Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune telling Tang dynasty

Fortune telling Tang dynasty

Grave robbing is a hot topic in recent years. From the previous tomb-raiding notes to various film and television dramas with tomb-raiding themes, it can be said that the series of tomb-raiding works have attracted the curiosity of countless audiences. Moreover, grave robbers don't just appear on the screen. In the history of our country, grave robbers were rampant in various dynasties, and countless tombs of dignitaries were visited. However, there are always exceptions. There was a strange man in the Tang Dynasty. His tomb was stolen for thousands of years, and even after the founding of New China, it was protected by the army. He is Yuan Tiangang. So many, who is the mysterious Yuan Tiangang?

Palms are famous in all directions.

Yuan Tiangang was born in the Sui Dynasty, and his father was Yuan Shouyi, an official of the Sui Dynasty. Later, Yuan Shouyi was dismissed from office, and Yuan Tiangang followed his father back to his hometown to do farm work. Although he was born in poverty, he loved reading and delved into some strange things, and physiognomy became his only hobby on weekdays.

As an adult, Yuan Tiangang's physiognomy level has been heard in Siliba Township. Later, his childhood friend Zhang Jianzhi invited him to Luoyang, and Yuan Tiangang settled in Luoyang. His palm reading attracted countless people to his home to look for him. At that time, Du Yan, Wang Jue and Wei Ting respectfully asked about Yuan Tiangang's future fortune. Yuan Tiangang looked at the faces of three people and wanted to think. He predicted that Du Yan was elegant and would be famous for his articles in the future. Wang Jue looks very happy and will be promoted soon; Wei Ting is so powerful that he will become attached to the military attache in the future.

Yuan Tiangang said so, maybe many people will think that this is clearly like a charlatan's rhetoric. Du Yan, Wang Jue and Wei Ting are also skeptical. However, the subsequent experience of these three people is really like what Yuan Tiangang said. They regarded Yuan Tiangang as a man of God and trumpeted how magical his predictions were. Soon, the name Yuan Tiangang became world-famous.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, there were many heroes in all directions and wars were frequent. Yuan Tiangang, who has been wandering outside for many years, also misses his hometown very much and returns to his hometown. But he doesn't know any other skills, so he can only make a living by calculating divination. At this time, Dou Gui was just a poor scholar. He tried many times to shine on the lintel, but failed. He is not happy there. As a result, when he saw Yuan Tiangang divining there, he went over and asked Yuan Tiangang to visit fortune-teller.

Yuan Tiangang took a closer look and exclaimed:? Sir, your right chin is raised, very smooth and bright. You will be successful in your career in the future. Your starting point is Liangzhou and Yizhou. ? Touched by this, Dou Gui saluted Yuan Tiangang and said? If it's true as Teacher Wang said, I won't forget Teacher Wang after my successful career. ?

Show others how to make a fortune in officialdom.

What Yuan Tiangang didn't expect was that after his guidance, Dou Gui's later life was really successful. Later, Dou Gui followed Li Tang to fight against Sui, made a meritorious military service, and was appointed as Yizhou Taifu. Then he remembered what Yuan Tiangang said and recommended him to the boss. Since then, Yuan Tiangang has been appointed as the county magistrate of Huojing County.

Later, Wu Zetian's father Wu Shihuo came to Shu with his family and happened to meet Yuan Tiangang. Wu Zetian was just born at that time. Wu Shihuo heard about Yuan Tiangang's face, so he asked him to help look at his daughter's fate.

Yuan Tiangang looked at her eldest daughter first, congratulating her on saying that this female prosperous family can protect Mr. Guan from Taoism; After seeing her second daughter, she sighed. Although this woman will be rich and prosperous in the future, she is still a husband. ? Wu Shihuo was very unhappy when she heard this, so she asked the nurse to bring her little daughter Wu Zetian over and lied that she was a boy, trying to spite Yuan Tiangang. Yuan Tiangang looked surprised and said:? If the child is a woman, it will be precious to the son of heaven in the future. ? Wu Shihuo listened to a smile and said to Yuan Tiangang? No woman can be emperor! ? He felt that Yuan Tiangang had a hollow reputation and left with his family.

