Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Model essay on reading Teahouse

Model essay on reading Teahouse

7 essays on reading in teahouse.

Teahouse is divided into three acts, but the time span is very long, from the Reform Movement of 1898 to the warlord regime, and then to the 50 years of Kuomintang dark rule. The following is the model essay I compiled for you to read Teahouse. Welcome to reading.

Teahouse comments 1 People come and go in the teahouse, bringing together all kinds of people, from the main to the secondary, with various religions. This big teahouse has become a small society. The author vividly described the scene with a strong local color. Lao She showed the charm of old Peiping to the fullest, and his characters were distinct, spanning half a century, showing the changes of three generations of teahouses after the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 in the late Qing Dynasty, the early years of the Republic of China and the eve of the collapse of political power.

In addition, I think the success of Teahouse mainly lies in language. The lines in Teahouse are well designed, and the characters are active, full of personality, concise and meaningful.

Drama itself is a variety, an art in which actors play roles and perform plots and realistic situations in public. On this basis, Lao She's Teahouse has a strong spirit of social criticism. Usually, in order to make drama conflict, many writers adopt "three unifications", but Lao She broke the stereotype and achieved the same success. Lao She used his familiar old Beijing past to draw a social drama composed of past events and street life pictures.

Teahouse is also an unprecedented example of Chinese drama.

During the summer vacation, I found my father's rare book Teahouse.

Teahouse is Lao She's work, which tells the story of a shopkeeper and his teahouse.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Wang Lifa who became the shopkeeper of Yutai Teahouse at the age of twenty because he lost his father. In this teahouse, you can stay for a long time and do nothing.

However, the good times did not last long. Song Enzi and Wu Xiangzi, policemen of the Qing Dynasty, made trouble every day and made a mess of business. Finally, in the Republic of China, the sons of Song Enzi and Wu Xiangzi actually became policemen. ...

Yutai Teahouse is getting worse every day, and tragedies happen every day: first, my wife was hit by a car and nobody took care of it, and the wounded soldier came every day to stir up business, and finally she was spared by Asako Liu.

On the last night, the old shopkeeper called his friends Mr. Qin and Mr. Chang to talk about their experiences. After the friends left, the old shopkeeper lit the paper money that Mr. Chang picked up. After a while, the flames were blazing and the old shopkeeper was still sitting there. He remembers when he was young. ...

Reading the novel Teahouse always makes people feel sad and angry. Why can Tang Xiao Tie Zui, Xiao Liu Ma Zi, Xiao Song Enzi and Xiao Wu Xiangzi live a good life every day? And you can't let great people like Master Chang, Master Qin and Master Song have a good life? The world is so unfair, but what can people say at that time?

A pot of old soup and a pot of green tea were staged in the century-old Yutai Teahouse, showing a dark page in the old times written by Mr. Lao She with vicissitudes of life, vividly showing readers a picture of the history and folk customs of old Beijing full of ups and downs, leaving an eternal memory.

Almost everyone says that Teahouse is the successful work of a mature playwright.

The story of the teahouse takes place in a teahouse. From a teahouse to a half-century span, many characters are highly concentrated in the teahouse, showing the life of old China three years before the end of the mainland in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.

Mr. Cao Yu once said that Teahouse is "an unprecedented model in the history of China drama". Because of its broad conception, this script is not only bold and bold, but also meticulous, which is the original creation of Mr. Lao She. Three acts of Teahouse have occupied 50 years, and many great changes have taken place in these 50 years, but the play is only a reflection of a small person in the teahouse, and there is no positive narrative of those major events. That is to say, the life and death of these little people are used to illustrate all kinds of satire in those years.

The success of Teahouse lies in the success of language and the ingenious and rigorous structure of his drama. Language: Drama creates characters entirely by lines. When the lines are fulfilled, the characters live. When the characters live, the whole play is a success. Lao She, known as the "master of language", really developed his language skills. The lines of each character in Teahouse are designed vividly, endowed with personality, concise and meaningful. Drama structure: the whole drama has many characters, long time span and no central story. Lao She used four techniques to construct drama:

1, the protagonist, runs through the whole play from strong to old, making the main characters coherent and explanatory. Although the story is loose, it won't be said, it's too far from the point and unintelligible;

2. It is the father and son of a minor character;

3. Each character plays its own story and is closely related to its own times;

4, people came at once irrelevant, lingering, no extra pens.

