liu's attitude made Yuan Shao afraid to start work. In the first month of the fifth year of Jian 'an (200), Liu Bei killed Che Zhou, the secretariat of Xuzhou, betrayed Cao Cao and coordinated Yuan Shao.

In order to eliminate future troubles, Cao Cao led the troops to attack Liu Bei. At this time, Tian Feng said to Yuan Shao, "Cao Cao's eastward expedition to Liu Bei is not easy to stop for a while. If Gong Ming can send troops to attack its rear, it will win. "

However, Yuan Shao said that the child was ill, and Tian Feng stormed out, banging on the ground with a cane as he walked, saying, "It's over, there's no hope! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because the child is sick, it is a pity! " Lombardi became angry from embarrassment after hearing this, and alienated Tian Feng. Cao Cao was afraid that Yuan Shao would cross the Yellow River, so he stepped up his attack on Liu Bei and finally defeated him.

Liu Bei defected to Yuan Shao, who invaded Xu Du. Tian Feng thought that the fighter plane had been lost, so he remonstrated and said, "Since Cao Cao defeated Liu Bei, Xu is no longer empty.

Moreover, Cao Cao is good at fighting and changeable. Although Serenade, he is not.

2. The famous poem about the Three Kingdoms lamented the blade:

At the end of the Han dynasty, there was no plan to make the three fairs;

If you don't listen to the loyal minister's advice several times, you will be attacked by the sword in the palace.

Zan red hare: galloping thousands of miles, swinging dust and water, climbing purple fog.

Break the silk rein and shake the jade bridle, and make a dragon for nine days.

Shaodi Zuo: Heaven and earth change, the sun and the moon turn against each other, abandoning Wancheng and retreating from the princes.

I was forced to die as a minister, and the tide was gone and I was in tears.

Tang Zuofei: The emperor will collapse and the soil will be destroyed; As an emperor, I hate it.

Life and death are different roads, so don't: why worry, my heart is sad!

Qin Wufu: Loyalists at the end of the Han Dynasty said that Wu Wufu was heroic and there was nothing in the world.

The name of the court killing thieves still exists, and it has been called a gentleman for ages.

Praise Guan Gong for warm wine and chop Hua Xiong;

Wei Zhen Gan Kun's first achievement, Yuanmen painted drums, sounded in winter and winter.

Yun Chang stopped and saw that he was brave. He beheaded Hua Xiong while the wine was still hot.

3. The poets and heroes of the Three Kingdoms are ambitious, kind-hearted, have the opportunity to hide the universe, and have the ambition to breathe heaven and earth. Cao Cao

Phoenix flies thousands of miles away, it doesn't live in the sky; Master is on one side, not the Lord. I am willing to work hard in Longmu, I love my house; I am proud of the piano book and wait for the weather. Kongming

A gentleman is born between heaven and earth, and it is unwise to do it without knowing his master! What a pity if you die today! Feng Tian

How can the husband's lifestyle, that is, the ability to improvise, be paranoid? The way of fighting, and so on, is improvisation. Zhong Da

You know one thing, but you don't know another: Qin was tyrannical, the people complained, and Gaozu was treated leniently. Today, Liu Zhang is weak, the rule of virtue is not lifted, and the punishment is not reversed; The way of monarch and minister was gradually replaced by Ling. Pets with a position are extremely disabled; Be kind to it, and it will slowly run out. Therefore, the disadvantages are caused by this. I use it today, and the law will know the grace; Only when you are a knight, you will know your honor. Grace and honor are one, and there are knots from top to bottom. For Daoism, it is written in Si. Kongming

..... Master's words, although well-founded, resist chaos and strive for strength, are not a family; If you stick to common sense, you can't move a step. Pang shiyuan

For Tao: don't be happy with victory, don't worry about failure. Brave military commander

The husband has become famous; Make a name for yourself and comfort yourself for life. Comfort my life, I will get drunk; I'll get drunk! Zhou Yu

A gentleman was born in troubled times, and he should make great contributions with a three-foot sword; Today's ambition is unsuccessful, but how can I die! A loyal and brave military commander

As a man, when you meet the master of your bosom friend, you should trust the righteousness of the monarch and the minister from the outside and restrain the kindness of the same flesh and blood from the inside. He will do whatever he says, and he will be blessed and blessed. Zhou Yu

