Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The first love fortune-telling of the elderly _ the first love fortune-telling novel of the elderly

The first love fortune-telling of the elderly _ the first love fortune-telling novel of the elderly

Short Story | The Blind Old Man

An old man came to Pingcheng. There are many old men in Pingcheng, but few blind old men. Even a blind old man who can tell fortune is one.

The old man sat on the bridge of Zhong Xing Road all day, showing people his life. After a long time, many people know him. The old man is easy-going. Whether he is lucky or not, people like to listen to the blind old man's nonsense.

The blind old man is wearing a broken hat, and his clothes are shabby but neat. Someone asked him why you always wear that stupid hat on weekdays. The old man shook his head and said, "I am a psychic hat." I can see at a glance what you want to do with it. Is it all bad water? " "The onlookers laughed, and the questioner didn't care. He continued to ask him," Are you blind? Can you still see my mind? The blind man smiled and said, "That's why I wear this psychic hat." But I don't think you have any bad intentions, but you have nothing to do with my boredom. Why do you still want to wear my hat? "The man was a little surprised, but he was happy. He said, I don't want to wear this stupid hat. I'm afraid I'll sit here all day and have fun with it! "The old man said, let me do the math for you. I recruited this person to get closer. The old man only covered his mouth and whispered a few words in the man's ear, but he saw that the man suddenly turned pale. Now he took out two ten-yuan tickets and hurried home. They don't understand, so they ask the blind old man. The old man just smiled and made no answer. He only received twenty dollars, and then he began to say jingles.

In fact, old people's fortune-telling is not fixed. Give as much as you want. If you think it is accurate, you can give more. If you think it is not allowed, you can give the poor one or two dollars and the rich two or three hundred dollars. Many people are interested in his blindness, so they joke that you are not blind, and it looks no different. The old man laughed and said he was blind, but didn't say why. In fact, the old man told the story that he was once blind. That day, the old man drank some wine and said that he was not blind, but he studied life science deeply, told people fortune, read people's past lives and pointed out the way to change their lives for many people. Suddenly one morning, he was blind. He was afraid that the cat would leak the news and be punished by God. Others asked him, then how can you tell people's fortune now, not afraid of being cursed again? The old man was angry and pointed to the man and said, that's what I've learned in my life. I love this business and I'll stick to it even if I die! The man stopped talking.

Sometimes some high school students, men and women, want this and that. One day, a female high school student came and asked him to show you the trend of love. The old man asked the female high school students to shake the sign, make a hole, and then told the girl that you are in big trouble now, and you don't know it. Your lover doesn't really care about you. Let's end this doomed love as soon as possible! The girl doesn't believe me, so let the old man give her a convincing reason. The old man whispered that you were popular yesterday, and the girl was so surprised that she left without paying.

I didn't see the blind old man the next day. People say that someone hit the old man yesterday, and I'm afraid he won't be able to get out these days. Sure enough, it was several days before I saw the old man sitting on the bridge talking and laughing with everyone. People jokingly asked the blind old man where he went the other day. The old man just smiled, but he never told the high school students' fortune again.

Time flies. The blind old man has been here for more than a year. This year, the old man has also done calculations for many people. Some people say that some people are not sure, some believe, some praise and some irony, but there is one thing that makes everyone speechless. It turned out that three months ago, the blind old man said that there was a strange smell in this city and something was going to happen to the top. If it is serious, people will die. No one cared, but within a month, a leader of the municipal party Committee hanged himself at home, several municipal cadres resigned one after another, and the leadership team in the city changed in a few days. People who don't know what's going on just talk about it before and after dinner, only to remember that the blind old man mentioned it before, and it was a burst of horror. Some people say that the blind man has something to do with the city leaders. Everyone is just guessing, and no one knows the origin of the blind man. Later, a city leader invited the blind old man to his home for divination. It is said that he got 20 thousand yuan this time, which is even more impressive.

On this day, the blind old man sat on the bridge and told people fortune. Suddenly, a cold wind blew and blinded many people's eyes. People shouted that it would be cold. The blind old man changed his face, paused, then drew a ghost on the ground, then shook his head and said calmly, "The fire is coming!" " "They were puzzled and asked him what was going on. The old man then said, "China is vast and rich in resources. Now the country wants to develop, the population wants food, the good guys and the bad guys want to get rich, the treasures on the ground have been dug up, and the atmosphere has been dug away. What else can we take? "They were even more puzzled and asked him what treasure he had dug up. The old man added, "Everything with a strong atmosphere underground has been dug, as well as ore, coal and oil. The city has grown up, but the land is getting less and less, the Woods are gone, and the lake is gone ... the atmosphere has turned into a fire, and it is going to burn! "People listened to his blind vernacular, and no one cared, but they felt that there was some truth, and they all dispersed.

Since then, I have never seen the old man appear again. Only then did someone remember that the old man said that the fire came that day. Did the blind man escape from the fire? But where can he go? People gradually forgot this insignificant guy. But it wasn't long before SARS came. SARS spread all over the country, and all parts of the country were imprisoned. People have to stay at home and disinfect everything they see with liquid medicine. Students are kept in school, and those who go out are kept outdoors. Cattle and sheep are kept in the yard. People are afraid to say hello when they meet. I took out several layers of masks and couldn't take them off. In summer, the sun hurts people's faces. When I got home, I took off my mask and found that my face was much darker, but the place covered by the mask was unusually white and lived in the shape of a mask. Some people have itchy noses and can't help sneezing. The people around them immediately fled like a plague, and they stopped coming and going. Everything seems to be frozen.

People can't live in fear all day, thinking that this disaster will destroy the earth. At this time, someone thought of the blind old man and thought that if the blind old man were here, he might be able to figure out what to do. Suddenly, he thought of what the old man had said before and wondered if the fire today was SARS virus.

People count the days as if it had been ten years, maybe a hundred years. People are bored at home and can't count the days. Only then did I hear that SARS has been completely controlled, and people can go out for a walk, play cards and bicker, and the days are the same as before.

The blind old man appeared on the bridge again, still telling people's fortune and asking them to do it. Believers believe it and do as the old man says. Unbelievers just laugh at blind people sitting there all day being cheated.