Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Somebody tell me a true ghost story. The scarier the better.

Somebody tell me a true ghost story. The scarier the better.

Hospital nonsense

A doctor is going to go home in the middle of the night after an emergency. I walked to the door of the elevator, saw a female nurse, and then took the elevator downstairs together, but the elevator still went downstairs. In B3, the door opened, the elevator door opened, and a little girl appeared in front of them, lowering her head and saying that she would take the elevator. When the doctor saw it, he quickly closed the elevator door. The nurse asked strangely, "Why not let her come up?" The doctor said, "B3 is the morgue of our hospital. The hospital tied a red ribbon to each corpse's right hand, and her right hand and his right hand each had a red ribbon ... "Hearing this, the nurse gradually stretched out her right hand and said with a sinister smile," Is it ... such a red rope?

What about you?

My friend is from the Philippines and studying in Canada. When he was studying in Canada, he and his mother lived in a small house. My friend's desk is in the corner of the room, with a window next to it. My friend is a very diligent person, but soon after he moved into the house, whenever he sat at his desk and concentrated on his studies, he felt something pat on his neck. At first, he thought he was nervous, so he didn't care much, but over time, this happened. As soon as he sat at the desk, he always felt something touching his neck, but as soon as he left the desk, this feeling disappeared. So he told his mother about this situation, and his mother found a fortune teller to tell him that there are many things that can't be seen by the naked eye that can be captured by the camera. Let him take a photo immediately when he feels this way next time, which may solve the mystery. My friend is dubious. When he got home, he sat back at his desk to study. Soon, he felt something tapping on his neck. His mother immediately took a picture of him and sent it to the photo studio for development. When he got the photo, both of them turned pale with fear. In the photo, beside his friend, there is a pair of feet hanging in the air. What my friend has always felt is that the hanged man's feet are hanging in the air, touching his neck constantly because they are swinging in the air. ...

Mopper said the story was not terrible, but the kitten was scared for several nights when it first read it, so it was listed.

Red dress

This story is contributed by a friend in the cat's paw story, and it tells the story of his school dormitory:

Our school is a foreign language school. Some nights, a woman in red often comes home late at night to sell. I don't know how she escaped the downstairs inspection. She knocks at the door every night. If someone opens the door, ask; Do you want red clothes/'Because the girl was very angry after the quarrel, she shouted no for several nights in a row. One night, the woman came again. Boom! Knock on the door. At this moment, the door opened and a girl rushed out of it and shouted at her. "What red clothes? I want it all. How much is it? "

The woman smiled and turned away without giving her red clothes. Everyone slept well that night and no one knocked at the door again. The next day, everyone in the dormitory got up except the girl who yelled at the woman in red. Her classmates lifted her quilt, and her whole body was red, and the skin on her upper body had peeled off. She lost a lot of blood and looked like she was wearing one.

Toilet paper for ladies' toilets

This is also the story of the girls' dormitory.

A girl goes to the toilet at night. Because it was too late, she went to the toilet alone, and she was afraid. But because I ate something at night, my stomach was uncomfortable and I couldn't hold on, so I had to leave in fear.

The toilet is an old toilet built in the school. The girl just squatted down for a long time, and a pair of pale hands stretched out behind her. She was shocked and saw two pieces of paper on that hand, one white and the other yellow. A terrible voice said, "choose one, white or yellow." The girl was very scared and asked, "Who are you?" "white or yellow", "why choose" and "choose one." The girl had no choice but to bring the white one. The voice said with a smile, "Three days of white and seven days of yellow. It disappeared. " The girl opened the door, but there was nothing outside. She was frightened/hurried back to the dormitory and told her friend about it. Friends laughed at her for being too nervous and insane.

But three days later, the girl died inexplicably. Nobody knows how she died. The cause of her death is unknown.

Only her classmates know what's going on and never dare to go to the toilet alone at night.

