Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - I like a boy, but we get along like brother and sister. Can we be together or closer? What should I think of our relationship?

I like a boy, but we get along like brother and sister. Can we be together or closer? What should I think of our relationship?

Let's talk about the difference between men and women.

Psychological differences between men and women when prompted

Women are more susceptible to suggestive behavior than men.

Men usually like to act according to their own wishes, with clear purpose and strong independence. Men don't want to be influenced by other people's words and deeds, and it is not easy to blindly accept other people's opinions, suggestions or implied behaviors. They generally think rationally whether other people's opinions or suggestions are correct, and then make a choice. Because of this, men sometimes appear stubborn and arbitrary, and are prone to make major mistakes.

Women have a strong herd mentality and are easily "infected" by other people's words and deeds, thus accepting other people's opinions and behaviors without analysis, or easily changing their decisions because of the influence of others. For example, when a girl sees someone doing a beautiful hairstyle in a hair salon, she will go there one after another to do the same hairstyle. Mom sees other people's children wearing brand-name clothes, and she will buy them to dress up. Girls want to have a good figure, and when they see the graceful figure of female dancers, they will follow suit and actively participate in bodybuilding; Women also like fortune telling and are willing to accept all kinds of hints. This may be because women always have a sense of insecurity about the future and lack male judgment, so they turn to the pseudoscience of fortune telling.

Behavioral and psychological differences between men and women

Among children, the difference between male and female behavior psychology is very obvious. A study shows this difference in a very dramatic way (Americans just dare to experiment everything in different ways). In the experiment, a mother was called to a room where her children had stayed. The mother and child in the room are separated by a piece of glass. The experimenter instructed her to walk towards the glass wall without expression. The experimental results clearly show that boys and girls have different reactions.

If it is a boy, he will see his mother, unhappy that her mother didn't hug him, and then start climbing towards him. Finally, his mother picked him up from the wall.

If she is a girl, she will see her mother and be unhappy that her mother didn't hug her like a boy, but she won't climb towards her mother and try to climb over the glass wall like a boy. She glared at her mother and then cried. Boys express their feelings with actions, while girls express their feelings with words.

The differences between men and women in behavioral psychology lead to their differences in interpersonal communication, living habits and distrust behavior.

Emotional and psychological differences between men and women

In psychology of emotion, the differences between men and women are very obvious, which can be summarized as follows: women are rich in emotions, while men are relatively poor in emotions because of the influence of many concepts; Women are more emotional than men; Women's emotions are changeable, while men are relatively stable; Men's emotions are mostly superficial and impulsive, while women like deep experience; Men's feelings are rough and women's feelings are delicate; When you love someone, men are often enthusiastic, while women are more gentle. Men's feelings are strong and women's feelings are fragile; Men feel anger and panic strongly, while women feel sadness and grief more deeply. Women are more anxious than men; Women are more subjective emotionally, while men are more rational and objective; An emotion spreads quickly among women (such as idolization), but slowly among men; Women's personal feelings are diffuse, while men's feelings are concentrated; Men are more open-minded and have fewer emotional problems, while women are more narrow-minded and have more emotional problems; Women's words and deeds are emotional, and men's words and deeds are emotional (emotional color means adding adjectives to words to modify Baidu); Compared with men, women are more likely to show complex emotions such as jealousy, shyness and shame, and it is difficult to be detached and detached.

There are also obvious differences between men and women in emotional expression. Women's emotional expression often shows the characteristics of euphemism, implication, vagueness and ambiguity, especially girls, who prefer to hide their true feelings. For example, when they are asked to give "good" or "bad" comments on people or things, they often don't give a clear answer: they don't like what they like very much, and they don't hate what they hate. In fact, it gives you many choices. Women will be reserved and cautious when they are pursued by men, which can increase their mystery and attraction, make men more bold and enthusiastic when they pursue themselves, and test his sincerity. In fact, women sometimes don't know themselves and what kind of person they are. They often have no clear goals and do things by feeling. This is another reason why women's emotional expression is vague.

Men, on the other hand, like to be straightforward in emotional expression and don't like to beat around the bush. They don't hide their true feelings about people or things, and make clear judgments. Good is good, bad is bad, and they are not vague.

Because there are obvious differences between men and women in emotional psychology, there are also obvious differences in dealing with emotional problems.

When a man puts his feelings into action, he can sort things out. Simple and purposeful activities such as exercise can enable them to stimulate the thinking part of the brain more fully and deal with emotional problems more effectively. John Gray, a famous American psychologist, described such a story in his book "Martians and Venusians Always Accompany" (in fact, this story has a real version, and the truth is similar):

A male close friend of mine learned a terrible news that his daughter had cancer. I had learned about it from my wife before he called to tell me. After we exchanged greetings on the phone, he said he had bad news, and then he stopped talking.

