Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is Cang Yue's novel "Xiye Jing" really a book or did she write it herself? Thank you.

Is Cang Yue's novel "Xiye Jing" really a book or did she write it herself? Thank you.

She wrote it herself, but it is a parody of Shan Hai Jing Ye Xi Jing as follows:

On the other side of the northwest sea, in a corner of the wilderness, there is a disharmonious mountain called the bad son, guarded by two yellow beasts. If there is water, it is called cold water. There are wet mountains in the west and curtain mountains in the east. To attack Gonggong Mountain.

There is a country called Shu, the son of Zhuan Xu.

There are ten gods, named Nu Wa Chang, who became gods and lived in the wilderness of Li Guang. Cross the road.

Some people call it eleven, the wind comes to Wei, located in the northwest corner to divide the length of the sun and the moon.

There are five birds with five crowns, called crazy birds.

There are long mountains in osawa. There is a white country.

On the other side of the Northwest Sea and to the east of Chishui, there is a country with long legs.

There is a country in the Western Zhou Dynasty, whose surname is Ji and whose name is Shibuya. Some people plow the fields and are called uncles. The emperor gave birth to Hou Ji, and the millet descended into the valley. Ji said that Tai Yin was born by his uncle. My uncle sowed hundreds of millet and began to farm. There is a wife in a red country. This is Shuang Shan.

Outside the west sea, in the wild, there is a square mountain with green trees, called the pine of the cabinet, and the sun and the moon come and go.

Beyond the Northwest Sea and to the west of Chishui, there is a country of our ancestors, which eats grains and makes four birds.

That's the land in northern Germany. The grandson of the Yellow Emperor said that the beginning is the beginning, and the beginning is the birth of the Northern Emperor.

And Mangshan Mountain. And Kameyama. There is a fairy mountain with someone on it, Prince Chang Qin of posthumous title. Zhuan Xu gave birth to old boys, old boys gave birth to Zhu Rong, and Zhu Rong gave birth to Prince Changqing, which was a great success in Xianshan.

There are five kinds of bird gatherers: one is the imperial bird, the other is the phoenix bird, and the other is the phoenix bird.

There is a worm-like shape, and the back of the chest is bare blue.

In the wild, there is a mountain called Fengju Yumen, where the sun and the moon enter.

There are Lingshan, Wuxian, Wu Yi, Wu Pan, Wu Peng, Gu Wu, Zhen Wu, Wu Li, Wu Di, Wu Xie and Wu Luo, and all kinds of medicines have been here since then.

There are mountains of the Queen Mother in the west, valleys and seamounts. Where there is fertile land, there are fertile people. Wozhiye, the phoenix birds eat eggs and drink nectar. No matter what it wants, its taste will remain. There are dried flowers, Xuangui, Gandai, Yaobi, Mu Bai, Bai Liu, Shishou, Ji Lang, Baidan, Qingdan and Duoyintie. Couples sing in pairs, birds and birds dance together, and there are many animals living in groups, which is called Wozhiye.

There are three blue robins, with red heads and black eyes. One is big, the other is small, and the other is blue robins.

There is a Xuanyuan platform, and the shooter is afraid to shoot to the west for fear of Xuanyuan platform.

In the wild, there is Longshan, the sun and the moon. There is Sanze water, called Sannao, which Kunwu ate.

Some people wear blue clothes and cover their faces with their costumes. This is called the ugly corpse of a woman.

A land of women.

There is Taoshan. There is a mountain. And Kameyama. There is a mountain on the earth.

A country with a husband.

There is a country where birds face the sky and are called songbirds. There is a phoenix singing and dancing.

There is a country of Xuanyuan. It is auspicious to live in the south of this country. Whoever lives long is 800 years old.

In the West Sea, there is a god, a bird with a face, two green snakes and two red snakes. They are called ji zi.

In the wilderness, there are mountains called Sun Moon Mountain and Shu Tian Mountain. Wuying Tianmen is a place where the sun and the moon enter. There is a god, a man with no arms on his face and his feet belong to the head mountain. His name is SHH. Zhuan Xu gave birth to a old boys, and old boys gave birth to Li. The emperor ordered Li Qiong to descend to earth. The atmosphere is congested, and it is in the west pole, which enables it to travel around the sun, the moon and the stars.

Some people turn against each other, which is called Tianyu.

There was a woman's party bathed in moonlight. Di Jun's wife often gave birth twice in ten months, so she began to take a bath.

Take Xuandan Mountain. There are birds with five colors, but people have hair. Do you have blue pelicans and yellow pelicans? ? Jade bird and yellow bird whose collection is the death of the country.

There is a pool named Meng Yizhi's attack on Zhuan Xu Pool.

