Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - White lies, good examples and bad examples, add 200 copies tonight! ! ! 111100000 urgent.

White lies, good examples and bad examples, add 200 copies tonight! ! ! 111100000 urgent.

The first four examples are all good examples, and the last two are bad examples. Don't forget to give points, hehe.

A white lie story 1:

I clearly remember when I graduated from high school and went to college. The sprint of cultural study review is extremely tense. Even when I sleep at night, I dream about math, physics, chemistry and English. Tossing in the sea of dreams makes me seriously insomnia. I was embarrassed, and I obviously lost a circle. Mother improved my food, but I just have no appetite.

My mother comforted me again and again and told me many simple truths. I still can't hide my inner tension. I don't think parents are scrimping and dieting for their children to go to primary school, middle school or university. Is there a future? I can't live up to all my parents' wishes for me.

One day, a fortune teller came to our village. They say the calculation is quite accurate. Mother never believed this. But today, for me, my mother actually leaned in and made a divination for my future.

When mother came home, she was all smiles. This is a smile that my mother has never had before. Mother said, "Son, I will read your fortune today. The fortune teller said that you will be admitted this year! " "

This sentence is like giving me a shot in the arm. My mood has also stabilized a lot and eased a lot. That is, my mother's words strengthened my determination to study hard.

You are indeed right. The exam is over, and you are really on the list.

I was admitted to a famous university.

I'm really excited. I am so excited. I feel really happy.

Holding a gilded college admission notice, I don't know what words to use to describe my happiness

I want to give my mother an unexpected surprise.

After returning home, I said to my mother with a serious face: "Mom! I'm sorry, son. I failed the exam! There is not even a minimum score for specialties. "

Mother paused for a moment, and then said quietly, "That fortune teller is really accurate. He said you were not fit to go to college. "

I'm Zheng. Ask his mother: "Didn't you say that the fortune teller said that I could be admitted this year?"

Mother said, "That mother is lying to you! Mom lied to you because she was afraid that you would lose confidence. " "son! I can't pass the exam this year, so I'll take it next year. The university can't be admitted to all, I will take the exam next year. "

At this time, I couldn't restrain my inner joy and handed my mother the gilded college admission notice. "Niang! Your son got in, so did your son. The fortune teller is lying to you, not to mom! You are encouraging me! "

Mother took the notice with trembling hands, and tears rolled down from the depths of her eyes and fell to the ground, unable to say a word. Is excited, is gratified, is happiness. ...

White lie story 2:

A long time ago, there was a girl who was born blind.

Darkness is her only theme, and she cannot know the beauty and ugliness of this world.

But she is always happy because her mother says she is the most beautiful woman in the village. On the contrary, she is the ugliest woman in the village. But she didn't know that she only believed her mother's words, so she lived happily and proudly.

Blink of an eye, the girl has reached the age of marriage. No one in the village wants to marry her because she is blind and ugly. After his mother's search and lobbying, a young man with a broken hand in a foreign village agreed to marry her.

The girl's mother said that she only had one request. The young man is not allowed to say that the girl is ugly, but can only boast that the girl is the most beautiful woman in the village. The young man promised to come down.

Mother said to the girl, "Son, I find you are the most handsome young man in the village."

On the wedding night, the girl asked the young man, "Mom says you are the most handsome person in the village, right?"

The young man said, "Yes."

The girl asked again, "Mom said, am I the most beautiful woman in the village?"

The young man said loudly, "Yes. You are the most beautiful woman in the village. I love you. "

After listening to the boy's answer, the girl blushed. Since then, the girl has lived more confidently. She is the most beautiful woman in the village and married the most handsome young man in the village. What could be happier than this?

After a while, the girl's mother died and the girl gave birth to a little boy.

The kind-hearted young man told the little boy when he was sensible that he could not say that his mother was ugly, but that she was the most beautiful woman in the village.

The girl continues to live a beautiful lie. The lies of mother, husband and son make her life full of happiness and sweetness.

Finally, one day, the girl was old and closed her eyes peacefully, with a satisfied smile on her face.

