Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Quantum mechanics is not metaphysics.

Quantum mechanics is not metaphysics.

Classical mechanics mainly studies objects under normal temperature and pressure, which is a special case of quantum mechanics. For substances in excited state, we call it "plasma".

In fact, all objects are polymerized from metal hydrogen; The high-speed flowing substance in the magnetic field is transformed into metallic hydrogen, and the "magnetic moments" of metallic hydrogen cut each other, releasing electromagnetic waves.

The speed of light is the oscillation of the "magnetic moment" of metallic hydrogen.

Matter will not be converted into energy-electromagnetic wave, and the mass of thermonuclear reaction is conserved; Chain reaction is a continuous explosion caused by repeated cracking of new elements of metal hydrogen polymerization in shock wave laminar flow.

Because we can't study metal hydrogen quantitatively and qualitatively, we can only establish a mathematical formula to describe the motion state of metal hydrogen in the experiment-"electrodynamics of moving body"

Metal hydrogen is hard to find and fleeting, and we need to study it carefully to find the key to the innovation of "basic theory of natural science"; In this way, the forces of geological changes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, lightning and other natural phenomena will be reasonably explained, and quantum mechanics will no longer be metaphysics!

Attachment: theory of falling geology