Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to change your destiny and become rich and have status?

How to change your destiny and become rich and have status?

First: the heart.

The mind is right, the body is repaired, the family is neat, the country is governed, and the world is peaceful.

"Book of Rites University" original text "The ancient desire is obviously superior to the world; Governing the country first; If you want to govern your country, you should first get your family together; If you want to reunite with your family, you should first repair your body; If you want to cultivate yourself, you should be upright first; ..... The mind is right and then the body is repaired, and the body is repaired and then the family is neat, and the family is neat and then the country is ruled, and the country is flat. " The general idea is: in ancient times, those who wanted to make virtue known to the world ruled their country first; To govern the country well, we must first rectify our homes; To rectify the family, we must first cultivate ourselves; People who want to cultivate self-cultivation should first correct their thinking … and then improve their cultivation; Self-cultivation is perfect, and then the family is orderly; The family is in good order, and then the country is stable and prosperous; The country is stable and prosperous, and then the world is at peace.

No matter what you do, everything must start from the right heart. To be upright, you must understand what the heart is.

Please understand the meaning of this sentence carefully: everything we have done since childhood is only to satisfy our "conscious mind". In other words, the possession and domination of material is only to satisfy our own hearts.

As long as you are human (we only say human), you are dealing with your heart every day. You're just looking for feelings. More money and less money is your "feeling"; Material gains and losses are your "feelings"; Success or failure in your career is still your "feeling". The so-called "possession" in the hand is not money or material. It is what you have, and your "heart" is only "there" if you realize it; You have other people's things and money in your hand, but you don't recognize it in your heart, so you still have nothing. When you live in your own house, you think you have a house. When you live in someone else's house, you will feel that you have no house. Please understand carefully … with or without, gain and loss, more and less, success and failure …

We watch movies, TV, books, newspapers and magazines every day, and we are happy when we watch them (there may be other psychological activities), and then we feel lost.

We will travel, play and have fun, and then our hearts will be lost and empty.

When we eat, the food is not to our taste. Although the table is set and my stomach is full, I feel uncomfortable. If the food is to your taste, even if it is only one or two dishes, you will feel practical after eating it.

The house we live in has a good environment, spacious and comfortable; The environment is bad, simple and narrow, and I feel depressed.

When we dress up, we are also looking for feelings.

We are looking for feelings day after day, with less joy and more loss. Search ... why can't you find the feeling you want? Because we don't know where the heart is. So my heart is empty, and I don't know what to do to make my heart happy and satisfied. We never know our hearts. To understand your own heart, you must understand the relationship between "heart" and "phase".

When the ancients created characters, they called the "image" on the "heart" as "image". It is the "phase" that we feel moved in our hearts every day, not our real hearts. We just mistake the active stage for ourselves.

From birth to death, we are constantly producing "phase" every day, one idea after another, and one environment is transferred to another, without a moment of purity.

If you still don't understand what this "stage" is, please take a look at the following example:

Gold is the body, and images, jewelry or other things with different shapes made of gold are called "phase" or "shape" (the word image should be shape). In other words, no matter what shape you make with gold, this shape is called "phase", and the ontology of gold is unchanged. "Phase" and "body" are inseparable, that is, "phase" and "body" are integrated, not two, that is, you can't find the dividing point between "phase" and "body". Gold can be changed, and its changing shape is still gold.

Everything in the world has "phase" and "body". That is, what can be changed is the "body" and the "phase".

We contact with the outside world through our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body every day, which leads to countless differences and persistence in our hearts. These differences and persistence are our inner "phase".

Gain and loss, with or without, success and failure, good and bad, good and evil, good and evil, big and small, black and white, long and short, etc. , all in our hearts. What we often say is thoughts and feelings. Many people understand "phase" as face, in fact, the above phase is the embodiment of heart phase. We usually think that most children are cute, and adults think they are not so cute, because children have less troubles and adults' troubles are written on their faces, so adults are not very cute. Friends who like beauty must first get rid of their troubles.

Second: Causality

We live in this world, and many things bother us every day. There are always many people around us who live well and enjoy themselves. There are also many people who are busy for two meals. Let's think calmly, why are there wars, hunger, diseases and pains? Why do we lack money and happiness? What is the meaning of our life? Why are we alive? The reasons for these results are what we have been trying to figure out and understand.

To understand these truths, we must know a law of the universe, the law of cause and effect.

