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Fortune telling training _ fortune telling training class

Life Digital Energy Training Course

A. Calculation method of digital thermodynamics

Number transfer digital position table

This method of analyzing numbers is based on the five elements and the congenital number of river maps, which originated from the Book of Changes of our ancestors for 5000 years. Numbers are calculated with "1 6" as water, "2,7" as fire, "4,9" as gold, "5,0" as soil and "3,8" as wood.

The number of wood attributes will make people progress, but it is easy to be reckless.

The number of fire attributes can make people warm and cheerful, but it is easy to be irritable.

Metal figures can be bold and calm, but easy to be cold.

The water attribute number is wise, but it is easy to be negative.

Telephone numbers arranged in different positions have different effects on people.

In a word, this technology is very scientific and accurate, but it is too harsh, so to speak. Accurate calculation and analysis of calculating a number.

B. what is digital energetics about and what is its use after learning it.

Digital energetics is a simple and accurate way to know yourself: add all the numbers of your date of birth to a single-digit destiny number, use it to understand your various sexual energies and know how to exert your strongest idiosyncratic energy, and then know how to find the door to happiness and success, affirm your idiosyncrasies, build self-confidence and improve communication skills. This will enable you to have a better development in interpersonal relationships.

The purpose of learning is to let you know your true colors through simple digital energy;

Know your strengths; Grasp your own career opportunities;

Discover your own color magnetic field; Choose your life partner;

Create a harmonious marriage life; Crack your own disease code.

Restore your healthy and wonderful life by adjusting the digital password.

Functions of life digital password:

? Discover your own genius field.

? Find your own character strengths.

? Discover your professional skills.

? Find out who is your important person.

? Find your own shortcomings and know how to remedy them.

To sum up, digital energetics is to reveal the mystery of personality and point out the maze of life.

There are many places to learn. If you want to have a simple understanding, search some calculation methods and videos online. If you want to learn systematically, you'd better find a professional learning platform. I think that if you come into contact with a knowledge, you either don't learn it or learn it thoroughly. This digital energy science really has a good guiding role in life. After systematic study, helping people make some adjustments can make life better and better understood. Give you some advice. At present, the course about digital analysis and transshipment adjustment is a professional course of meta-leaf culture. There are not only digital energy courses, but also digital passwords and mobile phone numbers courses, all of which are explained by professional teachers. As long as you find a professional teacher to teach some primary school culture, you can learn it. Mainly to apply what you have learned. I'm afraid you'll meet some swindlers in the Jianghu and you won't learn the real skills.

C. my friend went to a hotel in Shanghai to give a lecture these two days, but most people couldn't get in and were cheated of hundreds of thousands of tuition fees. Are you a liar?

He must be a liar. He has received hundreds of thousands of tuition fees, but he doesn't even have a fixed place to attend classes. There must be something wrong.

D. digital energetics, how should I study it?

This classmate, you don't even know digital energy, so hurry back to earth, this is not for you.

To understand digital energetics, I'll show you a secret map first. Remember, don't say I told you. They are very powerful and can cast spells.

Digital variable five-element diagram

This analysis of figures does not talk about good or bad luck, but only about the five elements and the arrangement of figures. According to the innate numbers in the Book of Changes, "Six Cheng Shuisheng in Heaven" equals 16, 27 equals fire, and 38 equals wood. ...........

I ching is more mysterious. The five elements produce grams, and yin and yang are interlinked, resulting in good or bad luck. If the numbers in the numbers are close to each other, it will be more auspicious and fierce.

At the same time, if the number in the number is your eight-character numerology, congratulations, the more you use this number, the better your luck; On the other hand, if the number in the fruit number is the taboo five elements of your numerology, then you are finished, and the more you use it, the more unlucky it is.

This method of analyzing mobile phone numbers is more accurate, but it is more academic and more difficult than digital energetics.

E. Is the theory of digital energy a lie? It feels like pyramid schemes.

It is a deception and pyramid scheme based on digital energy theory.


Digital Energetics discovered the close relationship between the journey of life wisdom and numbers, and tested luck, marriage, family, pathology, etc. with reciprocity, mutual resistance and mobile phone number. Choosing a mobile phone number can make people luckier, make your life change greatly, open your wisdom horizon, have this knowledge, guide his life and create a better life situation.

By using the numbers, mobile phone numbers and influences corresponding to the distribution, adjustment and auspiciousness of the human body, we can guess quickly and accurately by analyzing the mobile phone numbers, and easily interpret other people's life goals, individual thinking, talent potential, professional wealth, socialization, IQ, EQ, mental health, emotional marriage and so on.

The digital energy of the new scam has deceived so many people:

First, people's curiosity about the future.

It is precisely because digital energy can effectively operate a person's future development, so in this case, many people are full of curiosity about their future, because they want to know what their future can be like;

It is for this reason that they want to calculate their future through various methods. It is precisely because of this situation that the digital energy of the new scam has attracted more netizens. But these ordinary netizens don't know that this is a scam, so they will be deceived.