The mirror in the morgue

There is a medical college, in order to train high-quality students, it is stipulated that one student should stay alone in the morgue for one night during the final exam of each semester. Although this kind of exam seems inhuman, the school has always insisted on it.

This time, it's Mei's turn who always claims to be courageous. Amy always pretends to be bold at school, and works as a ghost story writer in many forums, such as cat-flapping, for fun in scaring netizens to death. She had said that she would not take this kind of exam seriously, but when the school announced that it was her turn today, she broke out in a cold sweat. She must have spent the night alone in the dark morgue. Lighting is not allowed. ....

In the evening, Mei was taken to the morgue and the door slammed. The room suddenly became dark and nothing could be seen. Mei shrank in a corner of the room. When she thought that everyone around her had died, her scalp suddenly went numb ... After a while, the moonlight shone in. By moonlight, Mei found a mirror on the wall of the morgue. So she began to sing in front of the mirror. ...

The next day, May was brought out with a swollen throat. She proudly tells everyone that this is just a small matter for herself. Everyone admires her. At this time, a classmate asked her why her throat was swollen. She said that she sang in front of the mirror all night, but she didn't sing this morning. At this time, everyone's face changed, maybe they still didn't understand ... After a long pause, one of her classmates told her _ _.

There is no mirror in the morgue! ! ! !


He and she were childhood friends and thought they could watch the sunset together.

At the age of 35, she got lung cancer. Holding the diagnosis, I laughed and cried. Don't smoke, don't have any bad habits, why do you get lung cancer?

When she came to his office, she saw a bag of dried fruits on his desk, next to a medicine bottle, which was shocking. She shed tears and was red.

Three days later, she cried and lit a birthday candle for him, but he was not there.

She lit 34 long candles and 1 short candles and said with a low smile, you are so thin that you can't even make 35 candles.

The story frightened the kitten. After reading it first, I feel that I have said nothing. After reading it, I understand that there is a chill behind it. It's a little hard to understand. Are you clear?

I won't let you die.

I will not let you die if I die. In Beijing, there are a pair of boys and girls in high school. They are close and study well. They help each other in their study and life and make progress together. Later, boys went to universities in Nanjing and girls went to universities in Beijing. They came into contact with each other and established a love relationship. They agreed to return to their beautiful hometown to work, get married and have children after graduating from college.

But time can change a person too much. Girls in Beijing can't stand the temptation to stay in Beijing. She met a boss much older than herself and decided to stay in Beijing and be a Beijinger. When my boyfriend found out. Sad all the way to Beijing to chat with girls. But girls are heartless. If you want to break up with a boy, you can't turn your back. The boy was angry and impulsive. Pick up a fruit knife and cut your wrist. Not only did the girl not stop her, but she didn't even call an ambulance, watching the boy bleed to death in convulsions and despair. He stared at the girl until he died, hoping that he would go back.

Soon after, the girl became pregnant and gave birth to a little boy. But I still caused a lot of trouble honestly. Girls have no choice. Decided to give the child to his mother to take away. Strange to say, as soon as she made this decision, the child stopped making trouble.

It feels good to be back home, but at night, the bus station is still far from home. She walked home with the baby in her arms. Suddenly, she saw the child staring at her and chewing something. Through the clothes, I saw the child gnawing at his hand, which had been gnawed to pieces. The girl was frightened. One tripped and fell to the ground. When the child came up, he bit the carotid artery and stared at her. The familiar eyes.

The child babbled through her artery. I won't let you die in Beijing! ……

Nobody robbed me.