If you are immune to it, you will have a good day. Why live forever? hermit

Be a man, be generous and succeed! Zhong Da

When the salt is thick, loneliness cannot protect itself. Where are the others? Cao Cao

Although I am a scholar, I am entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the Lord, because I am big and small and can bear the burden of humiliation. Lu Boyan

General Yuan is generous outside and jealous inside, and doesn't care about loyalty. If you win and rejoice, you can still forgive me; It's a pity to be defeated today, and I don't expect to live. Comments on Yuan Shao

The color is thick and the gallbladder is thin, and it is good to seek without breaking; Do great things and cherish your health, but forget your life when you see Xiao Li: you are not a hero. Comments on Yuan Shao

(Yuan Shao, Liu Biao) generous outside, taboo inside. They are resourceful, indecisive, talented but unable to use and unacceptable. They abolished their official positions, gave up their courtesy and love, and lived a long life.

Bright is ambitious, but you don't see opportunities. You plan more, but decide less. You are a good soldier and have no right. Although you raised hundreds of soldiers, you fell into my painting and it was going to break. Zhong Da commented on Kongming.

Cao Cao was suspicious all his life. Although he was able to fight, he was defeated by suspicion. Kong Ming comments on Cao Cao

In the name of obedience, the general doubts his opinion, which is urgent and constant, and the disaster will last forever! Kong Ming said Sun Quan

Although Yuan Shao is powerful, many things are in doubt. Why worry? Cao Cao

Cutting the flag and shaking the battlefield is also a matter of course, not the owner's choice. I am willing to restrain my mind and cultivate my courage. I have Wang Ba's plan. Zhang sunquan

Husbands are the rules of the body, and they can't violate each other from top to bottom. For example, the way of running a family, if everyone participates in it personally, they will be exhausted, get into trouble and never achieve anything. Yang Qing warned Kong Ming.

(Sun Jian, Sun Ce) were frivolous and impetuous, and lost. Chen shou

(Sun Ce) It is the courage of human beings to be unprepared for those who are in a hurry and want little, and one day they will die at the hands of villains. Jia Guo

The Yangtze River is rolling eastward.

Its waves washed all the heroes.

In retrospect, right and wrong, success and failure always go up in smoke.

But Castle Peak will still be there.

Many charming nights

Bai Fa Yu Jiang Qiao Shang Jun

Accustomed to the beautiful autumn moon and gentle spring breeze.

Make good friends in the wine world

How many things have happened through the ages?

Spread in laughter!

4. The poem about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is 1. Everything is not up to people, and it is difficult to compete with life wholeheartedly. -from Shi Naian's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the first 1 13 of the Ming Dynasty.

Explanation: Nothing in the world can be changed by people, and nothing you can't fight against your fate with your best efforts.

2, the gentleman is in the world, when making meritorious deeds, the whip is the first. If you don't take it today, it's too late to regret it. -from Shi Naian's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the 60th back to the Ming Dynasty.

Explanation: When a gentleman lives in the world, he should have a goal to pursue and work hard for his career. Don't make progress, don't make progress, and it's too late to regret it when you have accomplished nothing.

I would rather teach me to be negative to the whole world than to teach the whole world to be negative to me. -from Shi Naian's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the fourth time in Ming Dynasty.

Explanation: I would rather betray the world than the world!

4, good birds choose wood to live, and good ministers choose the Lord. -from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the third time from Shi Naian in the Ming Dynasty.

Explanation: A good bird will choose a place suitable for its own survival, and a talented person will choose a wise boss to do things.

5, blood-stained robe red, who dares to compete with Dangyang! Since ancient times, only Zhao Zilong in Changshan has been the leader of the gang. -from Shi Naian's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, forty-first back to the Ming Dynasty.

Description: Blood has dyed the shirt red. Who dares to compete with it in the sun? Since ancient times, only Zhao Zilong of Changshan can rush out of the enemy and rescue the young master in danger.

6. My husband is famous all his life; Make a name for yourself and comfort yourself for life. Comfort my life, I will get drunk; I'll get drunk! -From The Romance of The Three Kingdoms by Shi Naian in the Ming Dynasty.

Explanation: The so-called gentleman is to make a name for himself. Only by making a name for yourself can we comfort life. Because the psychological comfort brought by my fame is enough to make me intoxicated, I made such crazy remarks in a drunken haze.

