Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Female 1985 is a cow. How to solve the robbery on the sixth day of the first month, the parents died and the son destroyed his wife's house. The man ate three rooms of water and the woman got married

Female 1985 is a cow. How to solve the robbery on the sixth day of the first month, the parents died and the son destroyed his wife's house. The man ate three rooms of water and the woman got married

Female 1985 is a cow. How to solve the robbery on the sixth day of the first month, the parents died and the son destroyed his wife's house. The man ate three rooms of water and the woman got married three times. Is marriage a sign or a divination or a character? Scared you, didn't it? I'm telling you, there's no need to crack it Totally superstitious. In my opinion, what is the so-called fate? From a scientific point of view, it is nothing more than the combination of inevitability and contingency on the road of life. How can I predict it in advance? These judgments and signatures were printed in black and white hundreds of years ago, and they were specially used to deceive good people into believing in women. They were also a means for charlatans to accept alms by income and monks and nuns in temples. If you believe it, you will be fooled! In the old society, many people didn't believe in superstition. Some people use false superstitions to oppose true superstitions. At home, they write down the words "Jiang Taigong is here, and everything is exempt from punishment" on a few pieces of yellow paper and stick them in the main room to reassure the whole family. Haha, if you still hesitate, then remembering this sentence will help you break your bad luck.