Later, Li Shimin acceded to the throne and recruited talents from all over the world. He learned from Du Yan, Dou Gui and others that Yuan Tiangang was a fortuneteller, so he summoned Yuan Tiangang. The latter came to Chang 'an specially from Sichuan. Li Shimin was surprised after watching Yuan Tiangang's performance and couldn't help asking him. In ancient times, there was a master of physiognomy, Yan Junping. Now that I have you, I want to hear who is better, him or you. ? Yuan Tiangang has been selling hexagrams for so many years, and he is very clever. He replied:? Yan Junping was born at the wrong time, and I am much better than him. ? Li Shimin happy, accept Yuan Tiangang as a think tank.

Choosing a tomb for Wu Zetian has been stolen for thousands of years.

After working as a brain trust beside Li Shimin for several years, Yuan Tiangang suddenly felt that if he worked for the emperor, something might happen. He told me that he wanted to exercise Jingxian County and continue to be a county magistrate, and Li Shimin agreed. Soon, Wu Meiniang entered the palace and became Li Shimin's favorite concubine. After Li Shimin's death, Wu Zetian kept suppressing dissidents to consolidate her position in North Korea and even became emperor herself. All this is just as Yuan Tiangang expected.

Yuan Tiangang returned to his hometown and became a small county magistrate. However, Wu Zetian did not let him go. I heard that his physiognomy was superb, so he and Li found themselves a treasure trove of geomantic omen as their graves after their death. Li was also a famous master of Feng Shui at that time. He climbed over the mountains and saw a mountain in the north of Ganxian County, where he buried a copper coin as a mark.

Then Yuan Tiangang also made a fortune. Cleverly, he also took a fancy to this mountain and inserted the golden hairpin as a symbol. When Wu Zetian came over, she found that the gold hairpin was just inserted in the hole of the copper plate. Such a magical coincidence made Wu Zetian pleasantly surprised. She thought it was predestined by heaven, so she greatly rewarded Yuan Tiangang and Li, and this mountain became the location of Gan Ling where Wu Zetian was buried later.

I have to say that these two people have a good eye. The place where Ganling is located has experienced thousands of years, and countless grave robbers want to treasure, but they all return empty-handed. The mountain there has been hollowed out by half, and the dry mausoleum is still intact. Moreover, Ganling is also the best preserved imperial mausoleum in China, and it has not been stolen.

Of course, no matter how severe Yuan Tiangang is, he can't get rid of samsara, physical illness and death, and he will also find himself a land of feng shui. As a master of physiognomy, on the one hand, the cemetery chosen is good in geomantic omen, and the most important thing is that it cannot be stolen by later generations. He and Li went out for treasure hunting together, and they came to Chang 'an County on foot. Chang 'an County has a flat land with beautiful scenery and high terrain. Yuan Tiangang chose one place, while Li chose another. Their graves are several hundred meters apart.

The mausoleum has been intact for thousands of years, and the state has also sent troops to protect it.

In the nineteenth year of Zhenguan, Gao Shilian, a friend, saw that Yuan Tiangang was in a daze more and more times, so he couldn't help asking him what he was thinking. Yuan Tiangang said to him? This summer, my life will come to an end. ? Sure enough, Yuan Tiangang died in Huojing County as scheduled and was buried in the cemetery of his choice.

Surprisingly, Li's tomb was stolen several times after the rise of the Song Dynasty after the Tang Dynasty, but Yuan Tiangang's tomb, which is a few hundred meters away from him, is intact, as it has been through countless dynasties. What's the secret of the grave that Yuan Tiangang chose for himself?

The land originally picked by Yuan Tiangang has a wide terrain and a good view, which is the only place for the army to camp. Since the Song Dynasty, Chang 'an County has also been a battleground for military strategists. No matter which dynasty, the army camped near Yuan Tiangang's tomb, but Li was divided outside the barracks. So grave robbers dare not go near Yuan Tiangang's tomb, so they can only steal Li's. After the founding of New China, Yuan Tiangang's Tomb was listed as a key cultural relic to be protected, and China was also guarded by troops.

Thousands of years later, no one dared to steal Yuan Tiangang's tomb, and I don't know whether his physiognomy was right or wrong. But in any case, physiognomy, as a long-standing technology in ancient times, must have its reasons and value. Moreover, the mystery of Yuan Tiangang's tomb selection makes his tomb completely retain those precious materials and cultural relics of the Tang Dynasty. I have to say, Yuan Tiangang is really a man of god!