Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Face, small hands, big men and women.

Face, small hands, big men and women.

This statement is unrealistic and empty. In fact, human beings are comprehensive and complementary. Some people obviously have some bad spots on their faces, but in some parts of the body, it changes, resists the spread of these spots, and is finally safe. Your face is big and small, but judging from the specific face shape, if your five senses are in their proper places and there are no obvious defects, your face is ruddy and bright, indicating that there is a so-called phase difference in face, then it is still prosperous. If you look at your hand, although it is big, if it has no meat, no bones, no roughness and messy lines, then maybe this person can work hard all his life, but if you cut the palm thick, soft and boneless, the palm print is reasonable and the skin is delicate, it can also be a rich and auspicious hand. People's light is mainly reflected in your face and hands. Generally, there are not too many restrictions on the appearance, but the symptoms of obvious disorder should be treated in stages. I believe that no matter what stage everyone is at, as long as you firmly believe in your future and work hard towards your goals, there will always be places where you can succeed.