Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - I am a manual worker with a standard weight, but my hands, face and meat are not thick. They said I had no property.

I am a manual worker with a standard weight, but my hands, face and meat are not thick. They said I had no property.

Facial features of people born without wealth

This face is characterized by the worst luck.

Low forehead

Forehead is a manifestation of one's thinking and competitiveness. People with low foreheads are often not competitive enough, so they are short-sighted In this way, people always choose soft persimmons to eat and always choose easy things to do. Where there is cheap, it is easy to be greedy for small and lose big. They not only ignore the overall situation, but also be led by money.

The eyebrows are messy and the tail is sparse (long)

Eyebrows are messy, like brooms, so they are also called "broom eyebrows". This kind of person's attitude towards things is anticlimactic, and it is often not easy to succeed, and most of them break money for trivial matters and can't keep money. There is no limit to spending money, especially for people in their thirties and thirties.

Sag of cheekbone

From the appearance of cheekbones, we can see a person's responsibility and courage, and we can also feel his majesty and ambition. Therefore, when people with unsmooth cheekbones are in debt, they are not afraid to pay back, but when they are in debt, they are easily chased by money.

The grid is very short

It is said that "the sky is full, and the pavilion is Fiona Fang" is a rich phase, in which the pavilion is the part of the chin. People who don't have cabinets, that is, people with short chins, mostly have the concept of "drinking today and getting drunk today". Without planning their own finances, they will easily leave debts.

Five senses born without wealth.

1, broad forehead

People with broad foreheads are generous, proud and generous, especially in front of friends. When going out together, they always pay the bill first. Therefore, although it is easier for such people to make money, they lose money quickly and it is difficult to save money.

2, the eyebrows are messy

People with thin and messy eyebrows lack the mind to manage money and are particularly willing to spend money on eating and drinking. Basically, they spend as much as they earn, with their left hands in and their right hands out.

3. Small eyes and prominent eyes

People with such five senses like to make friends, be loyal to friends, and be trusted and welcomed by friends. However, such people are easily calculated because of their integrity, thus losing money.

4. The nose hole is exposed.

In the face, the nose represents a person's fortune, and the appearance of the nose can best see the quality of a person's fortune. If the bridge of the nose collapses, it means that this person has poor ability to make money and has no money to manage. If the nose is big and the nose is small, this person is first-class in making money but not good at managing money. If the nose is full and the wings are big, but the nostrils are exposed, people pay more attention to life enjoyment, and often lose everything because of excessive consumption.

Step 5 keep your mouth shut

In the face, the mouth is in charge of a person's food and fortune. If his mouth is too big and not tightly closed, he usually likes to keep his mouth open, and his money is not easy to keep. Whether he invests heavily or gambles, he is prone to bad luck and lose money.

6. The teeth are uneven and thin.

If a person's teeth are sparse and irregular, the color is dark yellow, and the shape is sharp and thin, it means that this person is easy to lose money and it is difficult to save money. Moreover, most of these people are not healthy, easy to get sick, and often lose everything because of seeing a doctor.

The face of a woman born without wealth.

First, women's eyebrows affect wealth.

If a person's eyebrows are thick and messy, a woman with this characteristic will have a big temper and be impulsive, so she will often unconsciously scatter money. Obviously, the money that can be obtained will also be contested by peers or colleagues, and it will be no use in the end.

Second, a woman's nose affects her fortune.

Many people think that only a woman's nose is big, which is one-sided. Girls' noses should be handsome and straight. If she is too big, she will be lazy or masculine, lacking gentleness, and will spread her wealth because of poor management.

If a person's nose is big and red, people with these five senses can make money, but they will be extravagant, impatient and prone to mistakes. If the nose is small and the nostrils are upturned, people with these five senses will have a strong curiosity about some things and often can't control themselves. If they buy something novel, their money will be dispersed soon.

If the nose is full and there are moles on the nostrils, people with these five senses say that they will have money but it is difficult to keep it, and it is easy to get in the way of doing things, and it is rare to have noble people to help them. It takes a lot of effort to get something.

The girl's nose is very small, and her nose is soft and collapsed. It is destined to be a postal marriage. If you get married at the same age, one result will be divorce, and the other result will be that your husband is incompetent and has been busy all his life, but he has got nothing, and his life is hard and his fortune is poor.

Third, women's ears affect wealth.

If a person's ear beads are big, but their ear holes are small, or the outline of their ears is obviously everted, people with these five senses have no good judgment, are unwilling to accept other people's opinions, and their wealth is not ideal, and they often offend others.

Women's ears are very small, and if they are out of proportion to their faces, their ability to gather money is limited. Even if they got a lot of money at that time, they would eventually be scattered because they couldn't gather money.

Fourth, women's mouth shape and wealth.

If a person's mouth is prominent, sharp, or the person is wrong, people with such facial features are easy to get into trouble, so it often happens that the villain suffers.

A woman with a big mouth can not only eat, but also make money. However, if she can't keep her mouth shut, her wealth will run out.

Fifth, a woman's teeth see wealth.

If the gap between teeth is large, people with such characteristics will often miss or break money, so they need to pay more attention.

Women's teeth come in and out irregularly, which will still affect their wealth, and their wealth will be unstable all their lives. Even public officials have money today and no money tomorrow.

Six, look at a woman's fortune with your fingers (fortune telling www.azg

If a person's thumb is crooked, that is, when it is extended, a person with such palm reading characteristics can be said to be a great person. Whenever they are with friends, they will rush to the front to pay the bill; Moreover, they can't stand the temptation and often let themselves go bankrupt.

