Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How far is it from Suzhou Station to Mudu Ancient Town?

How far is it from Suzhou Station to Mudu Ancient Town?

Distance from Suzhou Station to Mudu Ancient Town17.5km. According to Baidu map query, the distance from Suzhou Station to Mudu Ancient Town is 17.5km, the whole journey is about 1 hour, passing through 18 Station, changing three times and walking 704 meters. Take subway line 2 from Suzhou Railway Station, walk about 80 meters to Guangji South Road after three stops, take subway 1 to Guangji South Road, walk about 350 meters to Mudu after nine stops, take bus No.446 to China Garden Hotel, and walk about 250 meters to Lingyan Mountain after six stops. Therefore, the distance from Suzhou Station to Mudu Ancient Town is17.5km..