What is cause and effect. Because it is seed (antecedent), fruit is fruit (consequence). "As you sow, you reap." This is cause and effect; "As you sow, you reap, and as you sow, you reap." This violates the law of causality, and you can't get a result, so it's not causality and it's misused.

1+? →2

We don't discuss mathematical problems, only cause and effect. 1+ 1→2, the former 1 is the seed (cause), the latter 1 is the catalyst (help edge), and the second after → is the fruit (fruit). We press this formula, and then write the following formula:

Seed+(soil, water, sunshine, air, fertilizer ...) → fruit

Cause+Catalyst → Result

Cause+Help → Result

Causality has the following characteristics:

1, mutual transformation; Because of the result, the result becomes the cause. The result of one thing will be the cause of another.

2. continuation; Every cause has its consequences, and every consequence has its consequences.

3, the cycle is endless; Cause and effect have no beginning and no end, and the cycle is endless.

We often say that the right time, the right place and the right person are in harmony, the right time is the cause, and the right place and the right person are the help. Only when these three things are completed can we get the result.

Third: wealth

Everyone wants to be rich, so let's look at the causal formula of getting money:

Give up (money, seeds)+career (help fate) → get (money, fruit)

So, if you are willing to give up, you must give up. Knowing this cause and effect, we have a chance to get the money.

We have done many things, such as working, doing business, stealing (doing bad things) and so on. Why we can't get the money depends on whether we have planted "seeds". Don't plant "seeds", expect the harvest, and expect the pie to fall from the sky. There is no such thing in the world!

As the old saying goes, a gentleman is willing to be a gentleman, and a villain is wronged to be a villain. This sentence means that if you have a "seed", you just need to wait for the time to be ripe and don't need too much effort, and you will naturally "get it"; Some people don't know that they have planted "seeds", but they will try their best to get them and make great efforts to win a result. It's a waste of effort. It's unfair! If you don't plant a "seed", you can't get it if you fight hard. If you violate the national law and put yourself in a cell, it is even more "wrong". It's terrible to be unreasonable!

Understand the above reason, let's study the word "give up".

Experiment: Send a gift to a friend. Observation: My psychological changes at that time. Note: What you say to your friends when giving gifts. Re-observation: psychological changes after giving gifts.

Here are three things you might say when giving gifts:

Words 1: A small gift is not a tribute. (Thinking: I hope my work can be finished)

Discourse 2: I give you this gift. Don't break it, don't give it to others. (thinking: I am so kind to you, see how you can repay me in the future)

Discourse 3: I don't need this good thing, you can take it. (I don't feel much after giving gifts)


If you said 1 and the second sentence, then you haven't given this gift yet, you just made a gift-giving action, and this "item" is still in your heart.

The above experiment is to show that "giving up" should come from the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do. The real "giving up" doesn't ask for anything in return, and there is no feeling in my heart.

As simple as that, we planted the "seeds" of "giving up". Knowing this truth, I hope your heart can always give up and give up more.

Tip: The investment in our business now is not a career, but a help. Your money is used for donations and charity activities, not seeds, but seeds.

Why does the heart always "give up"? Have you ever seen farming, sowing once and planting for a lifetime? Not necessarily! Some varieties have only one harvest at a time. If you want to plant different varieties, you should sow according to the solar terms. After understanding the truth, you should sow regularly and the harvest will be rich.

We were walking in the street, and some beggars begged you. First of all, you should understand that these beggars have no seeds (no education) and get the fruits of poverty. We should not learn from it, but should take it as a warning; Never give up, give them a dollar or two. As for what these beggars do with the money, or whether they are really poor, that's their own business, not yours. In other words, "everyone has his own cause and effect." You did a good job. What they did is none of your business. Just because they pretend to be poor, you have no chance to grow a good career.

In addition, we must understand that our so-called wealth is owned by five families: water, fire, officials, thieves and black sheep. What does this mean? Your hard-earned wealth will be taken away by natural disasters such as floods, fires, strong winds and earthquakes. If when you get money, what you do is incorrect, and you steal the proceeds of corruption, you will be punished by national laws and your money will be confiscated. If you often want to steal other people's property, the consequence is that your money is often stolen. If you unfortunately have no civic education, don't know how to educate the next generation, and raise a black sheep, then your money will be wasted.

Not only that, your life is limited, and you can't stay on what you have forever.