7, a pot of turbid wine is happy to meet, how many things in ancient and modern times, pay a joke. -from Shi Naian's Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the Ming Dynasty for the first time.

Commentary: pour a pot of turbid wine to celebrate the fate of this encounter and talk about many famous deeds since ancient times! I can't help but sigh: no matter how great the deeds are, over time, they are just people's talk after dinner!

5. The poem describing the Three Kingdoms is 1. Heroes in the Three Kingdoms have ambitions, good intentions, opportunities to hide the universe, and ambitions to seize the land.

Cao is flying thousands of miles away. He is not in the sky. Master is on one side, not the Lord. I am willing to work hard in Longmu, I love my house; I am proud of the piano book and wait for the weather.

-Kong Ming, a gentleman, was born between heaven and earth. It is unwise to do things without knowing his master! What a pity if you die today! -Tian Feng's lifestyle, that is, the art of adaptation, should he be paranoid? The same is true of the way of fighting, relying on improvisation. -Zhong Da knew one thing, but he didn't know another: the Qin Dynasty was tyrannical, and the people complained bitterly, so Gaozu was lenient and won. Today, Liu Zhang is weak, the rule of virtue is not lifted, and the punishment is not reversed; The way of monarch and minister was gradually replaced by Ling.

Pets with a position are extremely disabled; Be kind to it, and it will slowly run out. Therefore, the disadvantages are caused by this.

I use it today, and the law will know the grace; Only when you are a knight, you will know your honor. Grace and honor are one, and there are knots from top to bottom.

For Daoism, it is written in Si. -Kongming ............................................................................................................................................................................. If you stick to common sense, you can't move a step.

-Pang Shiyuan said to the generals: Don't take pleasure in victory, and don't worry about failure. -military commanders are brave and famous for their husbands; Make a name for yourself and comfort yourself for life.

Comfort my life, I will get drunk; I'll get drunk! -Zhou Yu, a gentleman, was born in troubled times, raised a three-foot sword and made great contributions; Today's ambition is unsuccessful, but how can I die! -A brave general will be a man, meet a confidant, believe in the righteousness of the monarch and the minister, have the grace of the same flesh and blood, and keep his word and plan. -Zhou Yu's immune body is good, how can he become immortal! A hermit is a human being, generous enough to succeed! Zhong Da is a strong salt, and loneliness cannot protect itself. Where are the others? -Cao Cao's servant is a scholar, but now he has been entrusted with an important task by his master, because I am big and small and can bear the burden of humiliation.

-Yuan, general, forgive the outside and avoid the inside, regardless of loyalty. If you win and rejoice, you can still forgive me; It's a pity to be defeated today, and I don't expect to live.

-comment on Yuan Shao's arrogance and cowardice, and his boldness; Do great things and cherish your health, but forget your life when you see Xiao Li: you are not a hero. -Comment on Yuan Shao (Yuan Shao, Liu Biao), who is broad outside and taboo inside, resourceful, indecisive, talented but unable to use, rewarding good but unable to accept, abandoning officials and advocating love. -Chen Shouliang is ambitious but can't see opportunities. He seeks more but decides less. He is a good soldier but has no right. Although he raised hundreds of thousands of soldiers, he fell into my painting and was going to die.

-Zhong Da evaluation Cao Yisheng suspicious. Although he could fight, he was defeated by suspicion. -Kong Ming commented that General Cao Cao entrusted the name of submission from the outside, but doubted his opinion from the inside. It never rains but it pours! -Kong Ming said: Although Sun Quan and Yuan Shao are strong, they have a lot of doubts. Why worry about them? -Cao Cao beheaded the general and raised the flag, which shocked the battlefield greatly, but it was also partial and not suitable for the master.

I am willing to restrain my mind and cultivate my courage. I have Wang Ba's plan. -Zhang Zhao admonished Sun Quanfu that his superiors and subordinates should not infringe upon each other.

For example, the way of running a family, if everyone participates in it personally, they will be exhausted, get into trouble and never achieve anything.

-Yang Qing remonstrated with Kongming (Sun Jian and Sun Ce), who was frivolous and defeated. -Chen Shou (Sun Ce) underestimates the enemy unprepared and is impatient and resourceful. He is a brave man, and one day he will die at the hands of a villain.

