Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - "Dad, where was I before I was born?" -A question and answer about your past life and future life

"Dad, where was I before I was born?" -A question and answer about your past life and future life

"Dad, where was I before I was born?"

"Of course it's in mom's belly!"

"I already know this! Mom said that I grew up cell by cell in her belly and then regenerated. What I asked was: Where am I in front of the cell? "

"Oh ... Dad, do you mean that you are in your heart? Or your consciousness, your mind must be' that you'? "


"Oh my god, what you ask is one of the most difficult philosophical propositions! For thousands of years, countless philosophical coffees have failed to give an answer! "

"Nothing, Dad, just tell me what you think."

"It's a pity that Dad really didn't think about it seriously!"

After a moment of silence, I said, "Dad, think about it, and then we'll discuss it. Dad asks you another question first today. "


"Just said you, before you become a cell, we don't know where it is. But now, do you know where it is? "

"Well ... of course in my body, in my head!"

"Are you? Isn't it in your school at the moment? ..... not in the White House? ..... not on the moon or in space? ..... Not in the room where Zhuan stabbed Liao Wang? ..... not in the Avengers 4 Armageddon battlefield? ……"

Every time I ask, I stop and let him think and feel.

"no! Still in my mind! "

"So when dad asked you just now, did you think of school, the White House, the moon, space, fish-intestines sword and Iron Man?"

The son thought for a moment and said, "Alas, there really is!" "

I said, "son, have you found that' that you' is very powerful?" You can go anywhere at any time, even in a virtual movie scene. It is omnipotent! "

My son's eyes have been rolling and he feels "omnipotent"!

I went on to say, "Can that you be bigger than the universe or smaller than the electrons?" You can go back to a long time ago or cross into the distant future; You can get anywhere without obstacles, and the speed is faster than the speed of light. In this world, in this universe, no one can bind' that you'! "

The son's eyes widened and he couldn't keep up.

At this time, I continued to talk and play freely for a while. "'that you' is actually Tai Chi. What is Tai Chi? To the extreme, also to the extreme, all-encompassing, all-encompassing is Tai Chi. Then you are the Tao. Tao in Tao Te Ching is both an existence and a law, covering everything. You are the Buddha, the first object you need to respect and pray for. You are God, God, God, the absolute master of your universe and the world ... "

"What is all this?" My son's words brought me back to the real world.

"Anyway,' that you' is very powerful?"

"Well ..." The son said in a daze.

"Let's talk about it here today, let dad think about your problem, and then we'll discuss it."

Since then, the problem of my son has been lingering in my mind. How to answer? I've been thinking about it for days, but I have no idea. Later, I simply forgot about it. 10 months passed quickly, and I was idle at home this Spring Festival. Occasionally, I turned to my previous notes and began to ponder this question again. So I made up a set of self-deception and self-justification. Although my son doesn't understand in most places, it's better than nothing, and it's better to have an answer than no answer. Let's have a look.

The following is the so-called "theory":

Einstein's teacher, Planck, the father of quantum theory, finally came to the conclusion that there is no such thing as matter in the world. Matter is made up of fast vibrating quanta! Both tangible and intangible are constantly vibrating energy, and the difference between them lies in the different vibration frequencies, thus producing different substances with different consciousness or forms. Those with high vibration frequency become invisible substances, such as thoughts, feelings and consciousness. Those with low vibration frequency become tangible substances, such as visible tables, chairs, human bodies and so on. However, because human beings are limited by the three-dimensional space and the linear concept of time that can be touched by the senses, they mistakenly regard solid and bounded matter and continuous and fluctuating energy fields as two different things. However, when scientists explore the smallest subatomic field again, they find that the essence of matter and energy is actually one, and they can also transform each other (Einstein's mass-energy equation explains this truth). They are like two poles of a progressive continuum, one is black, the other is white, and the middle is gradually gray. Therefore, human consciousness and body are essentially the same thing, belonging to both ends of a progressive continuum.

If it is difficult to understand, we can also imagine that the chair you are sitting in is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of nuclei and electrons. If the atom is as big as a football field, then the nucleus may be as big as an ant, and the electron has no volume according to the current scientific research results. Therefore, most atoms are hollow. Since the chair you are sitting in is made of hollow atoms, are you worried that it will crush the chair? Actually, it won't, because electrons will fill the entire atomic space with energy and fields in the form of electron clouds. So, what is the essence of the chair under your ass?