So if you are wise, you shouldn't accumulate too much worldly wealth, you might as well donate it to charity often. The more you give up, the faster you will come. If you are busy with two meals now, you should always have the idea of charity from now on, and donate at least 2.5% of your income.

We often do things we don't want to do unconsciously. Let's give a small example to illustrate our psychological activities:

Let's go out and get on the bus, one yuan. If it happens that you don't have one yuan, there is only one ten yuan. Can you put ten yuan into the coin box? Usually our habit is not to put it in (people usually call it a fool), but to get off and take a taxi. I think I didn't waste my ten dollars and enjoyed it. In fact, this way of spending money leads to the cause and effect of getting money later. If you put ten dollars into the coin box of a bus and have the idea of "giving up", then you are planting the seeds of nine dollars. Take a taxi for ten dollars and enjoy the fruit for no reason, and your reluctance will grow.

Tip: I don't want to, it will be very difficult to get it. That's why it's difficult for us to get money now.

We have a habit of thinking in our hearts. We can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a mobile phone, but we are not willing to pay more for food. We always think of a small amount and are afraid of long-term planning. You are poor today because of these little things in your life.

You won't exchange money that you can't be together forever for good or ill luck, so you can only keep this account for yourself. ...

Fourth: fate

Many people like fortune telling, and often say "fate, destiny takes a hand, my life is bad" and so on. I don't know that fate is made by myself, how can I make it? It is caused by our "heart".

Always think of good things, and naturally good things will come; Often think bad things, will also come bad things; All your wishes will come true! Good or bad, as long as you are willing, according to the law of cause and effect, karma will mature. If you think that good things will succeed and bad things won't happen, it's self-deception. When you think about it seriously and think it is impossible, don't deceive yourself.

Our "heart" causes our luck to be good and bad. Since our "heart" is at work, as long as we know not to think about bad things, but only good things, we will be lucky.

A friend will say, "I often think of good things, why not come?"

Indeed, we often think about beautiful things, money, happiness and health, but we just don't come. Then let's see what we think every day. Usually, before we do something, we always use logical reasoning-think of all kinds of situations that will happen in one thing, and then think of all kinds of ways to deal with them, leaving ourselves a lot of back roads, thinking that if we don't succeed, there will be nothing at most. It is these back roads that we have come up with that have set ourselves many obstacles and difficulties. Our hearts are ups and downs, and the evil thoughts of failure far exceed the belief of success. So we succeed less and fail more! Please think it over calmly and carefully. Are we usually like this?

"Eating at the same table and practicing independently", we can only change our own destiny, and others can't help us. Parents can only teach you to eat and walk; Eat your own food and go your own way. Always thinking about getting something for nothing, waiting for others to ask you if your idea is bad.

Experience: "life is made by yourself, and it is born by the heart." There is no such thing as good or bad, but people claim to be. " The profound meaning of this sentence.

We continue to study: good and bad, good and evil,

Parents and teachers have asked us to be good people since childhood. But why be a good person? Is it bad for everyone to be strong and mean? If you want to know why you should be a good person, please read on carefully.

What is good and good, and what is evil and evil? Is there a standard?

Hint: Law is not the standard of good and evil, but the rule of existence.

For the sake of one's own small plan, selfishness and greed are evil, hatred is evil, ignorance and ignorance are evil, stealing and killing are evil, gossiping about right and wrong and cheating, telling lies and calling names are evil. It is good for others, for society, and to help everyone stay away from troubles and happiness. It is good to do other people's work; The beauty of adults is good; It is good to reflect on your mistakes often; Don't say others' right and wrong; It's good. The standard of good and evil is not set by anyone, but the inherent law of the universe.

What does our own heart think every day? Usually we mortals think about five things from getting up to going to bed at night: wealth, color, fame, food and sleep. Wealth is money, color is things, fame is status, rice is rice, sleep is sleep or rest.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are rich and colorful, which is called five desires.

You think about these five things every day, not evil things.

Do we think about good deeds every day? Usually not, or very few, a few. Want to do evil? Many, countless.

So our fate will be poor, unhappy, unhappy, without blessings, without money, without health, without life and without wisdom, which are all formed by our daily thinking and doing evil. Think evil, and evil will succeed. Accumulate results!

Looking back, today, I am poor in fate, poor in good fortune, poor in health, poor in money, troubled, uncomfortable, and so on. Don't complain, don't complain, be yourself! It's not surprising that you are unlucky, because you don't think of good things.