From the perspective of investigating Lao She's individual life history, Teahouse is a writer who looks back on the past in a new historical scene and has rich life experience and individual experience. A meditative work written in old China for more than half a century, which precipitated historical lessons and revealed the historical trend.

Teahouse adopts a typical theater structure of portrait exhibition. He exposed a corner of society and showed the character life of all kinds of people. Teahouse returns to Lao She's well-learned old Beijing story in terms of theme and cultural connotation. It is a social drama that Mr. Lao She is best at, which combines the pictures of past years and street life.

The drama Teahouse has a strong spirit of social criticism. Thunderstorm by Cao Yu, a famous playwright in China, is a typical work that follows the "three unifications", while Teahouse by Lao She breaks this norm. But these two plays are equally successful. Some people have commented that Teahouse is an ancient ballad and an elegy, but now I don't know its origin, so I will read it carefully.

After reading "Teahouse", the essay model article 4 Teahouse, everyone chats with each other and mountains and seas. Who would have thought that this could reflect a big social problem! Unless a master with a unique perspective makes it "alive", the teahouse will never have a deeper meaning. And that man is Lao She, the master of language. He used his unique perspective and technique to make the language of the whole script glow with life.

Lao She was born in a big courtyard in Beijing, a poor Manchu family named Shu. My father is an army guard and my mother earns money by washing clothes. After his father's early death, life was even more embarrassing, but the god of luck took care of Lao She.

First, he sponsored Lao She to go to school for a philanthropist, so that he could receive a good education.

With Lao She's unremitting efforts. He has grown up and achieved something. In the later creative process, what deeply influenced him was the situation at that time. The reason why the teahouse has the characteristics of "seeing the big from the small" is also closely related to its civilian background.

Similarly, Lao She's technique is unique. One of the most prominent points is that there are only three acts in the whole drama, one for a period of time, which is simple and clear, and easy to show the plot. From the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 in the late Qing Dynasty, to the separatist period of the northern warlords in the early Republic of China, and then to the eve of the collapse of the regime, it is not so much a time change as a historical change. The characters show the times, and the times, as the background of the characters' performances, complement each other, which makes the Little Teahouse rise to the point where people have to judge this masterpiece from the perspective of "historical drama"

Second, although the teahouse is dull, there are many religions and nine streams of vegetation.

However, several characters run through the play and play a central role.

First, Wang Lifa (teahouse shopkeeper).

Second, Master Song (timid, but not pregnant).

Third, Chang (an upright person, very patriotic and healthy).

Two tea drinkers, Mr. Song and Mr. Chang, make friends with each other, but it's really not easy to find a few dedicated old ladies among the so-called "lively" tea drinkers. Listen! What you say is either polite or flattering. Although I don't know what Lao She's intention is to create such a character, at least through this dialogue with three people with a little human touch and a little "conscience", people can deeply understand the coldness of this world! Thought-provoking.

Third, the son inherits his father's business.

These are some ironic arrangements. The times in the play are advancing and the clothes are very avant-garde. What do the guests think? This is an imaginary package. It won't change the content. For example, Sugar Iron Mouth, who used to read physiognomy, raised a son, and now he has "upgraded" to become a master. Asako Liu's matchmaking business turned his son into a "flower joint venture" (providing waitresses and jeep girls for foreigners and officials). The wily Wu Xiangzi was renamed a hereditary spy in his son's life. People! Why do you always "follow the rules" in this respect?

Lao She, whatever you want to convey to future generations, at least Teahouse has benefited us a lot. I can't comment on its advantages and disadvantages. In front of you, I can only say, "Thank you! Thank you for leaving such precious wealth to young people. "

I think this book is another expression of memories, which may be a little fictional, but it is based on life. The expression must also be the inner world of people, so it will affect generations with the bumps of history, which is what people often say.

