Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What should I pay attention to if someone wants to use the place after moving the grave?

What should I pay attention to if someone wants to use the place after moving the grave?

Since you have concerns, please put a rash mantra at home, support Buddha and Bodhisattva at home, and ask a Buddhist machine to recite Amitabha frequently, so that these dead souls can have fun, and recite Tibetan scriptures or Tibetan holy names more often, which will naturally make everything forgiven. It is most auspicious to learn Buddhism by yourself and convert to the Three Treasures.

If you want to learn Buddhism, please read "Biography, Learning Buddhism and Introduction to Buddhism" by the feast master.


Life and faith

Every religion exhorts people to have faith, but what do they believe in? As the ancients said, there is a saying. A good bird knows how to choose a wood to live in, and a loyal minister knows how to be an official, not to mention faith, but also to choose a good partner. Then, what conditions should be met for the object of belief? This problem cannot be ignored.

(1) having faith.

When we choose the object of faith, we should examine whether it really exists. For example, we choose to believe in Buddhism, and the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha, does exist. Buddha was born in a country, raised by his parents, brothers and relatives, and even recorded becoming a monk, practicing and becoming a monk. The deeds of the Buddha are clearly recorded in history. Sakyamuni Buddha is not an imaginary figure, but a god created out of thin air; Nor is it a fairy who has come without a trace. In other words, the objects we Buddhists believe in can stand historical research. So, what should we believe? We should trust the real thing.

(2) Believe in noble morality

When we make friends, we should make friends with people with high moral character and holy personality, because they can guide us to be good and upward. The ancients said, "People who have no friends are not as good as themselves. He also said: "Water flows downwards and people climb upwards. "If the object of our faith wants us to kill and harm people, it will be harmful to trust him instead of helping. We must know, is the virtue of the object I believe in clean? Is he compassionate enough? Is his personality perfect? If he does, then such an object is worthy of our belief and conversion. Sakyamuni Buddha is an awakened person with perfect behavior. He has three virtues: wisdom, morality and kindness. His morality is perfect and pure. Following this natural mentor can make our morality higher and our personality more perfect.

(3) Strong belief ability.

Climbing a mountain requires a crutch, and we also need a powerful crutch to be our crutch in life. From an early age, we accepted the knowledgeable support of our teachers, which made us gradually avoid being children; The object of our belief must also be able to measure and consciously perceive people's knowledge of great goodness, so as to guide us on the right path. The Buddhist scripture says: "I am like a good guide, guiding others to do good;" I am like a good doctor, responding to diseases and drugs. "I believe that a good guide can take the bright road and reach the destination; I believe that a good doctor can get Akada medicine to treat intractable diseases. Why are benevolent saints, heroes and ordinary people willing to accept his leadership? Mainly because of his ability. Lions can be the king of beasts, and Dapeng can be the strongest of birds because of their special abilities. So do people. If the object of faith has great power, as if life is backed up, we can be happy because of him.

(4) clean faith.

Those who abstain from pure conduct, all their actions are in line with the precepts. We obey him, our words and deeds naturally conform to the right path, and we will not cheat. If the object we believe in is not clean, it is like a car that violates traffic rules. Accidents can happen at any time, so it's too dangerous for us to follow him. The Buddha, the object of our belief, is the most rigorous and pure awakened one. He was not only strict with himself, but also formulated many commandments to capture his disciples' body and mind. According to the scripture, a disciple of the Buddha asked the owner of the orchard for a bowl of fruit, and the owner asked him to pick it himself. The venerable master said, "The Buddha said that trees are taller than people and unattainable. The owner asked him to shake the fruit by hand. He said, "The Buddhist precepts say that you should not shake the tree to pick the fruit. In order to show sincerity, the owner had to climb down the branch himself and let him pick it. Knowing this, he still insisted: "The Buddhist precepts say that you should not help yourself with fruit. The owner of the garden had to hold the fruit in his hand and give it to him, saying, "I support you!" "This story is about breaking the commandment of' take and give'. In order to stick to this commandment, the disciples of the Buddha would rather not have fruit. In modern times, it is illegal to take anything without others' consent, even a stitch or thread. If everyone can abide by it, there will be no robbery and theft in society. If we can follow the teachings of the Buddha, the commandments we practice will be pure and flawless!

(5) Believe in Buddhism.

The object of our belief should have a perfect Buddhism. Buddhism is impartial, so it is called Buddhism. The truth of Buddhism is universally applicable, applicable to any time, space, people and things, not applicable to this person and that person. Or it is appropriate to use it at this time, but it is not appropriate to use it for another thing. Buddhism is complete because it transcends time and space and is not subject to any restrictions. There are many kinds of knowledge in society, so we should choose the most correct and harmonious as our guide. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Mrs. Qian Lou's famous saying, "It is better to be right, not wrong, not oblique, but more than enough", has been praised and used by the world for thousands of years. Believing in the perfect Buddhism can not only get many correct instructions, but also build a perfect life.