There is a boy who wants to go home by bus at night, but because it is too late, he can't wait at the station, so he is not sure whether there is a car ... he doesn't want to walk. Because his home is far away and remote, he had to wait for the last bus ... wait and wait ... just when he thought there should be no car, he suddenly saw a bus in the distance ... He was very excited to stop it. As soon as he got on the bus, he found the last bus very strange. It stands to reason that the last bus should not be crowded, because the route is remote, but this bus is full ... there is only one empty seat, and no one on the bus whispers ... He feels a little strange, but he still walks to the only empty seat and sits down. There is a woman sitting next to an empty seat. As soon as he sat down, the lady whispered to him, "You shouldn't take this car." He was very surprised. The woman went on to say, "This car is not for the living ..." "As soon as you got on the bus, they arrested you as a scapegoat." He was afraid, but he didn't know what to do. As a result, the woman said to him, "Never mind, I can help you out." So she dragged him to open the window, and she jumped when they jumped. He also heard the voice of * * shouting "Let him go away" in the "car" ... When he stood firm, he found them standing on a desolate hillside. He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked the woman. The woman gave a strange smile: "Now, no one is robbing me ..."

Dream lover

Ning always has the same dream recently. In the dream, a man said to her, "Come, come to me, I'll wait for you …" Finally, I couldn't help it, so I asked him, "Who are you? How can I find you? " The man said, "Meet me at the entrance platform of xx Park at noon tomorrow 12. I have a mole here." The man pointed his finger at his chin. After waking up, he hurried to find a friend and told her everything. The friend promised to accompany her. At noon 1 1: 55, they waited at the appointed place, but no one came. It's hot, it's hot. I'm going across the street to buy two ice creams. You wait for me here. "Say that finish, ning walked across the street. At this moment, a car rushed over and screamed ... My friend ran over and saw Ning, already lying in a pool of blood. When I opened the car door to take Ning to the hospital, I found that it was a hearse. There was a man in the glass coffin of the car. The man had a mole on his chin ... My friend suddenly looked at himself.

A caressing hand

Mom and dad were very happy about the child's birthday, so they took a video for him. The child is jumping on the bed. ...

But accidentally fell to the ground and died.

Mom and dad are very sad

A few months later, when they watched the video again, they found that

A bloody hand grabbed the child's hair, went up and down, and finally threw the child to the ground.

We are a family.

Last year, it was a rainy night. I stopped a car on the national highway to go back to Chongqing. In retrospect, it should be a very old-fashioned bus. The car is empty. There is a girl sitting in the last row of the car. There is an empty seat next to her. I went up to her and asked her, "May I take this seat?" She smiled and nodded. She is beautiful, which is a bit surprising. She was wearing a simple long skirt, and out of man's nature, I chatted with her. I talked to her about my past. She listened attentively, and when it comes to deep feelings, there are still some feelings. Then her chatterbox opened. She said: "I am 22 years old, and I was very bitter when I was a child. On my fifth birthday, my father suddenly came over and told me that my mother would leave us tomorrow, so let me not be sad. At that time, I was too young to care. When I woke up the next morning, I heard the bad news of my mother's death. I looked at my father in amazement, but he just smiled at me. In this way, I spent several years with my father and brother. On my tenth birthday, my father said to me in tears at night, "My brother will leave us tomorrow." I asked, "Where is my brother going?" Dad said, "Brother, go find mom. "I didn't care at the time. & gt& gt& gt The next day, my brother died inexplicably. I was scared and went to my father. My father looked at me coldly and said nothing. In the next few years, I had a good time, but on my fifteenth birthday, my father got everything ready at home in the morning, and he gave me a birthday. In the evening, he suddenly said to me, "My father will leave you tomorrow, too. You should have a good life in the future." He handed me a letter and said to me, "When you open it on your 20th birthday, everything will be answered. "I'm scared. I'm afraid everything my father said is true. My father really left me the next day. They found his body by the river.

