Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Tang dynasty fortune-telling video encyclopedia _ Tang dynasty fortune-telling video encyclopedia

Tang dynasty fortune-telling video encyclopedia _ Tang dynasty fortune-telling video encyclopedia

Yuan Tiangang, a fortune teller in the Tang Dynasty, how about arithmetic?

Yuan Tiangang is very good at arithmetic. He is said to be good at arithmetic for two reasons. The first reason is that he is taught by a famous teacher. As the saying goes, a great teacher makes a great teacher. The second reason is that co-writing and pushing have a great influence on later generations.

0 1, a noble disciple under the guidance of a famous teacher

It is recorded in China's famous ancient novel The Journey to the West that there is an able person who can accurately calculate what will happen in the future, even fate. This man is Yuan Shoucheng. Yuan Tiangang is Yuan Shoucheng's nephew, and the relationship is so close. Yuan Tiangang was clever since he was a child. As an uncle, how could Yuan Shoucheng not teach him physiognomy? It can be inferred from this that Yuan Tiangang's arithmetic ability is not comparable to that of ordinary magicians.

It is said that Yuan Tiangang's arithmetic ability is better than shine on you. He can not only help people avoid misfortune, but also infer what will happen through the change of wind. It is also said that Yuan Tiangang created touch bone fortune telling. In addition to fortune-telling, he is also proficient in many kinds of operations, such as Yin-Yang and Five Elements.

02. Co-author of TuiBei Map.

Yuan Tiangang's name was later known to the world, basically because of the ancient and modern wonderful book Tutui written by Yuan Tiangang and Li He. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, the Tang Dynasty was prosperous and peaceful, but as an emperor, he wanted to know the future direction of the Tang Dynasty, so he invited Yuan Tiangang and Li to count the national fortunes of the Tang Dynasty together.

Yuan Tiangang and Li Xinran accepted their orders, probably because they were obsessed with the art of fortune telling. Since Emperor Taizong ordered them to count the national luck of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Tiangang and Li worked tirelessly, forgot to eat and sleep, and worked out all the history after the Tang Dynasty in one breath, including the Anshi Rebellion. But at that time, no one would interpret the book TuiTui. Some people said that TuiTui counted the period from the Tang Dynasty to the year 2000.

The name of this book made the rulers of Song Dynasty attach great importance to it, and even listed "Pushing Endorsement" as an official history book. However, what is recorded in this book is too subtle. The rulers of the Song Dynasty were afraid that someone could fully interpret the Book of Pushing Endorsement, which would have an impact on the national luck of the Song Dynasty, so they listed it as a banned book. From the influence of this book, we can feel that Yuan Tiangang's arithmetic ability has reached an unprecedented level.