Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Little people go to tell fortune.

Little people go to tell fortune.

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"Be careful, there are little people around you!" The fortune teller can't go wrong telling everyone like this. Everyone will blame others for their misfortune. Anyone who has conflicts of interest and emotional opposition is a villain in our eyes.

But compared with those, fortune tellers are the real villains!

I have never counted my life, and I don't believe in fortune telling. Whenever I scoff at such remarks as "accurate fortune telling" and "so-and-so is smart", my elders will earnestly say: You are young, have little experience and don't understand many things. Or: believe it, it is better not to believe it. You may not believe it, but don't talk nonsense (disrespect for God).

Not only do I not believe in fortune telling, but I also disapprove of other similar superstitious customs, rules and rituals. The seeds of "democracy" and "science" in the New Culture Movement have been sown for more than 65,438,000 years. I really can't accept it now. I think the difference between me and the subjects of the Qing Dynasty is not only that I have no braids on my head and no emperor in my heart.

However, I can only promise myself that I don't believe it. In order to take care of the feeling of "loving home", I often have to give in to those absurd things.

For example, when we got married, I don't know which great god told my mother that because my wife's birthday was with me, I asked my wife not to meet her mother for a month and not to call me mother-in-law, otherwise it would be bad for my mother-in-law.

The aunt next door also echoed: yes, there is indeed this statement.

I was disdainful: I didn't believe it. This is nonsense. I just want to scream and see what happens.

My mother told me to obey, and my neighbor's aunt also solemnly warned me: who didn't do it before, what happened (bad result), and some people didn't listen to advice and called my mother to the peach tree, and the peach tree died.

They talk with their noses and eyes, but I just want to laugh.

I said: This is the so-called rule in H province, our city and even our town. My wife is from S province, and we will live in S province from now on. The two places are separated by more than 2000 miles. Can our gods or rules still control S province? In other words, the gods in S province also have rules, which are different from those in H province. Who should we listen to?

My mother said to get married here, of course, according to the rules here. I asked how to explain it to the God of S province, and she stopped talking to me. Immortals fight, and mortals are really at a loss. Fortunately, we didn't invite immortals from S province.

After returning to S province, my wife really hasn't seen her mother for a month, and calling her mother is also omitted.

I asked her why you didn't scream. Do you really believe me?

She said that she didn't believe it at first, but when she heard the warnings like curses, her heart tingled. She doesn't want to put her mother at risk ...

Life is so helpless! Personally, I don't believe this.

Humans landed on the moon for nine days, five oceans caught turtles, and even atomic bombs were built. With the ability of Conan the destroyer, why can't Machamp stand aside? However, once family members are involved, we are not superstitious. We can confront them with ourselves, but we dare not gamble with our families.

And fortune tellers are best at deceiving you, blackmailing you, manipulating you, intimidating you, seducing you, and finally fooling you with what you care about! Every fortune teller will eventually guide you to your own interests, let you buy feng shui ornaments, let you spend money on things, let you find dragons for holes, and let you sacrifice.

If things get better, he will say that it is his credit; If things go wrong, he will tell you to keep spending money.

The hardest thing for people is to refute themselves. Once you start to choose to believe, once you start to invest, you are not willing to stop. It's that you will do everything possible to prove that you are right and your principles are correct.

This gives the fortune teller a chance to be at the mercy of the fortune teller.


Let's get to the point, and continue to talk about fortune telling.

Recently, when reading the materials, I found a treasure article "Remember the" Jiangxiang School "in the old society-superstitious fraud groups? Because the content is really interesting (about the magic skills and operation guide of fortune telling and cheating in Jianghu in the Republic of China), I feel it necessary to share it with you.

This article was published by the Literature and History Research Committee of Guangdong Provincial Political Consultative Conference in 1960s. The author is a big shot of the "Jiangxiang School" and is proficient in all kinds of ancient physiognomy and deception.

"Jiangxiang School" was a secret group in Guangzhou language area during the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, whose occupation was superstition and fraud. Its disciples are numerous and influential, and its members are spread all over major cities in Guangdong and Guangxi, as well as Shanghai, Hankou, Hong Kong and Macao, Malaya and Nanyang Islands. "Jiang" refers to rivers and lakes, and "Xiang" is the prime minister. Together, it means "Jianghu Prime Minister".