As she spoke, she choked up, and she continued: "So I live alone. Three years later, a group of people came into my life and I loved him very much. We lived together, so another year passed, and suddenly one day a gang disappeared. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find him. My heart is broken. " I finally turned 20. On the night of my birthday, I opened the letter my father left me. The letter wrote: Lianer, I know that you have been suffering in recent years, but when you 18 years old, you will know a man, but he will leave you after one year. You don't have to look for him, because you can't find him at all. Our family will be reunited tomorrow. Hearing this, I got a cold war all over. I asked her again, "How old are you this year?" She told me: "I am 22 years old, and now my family is very kind to me." Suddenly I broke out in a cold sweat and noticed why no one came to me to buy a ticket. I looked around and found no expression on the faces of people around me. I tried to look out of the window. It's raining hard, which blurs my vision. I asked the driver loudly, "Where is the bus?" The driver didn't answer. He doesn't seem to feel my presence. I suddenly turned to look for the girl. She left. I looked around again and she was already sitting on my other side.

"Driver stop! ! ! ! "I gave a cry and the car stopped. I jumped desperately, stepped on an empty space and fell heavily in the puddle. I suddenly lost my feeling, only to find myself drifting in a trance.

The next day, a car passed by the roadside and found me. I woke up, grabbed a person around me and asked, "am I still alive?" They looked at me with strange eyes. ...

I know what you saw.

There is a story circulating in a school: there is an old dormitory building for girls in the school. Because there are not many people living there, the school has not been renovated. One third of the rooms in this building are empty. Xiao $ and Xiao # are freshmen who just moved in. On the first night, late at night, they vaguely heard a sad cry coming from the corridor, and it was like this every night for the next few days. It's so horrible that they can't sleep. So they talked about it with their senior sisters. At first, the students denied it, but they couldn't stand the questioning of Xiao $ and Xiao #. Finally, they said that a girl hanged herself in a dormitory in this building. Xiao $ is an atheist. When she heard this, she did not believe it. She said, "Someone must be playing tricks at night. I will expose her tonight! " Then she left. The timid little # hasn't reacted yet, and the words of the senior and senior sisters haven't finished. Later, only Xiao # heard them.

That night, Xiao $ and Xiao # were not asleep. Just after midnight, a faint cry came again, which made people shudder. Xiao $ said to Xiao #, "Let's look for it." Then turn down the # note. Small # has long been paper-colored, and the wooden one is small $ collar. In the middle of the night, the dormitories are full of ghosts, and a few flickering little lights are flashing, dragging their figures on the ground for a long time. They patrolled the crying and came to the fourth floor. Almost all the rooms on this floor are closed. Crying here sounds sadder and scarier. Now even Xiao $ is a little scared. They came to the door of a dormitory, where the crying came from. This dormitory has obviously been empty for a long time. Mottled old paint and some cobwebs on the door show that it has been neglected for many years.

At this moment, the terrible crying suddenly stopped, leaving a dead silence. After a pause, Xiao $ took a look at Xiao # who was shaking all over, and then pushed the door hard, but the door was locked and could not be pushed open at all. Small # trembling said: "I-let's go home, I'm so scared!" " "Xiao $ didn't listen. She found that the lock of the door was old-fashioned and had a keyhole the size of a small nail. So she put her eyes into the keyhole and saw nothing but blood red. She rubbed her eyes and looked into the hole again. It is still a piece of blood red. She murmured, "Why are they all red? "

Hearing this, Xiao # suddenly collapsed to the ground, and his blue lips trembled and said, "Senior sister said that when that girl hanged herself-her eyes were all red with blood-Xiao $,her eyes were all red! !

What about you?

I heard this from a friend, and it is said that there is a film to prove it. .....

My friend is from the Philippines and studying in Canada. When he was studying in Canada, he and his mother lived in a small house. My friend's desk is in the corner of the room, with a window next to it. My friend is a very diligent person, but soon after he moved into the house, whenever he sat at his desk and concentrated on his studies, he felt something pat on his neck. At first, he thought he was nervous, so he didn't care much, but over time, this happened. As soon as he sat at the desk, he always felt something touching his neck, but as soon as he left the desk, this feeling disappeared. So he told his mother about this situation, and his mother found a fortune teller to tell him that there are many things that can't be seen by the naked eye that can be captured by the camera. Let him take a photo immediately when he feels this way next time, which may solve the mystery. My friend is dubious. When he got home, he sat back at his desk to study. Soon, he felt something tapping on his neck. His mother immediately took a picture of him and sent it to the photo studio for development. When he got the photo, both of them turned pale with fear. In the photo, beside his friend, there is a pair of feet hanging in the air. What my friend has always felt is that the hanged man's feet are hanging in the air, touching his neck constantly because they are swinging in the air. ...