The amount of good and evil depends on the number of people who suffer. For example, it is a good thing to give up your seat on the bus, and it is two good things to give up your seat to pregnant women or people with babies ... write a good article in the newspaper to persuade people to be kind. According to the circulation of this newspaper, this good thing may be equivalent to doing thousands of good things. If you write an article or an article that teaches people to do evil, this evil is equivalent to doing thousands of evil. Literary responsibility is at your own risk! Friends who want to write and publish have figured it out for themselves. Your article is still in this world, and your sins are not over yet! It's a pity that it was still collected by the library. Don't ask why it's so miserable.

Some friends like to copy other people's articles and publish them, which not only creates the evil of stealing, but also runs counter to the original author.

It used to be said that it was easy to practice in a public school. In other words, every good thing an official does is equivalent to doing thousands of good things. There are many people in our country, and this goodness may be hundreds of millions! If you don't want to be an honest official and serve the people, you'd better go home and sell sweet potatoes! Because of your evil deeds, you have created hundreds of millions of evil deeds, and it is only a matter of time before the national laws punish you ... You don't need to let history judge your good and evil, just look at how your descendants are doing, and you will know whether what you are doing is good or evil. The eyes of ordinary people are discerning.

In history, Confucius and Fan Zhongyan are both examples of one person doing good deeds to benefit future generations. Their descendants have experienced many dynasties and are still respected by people today.

What about Qin Shihuang? Can not pass the second generation! It's no use singing and praising virtue.

Leave the book to future generations, and future generations may not understand it; Leave money to future generations, and future generations may not be able to keep it; It is a long-term solution to accumulate virtue in the dark and let future generations live and work in peace and contentment.

We often have a lot of bad ideas, and according to the law of causality, there will be bad results. So is there any way to prevent it from blossoming and bearing fruit? This should also be based on the law of causality: cause+help → effect. Bad causes must have bad help, and we can temporarily prevent bad results by not letting bad help appear. Then control your thoughts every day, and you will think involuntarily. If you want to, think for the people! Don't shout slogans, but serve the people wholeheartedly.

According to the law of causality, giving up money-getting money, giving up wisdom-getting wisdom, giving up happiness-getting happiness and so on are all one word. The more you are willing to be clean, the more blessed you will be. You never set obstacles for others, and others don't set obstacles for you. When you are away from home, you have friends everywhere to help you, and everything goes well. This is a blessing.

Tip: giving up happiness is to reassure others and is a reason to give yourself health.

Destiny is made by the "heart", and it is also necessary to change the fate by the "heart". All evil should be done, and all good should be pursued. Nothing can change fate. Look out, friend! ! !

Fifth: health

We want to have a good body, and we need to form a good habit in our daily life. As the old saying goes, it should be divided into three parts and seven parts. This sentence shows the importance of fitness, but we should give it a new meaning. What exactly does seven-point support support support?

The first concern: mood. Clean heart, our heart should be as clean, clean and calm as water. Imagine that your body is as clean and transparent as water every day. Don't fill worldly desires with thoughts. Keep a calm mind. Delicious, eat two plates and you will be full; One hundred pieces of clothes, wearing two pieces will keep you warm; Guangsha has thousands of rooms and can only sleep in one room and one bed; Therefore, if you want to do nothing less, you can feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The second kind of cultivation: form. Don't make yourself sick. Don't give the impression that you are sick or depressed; Don't pretend to be sick so that others can sympathize with you and take care of you. If you have a clean heart and don't want to get sick, you won't get sick. Dress neatly and give people a healthy look. Always pay attention to relax your five senses, hands and feet. When people are nervous, their facial features, hands and feet will exert their strength unconsciously, and their bodies will become heavy when they are troubled, so they should learn to relax. Some people often sigh. According to the latest scientific measurement, when people sigh, their immunity will be immediately reduced by half. We should always roll up our tongues and press them against the upper jaw, which is the best way to cultivate our vitality. There is an old saying that "a mouth will cause trouble", which is also the best way to avoid causing trouble!