Yucheng's father is a member of the "Jiangxiang School" and has been her husband for more than 40 years. He is famous in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shaoguan and other places. According to current standards, he is a suitable "master" and "master".

Influenced by the family atmosphere, Yu Cheng was familiar with the history, organizational structure, argot rules and secret spells of "Jiangxiang School" from an early age.

According to himself, when he 15 years old, one of his father's classmates chose him when he was dying, and taught him his master's "Dharma" and "Skill". Among them, "Fa" is a required book for great fortune tellers, named "Yao Ying Pian", and "Shu" is a deception experience passed down from generation to generation, named "Zhafei Pian".

Yao Ying is one of the highest core secrets of the master's Buddhism, which is similar to the seventy-two stunts of Shaolin Temple and the "sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui Mystery" in the ghost blowing lamp, and is not easily passed on to disciples. "Zafei Pian" and "Abao Pian" are a little lower, allowing them to be taught to ordinary disciples.

Such an important "spell" can be compared with the "sixteen-character geomantic metaphysics" in the ghost blowing lamp. Why should it be made public in Yucheng? This involves a special historical background.

1959, Zhou Enlai, Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), called on CPPCC members over 60 years old (CPPCC members were not ordinary people at that time) to write down their accumulated knowledge, experience and stories for future generations.

According to the spirit of this instruction, the China People's Political Consultative Conference set up the Literature and History Research Committee, which was responsible for promoting the writing and collection of various historical materials in various historical periods since the late Qing Dynasty, and formed a vast collection of literature and history materials.

Yucheng's article was born under this background, with high credibility (unqualified articles will be reviewed and returned).

According to him, it was not published in the past because bad elements didn't want to use it to deceive the people. In the 1950s and 1960s (the whole country cracked down on reactionary sects and opposed feudal superstitions), the situation was different. "Only today, under the wise leadership of * * *, the chances of being used by bad elements are slim, and I can safely expose it."


What I'm talking about here is Yao Ying.

In Yao Ying, "Ying" refers to the meaning of family background and life experience, and "Yao" refers to the meaning obtained through ingenious means. Together, it is to obtain each other's family background and life experience by clever means.

In Cheng's own words: "The full text of Yao Ying is only over 700 words, but it summarizes the interests of feudal society, the wishes and desires of all kinds of characters, how to observe their life experiences and inner world from their appearance and words, and how to make them reveal their family and life experiences ..."

In order to raise technical barriers, the most important words in Yao Ying have been replaced by Jianghu slang. Even if people get the secret book, they can't understand it. Even if there is, it is impossible to understand the core and most important methodology without Master's personal guidance.

I won't look for the original text. Let me briefly say the general meaning first.

For those who come to visit fortune-teller and ask God for fortune-telling, you should first observe what he asks for when you enter the door. Don't talk nonsense if you can't figure it out. When you open your mouth, you should use "charger" (a set of organized and hierarchical words) to deal with him. Do not hesitate. If you hesitate, you will not trust each other.

When a father comes to ask his son, he hopes his son will have money. When a son comes to ask his parents, they must have suffered misfortune. The wife came to ask her husband, with a face of hope and resentment. It must be that her husband likes whoring and gambling, or his mistress is in love with him. The husband asked his wife if she was sick or unable to have a son. Scholars come to ask mainly for fame, while businessmen come to ask mostly because of the sluggish business.

Sincere attitude, speaking, most people here believe in fate; People who laugh and talk grandiose are either powerful people or "animals" who come to smash the venue.

If you ask this question many times, you must be missing it. If you ask why frequently, there must be a reason. Knock on the blackboard: some rich people will pretend to be diaosi (or poor people pretend to be rich) to test you, so be careful to distinguish.

Everyone has a desire for benefits, even the most lofty Taoist.

The new officials have a great desire, arrogance and long-term depression. They don't have high expectations and high ambitions.

Smart people, if they are low, will not be high, and the result will often be poor. Honest people, leaders like them, can keep their jobs for a long time and live a good life.

It goes without saying that the skin is delicate and haggard, and the clothes are worn out but the shoes and socks are worn out. He must be a self-made boss with thick fists, big palms, heroic words, simple clothes and golden jade ornaments.

Gorgeous clothes, bright forehead, sad face, not a widow or an abandoned wife; Those who wear gold and silver, dress up enchanting and have a variety of amorous feelings between their eyebrows and eyes are either popular prostitutes or favored by the rich.