Legend has it that in a primary school, there are 85 classrooms, 15 offices and1* *100 rooms, but one of the rooms is locked at any time because strange things happened in that room many years ago, although no one remembers the contents of the strange things.

Later, the school recruited more students and planned to build a new classroom. The president of that session was a famous local atheist. He felt sorry when he saw a big house lying idle, so he arranged the new classroom in this big room that had been sealed for decades.

There are 30 students in this classroom, including boys 16 and girls 14. My uncle Amin is also a student in that class. Amin said that most of them live on campus, because the school is in the mountains, and only students in the village next to the school will choose to go to school. In fact, the accommodation fee is not very high. At that time, the school accommodation was indeed much cheaper than now, but the dormitory conditions at that time were also very poor. Amin shares a dormitory with seven boys. In summer, especially at night, mosquitoes fly everywhere, and her roommates either play cards or smoke. Therefore, Amin often reviews his lessons alone in the classroom until dawn. One night, Amin was reviewing in the classroom, and the watch in the classroom pointed to 12:00. Amin suddenly felt abdominal pain and thought she was going to die. Just as he just walked out of the classroom, the lights in the classroom went out and the whole corridor was dark. Amin felt very strange, and planned to investigate, so he walked into the classroom alone. Hardly had he entered the classroom door when he tripped and the roll of toilet paper fell to the ground. Amin quickly reached down and groped, and finally picked up the toilet paper. Suddenly, he found a man standing by the window, wearing this white dress.

At this time, all the lights in the classroom are on again. Amin is a little nervous. He didn't even turn off the light and ran straight back to the dormitory. He went back to the dormitory and lay in bed. He still has the roll of toilet paper in his hand. Amin was surprised to find that the roll of toilet paper had been loosened, like a thread, and the other end of the thread extended to the outside of the dormitory, while the man in white just saw was holding the toilet paper upside down. The man turned his face out of the window while sneering. He lowered his eyes and stared at Amin, revealing a series of gloomy smiles. Amin was completely confused at that time and didn't know what to do. However, the' person' outside the window still walks backwards with the paper on the ground, and the paper falling on the ground is like his trajectory. He walked forward and bypassed the window. Amin can even feel that she is outside the door.

The man has entered the dormitory and continues to walk slowly. At this time, Amin has realized what toilet paper he is holding, but something like cloth. At the same time, he also saw that the' person' was rolling the white cloth back to himself.

Just as he approached Amin's bed, Xiao Zhang, who slept in Amin's upper bunk, woke up. He seems to be going to the bathroom. He saw Amin's toilet paper and took it away. He also scolded, {what toilet paper to sleep with} and ran to the toilet. The man laughed at Amin and ran out with Xiao Zhang ... Amin tried to stop Xiao Zhang, but he didn't. ..

The next day, people found Xiao Zhang dead in the toilet. He was dropped on the roof of the toilet by a piece of white cloth! ! When Amin came to the classroom, he saw a roll of white toilet paper on the seat. The next year, the classroom was closed again. However, before the classroom was blocked, Amin transferred to another school. Now he works in a chemical factory in the northeast. One year I went to visit my family. He told me the story. He said that many things are doomed. For example, you are doomed not to die, even if you encounter any big risks. If you are not in danger, you will die. Amin took out a photo before the accident, which was a photo of eight people in their dormitory. In the photo, Xiao Zhang has a white silk around his neck. .....