In the wilderness, there are people whose mountains are huge, and the sun and the moon enter.

There is a beast with a head on the left and a head on the right, which is called a screen.

And Wushan people. Those who have valleys and mountains. There is the Golden Gate Mountain, and some people call it Huang Ying's body. There are birds with wings. There are Bai Niao, Qingyi, Huang Wei and Xuanniao. There are red dogs, called Tiangou, and there are soldiers under them.

South of the West Sea, on the shore of quicksand, behind Chishui and before Blackwater, there is a mountain called Kunlun Mountain. There is a god, a man with a tiger face, and a man with a tail. All white is everywhere. Below it, there is a deep circle of weak water, and outside it, it is a burning volcano, so it is useless to throw things. Some people, Dai Sheng, are called the Queen Mother of the West. This mountain has everything.

There is a mountain in the wild called Changyang Mountain, where the sun and the moon enter.

A cold and arid country. There are two women's sacrifices and a woman's mouth.

Longevity hemp country. Nanyue married a Zhoushan woman named Nvqian. Female piety gives birth to Giger, and Giger gives birth to longevity hemp. Shouma stood without a scene and her voice was silent. It's very hot, so you can't go.

Some people, headless, fucking Godfrey, named Xia Geng's body. So, Cheng Tang cut Xia Jie in Zhangshan, and he was defeated. Farming has been established, headless, and the Wushan monster has fallen.

A man named Ng Wui, Zuo Qi, has no right arm.

There is a mountainous country. With trees, red-skinned branches and green leaves, it is called Zhu Mu.

There is a people's army.

In the wild, there are mountains, called wild mountains, and the sun and the moon enter. People have three sides. They are Zhuan Xu's sons. They have three sides and one arm. People on three sides will never die. It's called the wilderness.

Beyond the southwest sea, south of Chishui and west of quicksand, there are two green snakes riding two dragons, named Xia Houkai. Go to heaven three times and get the following nine arguments and nine songs. On this day, the acre of wild land is two kilometers high, so it is difficult to play "Nine strokes".

There is a mutually beneficial country. Emperor Yan's grandson said that the necromancer gives birth to a hundred people, and they can go to heaven and go to heaven.

Some fish are dead, so they are called fish women. Zhuan Xu came back from the dead. The wind tunnel comes from the north, and the sky reaches the big water spring. The snake turned into a fish, not for the fish woman. Zhuan Xu came back from the dead.

There are six bluebirds, yellow and barefoot, called tuna.

There is a great Wushan Mountain. There is a golden mountain. In the southwest, in the middle of the field, there is a mountain with partial sentences and sheep

Cang Yue wrote:

On land, between Liuhe and within the four seas, there is a fairy continent called Yunhuang. According to the sun and the moon, calendar stars, Ji at four o'clock, Tai Sui, God born, its different things, or days or longevity, saints can understand.


The green Chishui River meets the navel of the mainland and becomes a lake. Fiona Fang is thousands of miles away, and this is a "mirror". The lake can't be crossed, and the birds fly and sink. In order to avoid capture, Jiao Ren often sneaked into the deep water area, which is the stronghold of the Zionist army. In the middle of the lake, the water surface is the mirror image of the twin cities of Galand and Colorless. Judie, the star statue, is colorless for the Millennium disaster, echoing Galand. There is a passage between the two cities, near the Sangwangling, which must have been opened by Wang Heli of the Sixth Department. The exit of the passage is the body of six kings, bound by six people. Every night, the army of the dead in Kongsang flies out on horseback.

chishui river

Chishui came out on the lonely mountain, which stained the tears of the nobles of Sangguo, so the color was reddish. Cross the desert and flow eastward to Jinghu Lake. Its water is bitter and salty, as cold as ice and snow, and there is nothing in it. The bodies of the Hundred Years' War can be seen and will never rot.


The western mountainous area, located at the end of the western land, is covered with ice and snow all year round. There is only one kind of plant on the mountain, which looks like a poplar, with red stripes on its bark. Its juice is like blood, but it does not bear fruit, so it is called art. At night, I turned into a man, overlooking the mirror lake on the top of the mountain and came out crying. People say that they were originally nobles of Kongsang Kingdom, and they were captured by Bing Yi and imprisoned in a lonely mountain, including the family affairs of the king.

Yunfu site

It is the former residence of Yunfu people, in which there is a deep chessboard and a tower named Aita. Yunfu people have wings on their backs and can soar for nine days.

Sun Moon Lake

Above the desert, there is Sun Moon Lake, where Chishui meets and is surrounded by oases.

extreme sleepiness

In the desert, there are sandmen resting under trees, catching travelers as food.

-"Liuhe Book Wild West Sutra"

There is a big difference between the two.