If there is a big gap between the fingers after the palm is unfolded, people with this feature will find it difficult to save money. They love face very much and often take on things beyond their ability, and the result is always laborious and costly. I suggest you think twice before you do anything.

Seventh, women see wealth with their feet.

If a person's feet are thin and thin, and there are no lines on the soles of his feet, people with this characteristic will work hard all their lives, and it is not easy to keep money, and money will often come and go.

Eighth, women see wealth in their cheekbones.

Women's cheekbones are high, round or explicit, all of which are poor in wealth. They tend to meddle around and worry about things at random, so they can't concentrate on one thing, so they often invest in poor wealth.

Ninth, women's cheekbones look at wealth.

Female cheekbones are pointed, fleshless, and the craftsmanship is inverted triangle. This face: there is no cheek opposite, where are the guests? Even if you have money now, you will eventually disappear in your old age, and the evening scenery will be bleak.

Facial features with narrow forehead

What about people with narrow foreheads?

1, the career of people with narrow foreheads

In social life, these people don't like to be competitive. They pay more attention to the peace and tranquility of life, so they won't achieve much in their careers, but they usually live and work in peace and contentment.

2. People with narrow foreheads treat love.

In love, they are not very tough people, and they can't bravely face the people they like. Once you meet a girl you like, you are willing to pay unconditionally. Therefore, such people are generally happier in their family life.

3. People with narrow foreheads.

Narrow face, narrow forehead and narrow heart. If the distance is low, you are a little narrow-minded and can't accept other people's opinions. You need to make yourself more cheerful. If the distance between the left and right is narrow, it is natural endowment and intelligence. Childish personality. When you lose your temper, you will be unreasonable regardless of the occasion, regardless of the occasion, and you will have an impulsive tendency. Personality is more willful, and he often makes some wishful actions.

People with narrow foreheads work for others.

People with narrow foreheads are practical and earnest, and their thinking is not sharp enough. They often give up easily because of a little setback, but they are kind and easy to get along with.

A face with a narrow forehead

A man's forehead is too narrow.

1, a man with a narrow forehead, is not keen in thinking and is an honest man who works diligently and practically.

2, a man with a narrow forehead, lack of intelligence, poor fortune in his early years, many twists and turns in his fate, and easy to learn bad.

3, the forehead is low and narrow or a lot of pits, the future will generally not be too smooth, the career is changeable, and male chauvinism.

4. The overall fortune of people with narrow foreheads and narrow foreheads, and the face of people with narrow foreheads is generally not too wide, which is difficult to accommodate people; The fortune is not very smooth. Take it out on others when you are in a bad mood.

5, the forehead is narrow, the hair on both sides covers the warehouse, and the head is small. The main intelligence is not high, narrow-minded, soft and impatient, and the childhood living environment is not good.

A woman's forehead is too narrow.

1, a woman's forehead represents a person's youth luck (15-30 years old), and a round and full woman's forehead can be prosperous.

2. People with narrow foreheads are born in a bad environment and have a small amount of life. People with narrow, low and pointed foreheads are not smart, stupid, small in measurement and unhappy in marriage. Those with narrow foreheads and large pavilions are like water to put out a fire. Such people have worked hard all their lives and many have failed.

3, the narrow face of a woman's forehead directly affects her husband's fortune. If her forehead collapses, low and narrow, then the marriage will certainly not go smoothly. Such a woman's heart is drier than the sky, and she demands too much from men and can't find a good man.

4, a woman's forehead is narrow, but full as a wall, such a woman is far-sighted, not misled by the superficial form, choose a stable and ruthless man who can marry your husband.

Generally speaking, if the forehead is slightly narrow, young people's fortune is not very good. It can be said that it is very difficult to ship before the age of 30. It can be said that a high forehead is good, and a high IQ forehead indicates intelligence. It can't explain any economic situation. It can even be said that people with good economic conditions earn mostly hard money.

6. People with narrow foreheads are more cautious and easy to miss opportunities. You should cultivate your work style of making decisions. Of course, this personality also makes this person more suitable for academic or intellectual work.

7. The width between the forehead and the eyebrows is based on the width of three fingers. A forehead with less than three fingers is too low. People with too low foreheads have extremely poor intelligence. People with too narrow foreheads are also extremely poor and stubborn and lazy.

Personality analysis of people with narrow foreheads

People with narrow foreheads are down-to-earth and earnest, their thinking is not sharp enough, and they don't have much perseverance. They often give up easily because of a little setback, but they are kind and easy to get along with.

People with narrow foreheads seem to have a gentle and subtle feeling when they punch holes. In fact, such people are not timid, but honest people who are sincere and step by step. If we use the analogy of tortoise and rabbit race, then they are real turtles.

However, the narrower the forehead, the more childish the personality. If they lose their temper, they will not only ignore the situation, but also be unreasonable and impulsive. Personality is more willful, and he often makes some wishful actions.

In social life, these people don't like to be competitive, they pay more attention to the peace and tranquility of life, so although they won't achieve much, they generally live and work in peace and contentment. (fortune telling www.azg

In love, they are generally the kind of people who are not very tough. They are also willing to pay sincere attention to their lovers. Once an object is locked, they love each other until they are old, and such a person's family life will be relatively happy. Because they are more willful and impulsive, it is much more likely that such people secretly love others.

If you want a lover or wife who can love you all your life, then a person with a narrow forehead will be your ideal choice, and a person with a wide forehead will only be a butterfly flying around in your life.