Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What happened to Lu Xun's playmate Runtu? Why did future generations successfully counterattack and what happened?

What happened to Lu Xun's playmate Runtu? Why did future generations successfully counterattack and what happened?

As a teenager, he told him the world outside the mansion. When he was young, he was naive and envied the world outside the mansion. The streamer easily dumped people, turning cherries into red and plantains into green. I thought this ignorant friendship would last a lifetime, but people's lives were originally two parallel lines, how could they intersect?

He fantasized for countless times that he would see him again, drink Sang Ma's glass under the moon and tell him about his youth. But people always like to live in their own imaginary world. Years later, "Grandpa" made him understand that the person standing in front of him at this moment is not the same person. After all, neither he nor he can go back to that ignorant childhood.

He and he are doomed to never speak on the moon again in this life, and they are destined to be people from two worlds. But it seems that fate played a joke on them again. His descendants reunited with their old friends after many years and fulfilled their last wish. He is the leap earth with a purple round face, a small felt hat and a bright silver collar around his neck. He is the great writer Lu Xun.

A photo of Mr. Lu Xun

He De He Neng, an accidental opportunity, let us know the descendants of Mr. Runtu and listen to his descendants tell the story of Mr. Runtu. The following content comes from the arrangement of stories told by Mr. Zhang, a descendant of Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang said, "In fact, the old gentleman described in Mr. Lu Xun's Hometown is based on my grandfather Zhang." Grandpa's real name is Zhang. The reason why it is called Runtu is that when he was very young, his grandfather mentioned that "the fortune teller said that my five elements were not only short of soil but also short of water, so my father added soil and water to both names at that time."

We JiaHe Zhang Zhoujia (Mr. Lu Xun, formerly known as Mr.) have known each other for one hundred years from Grandpa's generation to now. Grandpa is Zhou's helper when he is busy with the moon, and grandma is the eldest mother of Lu Xun's "Hundred Herbs Garden Three Ponds Reflecting the Moon". And I am the deputy director of Lu Xun Cultural Memorial Hall after the founding of the People's Republic of China. At present, I am also engaged in the study of Lu Xun's spirit.

Three-dimensional Wu Shu

When I was very young, my grandfather told us that I first met Mr. Lu Xun because my grandfather worked as a long-term worker in Zhoujia. At that time, Zhou Jia was busy with a sacrifice that took 30 years, because Zhou Jia was busy with this sacrifice. With the master's consent, my grandfather took my grandfather to Zhou Jia. This is also the first time that Grandpa left the countryside and went to the city.

Grandpa described to us at that time: "Zhou Jia is really rich. I haven't seen many things since I was a child. Zhoujiachang is too big, and it is much more fun here than in the countryside. " It was grandpa's first visit to this city, and he was full of infinite curiosity about this city. Under the interweaving of fate and similar age, I met the gentleman of Zhou family at that time.

Mr. Zhou Shuren, later Mr. Lu Xun, never imagined that this child of his age would one day become an important force in China's literary world, and even more unexpectedly, this encounter with Mr. Zhou Shuren would rewrite the fate of our future generations.

At that time, my grandfather was just a stubborn teenager, often pulling Mr. Lu Xun, who was still a teenager, to tell stories that happened in the countryside. "Shells are picked up by the sea, steel is forked in watermelon fields, rice chickens, horned chickens, thrush owls, blue backs, and frogs are like fish with two legs." These stories told by grandpa at that time and Mr. Lu Xun in his youth opened a new door.

Puberty jumping

At that time, the Zhou family was still a big family in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and Mr. Lu Xun, the son of Zhou's parents, was very strict from an early age. At that time, the boss had a high demand for his eldest son's homework, and we could also see one or two things in the reflection of the moon in the three pools of Baicaoyuan written by Mr. Lu Xun.

Grandpa was a very common thing in the countryside at that time, but it made Mr. Zhou feel a different world outside. It is precisely because of his curiosity and strict management of the outside world that Mr. Zhou was busy offering sacrifices these days and established deep feelings with his grandfather at that time.

The Soil of Youth and Lu Xun

At that time, grandpa was the son of Zhou's parents, and Mr. Lu Xun was the husband of Zhou's family. We are two people from different classes, and the intertwined fate may really be only temporary. After interweaving, you and I are destined to return to our respective lives and live our own lives.

On the day when Grandpa left the Zhou family, Grandpa and Mr. Lu Xun, who was a teenager, both began to cry. But this kind of crying had no effect in the eyes of adults at that time. Just like "Metamorphosis" written by Hunan Satellite TV a few years ago, rural children must go back to the countryside to live their own lives after living in a big city.