People who are full of right and wrong are powerful people, who repeatedly say yes, yes and no doubt.

There are some basic principles and cognitive introductions in front, and the last part is the most important methodology: how to obtain each other's family background and life experience and convince each other? The secret can be summed up in six words: knock, hit, judge, thousand, long and sell.

Beat, beat about the bush; Hit, ask questions suddenly, and don't give the other party time to react; Check and observe language and feelings, and infer the unknown from the known; Strange, exciting, scolding, threatening, hitting the other side's key; Long, praise, compliment, comfort, encouragement, positive energy guidance; Sales promotion, after mastering the general information of the other party, calmly lists them one by one in the most affirmative tone, which makes the other party amazed and impressed.

The six-character formula is dead, people are alive, and excellent fortune tellers can't be dogmatic. They must be used flexibly according to the actual situation in order to achieve a perfect and watertight state.


How to use it flexibly? The teacher told Yucheng a classic case. It's time to witness the miracle.

A 25-year-old man came to tell his fortune. He is wearing a 70% new cheongsam, but inside it is a set of hand-made mature old tulle pants. These shoes are fashionable, but they are worn out. After taking the door, he hesitated, looked around, and saw no acquaintances before he came over with confidence.

Look at him again. He has thin hands and feet, delicate skin, a sad face, a full face of regret, no eyes and a haggard face.

The fortune-teller asked him whether he was divining or fortune-telling, or whether he was watching the fortune-teller watch the fleeting time.

After asking about the price and content, the man thought about it and replied, show me the color first.

In the eyes of the fortune teller, this man has exposed all his life experiences and experiences at this time.

The fortune teller analyzed it like this:

His clothes, appearance, expression and language are consistent, which shows that this person is a "second sai-jo" or something. Two or three years ago, he was arrogant, but in recent years, he has fallen into disrepair. People of this age, especially scholars or rich people, like to tell fortune in groups of three or five, and like to listen to fortune tellers praise their wealth and life in front of their friends to get spiritual satisfaction.

This man is very abnormal. There are two possibilities. First, he has hidden worries; second, his friends abandoned him. Bored, he wandered here to try his luck. According to experience, he is not the first case.

There are three reasons why most people go bankrupt soon: business failure, unexpected trouble and profligacy. Nine times out of ten, the reasons for the bankruptcy of the second sai-jo belong to the third category-excessive love of prostitution and gambling, spending money like water.

People who encounter unexpected troubles have only a bleak face and no regrets; If business fails, he will not wear mandarin crepe robe if he is unlucky; If he gambled too much, his cheongsam would have been gambled out long ago.

Only the rich dude of the prostitute's family in the flower room will leave one or two good clothes to keep up the show when they are poor, and only such people will lose their friends and come to see fortune-telling alone when they have no money. He dodged because he was afraid of losing face when he saw the old rich and the young.

According to the above information, it can be further inferred that he may have lost his father since he was a child, and he is probably an only child. At least, his father died a few years ago, even if he had a brother.

If his father or brother were still alive, they wouldn't allow him to lose his family. Only those second-generation grandparents without fathers and brothers, with the love and connivance of loving mothers, will develop parasites who don't know how to work hard and spend money like water.

You can also introduce that this person comes from a wealthy family, not a bureaucratic family. If an official's family, his relatives or his father's generation, there will always be some people in the officialdom. Even if he fails in his studies, he can find a job with his rich relatives.

If he has a business plan, he will ask if he can succeed first, but his face is not divination and there is no hope in his eyes, which shows that he is down and out.

Why didn't he dare to ask his relatives or father for help and find a bowl of rice? There is only one explanation: they all live locally, and everyone knows that this person is addicted to prostitution or gambling. Serious businessmen hate this kind of black sheep, so this man is afraid to go to his relatives.


Things are far from over.

Although he has mastered this person's family background and life experience, experienced fortune tellers will not rashly use the big trick of "money", but will continue to "knock" and "examine" to further summarize and confirm relevant information, which requires the use of a "charger".

Amateur: I think you look gloomy. I'm afraid you will have a grand funeral in a year or two. Do you still have a mother? (knocking at the door)

The man replied: Mom died last year.

Amateur: Am I right? Your mother really passed away this year. (for sale)

Then hit the snake and post it: How long has your father been dead? How old are you without a father? (Click)

The man replied: He died when I was five years old.

