Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Tell me about six Buddhists from Asura and test your reincarnation.

Tell me about six Buddhists from Asura and test your reincarnation.

Special mention is made to this "Da Bao Ji Classic". Which cycle did you know about the six divisions in the wheel of karma?

Every cycle from the Six Paths will bring some unique habits. Through these habits, we can judge which way we or others are reincarnated. In this regard, the seventy-second volume of Dabao Jing has a detailed record-the body of all sentient beings in the world is a cause and effect; There are no beings in the world who have no "habits", their physical appearance, words and deeds, and behaviors. Every sentient creature has his reasons for being used to it. You can tell where he is from by his foreign minister's words and deeds. Habits are like garlic. Even if it is crushed and sprinkled with perfume, it is difficult to eliminate the smell. Birds of a feather flock together, and all living beings get together because of their habits, and create a common cause.

First of all, all life that came out of hell and was born on earth.

1. Listen to his hissing voice, like the voice of a donkey. It's loud, and it's violent and impatient when you yell.

2. This person often talks less and talks more, which is hard to be believed, as if he has no relatives or friends.

This man is ugly, disrespectful to the teacher and doesn't believe in Buddhism.

4. unfilial and unjust, shameless.

5. If you kill well, you often do evil.

6. This person is short-lived but not long-lived.

7. Seeing good is hard to become bodhi.

Look at the above, such people throw humanity out of hell and are doomed to fall into three evil ways after death.

Second, all beings born in the world come out of the animal path.

1. This person is mentally retarded, stupid and lacking in wisdom, without proper limit, and lazy.

2. Eat more, don't be picky about thickness (it doesn't matter if you eat anything dirty, it doesn't matter if you are complacent).

3. The personality is awkward, violent and abrupt (reckless).

This person is strong and often carries heavy loads (as strong as an ox, suitable for carrying heavy objects).

People who like to make friends with fools are bosom friends.

6. I like to roll my feet (lying habit).

7. Lying on the ground at any time and place can't avoid being dirty.

8. I like being naked, and I'm not ashamed.

9. The heart is often hypocritical, often different, and often unconscious.

10. It's untrue to talk nonsense and flatter others.

1 1. likes to seek other people's property and always loves to pay off debts.

12. Seeing the good and not caring, not believing in the Dharma, often committing ten evils.

Such beings wander back and forth between life and death in an evil way. After countless years of disasters, this person is rare in this world, but it is still the case. So after death, I returned to the sea of misery and fell into the beast road.

Third, all sentient beings in the world are hungry ghosts.

1. It looks dark, thin and dull.

2. Short and bad hair, Huang Chi, pale and wavy, wrinkled nose, glaring, staring straight with white eyes (crooked nose, fierce eyes, white eyes exposed, straight eyes).

I often feel hungry, thirsty and want to eat.

I am greedy and jealous, and I feel timid and afraid when I see officials.

5. Insist on Jaken, talk behind people's backs (talk behind people's backs and stir up trouble), and talk about him (speak ill of people).

6. I am greedy and lustful, and I love to accumulate money and material things, but I can't give up giving to all beings.

7. Tired of good people, they don't like good things, but only believe evil things.

8. When you see money and property, you can't help stealing.

9. Always insatiable, stealing hearts, never satisfied, and resenting a little loss.

10. If you get a little money, it will be cheaper, and you will have joy in your heart; You will be jealous if you are not greedy for money.


After the end of this life, first fall into hell, after countless years, and then come out of hell, generating ghosts, and so on. The Buddha told the layman: You are confused, evil and stupid. You don't know what goes around comes around. You don't know what is good, and you don't know the above beings.

Fourth, casting all beings in the world from Xiuluo Road.

1. Born in the world, I am arrogant. I am slow-minded and don't believe in Buddhism. My motivation to become a Buddhist occasionally is not simple. I fought hard to break the peace for the benefit and hurt my classmates.

2. I like to get angry (I get angry easily) and I like to fight with others.

3. Very narrow-minded, very good at holding grudges, very good at hating evil (very good at holding grudges, very good at retaliating against others until they are brought down, hating others, looking down on others, jealous, so often disgusting).

This statement is flattering, extremely untrue and deceptive.

5. People who pay debts (even swear if they break the contract).

6. He is tall and strong (tall and burly), with white eyes and round anger (white eyes, wide eyes and angry), sparse teeth (sparse teeth, sharp teeth, exposed), brave and powerful (mighty), and his heart is full of war (always wanting to fight, fighting, for example, enjoying the war game in the wild).

7. Always fighting, never ending (endless hatred).

8. Both tongues are broken (they are good at gossiping and making people inseparable), and the harmony of good people is alienated.

9. Despise sages, talk about the merits of sages, and slander good people.

Because of this, this man directly fell into hell after his death and never came out again, and then reincarnated into other evil ways with his karma, and finally fell into Ashura Road.

Fifth, reincarnate from human nature (reincarnate after death from human nature)

1. virtuous and upright, close to good friends, often loyal and filial.

2. If a wicked person slanders and slanders him, this person will not deal with his slanderer in the end, because this person cherishes his family, is brave after knowing shame, and is honest and trustworthy.

3. Love fame and fortune (like fame, praised by people), be skillful in nature (skillful in skills), and respect the wise.

4. Be ashamed and soft-hearted, and be kind to those who take care of themselves.

5. There is no violation of the teaching of good knowledge.

6. Be kind-hearted, honor your adoptive parents, be a monk, and be careful and respectful.

7. Know people's priorities and get things done.

8. Be kind and always believe in Buddha (know the way of harmony, love Buddha and believe in Buddha).

9. Be good at giving, and always repair and support.

10. Not tolerant of debts, not responsible for others (unwilling to pay debts, not abandoning, not betraying others).

1 1. A little rich, good at doing good deeds, attracting others, knowing that it will make you happy.

People like this are born directly in the sky, will not fall into hell, will be reborn, will only suffer great happiness, will not suffer the pain of the audience, and often get a life for a life. Buddha said: outsiders have no wisdom and are not good at knowing people. These views are not known to fools or ordinary people.

Six, from heaven to human reincarnation


2. I like to wear fancy clothes, like incense, always love fresh and clean, and choose virtuous people as friends.

I often like singing and dancing.

Changle is a tall building and doesn't live next door.

5. Be a smiling person, be virtuous, speak softly, be skillful and convenient, and speak sincerely, so that everyone who listens can believe in joy, speak without hurting people and have great wisdom.

6. Always dress appropriately.

7. This person is kind and willing to become a monk.

8. If you are a teacher, you should diligently practice the purification method, learn Buddhism and Taoism, do not love fame and fortune in the world, and aspire to supreme bodhi.

9. Such a person is wise, robbed of practice, difficult to raise, does not measure with heart, and does not need to see with eyes. This is a virtuous man, and he is blessed when he sees life. If he practices pure precepts, he will soon be regarded as the supreme bodhi.