People's traditional sensory understanding holds that the boundaries of tangible substances are very clear and can be described by clear definitions. However, according to quantum physics, tangible matter has no strict quantitative boundary. From tangible matter to intangible matter, it is a gradual process. The vibration frequency is from low to high until it passes the critical point, and it becomes intangible matter (which is very consistent with the gradual principle of Yin and Yang in the Book of Changes), but this intangible matter (in fact, it is a higher frequency vibration) is difficult for us to find. Therefore, when we look at a tangible substance (whether it is big or small), we should think that there is a gradual vibration field around it that cannot be intuitively discovered. Just like a person, there is an aura or energy field around his body and an energy field around a table, which can be observed with special instruments, just like we can observe infrared rays with special instruments, but the energy fields of different tangible substances are different in size.

With these theoretical foundations, let's take a look at the world in front of us. Everything seems to have changed. There is no such thing as tangible angular matter, all we can see is vibration and energy of different frequencies. Therefore, there is no need to distinguish between the tangible world and the intangible world, between metaphysics and metaphysics, between idealism and materialism, and the whole world is one.

Therefore, when a person's body does not exist, his thoughts and consciousness already exist (at the birth of the universe), as an energy and vibration in the invisible dimension. When we divide from a cell, we become a fetus, and then become a baby after birth until we grow up. In this process, we gradually have touch, taste, smell, vision, hearing and intuition (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind in the heart meridian). Because of the vibration properties of the body itself and its gradual change from tangible to intangible, it can use these senses to detect vibrations of different frequencies (for example, our hearing works by sound waves and our vision works by light waves, which are all vibrations), and through resonance phenomenon [refers to the tendency that a physical system tends to absorb more energy from its surrounding environment at its natural vibration frequency (so-called resonance frequency) and natural wavelength]. Attract vibration and energy close to its frequency, gather, stack and resonate again, and form our own unique body-based vibration and energy, but it is not completely limited by the body. This is our perception and cognition of the world, that is, our thoughts and consciousness. Therefore, the senses are like a bridge, connecting the tangible body and the intangible consciousness, which are essentially vibrations, to form an organic whole.

With our growth, the world we are in contact with is getting bigger and bigger, and this kind of resonance and attraction never stops, so our consciousness and thoughts are constantly enriched and perfected, gradually forming our present consciousness and thoughts, and this process is dynamic until our death.

When we die, these thoughts and consciousness, the so-called vibration energy, still exist, but return to the invisible dimension (invisible when we are alive). Because according to the law of conservation of energy, energy will not disappear and will not die, so they will exist forever. At the next opportunity, they are attracted by other life forms and become the thoughts and consciousness of other life forms. Speaking of which, how do you feel? You're right, just like reincarnation in many religions! Did you have fun? In recent years, the epidemic has been raging, and we often joke: "I blew the wind you blew. Is it a hug?" I took the path you took. Is it a meeting? "So, I attracted your vibration energy. Is it your reincarnation? When you see the thoughts handed down by the sages, you often feel shocked, which shows that you have resonated with his thoughts, and may also show that you are the reincarnation of the sages to some extent. If you resonate with the thoughts of many sages, you may be the superposition of many sages' reincarnation. In fact, according to the principle of statistics, you must have breathed all the oxygen atoms breathed by all the sages before you! So don't be surprised that the sage is around you!

Now, let's find out where we come from, where we are going, and whether there is reincarnation.

Speaking of which, I believe you will have many questions. I just have time, so I'll answer it together:

Q: Can your so-called theory and reasoning be verified by experiments?