Second, digital energetics has not been popularized.

This is also an important reason why the new scam digital energy can succeed. Although digital energy science has become an independent science now, its popularity in people's minds is far from enough, so many people have only a little knowledge of digital energy science, or even know nothing about it.

It is precisely for this reason that these scammers can easily capture the hearts of a large number of netizens when they commit fraud. In this case, they can cheat more money, so if you want to avoid this kind of scam, you should know more information.

Third, digital energetics is deceptive.

It is precisely because many netizens will encounter all kinds of new scams when inferring their future development through digital energetics, so they think that the digital energy of new scams exists, but there is no real digital energetics to infer their future;

It is also incorrect to think so. In fact, there are indeed many experts on the Internet. They have a deep research on digital energetics, so they can know which number is good for you, so not all experts in energetics are deceptive.

(5) Extended reading of life digital energetics training course:

As early as 1998, the Notice on Prohibition of MLM Business Activities issued by the State Council clearly stipulated that any form of MLM business activities was prohibited.

In 2005, the State Council promulgated the Regulations on Prohibition of MLM, which made the punishment more detailed. For example, if it is clearly stipulated that organizations plan pyramid schemes, the administrative department for industry and commerce will confiscate illegal property and illegal income and impose a fine of not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 2 million yuan; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

A formed MLM organization involves a large number of people and complex levels, and the status and role of people at different levels are very different. The lower-level personnel are often deceived, threatened and exploited, and the upper-level leaders and backbone elements are the real beneficiaries and initiators of pyramid schemes;

Their illegal motives are clear and their behaviors are bad, so the criminal law only punishes organizers and leaders, but this does not mean that they are legally allowed to participate in pyramid schemes or pyramid schemes.

The position of personnel in MLM organization is constantly and dynamically adjusted. Although some people were tricked into joining the MLM organization at first, later they actively participated, incited and tricked others into joining and became important accomplices of the MLM organization.

F. Founder of digital energetics

Pythagoras was born in Greece around the 6th century BC, and his first impression was nothing more than the Pythagorean Theorem named after his surname. But there are only a handful of stories about his boyhood, almost all of which have not been verified. As an adult, Pythagoras believed that people should seek truth and knowledge everywhere. His 36-year personal study journey spanned different cultural fields. He not only studied with the most famous scholars in Greece, but also contacted many most important cultures and the most famous learning centers around the country, and even traveled to many distant countries to discuss and study with Egyptians, Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Persians, Indians, * * * people and Jews. It was not until the age of 56 that Pythagoras' journey finally came to an end. Then he stayed in Italy and founded a school to share his rich knowledge and experience with others. Although this Pythagorean theorem, which can be understood as long as you have studied elementary geometry and has a wide range of applications, has always been respected by the mathematical community, it also hides Pythagoras' achievements in other aspects. Like other scholars in the same period, because the educational tradition in Greece always encourages people to develop various interests, the influence of his and his disciples' theories on later generations includes geometry, algebra, music theory, astronomy, literature, religion and so on. Although most people use C2=A2+B2 to calculate and solve problems in geometry and physics, Pythagoras believes that Pythagoras theorem can be applied more widely and can be applied to solve problems of all mankind. He believes that C2=A2+B2 means that truth (including the universe) has its basic order, and they all follow the perfect prototype. Of course, Pythagoras' passion for truth, his dribs and drabs of life and his new discovery of beauty and harmony have made his achievements in the field of philosophy surpass those of other philosophers. He is committed to proving the harmony between all things in nature, and he always believes that only from the figures in science can he have a thorough insight into the relationship between our life and nature. Therefore, Pythagoras tried to better understand the ups and downs of the world, and tried to explain karma, the subtle relationship between people, and the idea of cosmic harmony. According to some related research, he was the first person to put forward this mysterious idea! So many people are convinced that he is the father of modern numerology.

G. I heard that digital energetics is very accurate, really?

I don't know. See if I like it.

Digital energy has a long history. In fact, it is basically a question of the law of numbers. Before computers appeared, no one could have imagined that computers could do this. Even though we are using them, there are still many unknowns about their nature, including intelligent computers to be studied in the future. But this does not affect our application of it.

Digital energetics is not fortune-telling, but a statistical analysis method, which can analyze your personality characteristics, find your own genius field, find your own professional expertise and so on through simple calculation. If you are a college student, by studying digital energy, you can accurately know your professional advantages and find a job easily and quickly.

The reason why we can't see or hear the vibration of every substance is because we are not in the same frequency band as most substances. For us, what cannot be proved by the senses will be considered as nothingness. But in fact this is an objective fact. The vibration frequency of the same kind is the magnetic field energy of the same kind. Just like every note, beat, high and low notes of music, they all represent different vibration frequencies and energy levels.

(7) Extended reading of life digital energetics training course

The meaning of "0"

"0" doesn't mean nothing. The meaning of "nothing" is simple. It can only be used as an explanation of "nothing", not as the final meaning. "Nothing" is a state, just like the air in the room, we can't see it, so we can say that there is nothing. When the room is sealed and the space is reduced, the pressure will increase and even an explosion may occur.