The third nutrient: water. Get up and drink two glasses of water every day, about one cup 150ml. Drink slowly, if you are not calm, you will drink quickly when you are in a hurry. In the past, the old mage could divide a glass of water into 300 mouthfuls, which was a continuous effort and could not be done without concentration. Drink a glass of water slowly before going to bed at night. At other times of the day, you should take a sip of water every once in a while. A total of two liters of water a day is up to standard. Don't treat tea, soup and milk as water. These are drinks, not water! Don't drink pure water and distilled water, drink mineral water. In the city, you can drink different brands of mineral water. It would be better to drink unpolluted mountain springs in the countryside. The urine we excrete is clear and abundant; Yellow urine means that the blood in the body is thick and the water is insufficient.

The fourth support: food. Take a clear, light and simple vegetarian diet as the standard. Try not to touch the meat. People's intestines are relatively long, food is ground with teeth, the metabolism of cholesterol and blood lipids can not be adjusted indefinitely in the body, and the body has sweat glands, which are suitable for eating plants during daytime activities. If you can't stop eating meat for a while, you can buy frozen meat in the supermarket. Fresh botulinum toxin content is relatively high (animals are afraid of producing toxins before death), and long-term consumption will affect their health. Vegetables, fruits and vegetables should only be eaten in season, but less in season. Only in this way can the influence of food on the body be reduced. In addition, with the improvement of living standards, meat is often used as a side dish, and the meat is dumped after eating; We fed the grain to the livestock and poultry, and finally we threw it away without eating it, which caused great waste of resources. Considering that there are still many people starving in the world, we should not be born ignorant of what is good. If everyone is a vegetarian, the plant resources of the earth can feed 60 billion people. Now, 6 billion people can't live, pathetic! ! !

Fifth: shower. Adjust the water temperature, especially in winter. The water temperature should not be too hot, which will dry the skin. It's best not to use soap, but to wipe your body with salt, massage gently, wipe your back with a towel and rinse it off. Add an idea when washing: clean water washes away all the dirt on your body. After washing, dry your feet, especially your feet. After knowing the saying that "illness comes from the mouth and cold comes from the feet", you should pay attention to the warmth of your feet at ordinary times.

Sixth practice: sleep. At least four days a week, sleep at night 1 1. I don't sleep at home, and I can't rest because of my liver and gallbladder. Sleeping for more than ten hours can't make up for it. The more I sleep, the more tired I get. Our stool stinks, which is a symptom of liver overwork.

The seventh support: exercise. Change "life lies in movement" to "life lies in relative movement", and keep your mind still and your body moving. Don't take things to heart, and don't sit in your body for a long time and sleep for a long time. Exercise is based on slight sweating of the body, and there is enough exercise. When walking, don't worry, always look down at the ground, stand up and look straight ahead, relax and walk at a certain rhythm. Life is about participation, enjoying participation and not demanding results; Don't be a passer-by in a hurry, work hard with a heavy burden all your life.

"Eat well, live regularly, and live to 100 years old." If you can do the above seven steps, you can have a good figure. The word "health" is worth 1000 dollars. Take care! ! !

Sixth: Five Blessingg.

During the Chinese New Year, everyone likes to put banners of five blessings on the door. But what is Five Blessingg? Many people don't know.

Five Blessingg: The first blessing is longevity; You can't talk about longevity until you are 70.

The second blessing is wealth; When you need money, you have it, called wealth, and you will be respected by people around you, called expensive. Being rich and heartless cannot be called being rich.

The third blessing is corning; Health needs a peaceful mind.

The fourth blessing is goodness; Not only do you like doing good deeds, but seeing others do good deeds can also bring joy and admiration; Often doing good deeds without being known is called accumulating yin virtue (yin)

The first Five Blessingg is a good ending; No disease, no pain, and a peaceful death.

When we cultivate our own blessings, we must not be partial to faith. For example, learned people have no money, rich people have no knowledge, healthy people are poorer, and people who live long can't die well. If Five Blessingg lacks something, it will be flawed and life will not be happy.

Tip: Diseases, natural disasters, man-made disasters and other causes of death are all called sudden death, not natural death.

The normal life span of modern people is about 70 years old.

Tip: If you are lucky, your life will be over 70 years old.

According to this normal life expectancy, it is a turning point for people to reach the age of 40.


The previous number 10 is 0- 10 years old, so we should cultivate good habits. Family education is more important in this period.

The second number 30 is 10-40 years old youth and middle age. It is the best time to do good deeds and cultivate one's morality. Foreign countries pay more attention to this period, producing results and talents.

The third number, 30, is middle-aged and elderly people aged 40-70. Usually, the ancients enjoyed a good life during this period.

