Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Do you think the final ending of Zhu Xian was that all the people burning incense in the valley were eliminated, or that Ding Xiao forgot to write it?

Do you think the final ending of Zhu Xian was that all the people burning incense in the valley were eliminated, or that Ding Xiao forgot to write it?

As time went on, suddenly, the spin of light began to rotate in the opposite direction at an extremely fast speed and collapsed inward at an alarming speed. Wan Jianyi and others only feel a loose body, and the invisible suction suddenly becomes invisible. "Stand back!" Wan Jianyi sharp track, green mans a flash offering "dragon", fly forward to hold the crumbling Lin Jingyu. Tian Buyi's "red spirit" there is like a red light that wakes up. They are like black dragons that have been bound for thousands of years. Imperial sword retreated a hundred feet, left Guangxuan airspace, and went down to Tian Tongfeng. The ghost king and the beast god are strange strange bedfellows. So, as soon as he realized his mind, he immediately put on his weight and landed in the clouds. However, the beast god seems to have sensed the scene before him. He hung in the air, watched the light for a while, then closed his eyes, sighed softly and returned to the ground. At the moment when five people successively climbed Tian Tongfeng, the optical spin had shrunk into a light spot. Suddenly, thousands of purple rays were emitted from the light spot, and purple light waves surged in all directions instantly, covering the whole earth and sky. At that moment, the brilliance of the sun seemed to be a lot dimmer, only becoming a foil to the purple light waves between heaven and earth. A dark cloud fell from the sky to the top of Tiantong Mountain. No, it's not clouds, it's light ash from burning! Vast, spread to the earth for a long time, falling dust. He's not dead! He must not be dead! Baguio raised her hands in the air as if to hug the person in her heart. However, only the faint ash fell silently and stroked her face. The faint ash fell on Xue Qi's shoulder, and she drifted down reluctantly. Xue Qi wanted to pick it up carefully, but when she touched her finger, it disappeared. Tears have dried up! "Whoops, grandpa! , he ... he doesn't keep order ... chaotic magic life ... no ... not so early ... right? " Gray seemed to understand Xiao Huan's words and bit Zhou Yixian's gown with "squeak" as if to nod. Zhou Yixian looked up at the sky and said nothing. Does a man who has changed heaven still have fate? Great changes have taken place in the world that year. Several famous ancient attackers no longer exist. "Zhu Xian" Gu Jian, Xuan Huo Jian, blood-eating beads, soul-sucking sticks and four-spirit beasts were all burned by skyfire in this battle, and went up in smoke. Among the factions in the right path, the leaders and disciples of Yin Tian Temple and Xianghuo Valley survived, while the rest of the disciples died. The situation in Qingyun Gate is the most tragic. The leader Dao Xuan was killed. Among the leaders of the Seven Veins, except Tian Buyi of Dazhufeng who survived and Shuiyue of Xiaozhufeng who was seriously injured and disabled, all other elders were killed. Several leading figures of the younger generation were also hit hard: Xiao Yicai was seriously injured and disabled, Qi Hao lost his martial arts, Ceng Shushu was blind, and Lu Xueqi and Lin Jingyu were slightly better, but they were unable to gather their true qi within a hundred days and returned to normal after three to five years. There are many rumors about people and animal gods in the magic religion. It is widely circulated that the ghost king was badly weakened after World War I and returned to Foqi Mountain to retreat and rest. After going through the customs, his thoughts changed greatly. He disbanded the demon and went to Mount Lausanne to destroy the entrance of Wanbat Cave. Since then, I have lived with Baguio and Ji You for a long time. Mr. Ghost, everyone present said that his "ghost fire" was extinguished by the ghost with "Brahma Prajna", but some people said that he lived for two years and finally died in hundreds of mountains. The beast god is the lightest of the two schools of good and evil, but because of the loss of "gluttony" in the battle of Tongtianfeng, it means that the beast demon team has gone. But most importantly, the beast god himself seems to have no nostalgia for the "world". It is said that he disappeared after getting rid of the light spin that day, and no one has seen his whereabouts since then. Only in the foothills where Gu Mo Cave is located in the southern Xinjiang town. According to legend, the flute sounds every moonlit night, which makes people sad and angry. ※※※※※※※※ 5 Zhu Xiandi 18 Episode Chapter 10 Time flies, and ten years have passed. The geomantic omen of Qingyunzi, the originator of Qingyun, is really amazing. Qingyun Gate, which suffered the most ten years ago, actually recovered the fastest. Of the seven veins, except Dazhufeng, all the other six veins have been served by the younger generation of the pulse. At the same time, a group of young people with high qualifications have been added to practice in the past ten years, and the scale has reached the pre-war level ten years ago. Wan Jianyi, who has been in charge of the company and shouldered the task of rebuilding Qingyun Gate, has since closed the door to Gengetsu's abode of fairies and immortals after passing on what he has learned all his life to Lin Jingyu of Longshoufeng. And Lin Jingyu lived up to expectations, not only improving his character cultivation, but also reaching the peak in truth cultivation. He practiced Taiji Xuanqing Road to the state of "Taiqing" and became the first person in Qingyun since he was the "father of Julia". In seven days, Lin Jingyu will take over as the 16th generation head of Qingyun Gate. The host of Yin Tian Temple will send someone