In others' eyes, the girl is an ugly duckling, but the girl herself lives like a proud princess. This is the power of white lies. We were moved by the greatness and white lies of our family.

White lie story 3:

A transport plane was forced to land in a sandstorm in the desert, but the plane was seriously damaged and could not resume taking off. Communication equipment was also destroyed and communication with the outside world was interrupted. Nine passengers and 1 driver were in despair. The instinct of survival makes them fight for limited dry food and water.

At a critical juncture, a passenger on an airplane stepped forward temporarily and said, "Don't panic, I'm an airplane designer. As long as Qi Xin listens to my command, we can repair the plane. " This is like a shot in the arm, which has stabilized everyone's mood. They consciously save water and dry food; Everything is in order. Let's unite to fight against sandstorms.

Ten days have passed and the plane has not been repaired; However, a caravan passing through the desert rescued them. A few days later, it was discovered that the temporary passenger was not an airplane designer at all. He is a primary school teacher and knows nothing about airplanes. Someone called him a liar after knowing the truth and asked him angrily: "Everyone's life is almost gone, and you still have the heart to deceive us?" The primary school teacher said, "If I hadn't lied, would everyone still be alive now?"

White lie story 4:

When I was boarding at school in high school, my parents credited the living expenses to my account every month. Because the family is poor, my parents are busy running around for our tuition all day. My parents told me not to save money, but to eat what I should eat and use what I should use. But I am well aware of the situation at home, and in order to reduce the burden on my parents, I began to save money for dinner. I didn't cook at noon, and then I spent twenty cents.

At six o'clock in the evening on September 19th, my uncle died after being rescued. When the bad news comes, the pain is useless. After all, people can't be resurrected after death. Later I learned that a white lie hurt my uncle.

My uncle works in Fuqing Xincuo, with a basic salary of 3000 yuan per month. The situation is also optimistic, and it is easier to go to work. He has free time basically every afternoon.

My uncle is a filial and sensible child. He knows his family situation and is approaching marriageable age. He wants to build a house, knowing that he will spend more money, so he wants to earn more money.

In March this year, my uncle bought a motorcycle in a factory during the winter vacation, and used it to pick up customers every afternoon to earn a little extra money.

Originally, parents should be consulted for such a thing, but my uncle was afraid to tell his parents at home, fearing that his parents would be worried, so he told his parents a white lie, which led to the tragedy.

However, the faster you ride a motorcycle, the more fuel you save, and the more money your uncle wants to save. Dad went to the scene a few days ago and heard from the traffic police that the watch of his uncle's motorcycle showed 80 yards.

If my uncle and his family discuss it, and the family knows it, they will definitely remind him to be careful at all times.

Bad example 1: When a terminally ill patient is sentenced to death by a doctor, his parents, lover, children and all relatives will not directly tell him that "life is hopeless" and "how long can I live in this world at most". Although all this is true, who will tell the truth to their already miserable relatives as cruelly as a judge sentenced a prisoner to death? At this time, everyone will form a United front, keep silent about the truth, and use white lies to make patients full of hope for treatment and let patients spend the rest of their lives with peace of mind. Does this hinder honesty?

Bad example 2: When a child who is out of harmony with the world suddenly encounters misfortune and loses his relatives, how can he explain to him where his relatives have gone? We think the best way is: don't tell him the real situation for the time being, just say to go on a business trip in a distant place or study abroad. When the child is sensible and has a certain tolerance, he will tell the truth, and the child will understand the practices of his loved ones and will not be angry because he did not know the truth earlier. Don't such words also hinder the integrity!

How I wish I could see my son for the last time when his mother was terminally ill and dying. However, my son can't come back, and he can't do a little filial piety for his old mother and take care of the mother who once broke his heart for his son. He regrets and misses it. The old mother understands her son very well and tells her relatives around her not to tell her distant son after she leaves and not to distract him. She should say that her condition is stable, reassure him and do her best for the country. Don't interfere with honesty with such white lies!