-Guo Jia is rolling along the Yangtze River, with no waves and no heroes. Success or failure turns to empty castle mountain. I am still used to watching the autumn moon, the spring breeze, a pot of turbid wine, and how many things meet in ancient and modern times. 2. Describe Du Fu of Shu Xiang [Tang Dynasty] in the Three Kingdoms period, which is the temple of the famous prime minister, in a deep pine forest near the Silk City. The steps are dotted with green grass in spring, and birds are chirping happily under the leaves.

The third call aggravated his state affairs, and he gave his sincerity to two generations. But before he conquered, he died, and since then the heroes have been crying on their coats! This is an eight-array picture of Zhuge Liang [Tang] written by Du Fu. The Three Kingdoms are divided and bound by his greatness, and the Eight Faces Castle is built on his reputation.

This river won't divert the stones from your disposal, and you will always regret that you will destroy Wu's unwise. It is also Zhuge Liang's book Anger. When Lu You was young, he knew that the world was unbearable and the Central Plains was like a mountain.

It snowed all night in the building, and the autumn wind dispersed in the iron horse. Stuck on the Great Wall and make an empty promise, the sideburns in the mirror have long faded.

Who is the real name debut? He is still Zhuge Liang's Niannujiao Chibi and his nostalgic Shihe No Return, a romantic figure through the ages. To the west of the old camp, people say it's the War of the Three Kingdoms, Battle of Red Cliffs.

The steep rock wall, like thunder waves lapping against the river bank, waves like rolling up thousands of snow. The majestic rivers and mountains are picturesque, and many heroes emerge at once.

Looking back on Zhou Yu's spring breeze era, young and beautiful Joe just married him, and he was full of heroic spirit. Feather fan brocade (guān) towel, laughing and laughing, Qiang (qiáng) is like smoke.

I am wandering in the battlefield today. I feel a feeling heart and give birth to white hair prematurely. Life is like a dream, a bottle of (zūn) returns to the moon (lèi).

Chibi, Zhu Tao case, Chibi fireboat burning flags. If xelloss is loyal to the Han Dynasty, how dare Zhou Lang break Julian Waghann?

Yongchibi decoction. Li Bai and Erlong fought for the front, and Chibi Building swept the floor. The fire shone on the sea of clouds, and Zhou Yu broke Tsao Gong here.

Tang Du Mu, a poet in Chibi, lost his halberd (jǐ), but did not sell the iron, washed it and recognized the former dynasty. If the east wind is not convenient for Zhou Yu, I'm afraid the outcome will be Cao Cao's victory and Er Qiao's detention in Tongquetai.

Yang Shen, a wise man in Linjiang, rolled the Yangtze River eastward, and the waves scoured out heroes. Success or failure has turned empty, the green hills are still there, and the sunset is a few degrees red.

On the white-haired fishing bridge in Zhu Jiang (the incarnation of ZH), I often watch the autumn moon in the spring breeze. A pot of turbid wine is happy to meet, and many things in ancient and modern times are paid in a joke.

Nanxiangzi went to Beijing and Gu Beiting was pregnant with Song Xin Qi Ji. Where can I see China? Full of scenery, Gu Bei Building. How many things have gone up and down through the ages? Youyou! The Yangtze River stretches as far as the eye can see.

Young, móu, sitting in the southeast, the war has not stopped. Who is the world hero? Cao Liu! Having children is like Sun's plan.

3. The characters of the Three Kingdoms sang that Guan Yu wanted to cut his robe, which was earth-shattering. When Hua Xiong was chopped by warm wine, the ghost cried in the middle of the night. Everyone knows the man with a beard.

The gossip and five elements are reversed, the broadsword travels thousands of miles, and the west is cool. Step over the red rabbit and the dragon.

Singing Zhang Zhaoyun There is a tiger drinking water on the Changban Bridge. In a bloody battle in Dangyang, Zhang He was defeated in front of Wakouguan. Fly to the river today.

The enemy of Zhang Ba Snake Spear lost his mind. After the age of 70, he beheaded five generals, as well as Zhang Yide of the Yan State in the Three Kingdoms. Changshan Zhao is famous.

Singing the tiger generals of Changshan, Changshan has its own tiger generals, and Zhou Li has made great achievements. The outcome determines the rise and fall of Shu. The valley above is on fire.

The silver gun is invincible, but Sima died first, and the history books should always be remembered. The poor help the heroes.