Look at the world today, the city is full of traffic and the lights are dim. The criss-crossing traffic facilities constitute the blood and skeleton of the city, and life is more colorful. In the countryside, people work at sunrise and rest at sunset, so they can live a comfortable life of self-sufficiency in that land ... but now city people disguise themselves with indifference, and country people desperately want to escape. I am not grateful for such a life, but feel that life is boring, even worse than plain water. We always think of sweetness, but forget the bitterness. Who ever thought about the past?

Teahouse is the representative work of Lao She, written in 1950s. Based on the rise and fall of a big teahouse in old Beijing, this paper shows people the social features and different fates of people of different classes during the fifty years from the late Qing Dynasty to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Holding this book on a bright afternoon, my thoughts drifted back to that era with the swaying willows outside the window.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the teahouse was still a harmonious scene. Wang Lifa, the shopkeeper of the teahouse, everything in front of him is so beautiful. However, there is a suffocating decline behind it. Rich people drink tea and chat in teahouses, not talking about state affairs, and poor people sell children in teahouses. When the countryside goes bankrupt, people's lives are even poorer. Today they think about tomorrow, but tomorrow they think about the day after tomorrow. They can only sell their children to get a small fee to support more people in their family. I think of the snake catcher in Snake Catcher, who risked his life to make a living. It turns out that poverty is the same all the time. I think of Xiangzi, another character in Lao She's works. He pulled down his car in the scorching sun and heavy rain. Even if his dignity was trampled on, he didn't resist. He was eventually swallowed up by a cannibal society. Such a society gives people more disappointment than hope, and the ending seems doomed to be tragic.

In the early years of the Republic of China, successive years of civil war made people's lives more painful and sad. Life is like a heavy burden on people's lives. At that time, even the air they breathed was turbid and dark. Many teahouses and shops in Beijing are closed, but only the owner Wang Lifa has improved management. However, social unrest is all-round, pedantic soldiers come to extort money, refugees are blocked at the door of the teahouse ... the slogan of not talking about state affairs is becoming more and more dazzling on the wall. People dare not talk nonsense, for fear of being accidentally charged with unwarranted charges. People are like living in a hail of bullets, and they will be hit if they are not careful. The harsh environment also inspired people's original intention. People who are good at camouflage show ugly faces and stand on the opposite side of justice. Sadly, it just reflects the pedantic darkness of that era. After all, who would want to do such a thing in an era of peace and prosperity?

Thirty years later, Wang Zhanggui is still struggling to support the teahouse, but the dark forces still have not let him go. Rogue spies gain power by flattering themselves and want to occupy the teahouse in Wang Zhanggui. After all, the frail old man was crushed by reality and lived his life safely.

Shakespeare said, "No matter how long the darkness is, the day will come." It is effective now, but who knows the hardships our ancestors paid on this long road of exploration? I can't forget it. I can't forget it.

After reading Teahouse, I feel particularly depressed. Looking out of the window, the flowers are bright and the years are quiet. Warm life always has its flavor, and I want to satisfy it.

When Mr. Lao She wrote Teahouse, it was a good time for political clarity. He wrote such a powerful work that it is unforgettable to read.

Teahouse describes the changes of a big teahouse in the late Qing Dynasty, the early Republic of China and the end of the Anti-Japanese War, so as to show the historical changes of China in the half century after 19. In addition, Lao She also experienced the new China period. This literary work of his can be said to be a summary of the times. From his grand narrative, we can feel that Mr. Lao She closely combined his life experience with his environment and interpreted the complexity and sadness of this era with his own understanding and sentiment. His talent is surging, and his pen power is strong, which we can all deeply feel.