(6) Full of faith and wisdom

There are two sentences in the book "The Way to Becoming a Buddha": "Buddhism is the body, and purity and wisdom are the life. Usually when we see the Buddha statue enshrined on the desk, we will mistake it for the Buddha's body, or think that when the Buddha was alive, the solemn body was the Buddha's real body. In fact, the Buddha is based on Buddhism. The life span of the Buddha is not 80 years of human life, and the Buddha lives by endless wisdom. Secular knowledge is leaking, and human life is limited. Buddhism is the body, Buddhism is everywhere and endless; Wisdom is life, and wisdom is pure, eternal and infinite. The object of our belief, his intelligence is perfect, we can learn from him, and we can get a life full of intelligence in the future, thus making contributions to the public.

As the saying goes, "making friends carelessly" and "meeting people badly", one person staggered friends and ruined his life's future; How can you be careless in the choice of objects? What's more, if you are the object of faith, you should choose carefully!

A life of true faith and a belief of true faith

Although some people in the society say that they have certain beliefs, they are all superstitious, and some even believe in evil. So what is true faith? How can we get the life of faith and faith?

(A) from disguised beliefs to real beliefs

Ordinary people are often superstitious about evil because they have no real faith. So people's wisdom can't be opened, so they do a lot of stupid things in a muddle. For example, watching geomantic omen, telling time, telling fortune, divining divination, burning tin foil and gold and silver paper are all superstitious behaviors, which are not allowed by Buddhism.

There is a Wanshou Park cemetery in Foguang Mountain. Because of the death of relatives and friends, people often want to bury him in the cemetery. If I meet them, I often say to them, "It's best not to bring Mr. Geography to see Feng Shui. Some people don't understand why, because if you invite Mr. Geography to see Feng Shui, you must first ask the person who manages the cemetery to give him a red envelope. If you don't give it, after seeing the cemetery, even if you are satisfied with the funeral, you will find an excuse to say, "This place is in a bad direction. If your parents are buried here, they will offend their descendants. " "I heard that, you must feel all right. In order to bury your parents, you violated your child's daughter. You must not take this land. Another example is building a house. Even if you have a good landscape, if Mr. Geography says, "The direction of the house is not good, because parents can't go in this direction." "Imagine, you can take this big taboo? Superstition is to seize the weakness of human nature in a horrible way, so that you dare not disobey his beliefs. If a person does not have the wisdom to believe, he can't get rid of superstition. The Buddha repeatedly taught us in his legacy: "Don't take advantage of each other's good and bad luck, look up at the stars. Therefore, all my life, I have followed the wise saying that "every day is a good day and everywhere is a good place". As long as we are just, we can go anywhere; As long as it is convenient for everyone, every hour is auspicious. True Buddhists are never superstitious, and superstitious people are by no means true Buddhists.

There is also an evil belief, such as the consistent way. What exactly is a consistent way? I'm afraid few people can really understand; But why do so many people believe it? Perhaps it is its mysterious color and the oath that binds you firmly. Dare not violate, have to believe all the time. However, faith should not be so rash, because it is not true faith just because of human feelings or selfishness. Therefore, we should abandon the superstitious beliefs of disguised cults and choose the real Buddhist beliefs.

(B) from believing in fate to believing in autonomy

Generally speaking, people are willing to believe in fate, and everything belongs to the arrangement of heaven. The food is given to us by heaven; The benefits fell from the sky. Of course, there is nothing evil in this idea. It's just that we unconditionally hand over sovereignty to the gods and let them be the masters to rule us. This kind of person who doesn't know that he has sovereignty over himself is really the most stupid and pitiful person in the world. Why should a person's happiness, happy life, cheerful spirit and bright future be dominated and given by the gods? Buddhism says that "everyone has Buddha nature", which is to improve the sovereignty of each of us. Let us be alert to the fact that we can control everything about ourselves, and darkness can turn into light; Tragedy can turn into happiness; Rugged, can pave an open life avenue. Believing in Buddhism, to put it more thoroughly, is to believe in yourself. Isn't it more meaningful to create everything with your own hands than to rely on the domination of the gods?

(3) From human belief to faithful belief.

People have many beliefs, often because this temple also goes to socialize and that temple also goes around. In the end, I was surrounded by many human feelings, so I couldn't choose the true faith. In fact, faith should not depend on people according to law. Buddha said that there are "four stops", that is, first, "not relying on people according to law": people who believe in Buddhism seek "faithfulness and interpretation" according to the teaching method of Buddha, and do not give up their faith because of the quality of people (people who say it); Or just be a believer in a temple or a monk, regardless of the whole Buddhism.