to Qingyun Mountain to congratulate him and inform him that he will personally come to discuss the revival plan of the right path in the world. Incense burning valley played a disgraceful role in the last catastrophe, which made its position in the right path worse than before. However, from the consideration of "the world is the beginning, and the right path should be United with one heart and one mind", Qingyun Gate still sent an invitation to Li Xun, the owner of the valley. Qingyun Gate, a narrow escape in a thousand years, has saved the world from peril several times, and its position as a leader in the right path is in full swing. I just don't know why, in the manuscript of "A new head takes office to tell the world" in Qingyun Gate, the phrase "strive for self-improvement and kill all the demons in the world" that has never changed for thousands of years has been changed to "fix the truth for goodness and kill all the demons in the world". In addition, the new owner Lin Jingyu asked someone to build a small ancestral temple on the west side of the ancestral temple, named "Guizhen Temple". After completion, he always goes alone and never needs company. Whenever Qingyun Gate encounters something difficult to solve, the real person in charge will always sit in the temple for a long time and whisper to each other for a long time. Few new disciples know who is enshrined in it. Several people who fought in the war and survived decades ago know about it, but they seem extremely reluctant to talk about it. In the long run, it will become a new forbidden area for Qingyun Gate. June 9th. According to the new rules of Qingyun Gate, the first member of each pulse took his new disciple to see the master. Only the first field of the Great Everest, Buyi, didn't arrive. On the one hand, Tian Buyi is too old to walk. On the other hand, it is also because he has had another strange problem since the great war ten years ago: no matter who advises him, he will never accept more than seven apprentices. Especially for the seventh apprentice, this is an amazing preference. He always asks himself about food, clothing, housing and transportation. After the ceremony, it became an interesting joke for everyone, but Lu Xueqi seemed very shy about it. He immediately got up to say goodbye to his master and led his disciples out of the Jade Qing Temple. The summer is very obvious just after the hot summer, but it is rare to have a breeze today. In addition, this season's "Six Scenes of Qingyun" is the most graceful. Lu Xueqi, who was walking in the sea of clouds, suddenly felt in a good mood and said to his disciples around him, "I have something to stay for a while. Please go back to Zhu Xiaofeng first and be careful all the way. " The disciples were ordered to leave. Walking back and forth in the square, looking at everything familiar, the past began to polish the scars that had just been healed by time. "Don't do that. The past is the past after all. " Lu Xueqi said to himself, and quickly walked back across the "Hongqiao". I haven't been to the back hill for a long time. It's really midsummer here, and there are holes in the sky. The flowers in spring haven't taken off their gorgeous clothes, and the grass in summer can't wait to paint the earth oily green. The air is filled with the charming smell of vanilla, and all kinds of birds and insects in summer compete to sing among the trees. Xue Qi listened to the gurgling stream and climbed the stairs. As the shadows flashed by, she saw a corner of an antique building in the distance. The smell of incense wafted faintly in the wind. Xue Qi, the "Guizhen Temple", felt a dull pain in her heart. Standing for a while, I felt a little blurred in front of me, wiped my eyes quickly and turned to leave. Suddenly, a voice came. "Pa", gently, is the sound of footsteps pressing on the branches. But, the footsteps! So familiar! It seems to have touched a long-forgotten heartstring. Xue Qi turned around quickly and scanned the range of Fiona Fang dozens of feet at a very fast speed, but there was nothing. Fan Xiao!' Xue Qi doesn't know why the name has to be blurted out, just like it has to be called countless times every day. No one answered. Only the gurgling sound of running water and birds singing in the deep forest. Is it an illusion? Xue Qi's eyes blurred again. Almost at the same time, her mouth tasted salty and bitter. Ten years have passed, and I thought that if I can't forget it, I can calm down a little. Who knows, everything is just like yesterday! Looking up at the sky, a goshawk spread its wings and flew over. 6 Zhu Xiandi 18 Chapter 10 Back to Nature (finale) Fox Qishan. The fox Qishan is the quietest in summer night. After quarreling all day, I fell asleep wearily. The first quarter moon also hangs quietly in the night sky, making people sleepy. But the stars are full of spirit. Blinking one by one, I looked at the dark earth, leaving a little starlight for the window and the moon. Baguio, covered with silver brilliance, fell asleep in the arms of the evening breeze. As long as she keeps saying a name every night, she can sleep so well. Suddenly, there was a whisper in her ear, so familiar that she could remember the longer sleep. Fan Xiao!' She rolled over and sat up. There was no answer, the room was empty, and only the curtains were gently pulled by the breeze. "If you, you don't scare me! I won't spare you! " For ten years, when she was lonely, she always talked to things around her like this. Pushing open the door to the yard, the world hasn't woken up yet. There is only one goshawk in the quiet night sky. This goshawk flew more than 1000 miles to Wan Li, from the Central Plains to southern Xinjiang, across Qingyun, across Fox Gorge and across the bustling crowd. In the crowd, an old fortune teller was preaching fairy tales, and the little girl next to him looked up at the goshawk and saw it flying higher and higher freely.