A: Not all theories and reasoning can be solved by experiments, so Einstein put forward "thinking experiment", which means that many experiments are carried out in the mind. Take Einstein's "thought experiment" about elevator falling, can you find an elevator falling in free fall in real life? I can't. So Einstein can only imagine such an ideal scene in his mind and draw his experimental conclusion. For example, is there a real uniform linear motion in real life? No. But Newton established Newton's first law of motion. Also, it is the sad "Schrodinger's cat"! Wait, wait, wait

Q: karl popper's falsificationism means that a theory must have falsifiability if it is to be truly accepted by people. In other words, to prove that a theory is scientific, it is necessary to make clear under what conditions it is wrong and under what conditions it is right, so that others can prove and test it. Such as fortune telling, why not science? Because fortune telling cannot be falsified. You say he is accurate, and he says he is accurate; You said he was not sure, and he said "sincerity is the spirit", because you are not sincere, so it is not allowed. In this way, you find that he is always right, whether he is mentally ill or not. This is called falsifiability. Once something can't be falsified, it can't be a science. Do you think your theory has falsifiability?

A: No, it can't be falsified, so it's not science. Although fortune telling is not a science, some people can't help but want to do it.

Q: What's the use of thinking about these unfathomable theories?

A: Create a mental channel for yourself, and then stay in it comfortably. Because each of us has never lived in the real world, each of us just lives in the ideological channel created for us by philosophers and scientists. Think about it, where did your knowledge of the world come from? Did you see it with your own eyes? Are they all your own ideas? Not necessarily. Most of them come from philosophers, scientists and even religious scholars, and they are not necessarily true. It's just that these theories are self-consistent and self-evident, and you are willing to believe them. What are the benefits of believing these? Because you have to believe in something and make yourself less confused, otherwise you will always be nervous. If you haven't found the answer in some aspects, can you try to find someone who can convince yourself, put yourself in for the time being, and then continue to improve with the improvement of your cognitive level? In fact, this is the process of forming a person's world outlook. Useful and useless questions are like what is "Tathagata"? In the Diamond Sutra, "Tathagata" means "There is nowhere to go, hence the name Tathagata." It seems to have come, but it seems not to have come. This feeling is very vague! It's about the influence of Buddhism on people. Does it matter? I don't seem to see the direct impact. Doesn't it affect? It doesn't feel like it used to!

Q: With the evolution of human beings, thoughts and consciousness are constantly enriched and improved. In your theory, they are attracted by the same frequency resonance, even the so-called "samsara". Without our own innovation, we have been relying on the old roots and can only stand still and make no progress.

A: There is a point in the century-old masterpiece The Lost Classic of Getting Rich: all thoughts, consciousness, inspiration and creativity in the world are created, and they are only stored there in the form of primitive building blocks. You just need to attract them and reassemble them, whatever you want to assemble. So since the birth of the universe, all the thoughts, consciousness, inspiration and creativity you want have never been lacking. With evolution, human beings just constantly change the assembly form of building blocks, and do not make new original building blocks. For example, if you think you have created an idea, have you really created it? Then how did you create it? In fact, this idea has existed for a long time, and you just attract it to your use through the principle of resonance. So why do we feel that ideas are suddenly stuffed into your mind, rather than you creating and designing them step by step?

At any stage of evolution, whether it is the origin stage of life or the higher stage in the future, human beings also follow this model. Only by attracting according to the vibration frequency of the current stage can we get the ideas and so-called creation corresponding to its level, so we don't have to worry about human evolution and ideological progress.

Q: You said that our thoughts and consciousness have existed since the birth of the universe, so where were they before the birth of the universe?

A: I don't know. Let's find out what happened after the birth of Chu Universe, shall we?

Of course, these sons don't understand. I just briefly described him: "that you" always existed before. When you grow up from a cell, "that you" is attracted to you through the window and bridge of the senses, forming a complete and unique you.

Finally, I gave some suggestions that my son could understand as much as possible:

First, "that you" is changing. With the expansion of your knowledge, the increase of knowledge, the accumulation of experience and the improvement of your cognitive level, "that you" will expand endlessly and never have a limit. So "never too old to learn" and "the world is as big as the heart is" all mean this.

Second, "that you" is not subject to any external constraints. Just as Confucius commented on Laozi: birds, fish and animals can be caught. "As for dragons, I don't know if they can ride the storm to heaven. I met Lao Tzu today, and he is still a dragon! " Laozi's thought is like a dragon, and no one can bind it. For another example, no matter how strict the teacher is, he can't control "that you" to ski in the Alps in class.

Third, what I said before was dad's understanding. You should try to form your own unique world view. In short, you should form your own world view.