Second, "I don't know by wisdom": wisdom is wisdom, light is bright, and I can see its true colors; Knowledge is difference and distinction. Those who study Buddhism can only get the true meaning of Buddhism if they don't pursue Buddhism with different knowledge. People who study Buddhism should use their intelligence to prove the truth in order to be free.

Third, "follow the righteousness but not the words": people who believe in Buddhism should understand the Buddhism from the righteousness, and don't scrutinize and care about the language.

Fourth, "if you follow the righteousness, you can't follow the righteousness": Buddhism that can't follow the righteousness is just a convenient way to persuade new believers or those with shallow knowledge; If you believe in the truth, you should believe in the way of riding the dust.

"Four Persistences" is a truth that every Buddhist should know, and we should put it into practice.

(4) From temple belief to monk belief.

We believe in Buddhism, not just a temple, but the whole Buddhist monk group; Don't be a disciple of only one person, be a disciple of the whole monk group. As a Buddhist, you should protect any temple; Every monk group should do its best to love it as much as it loves its own home. There are many temples and believers all over the province. We often see some believers at home walking around temples, comparing the enthusiasm of monks for him, and some even make waves between temples, which is not the proper behavior of a real Buddhist. It is the duty of Buddha disciples to believe in the Buddhist monk protection group.

Twelve, what is a real Buddhist, please master.

A: Converting to Sambo is the first lesson of becoming a true Buddhist. If a Buddhist has not gone through the ceremony of converting to the Three Treasures, even if he worships incense, he is only a person who respects and is interested in Buddhism and cannot be regarded as a true Buddhist. Just like a student, if he doesn't register, he will always be just an observer. After converting to Sambo, he said that he believed in Buddhism and became a disciple of Sambo Buddhists, and no longer believed in other religions. Therefore, conversion to the Three Treasures is a sign to determine the goal of faith.

Why do you want to convert to the "Three Treasures"? Simply put, the three treasures are lights and candles in the dark, sailing in the raging sea of suffering, and shining in the fireworks house. To "convert" to the three treasures is to "convert" and "rely" on Buddhist monks.

In the world, children need to rely on their parents to live safely; Old people need crutches to walk steadily; Sailors need a compass to return safely; In the dark, pedestrians need bright lights to see the direction clearly. Sambo is like our parents. When a child is bullied, although his parents are not around, as long as he calls "mom", others dare not bully him casually because he has a mother. Similarly, there are many evil spirits, bad people and bad things in the world. With the three treasures as the support, life has a stable support.

The three treasures are like our compass, which can guide us to find a safe haven in the vast sea of people. Everyone knows to go home at night; Believing in and thinking about the merits of the Three Treasures can help us to get out of life and death, bravely cross the sea, return to our true selves and return to our true homes. Therefore, converting to the Three Treasures can help us find a place to live in this world and let us have a home in the future!

After converting to Sambo and becoming a true Buddhist, you must live a life of faith in practice. Experience comes from practice, and strength comes from faith.

Speaking of faith and conversion, in fact, the Buddha does not want us to believe and convert; So we believe in Buddhism and convert to the Three Treasures. It is important to affirm yourself and discover yourself, because everyone has Buddha nature. Therefore, there is a famous saying in Buddhism: "Stop at yourself, stop at Dharma, and stop at nothing." It means to convert to yourself and find yourself, not to other things, let alone to be led by the nose.

Buddhists convert to Buddhism, dharma monk: convert to Buddhism, Buddha is like light. With light, darkness can be driven away and hope can be brought; Convert to Buddhism, Buddhism is like clear water. With clean water, the earth can be nourished and everything can grow. Convert to a monk, and the monk is like Futian. With the dog days, we can sow seeds for people and plant more crops.

However, after conversion, ordinary Buddhists usually don't get close to the good knowledge and listen to the scriptures and smell the dharma, but pray for the blessing of the Buddha. He can only convert to the "Buddha treasure"; Some intellectuals, as long as they learn Buddhism, but don't worship Buddha and disrespect monks, will convert to the "magic weapon"; Some Buddhists just see that the mage is congenial to him, so they get close to him, neither listening to the scriptures nor worshiping the Buddha. He is just a treasure who converted to the monk group. Strictly speaking, these are not true "three treasures" disciples; After conversion, true Sambo disciples should worship Buddha, smell dharma and respect monks. In particular, they should combine knowledge with practice, forget righteousness at the expense of profit, be convinced of cause and effect, and be able to "do all evil and do all good". Only in this way can they gain the benefits of Buddhism and their beliefs.

In short, Buddhism says that everyone has Buddha nature, and Buddhists can not believe it, but they can't help but believe in cause and effect; There can be no, but there can be no pity. Therefore, after believing in Buddhism, we can expand our hearts, sublimate our lives, and let us know how to make good relationships, compassion and friendship. There is no doubt that by learning Buddhism, converting to Sambo and becoming a true Buddhist, you can gain great benefits and merits.