Hunan Satellite TV "Metamorphosis"

This parting is an important watershed for any of them. Since then, the Zhou family has gradually declined from a noble family, and the Zhou family was in financial difficulties at that time. Therefore, grandpa was also expelled from the Zhou family. Soon, my grandfather died of illness. Grandpa's departure not only completely broke grandpa's idea of going to school.

Moreover, the young grandfather has to shoulder the burden of the family and start running for life. Since then, under the polishing of society, grandpa is no longer the teenager who was angry with clothes at the beginning, but has been completely polished by life into a social person without any edges and corners. With the decline of the Zhou family, grandpa ran around to make a living, and he completely broke contact with Mr. Lu Xun.

Later, grandpa asked around and learned something about Mr. Lu Xun: after the defeat of the Zhou family, Mr. Lu Xun began to flee for his life. Originally, Mr. Lu Xun intended to study medicine to save more people, but the current social situation at that time made Mr. Lu Xun clearly realize that he wanted to change people's minds.

So later, Mr. Lu Xun abandoned medicine and started his own writing road. Because of his writing, Mr. Lu Xun's social status has been rapidly improved, returning to the position before Zhou's loneliness. This makes grandpa feel more inferior, because grandpa is not that simple teenager at this time.

Mr Lu Xun

At this time, my grandfather knew very well that he and Mr. Lu Xun were much different in identity and social class, and they were no longer people of the same social class. So later, grandpa stopped talking about Mr. Lu Xun, but completely buried his feelings when he was young.

Grandpa was still running around to make a living. At that time, land was the whole income of the family. In the past, my grandfather introduced himself to Mr. Lu Xun, saying that it was fun to catch birds and dregs in the fields. Now, before my boring field work makes grandpa tired of these jobs every day, running around for life all day makes grandpa's face more tired.

Middle-aged soil-moistening stills

Later, grandpa heard that Mr. Lu Xun had returned to Shaoxing. Grandpa is ecstatic and wants to see Mr. Lu Xun. It happens that Mr. Lu Xun also wants to see his grandfather in particular. Grandpa has fantasized about the reunion with Mr. Lu Xun for countless times. He is delighted and moved, and continues to tell the story of his youth. But grandpa soon woke up from this happiness.

One is a cutting-edge literary world, and the other is an ordinary worker. Two people haven't seen each other for many years. With the simple friendship when they were young, will it be awkward after meeting? What will they talk about after meeting? Are you telling those rural stories to Mr. Lu Xun? Or talk to Mr. Lu Xun about his writing, but I don't understand these things myself.

What's your name after meeting? Call Shu Ren or something? Where will they go after they meet? Grandpa has a lot of problems in his heart at this time. And no one can answer these questions. Because grandpa at this time is more and more afraid to see Mr. Lu Xun again.

Middle-aged Leaping over the Earth and Lu Xun

On the appointed day, grandpa asked grandma to find her best clothes and put them on to meet this childhood friend. It is said to be the most decent clothes. In fact, it would be nice to have enough to eat in grandpa's time. I really dare not expect too much from clothes.

At that time, grandpa hesitated outside the door for a long time after seeing Mr. Lu Xun, and finally went in. After entering, grandpa shouted "Sir". And how strange this old gentleman is to Mr. Lu Xun, which is also the reason why Mr. Lu Xun later wrote the article "Hometown".

Runtu and Lu Xun meet again.

However, at that time, grandpa couldn't think of a better way to address this once-young friend besides calling Mr. Lu Xun a "master". It doesn't matter. For Mr. Lu Xun, this "grandfather" shouted to completely pull away from each other, but grandpa clearly knew that the person in front of him was not the one at that time.

Grandpa later told us that after seeing this old friend who used to be a teenager, his heart was full of thoughts. I thought there would be a thousand words to say, but when I saw my old friend, I was looking at myself. There is a strong sense of gap in my heart, so I don't want to make the scene so embarrassing at that time, so I can only shout "master" all my life.

Middle-aged Runtu and Lu Xun

But no one expected that this meeting between Grandpa and Mr. Lu Xun would be the last meeting between them. If grandpa had known that this was the last time to meet Mr. Lu Xun, he would have talked with Mr. Lu Xun even if he was embarrassed. So Mr. Lu Xun has never been back to his hometown Shaoxing since then.

After the reunion of old friends, it is still the same as when I was a child. You and I will eventually come back to our lives. However, at this time, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces suffered a once-in-a-century drought. For our family at that time, land was the only income. Grandpa's hair was all white, and he hardly slept a wink to support his family.

The weather in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is dry.

Grandpa was really down and out in his later years. At that time, all the sellers could sell it. In order to make a living, I began to rent land for planting. At that time, my father said that everyone else likes Chinese New Year, and what I fear most every year is Chinese New Year. When I go home for the Spring Festival, there are always all kinds of debtors who can walk down the door.