The narrative motivation of Mr. Lao She's article comes from his desire to establish a modern nation-state and his hatred of an unjust society. The death of pockmarked Liu is a proof. Pockmarked Liu is a bad man, but he was not punished for doing something wrong. Instead, he was wronged, saying that he was a deserter and accused of being divorced from such a crime. After reading this, I have an indescribable feeling in my heart. Do you feel sorry for him? He is a bad man and does not deserve sympathy; Don't pity him, he is really a poor man who has been wronged. Only this scene can let us know that warlords have always ignored human life. Even a bad guy like pockmarked Liu should have his own right to exist. His abnormal death only shows that warlords are worse, and this society is full of great injustice. The death of eunuch Pang is another tone, full of sadness and compassion. The court eunuchs who used to be in power changed dynasties and their power was marginalized. Without power, he faced starvation by his cruel nephews. When he was in power, he did something shameful, but he was treated like this by close people. Maybe our inner feelings are not so strong today, but if we put him in the present and imagine an old man who has exhausted his life, he can't have the right to live. How pathetic he is. In this day and age, we think about how impolite it is, but at that time, it seemed nothing. In the troubled and dark society, it seems that there is only a numb heart. So such a society is full of injustice, and Mr. Lao She hates it. He is also eager to build a truly modern new nation-state, escape from this cannibal society, crush it and make everyone really happy.

Some people say that the structural method of Lao She's Teahouse is the contrast between old and new society, which is also his historical view. Some people think that this contrast between the old and the new society is the social contrast between old China and new China. Some people say that the structural method of Lao She's Teahouse is the contrast between old and new society, which is also his historical view. Some people think that this contrast between the old and the new society is the social contrast between old China and new China. Lao She wrote this article mainly to make young people cherish the hard-won new China. But I disagree with this statement. I think the new and the old here are the new in the Qing Dynasty and the old in the new China, which is the uninterrupted alternation of the old and the new society. No one says that this is a complete presentation of a truly new society, and no one says that this is the most satisfactory era for the people. We will continue to develop a prosperous society in the future, and then it will be truly new in our hearts. Moreover, the ratio of old to new is reversed, and the social system is progressing step by step, but the people's livelihood is sinking step by step. I love our country, but who loves me? Deeply hurt countless patriots who fought for their country at the front. Their ideals and aspirations for a new society and country have been destroyed again and again, and they know that they are desperate. In their minds, the "new" society is just an empty shelf, full of more fantasies and depravity. However, it is precisely this that constitutes such tension in this drama.

Teahouse has already surpassed the praise of new China, but used the ups and downs of people's survival fate to write social and historical changes. Reading is always thought-provoking, thinking about the past, present and future.

Today, it is the fourth time to go to Book City. I took the mineral water and stepped on the elevator of the book city. When I go to the bookcase, I will see if there are any good books. Suddenly, I saw a book and pulled it out of the pile.

This book is called Teahouse. The writer is Lao She, a modern novelist in China. Lao She was born in a poor family in Beijing, and his works are deeply loved by readers. The story tells that Wang Lifa, the owner of the teahouse, is bent on making the teahouse prosperous. For this reason, he keeps socializing, but the cruel reality makes him ridiculed every time. Eventually swallowed up by a ruthless society. Qin, who frequented teahouses, went from ambitious industrial salvation to bankruptcy; Chang Yesi, the son of the generous Eight Banners, embarked on the road of self-reliance after the demise of the Qing Dynasty. In the era when the Qing Dynasty was about to perish, Yutai Teahouse in Beijing was still a scene of "prosperity": caged birds, fortune-telling, selling antiques and jade articles, and playing cricket. Thirty years later, Wang Zhanggui is still desperately supporting the teahouse. Japan surrendered, but American imperialism plunged the people into the disaster of civil war. Wang Lifa is desperate. At this time, it happened that two friends who had made friends fifty years ago came. One is Master Chang, a gentleman who was once arrested by the Qing court, and the other is Master Qin, who completely collapsed after half his career. The three old people scattered the paper money they found all over the floor, crying and laughing sadly. In the end, Wang Lifa was left alone. He picked up his belt, went into the inner room, looked up at the roof, and looked for a place where he could safely end his life.

Master Chang's failure is not only a question of social responsibility, but also because his philosophy of life is out of date. At this point, he and Wang Lifa, Qin and others finally fell into the same fate. The classic drama Teahouse is classic because the characters it describes are memorable.