Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why is there no traffic light in Tekes County, Yili, Xinjiang, China, and there will be no traffic jams and lost roads?

Why is there no traffic light in Tekes County, Yili, Xinjiang, China, and there will be no traffic jams and lost roads?

Tekes County, Yili, Xinjiang, China, also known as "Bagua City".

There is also a strange phenomenon in this county, that is, everyone who has been there can find the way, even a road idiot will not get lost. Why is this happening?

We know a little about its mystery through its alias. Tekes County is built according to Yijing, with 8 streets in the first ring, 0/6 streets in the second ring, 32 streets in the third ring and 64 streets in the fourth ring. Each ring is about 300 meters apart, interlocking and connected by streets. The center of the city is a circular central square, and eight main roads radiate outward around this square. The length of each road is 1.6 km, and there is a loop connected every 360 meters. The roads in the whole city constitute a huge gossip, just like a rigorous spider web. People don't get lost in Tex City.

There are often winding roads in other places, or some roads are simply dead ends and impassable, so Tex will not be like this. In Tex, all you have to do is observe the direction of the turn and go straight. A transportation network composed of straight lines also means that there are many routes from one place to another. If there is a traffic jam here, it's no problem to take the other side. It is precisely because of this feature of Tex City that there will be no traffic lights and no traffic jams here. So people in the city can reach their destination no matter which way they take, so the common problem of modern cities "congestion" does not exist here.