Hua tuo's wonderful hand can rejuvenate, and Yun Chang has a sense of proportion in his heart. Pull open the skin to expose people's fear and shock, and scrape the bones to cure a pot of poisonous blood.

6. Poems praising Liu Bei during the Three Kingdoms Period:

Final accounts management works wonders, and Erhu is definitely not as good as Yi Long.

You can do a lot when you first come out, so you should divide it into loneliness and poverty.

Praise Guan Yu:

Wei Zhen Gan Kun's first work, Yuanmen painted drums, sounded in winter and winter.

Yun Chang stopped and saw that he was brave. He beheaded Hua Xiong while the wine was still hot.

Praise Liu Guan, Zhang Sanying and Lu Bu;

In the Han dynasty, the scorching red sun would set in the west every happy day.

Treacherous court official Dong Zhuo abolished the young emperor, and Liu Xie was frightened by his cowardice.

Cao Cao told the world that all the ministers were angry.

Yuan Shao was appointed as the leader of the alliance and vowed to help the royal family settle down.

Hou Wenlv is unique in the world, and his talents are all over the world.

The protector made by the silver armor dragon forest, the golden crown pheasant tail.

The jagged treasure belt swallows the beast flat, and the brocade robe flies like a phoenix.

Dragon balls flutter in the wind, while halberds shoot autumn waters.

Who dares to fight when going through customs? The vassals were frightened.

Zhang Jide, a Yan man, fired eight shots with a snake spear.

The tiger must turn the gold thread upside down before the lightning can open its eyes.

The battle was tied, and Guan Yunchang was annoyed at the front.

Qinglong Baodao can frost and snow, and parrot shirts can fly butterflies.

Horseshoe ghosts cry everywhere, and now anger should bleed.

Liu Bei, a fierce man, shouldered a double front and inspired Shi Yonglie.

Three people played around for a long time, and the shelter was resting.

The shouts shook the earth and the murderous look was overwhelming.

Lu bu wanted to find a way, but looked at his mountain and flattered him.

Dragging Fang Tianji backwards, covered with colorful golden banners.

Tear down the tapestry to Red Rabbit, turn over and fly to Hulao Pass.

Praise Lu Bu:

Hou Wen, a god who shot the world, once saved the danger from Yuanmen alone.

The sunset really deceives Hou Yi, and the ape wants to win.

When the tiger tendon rings, the bow opens, the eagle feathers fly and the arrow arrives.

The leopard's tail shakes over the painting halberd, and the male soldier takes off his clothes.

Praise Liu Bei:

Mian temporarily went to the tiger's den and said that the hero was killed.

Clever use of thunder to cover up and improvise.

Praise Liu Bei:

Be prepared to hurry and think about heaven and language.

Break through the cage and escape from the tiger and leopard, unlock the golden lock and stay away from the dragon.

Praise Guan Yu:

Hang a gold seal to bid farewell to the Han Dynasty and look forward to the return of my brother.

A horse riding a red rabbit travels a thousand miles, and a knife Donlon goes through five levels.

Loyalty and righteousness rushed to the universe, and the hero was shocked from then on.

If you go it alone, you will be invincible.

Praise zhaoyun:

Blood-stained robes are red, who dares to compete with the sun?

Since ancient times, only Zhao Zilong in Changshan has been the leader of the gang.

Praise Zhang Fei:

Nagsaka's bridge was murderous, and the horizontal gun immediately opened its eyes.

With a loud noise, Lei Zhen seems to have defeated Cao Cao's million-strong army alone.

Praise Guan Yu:

If you looked down on Chen Wu as a child, you went to the meeting alone and dared to bully.

At that time, there was a sense of heroism, as if you were in Mianchi.

Zan Huang Zhong:

The pale head faces the enemy and the head is arrogant.

Carve a bow with strength, and the wind meets snow.

Male voices are like tigers, and horses are like dragonflies.

He has made great contributions to expand the territory to show the imperial city.

Praise zhaoyun:

In the past, I fought in Nagasaka, and my prestige has not diminished.

The sudden array shows heroes, and the brave are surrounded.

Ghosts cry with god, and the sky is terrible.

Changshan Zhao Zilong is full of courage.

Praise Guan Yu:

At midnight, Xiangfan is as flat as an abyss.

Guan Gong's divinity can be compared with others, and China's reputation has been passed down from generation to generation.