But God seems to be joking with Grandpa all the time. At the age of 57, grandpa died of illness. When my father said he didn't want to treat grandpa. But at that time, it was a problem to have enough to eat at home, and there was no money to treat grandpa. Grandpa and Grandma Grandpa has five children in this life. Grandpa left his grandmother and five children after his death.

Runtu Steels, 57.

Not long after grandpa died, so did Mr. Lu Xun. I thought my next life would be better, but my father, Mr. Zhang Qi, died soon. In order to be energetic, I began to work in grandpa's house. About my other uncles and aunts, my father has been reluctant to mention it. Perhaps this is the pain in my father's heart.

Sometimes, God won't close one door, but he will open another. After the founding of New China, we attached great importance to Mr. Lu Xun's achievements in the cultural field and established the Lu Xun Cultural Memorial Hall in his hometown Shaoxing. I was invited to work in the museum, and I was very happy after hearing the news. But at that time, I was basically illiterate, and I didn't know many words.

Luxun Memorial Hall in Shaoxing, Zhejiang

Later, under the persuasion of the staff, I began to work in Lu Xun Cultural Memorial Hall. And this time it completely changed the fate of me and even our descendants. In order to make up for the cultural defects, I began to study constantly, burning the midnight oil after work every day, and with my continuous efforts, I became the deputy curator of Lu Xun Cultural Memorial Hall.

I deeply understand the importance of reading, so I have paid special attention to children's education since I was a child. I often let children read Mr. Lu Xun's works. I am not ashamed to tell my children, because Mr. Lu Xun has completely changed his fate, otherwise I don't know what I am doing now.

Pictures of Mr Zhang Gui when he was young.

A few decades ago, my grandfather and Mr. Lu Xun's old man had an embarrassing meeting scene because of class problems, but by coincidence, my meeting scene with Mr. Zhou Haiying, the son of Mr. Lu Xun, became much more easygoing. There are not so many classes between us, let alone meeting Mr. Lu Xun's grandfather.

1976, Mr Zhou Haiying and I went to Japan. I spent so many days in Japan with Mr. Zhou Haiying, which is the most precious and happiest dozens of days in my life. Mr Zhou Haiying and I are both writers. We exchange literature with each other, study Mr. Lu Xun's works, and understand the customs of this country.

Mr Zhou Haiying and his mother in adolescence.

Mr Zhou Haiying is the son of Lu Xun, and my grandson is Mr Runtu. In fact, according to my seniority, I should call Mr. Zhou Haiying my uncle. Perhaps because of my ancestors, this uncle took care of me like a big brother. When crossing the road, he will hold my hand and remind me to pay attention to safety. When I was in Japan, he would make breakfast in advance and wake me up.

The descendants of Runtu became friends with Lu Xun's son.

Mr. Zhou Haiying hasn't completely lost contact with our grandparents for many years. There seems to be endless words and days between us. Talking with Mr. Zhou Haiying really makes people feel particularly comfortable. He always considers unexpected questions and sometimes points out mistakes in my articles.

Mr. Zhou Haiying as a teenager

It is because of my friendship with Mr. Zhou Haiying that our children have a particularly good relationship with Mr. Zhou Haiying's children. Every year, our two families often walk around. Sometimes you have to believe that life is so interesting, and the friendship that is difficult to reach between ancestors has been well interpreted in future generations.

The life of Mr. Lu Xun and my descendants can be completely rewritten, so I decided to carry forward the spirit of Mr. Lu Xun. Therefore, in the following years, I began to sort out the works about Lu Xun. Now I have sorted out hundreds of thousands of words, and in the process, Mr. Zhou Haiying gave me great help.

Zhou Haiying and Zhang Gui take a group photo.

Zhang Gui has compiled hundreds of thousands of words in Lu Xun's novels. At present, it is of great significance in academic circles and has great reference value for studying Mr. Lu Xun's novel style or the characteristics of the times behind his novel style.

At present, I have a son and a daughter. My son is currently working in the securities company I founded, and my daughter is currently a teacher. Although now I have walked around the Lu Xun Cultural Memorial Hall, because this cultural memorial hall has completely rewritten my life, and even the life trajectory of my entire descendants has changed.

When I was young, I met by chance and talked about everything. At that time, we always thought that childhood friends would be friends for life, so we were inseparable. When people reach middle age, you and I are very different. A "grandpa" broke the illusion between you and me for many years. After that, you and I will never see each other again, and you and I will always sleep with each other's thoughts.

Later generations meet again, discuss the world and cross generations. It's all just because you and I miss each other. Life is meeting again and again in yearning, and missing after reunion. In the future, we hope that our future generations will carry forward this profound friendship.

Runtu's life is a life of poverty, but who would have thought that her descendants would be so gorgeous? Maybe it's because of the opportunity, maybe it's the foreshadowing of life in advance, but in either case, we all hope that the descendants of the leap soil will develop better and better.