Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is the bigger the house, the better

Is the bigger the house, the better

Is the bigger the house, the better

The bigger the house, the better. Many of us have been trying to own a house of our own. The house is also very particular about geomantic omen. According to feng shui, let's analyze whether the bigger the house, the better.

Is the bigger the house, the better 1 Generally speaking, we don't have to consider other issues such as orientation. Just because there are only two people living in such a big house, we can know that this house is bound to be unpopular, but it will damage the luck of the residents. This house is not suitable for being too big. This is mainly to pay attention to the balance of yin and yang. The so-called emptiness is yin, but it is actually yang. If more than half of a house is empty, it will inevitably lead to the decline of yin and yang, which is very unfavorable to the health and fortune of living here.

So what are the hazards of a big house?

1, too big a house will give people a sense of insecurity, especially those who are physically sensitive, naturally timid, sickly, live in a big house, and there are too few people, so it is easy to be afraid for a long time. Over time, it will inevitably have a great impact on their body and mind.

2. Too few people and too big a house will lead to strong yin and weak yang. Everyone knows that we belong to the sun's spirit. If the sun's spirit is weak, it will inevitably damage our health and easily lead to diseases and even disasters.

3. If the house is too big, it will lead to too much space. Because there is no popular filling, it will lead to little indoor gas accumulation. Feng shui pays attention to storing wind and gathering qi, and qi is wealth. If you don't gather gas, you will inevitably not gather wealth. Therefore, it is also unfavorable to live in such a house for a long time.

So what kind of house is best for us to live in?

It depends on the number of people in the family, neither too many nor too few. Generally speaking, it is suitable for one person to live about 40 square meters, two people to live 80 square meters, and 3-5 people to live within 120 square meters. If there are too many people, such as six people in the family, it is also unfavorable to squeeze into a house below 80 square meters. It will lead to excessive yang, which is not conducive to family harmony and is prone to disputes. So the size of the house must conform to yin and yang.

Pay attention to the size of the bedroom. Generally around 10 square meter. Too big a bedroom will also make people feel insecure, which will affect the quality of sleep and be bad for the next day's work.

If you have lived in a big house, but there are too few people, what should you do?

1, we can raise some pets to increase the yang in the house. Generally speaking, it is best to have a dog, because the dog is yang, which means dry earth and fire. Dogs can ward off evil spirits and are also auspicious animals. Barking is a prosperous pronunciation, which means very auspicious.

2. If you are a young couple, you'd better try to pick up your parents to live together, which is more beneficial to your fortune.

3. Auspicious plants can be planted properly, but not too much, otherwise it will attract yin. Too many plants can easily lead to too much yin.

4. Try to put some large furniture in the room, such as the European leather sofa on the sofa. Larger furniture can fill the extra space, make the room look fuller and reduce the sense of emptiness.

If it's a villa, because there are too many floors, we can live on a certain floor instead of living alone, which is also unlucky. If possible, invite some nannies to your home to increase your popularity.

When buying a house, you must choose the one that suits you best, and you must not blindly make a big picture. Nowadays, many people build houses in the countryside to save face and show their strength, and they are all built very high. Four-story houses can be seen everywhere in our area, but a family can't live in them at all. Most of them only use one floor, and in the end, most of them only have two old people guarding their huge houses. This kind of feng shui is very unlucky. In this case, we'd better choose to live on the first floor. Generally, the first floor can be used as a living room, or the second floor as a bedroom, the third floor as a rest and entertainment place, and the fourth floor as a fitness center. Don't do the whole bedroom, it won't help Feng Shui. Moreover, the number of rooms to be built must be odd, not even, because odd numbers are yang and even numbers are yin, so it is best to choose 3, 5, 7 and 9 rooms as far as possible, which is the feng shui that best conforms to the way of yin and yang.

Is the bigger the house, the better 2 geomantic problems in the basement house.

Many young people choose to live in the basement when starting a business or working, because their economy is not affluent. However, if they live in the basement for a long time, or even have lived for more than a year, it is equivalent to living in the Year of the Horse to the Year of the Rooster. Such a house will make you poorer and poorer, the economy will become more difficult and your feelings will be easily affected. If you live in the basement for a long time, I suggest you move out early.

Geomantic problems of houses with white tigers crossing green dragons.

Some houses are tall buildings on the right, or there are some tall towers and chimneys, but the corresponding buildings on the left are actually very low. Then living in such a house, we will feel the power of Feng Shui more, and the health fortune is actually not very good. Your fortune is actually not very good, your career development is not smooth, and you are even entangled in lawsuits. Simply put, this is a major reason related to Feng Shui.

Living in a house with the bathroom door facing the kitchen door.

In some houses, the bathroom door is opposite to the kitchen door, so this is also the pattern of water and water. In fact, this also fulfilled the saying that wine and meat are too much, and your wealth can't be kept. This is obviously that the feng shui is getting worse and worse. I suggest you replace the kitchen or bathroom door as soon as possible, but this pattern is actually difficult to change. You can hang Chinese knots on the kitchen door or install curtains on the bathroom door.

The facade of the house faces the window.

If the door of our house is opened, we can see the window, or there has been a pattern of leaking money, then there will be many so-called high-rise buildings with transparent north and south. I suggest you do the entrance inside the gate to avoid the house getting poorer and poorer.

The door of the house faces someone else's house.

In fact, many houses are facing each other now, and the doors are facing other people's doors. If your life is getting poorer and poorer, it is easy to have problems. Just like the gas field, the five elements of the gas field opposite the door are mutually reinforcing, and you will definitely be in trouble. You'd better make use of the place outside the gate to put the sundries of the shoe rack outside the gate, or it may be fierce to your home, which is also good luck. If the other party hangs the gossip mirror on the door, it will be even worse for you.