Tip: There is no worry or sadness in the heart, no gain or loss, no honor or disgrace, and peace of mind is called happiness.

About 40 years old is the time to test whether you have accumulated happiness in the first half of your life. Many friends have not accumulated wealth, and at this juncture, they go bankrupt, get sick, lose their jobs, lose their families and so on.

If you are approaching this turning point, you must be alert to yourself and reform yourself.

Pay attention to friends around you and remind each other. This is very important! !

Seventh: Be a man.

Kindness, saying good things, doing good deeds and doing good deeds are four sentences, not four. One sentence can't be done well, and the other three sentences can't be done well.

Philosophy of life is not a mantra, and friends who have this hobby will certainly not get benefits, just as we often say that we should honor our parents, not just talk about it, but implement it with our hearts.

Say nice things to everyone, which is why you want others to say nice things to you. Do it yourself!

Giving people a smile and a kind word every day can make people around them feel comfortable physically and mentally, which is also doing good! Good words are not flattery, but soft and straightforward words; Don't say anything rude or inappropriate.

To do good is to do it with your heart. If you can't show it to others, they will show it to you next time. Don't do it unless you are serious. Seeing others do good deeds, those who can help must try their best to help, and those who can't help should be happy and learn from him. I haven't seen him praised for doing good deeds. He is the best fool in the world because he is jealous when he is slow. I don't know what he is doing, but you are happy. You have the same advantages as him. For example, when you go out and see a young man give up his seat to an old man, you feel very happy and praise the young man in your heart. According to the law of cause and effect, young people have a heart to give up. You praised the young man for giving up. The idea of "giving up" in your hearts is the same, and so are your merits and demerits. That is to say, whether you have done something good yourself or not, as long as you try your best to help or as long as you are happy and praised in your heart, the merits and demerits are the same as those of the person who did it.

The ideas in our hearts will appear one after another. Ignore it and the idea will disappear.

Tip: Under normal circumstances, our hearts are rushing in all directions of southeast and northwest. Watch your heart!

Thoughts are together, and our thoughts should not follow this thought. For example, the idea of asking a friend to visit came to my mind. Stop thinking about how to receive him, where to take him to play, and so on. The idea will disappear when you don't pick it up. Eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body are constantly in contact with the external environment, and an idea enters our hearts. If we don't continue, our hearts will gradually calm down. In other words, you regard creativity as a grid of comics. Whether you read it or not, you can welcome it or not. When we are careful and quiet, and there is no pain in our bodies, there will naturally be a relaxed and peaceful feeling in our hearts, which is very peaceful and has a faint joy, but you can't tell it with your consciousness, and you will come out as soon as you distinguish your distractions. This kind of light feeling is that we are constantly looking for what we want in the material world, but we meet unexpectedly in our hearts!

We should practice, turn meanness into charity, extreme into peace, hypocrisy into sincerity, impetuousness into calmness, pride into modesty, laziness into diligence, cruelty into kindness, meanness into tolerance, cherish ourselves and be kind to others. A good mind can be cultivated, the family is clean and tidy, the country is governed, and then the world is at peace.

Sixteen: Cardiology

Infinite master's mind method

The master told the world that anyone who wants to govern the country and learn to cultivate self-cultivation must take ten kinds of medicine before he can achieve anything.

A good stomach, compassion, gentleness, half truth and half falsehood, three points, faith and action matter.

A piece of filial piety is honest, and a ghost is convenient to use.

Don't fry this medicinal soothing pot, don't burn it, don't be impatient, and wait for it to be ground in the pot. Think twice about the last six paramita pills, such as Bodhi, and take them three times a day. You can take Qihe decoction at any time, and your body will be very healthy.

Don't make it clear, do bad things and harm the interests of others. You are poisoned by an arrow in your abdomen, and the above seven things must be stopped quickly.

In the past, if you could use all ten flavors, you could live forever and become a Buddha. If you use four or five flavors, you can also get rid of sin, delay disasters and avoid suffering. All parties need not regret and make up for it. Although Dr. Lu said that the disease was incurable and difficult to cure, I prayed to God that it was in vain. This party spared no expense, money and efforts of customers. Why not accept it?

This wonderful combination of heaven and earth does not require Dr. Lu Shi and Dr. Bian Que.

It is urgent to persuade good men and women to be suspicious of Mo.