Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - If you read only one book, which one would you choose?

If you read only one book, which one would you choose?

The original text was first published on the official account of WeChat. See zhixing id: jzhhx365. Welcome attention.

Many people are confused.

I don't know what to read.

Not because there are no books to read.

But there are so many books that I don't know how to choose.

Now, this era

It is the most published book in history.

It is not enough to describe it as "sweating a lot"

If there is only one book to read


You can only choose one book.

Which one would you choose?

Which book has an irreplaceable position in your mind?

The following classics are for your reference!


The head of the group classics, the source of the avenue, the Sect of a hundred schools of thought.

One of the "three easy". The Book of Changes includes Lianshan, Guizang and Zhouyi, among which Lianshan and Guizang have been lost, and only Zhouyi exists in the world.

The Book of Changes is profound and profound, which is the theoretical source of natural philosophy and humanistic practice in China's traditional thought and culture, the essence of China's primitive traditional culture, the crystallization of China's ancient thought, wisdom and culture, and the source of Chinese civilization. For thousands of years, it has had a far-reaching impact on China's politics, economy, culture and other fields. After more than 7,000 years of history, it has laid an important value orientation of Chinese culture and created the characteristics of oriental culture, which has irreplaceable important value and great influence on Chinese culture.

Whether it is the way of Confucius and Mencius or the theory of Laozi and Zhuangzi, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Huangdi's Neijing and Shenlong Yijing, they are all closely related to Yijing.

Zhouyi is divided into classic department and biography department. The classic department, formerly known as Zhouyi, reveals the typical image meaning of 450 hexagrams and judges the corresponding good and bad luck. The transmission system includes classical Chinese, Zhuan Zhuan, Xiangzhuan, Zhuan Zhuan, Shuogua Zhuan and Zhuan Zhuan Zhuan.

Xiong Shili: All China's academic thoughts are rooted in the Book of Changes, which is a great treasure house of wisdom.

Einstein: the golden key to the maze of the universe.

Hegel: The Book of Changes represents the wisdom of the people of China.

Jung: Speaking of the only wisdom book in the world, China's The Book of Changes is the first one.

American philosopher capra: The Book of Changes can be regarded as the core of China's thought and culture.

Recommended Edition: Huang Shouqi Zhang Shanwen's Interpretation of Zhouyi


The forbidden fruit of wisdom is a strange book.

Wonderful flowers in China traditional culture!

Guiguzi is a book that combines the essence of Guiguzi's lifelong academic research. It has always been called "forbidden fruit of wisdom, extraordinary book". It is a wonderful flower in China's traditional culture, a philosophy of governing the country in troubled times, a masterpiece of strategic research and a masterpiece of success. It combines the extraordinary wisdom of Guiguzi and the strategy of vertical and horizontal cooperation.

It concentrates the essence of China people's psychology, speech skills, political strategy, military diplomacy and business negotiation. It has extensive guiding significance in politics, diplomacy, operation, management and public relations, and is a must-read for contemporary politicians, business people, business operators, managers and public relations people.

Guiguzi, known as the wonder of the ages, is good at health preservation, psychological thinking, hard and soft, and the skill of courtship. He has unique wisdom and is proficient in the skill of a hundred schools of thought. He is a famous Taoist, thinker, strategist, yin and yang scholar, legalist and famous scholar, and also a great educator and academic master in the cultural history.

For more than 2,000 years, strategists revered him as the ancestor, fortune tellers revered him as the ancestor, strategists revered him as the ancestor, famous artists revered him as the ancestor, and Taoism revered him as the ancestor of Wang Chan.

He has taught Su Qin, Yi Cheung, Sun Bin, Pang Juan, Shang Yang, Lv Buwei, Li Mu and many other important figures.

Recommended Edition: Xu's Notes on Guiguzi, Correction

Tao Te Ching (Laozi)

One of the greatest masterpieces in the history of China.

Laozi integrated the ideological essence of Yijing into Tao Te Ching and founded a philosophical system with dialectical thinking as the core.

Tao Te Ching is one of the greatest works in the history of China and an important source of Taoist philosophy.

Tao Te Ching is divided into two parts. The first part of the original text is the Tao Te Ching, and the second part is the Tao Te Ching, without chapters. Later, it was changed to the Tao Te Ching in the first 37 chapters, and the Tao Te Ching in the last 38 chapters, divided into 8 1 chapters. Taking the "virtue" in the philosophical sense as the main line, this paper discusses the ways of self-cultivation, governing the country, using troops and keeping in good health, with politics as the center. It is the so-called "sage inside and king outside", which has profound meaning and covers a wide range, and has had a far-reaching impact on traditional philosophy, science, politics and religion. It is respected by later generations as a treasure book of governing the country, managing the family, cultivating oneself and learning, and is known as. The cultural thoughts of pre-Qin philosophers and China people were influenced by Laozi.

According to the statistics of UNESCO, the Tao Te Ching is the most widely translated and published cultural masterpiece except the Bible.