Fortune teller: You lost your father when your forehead was littered with stones. Of course, you lost your father when you were young! (for sale)

Ask again: Are you the eldest son? (Click)

If the other person's answer is yes, then his brothers can "judge". If he is the eldest son and his father died at the age of five, are there five or six brothers?

Fortune teller: If you live long, I'm afraid you won't have more than one or two brothers and you won't be kind, will you? (for sale)

After confirming these situations, you can use "thousand".

"Money" is a big move and the most powerful psychological offensive. First he was down and out, then his friends were ungrateful and disloyal, and then his snobbish relatives despised and snubbed him.

Of course, these words are not only suitable for this person, but also for all people who are trapped in poverty. Through "money", they can directly hit the person's heart, arouse his emotional resonance, and let him feel the efficacy of the fortune teller. It is for this reason that Yao Ying said that "all is silent".

But "money" is not enough, because "money" can only verify the past, not predict the future, and can only be considered half effective. The remaining half depends on "long".

There are two purposes of "long": First, let the other person feel spiritual satisfaction, let him brag for you, and attract more people to see the fortune (old customers refer to each other); Second, through prophecy and suggestion, it produces a kind of spiritual power, which affects each other's future.

"Long" is not a blind compliment and praise, but an appropriate prediction and encouragement for the future of the other party according to the development and needs of society and the background, personality, qualifications and social relations of the other party.

To put it bluntly, I will give you career planning as an elder. The fortune teller is a well-informed social person, who travels all over the world and has contacts in all walks of life. It's not a problem to give some advice on career planning. Of course, this is not a numerology superstition, but a social experience and life experience.

Take the second ancestor above as an example. This man can't study, have no courage and courage, have no ability to make a living and have no capital, so he can't take the imperial examination, join the army or engage in industry and commerce.

This kind of person, if you predict that he will be a big official in the future, teach him to join the army and go into politics, or teach him to sell the rest of his house to start a business and become a big boss in the future, it will definitely not work. If your prediction doesn't work, you will smash your own signboard.

If you teach him to repent and turn over a new leaf, bow down to his relatives and friends, get a position as a shop assistant, work diligently and live very frugally, he may be well-off and rich in the future-although he is penniless, he has many rich relatives and friends. If these people see him turn over a new leaf, maybe one or two people will help him. If he keeps a house diligently, he will learn to do business slowly, and so on.

In this way, the prediction of "dragon" is effective.


"Nothing can be achieved without prosperity", and the giver pays special attention to the word "prosperity". This trick is used well, and a fortune teller can get a thousand times and a hundred times of income in a few years-this is an angel investment without foundation.

He taught the city that if it is a peaceful and prosperous time, you should encourage people with good qualifications and conditions to take the imperial examinations or engage in legitimate industry and commerce. If it is troubled times, we should encourage people with courage to join the army or get involved (gambling, taxation, smuggling and reselling).

It will do you a lot of good. You taught 1,000 people and 10,000 people to do this, saying that they would be rich in the future. They must be very happy, bragging about you. This is your current income, but you will benefit more in the future. As long as two or three of them really become big officials or big bosses, even if they don't reward you, they will preach and teach you, and praise you for your efficacy. There are several successful people who support you, which you will never enjoy in your life.

As for the vast majority of people who fail, they won't say that you don't work, because when you die for them, you have already ambushed several hands, for example, to see how their feng shui is, how their ancestors are, and their personal morality is not good. There are many reasons, and there is always one that suits you.

So if they fail, they will only blame themselves for their bad feng shui, their ancestors' bad morals and their own bad personal morals. Those who died in the army or in troubled times are even less likely to say that you have no fighting capacity.

The above is the general content of Yao Ying and the focus of the speaker. Yao Ying only talks about "Fa". If you want to cheat better, you have to combine "surgery", that is, pricking lung tablets and breaking lung tablets.

Yucheng's father cheated the world by these tricks and enjoyed a lifetime of fame.

After reading Yao Ying, Zafei and Abao, we can find that many tricks in today's society are the dregs and copies of these ancient tricks, and there is not much new idea.

The thinking and level of the audience are still in the past, and the iterative upgrade of deception is not market-driven.

Of course, it's useless for me to say this. People who believe are still convinced. People who don't believe will not believe even if I say I don't believe it.

This article is for recreation.

Finally, let's end with Chen Han's classic lines:

"The fortune teller said I was very successful, but I don't agree! I think it's up to you to live or die.