Or "0" is a primitive state, so that the primitive state does not determine an object or thing, but it will appear in all things or things. Just like before the appearance of gossip, there were four elephants, but there were yin and yang before the four elephants, Tai Chi before the yin and yang, poles before Tai Chi, and infinity before the poles. The poles are not without, but they have not happened yet, or they are in a waiting state. "Start" is everything.

This state is like plants grow out of the soil, animals eat plants, and finally animals die and return to the soil, which means "dust to dust" and "soil to soil". This result is a "nothing" process, with many things or changes in the middle, and finally returned to the original place.

Therefore, the meaning of "nothing" or "empty" in "0" here is not nothing, but a phenomenon that will go through countless unpredictable things and return to the original point. We don't have to explain in such a roundabout way.

In other words, "0" is an invisible state, that is, we can't predict when it will work, so "0" has hidden characteristics. At this time, it is understandable that we say "0" means "no", because it is more convenient for everyone to understand.

H. Is digital energetics a lie?

No. Life digital energetics is also called life code. Life digital energetics has existed for more than 4000 years. At that time, it was the life standard of people in the ancient Sitabaoli, which was secretly handed down by priests and sages in spoken language.

Calculation method: For example, for a person born on July 29th, 1986, the algorithm is: add up the numbers separately. That is1+9+8+6+7+2+9 = 42; Then add the last two digits to 4+2 = 6; Its main features are: 6. In other words, this person is number six.

(8) Extended reading of life digital energetics training course:

In addition, there are internal energy, biological energy, tidal energy, hydraulic power and so on.

When the motion forms are the same, the motion characteristics of two objects can be described and compared by some physical or chemical quantities. For example, two objects in mechanical motion can be described and compared by physical quantities such as speed, acceleration and momentum;

The current moving in two directions can be described and compared by physical quantities such as current intensity, voltage and power. However, when the motion forms are different.

The only physical quantity that can describe and compare the motion characteristics of two substances is energy, that is, energy characteristics are the common characteristics of all moving substances, and energy scale is the universal scale to measure all motion forms. Therefore, a new philosophical definition of energy can be made.

1. What is digital energetics?

Digital energetics is to label numbers that are unlucky or unlucky. Digital energetics comes back and forth from the invention of a geomantic master. His cleverness lies in drawing the geomantic objects in Bazhai into numbers to discuss good or bad luck.

Comparison table of five elements of digital transfer

The change of number is based on the five behaviors of number, which are good and bad. In the number group, there are good and bad multiphase numbers and bad multiphase numbers. The foundation of the five elements comes from the early River Map, which is the innate number of the Book of Changes. What is this? "Natural water, 60% of the land, two fires, and 70% of the sky."

For example, if your number is 3399, then according to the theory of number variation, 3 belong to wood and 9 belong to gold. At this time, Jin Kemu will appear and make you lose your fortune. At the same time, wood represents the liver and gallbladder, which is easy to cause health loss.

J. Is digital energetics a pyramid scheme?

Digital energetics itself is not pyramid selling, but it does not rule out that some people use digital energetics to engage in pyramid selling.

Digital energetics, also known as life code, was founded by Pythagoras, the father of mathematical geometry and the Greek mathematician and philosopher.

In the west, life code, tarot and constellation are listed as three mysteries, which are accurate and predictable, similar to China's Book of Changes, and are the most important numerology in the west.

The present life code is a combination of profound Yijing, Pythagoras' number theory and scientific tools of western science and technology statistics. Drawing a code diagram of a person's life through the date of birth in the solar calendar can unlock a person's natural potential and personality traits, and know yourself and others through different levels of body, mind and spirit.

Digital life science is a theory, not a pyramid scheme.

(10) Extended Reading Training Course of Life Digital Energetics;

Development of digital energetics

Pythagoras school believes that 1 is the first principle of numbers, the mother of all things and the mother of wisdom; 2. Oppose the principle of negation, which is an opinion; 3 is the form and form of all things; 4 is justice, symbolizing the creator of the universe; 5 is odd and even, and the combination of men and women is also marriage; 6 is the life and soul of God; 7 is opportunity; 8 is harmony, but also love and friendship; 9 is rational and powerful.

Today's life code uses the number 1~9 to interpret different personality traits: 1 stands for leadership, creativity and self-confidence; 2 stands for communication, gentleness and patience; 3 stands for action expression and prestige; 4 stands for planning, intelligence and stability; 5 stands for direction, freedom and humor; 6 stands for loyalty, foresight and wealth; 7 stands for popularity, erudition and luck; 8 stands for responsibility, right and ambition; 9 stands for opportunity, integrity and wisdom.

In addition, through the continuous combination and refinement of ancient knowledge by the promoters of life code, life code has been widely used to discover and know ourselves, capture the value and energy hidden in us, and realize our greatest life value; At the same time, it also helps us to know others more intelligently and get along with others; Adjust our living resources more effectively.