Lu Xun: If you don't read Laozi, you won't know the true meaning of China culture and life.

Will Duran: Maybe except the Tao Te Ching, we will burn all the books and look for a summary of wisdom in the Tao Te Ching.

Recommended Edition: Chen Guying's Annotation and Translation of Laozi (or Today's Annotation and Translation of Laozi)

The Analects of Confucius

The cornerstone of China's traditional culture

The Analects of Confucius is one of the classic works of Confucianism, the cornerstone of China's traditional culture, and a collection of recorded essays, which mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples in the form of quotations and dialogues, and embodies Confucius' political, aesthetic, moral and utilitarian views. The Analects of Confucius covers politics, education, literature, philosophy and ways of living.

Zhao Qi in the Eastern Han Dynasty wrote Mencius' Word Meaning: "The Analects of Confucius is the shackles of the Five Classics and the throat of the Six Arts."

Xue Fang in Tang Dynasty: "The Analects of Confucius is the essence of the Six Classics."

In the late Qing Dynasty, Tang Yan said: "The key to group classics is the balance of one hundred generations."

Zhao Pu, a politician in the Northern Song Dynasty, once said that "the Analects of Confucius governs the world".

At the end of 1980s, 75 Nobel Prize winners gathered in Paris, France, and jointly declared: "If human beings want to survive in 2 1 century, they must go back to 2,500 years ago and learn the wisdom of Confucius. "

Recommended Edition: Yang Bojun's Notes on the Analects of Confucius

The Book of Songs

The songs of our ancestors are the most beautiful poems.

The most beautiful language is poetry,

The most beautiful poem is the Book of Songs.

The Book of Songs is the earliest collection of ancient poems in China. It collects poems from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (1 1 century to the sixth century), with ***3 1 1 first poem (6 Kubinashi's eye poems), reflecting the society from the early Zhou Dynasty to the weekend for about 500 years.

The Book of Songs is divided into three parts: style, elegance and ode. "Wind" is a ballad of Zhou Dynasty. Elegance is the solemn and elegant music of Zhou people; Ode is a musical song used in the ancestral temple of Zhou and aristocratic families. It reflects labor and love, war and corvee, oppression and resistance, customs and marriage, ancestor worship and feasting, and even astronomical phenomena, landforms, animals and plants. It is a mirror of the social life of the Zhou Dynasty. It has many values such as history, folk customs, rituals, music and culture.

The Book of Songs has a lofty position and far-reaching influence in the history of China literature, which has laid a fine tradition of China's poetry and thus formed the national characteristics of China's poetry art.

The Book of Songs has a strong and profound artistic charm, which is the first milestone of China's realistic literature and the source of China's realistic poetry.

Sincere and romantic lyricism, vivid and beautiful language, harmonious and meaningful rhythm, flexible and diverse forms ... have had a far-reaching impact on later literature.

Many famous sentences have been born, which are widely circulated and well-known and can be called classics.

Confucius: If you don't learn poetry, you have nothing to say.

Version recommendation: Analysis on the Annotations of Cheng Junying Jiang Jianyuan's The Book of Songs


The source of western philosophy

The Republic is an important dialogue of Plato, a typical comprehensive work and the first comprehensive summary of Plato's philosophical system after its maturity. This book mainly discusses the construction, governance and justice of Plato's ideal country, with the theme of state management. It involves philosophy, politics, ethics, education, psychology, society, family, religion, art and many other fields, and its thoughts are profound and profound, representing almost the whole Greek culture. Language is quite literary and full of speculative philosophy.

The Republic is a must-read for western intellectuals. It is a source of ancient western political thought, the source of western philosophy and the first book reflecting ancient western political thought. It has had a great and far-reaching impact on the whole western world.

Plato's ideal state form became a model of state system and political rule in later generations. The principles of many countries described in this book, such as the principle of division of labor and cooperation, and the principle that the purpose of the country is to pursue the best, have been valued in the national construction of later generations and absorbed by many regimes. During the Middle Ages in Europe, many political and ethical thoughts of the Republic were re-discussed, and many thoughts penetrated into society and churches and became part of their thoughts. For example, the concepts of heaven and hell all come from The Republic.

the Bible

Religious classics and prophecies

The Bible is a classic of Judaism and Christianity. Including the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Jewish Bible, the Old Testament, was handed down from Judaism, written in ancient Hebrew (including Aramaic) and compiled by rabbis according to Jewish teachings. It includes the humanistic and historical data of Jews and surrounding nationalities from 12 century BC to the 2nd century BC. The New Testament is a Christian classic, including the "Gospel" which records the life, words and deeds of Jesus. It was basically written in the second half of the first century, basically finalized at the beginning of the third century, and finalized at the end of the fourth century.

The Bible adopts a biographical writing method, which not only writes the history of the development of the Jewish nation and the formation of Christian thought, but also goes deep into the human soul, writes the history of the development and evolution of the human soul and explores the human soul. The Bible is a classic with "soul depth" and is known as "spiritual literature".

What's your answer?