Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What are the disease names and symptoms of common mosaic virus disease in kidney beans?

What are the disease names and symptoms of common mosaic virus disease in kidney beans?

Common mosaic virus (BCMV) causes 15 diseases of edible bean crops. Common mosaic virus disease of kidney bean: Common mosaic virus of kidney bean (BCMV) causes three symptoms on kidney bean: ① mosaic; ② Systemic necrosis (black root ③ Local spots or deformities. These symptoms are related to species, infection time, strain and environment. After systemic infection, mosaic symptoms mainly appear on leaves, causing mottling, shrinkage and dwarfing. The diseased seedlings produced by poisonous seeds often cause primary leaf deformity, the third leaf often shows deformity and mosaic, and the diseased leaves are changeable and long. The pods on the diseased plants infected by this system are small and few, and occasionally small dark green spots can be seen on the diseased pods, and the pods mature late. Symptoms of systemic necrosis (black root) mainly occur in resistant varieties with I gene, especially at high temperature (26 ~ 32℃). Necrosis symptoms first appear on newly grown leaves, causing vein necrosis and sometimes leading to leaf death. The old leaves withered and the whole plant died. On the stems, roots and pods, reddish brown to dark brown stripes appear and vascular bundles are necrotic. Some varieties have local lesions on their leaves through friction inoculation or aphid transmission. According to the variety, strain and environment, this kind of disease spot appears as reddish to dark brown necrotic ring spots or spots. Some varieties are great. North. U.I.3 1 and 123, Pinto. U.I. 1 1 1, Monroe et al. Local spots appear after infection. Multi-flower bean leaves: resistant varieties show mosaic and leaf deformity; The susceptible varieties showed lower leaf shrinkage, mosaic, deformed leaves and pods; The varieties containing I gene showed vein necrosis and black root at 26℃. Cowpea (BCMV) mosaic virus disease: cowpea. Aphid. Born. Mosaic. The virus strain makes the veins of leaves appear dark green to varying degrees, or the veins lose green, the leaves are deformed, accompanied by bullous processes, and the plants are dwarfed. The symptoms caused by black-eyed cowpea mosaic virus are that the veins of leaves are green, the veins are green, and the plants are slightly dwarfed. Adzuki bean (BCMV) mosaic virus disease: At the initial stage of the disease, the plants are slightly mottled or slightly greened, and then they show green, bright and blistered veins. The seriously diseased plants are dwarfed, the diseased leaves are rolled down and deformed, the leaves are notched, and there are few or no pods (Wei Shiquan 1964). Mung bean (BCMV) mosaic virus disease: mottled leaves, mosaic, shrinkage, foaming, curling or deformation, short plants. Pea mosaic virus disease (BCMV): Leaves show mosaic symptoms. In addition, bean mosaic virus also infects leguminous crops, such as cotton beans, rice beans, black mung beans, broad beans, lentils, chickpeas, lupines, wild peas and Lathyrus sativus.