"I received a letter from Bonnie." I said that I did it so that he wouldn't repeat the bad news.

After a while, he asked me if I had time to play tennis. I agreed, so we made an appointment to meet at a nearby tennis court in a few minutes.

In the process of playing ball, when I exchange places with him or go to the net to pick up the ball, we will say a few words, then play and then talk. For him, playing tennis, a sport he is good at and loves, provides him with an opportunity to express his feelings. He summed up his thoughts through conversation and then accepted my reaction and understanding. But the first way he contacted his feelings was to play tennis.

He focused his attention and energy on keeping the ball off the court so that he could touch and express his sense of failure because he could not cure his daughter's cancer. When he hits the ball out of the baseline or sideline, he will think of the pain he suffered because he was not a perfect father and reflect on the mistakes he may have made; If he plays a foul ball, he will think of doing the right thing and being a good father. By winning my strong desire through hope, he will light the fire of hope to overcome cancer and save his daughter's life.

After the game, we sat on the bench by the court and discussed different ways to support his daughter so that she could withstand the coming severe test. During the conversation, he will unconsciously express his concern about the loss of his daughter and his deep love for her.

Fortunately, this story has a happy ending. My friend's child was well treated, and now he is well.

It can be seen that men can solve their emotional problems through physical exercise, while women focus on telling. A middle-aged woman in China told such a story:

My second child got a strange disease at the age of six. Although I have been to the doctor many times, I still don't get better. The doctor says there is no cure for this disease at present. Every day, I see a child's little body full of tubes. As parents, we were very sad and decided to take our children home to see him for the last time. At our insistence, several moral experts finally met our requirements after discussion.

However, shortly after returning home, the child went. At first, we were both very sad. Later, I kept telling my friends that gradually, the degree of sadness eased. But my wife has always kept this feeling in her heart and never mentioned it to others. Many years have passed, and I am almost no longer sad about it, but when he mentioned it, he was still very sad.

Cognitive psychological differences between men and women

According to the research, at the age of 8~9, boys began to show obvious advantages over girls in spatial perception ability such as picture calculation and maze walking, both in speed and accuracy.

In terms of senses, men and women are equally sensitive to touch, smell and pain; Women are better than men in distinguishing sound, locating color, tone and perception; Men are more visually sensitive than women.

In memory, women's mechanical memory and short-term memory are better than men's, while men's understanding and memory are more sensitive than women's.

In terms of memory, the development of men and women is generally balanced, but the speed and level of development vary with age: in preschool, girls' thinking development is slightly better than that of boys, and the difference is not significant; From primary school to the first stage, the difference is gradually obvious; After the second day of junior high school, boys' thinking development speed quickly caught up with and surpassed that of girls, and the difference became increasingly obvious. Comparatively speaking, men are better at abstract thinking and women are better at thinking in images.

In the final stage of brain development in boys and girls, the logical center or cognitive center begins to develop. At this stage of development, hundreds of millions of nerve nodes flock to the cognitive or thinking part of the brain. We can find this rule from the habits of ordinary men and women.

When a woman is in a bad mood, she first wants to talk about her feelings, and then in the process of speaking, her cognitive ability appears, so she will consider what she is saying and thinking, and then think about what she has done. She starts from the sensory part of the brain, reaches the communication part and reaches the thinking part. This is her most natural route, because her skills are developed in this order and repeated many times gradually, and she has developed the ability to feel, speak and think at the same time.

For a man, his process is different, because his skill development is another order. First, his sensory center begins, then his behavioral center, and then his thinking center. When he is in a bad mood, his first thought is to do something, and his behavior makes him think more clearly. Gradually, he has the ability to feel, act and think at the same time.

Because men and women have different cognitive psychology, their behaviors and communication styles are also different. Men first regard communication as another tool to express their thoughts in order to achieve a certain goal or solve a certain problem. Women speak for the same purpose, but they also regard conversation as a way to connect feelings and clear their minds. Talking means a lot to women.

Similarly, action is more important to men. Action stimulates the thinking part of the male brain like a water pump. Women also solve problems by action, but for men, action means more. Action is the most important way for men to express their feelings and keep a clear head.

One more thing to add is that if men don't like women, they won't have sex with them. Grab this.

Therefore, the woman should be reserved. The easier it is to get something, the less she will cherish it. Look at her own tricks. . . . There may be many typos, I hope it will help you.