Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune-telling in Ganjingzi District _ Ganjingzi District Temple

Fortune-telling in Ganjingzi District _ Ganjingzi District Temple

Ji Le and Negative Attitude Composition

It is absolutely not false to say that I am a positive and negative person.

It can be said that I can't keep up with the rhythm of life, but I have learned to keep a low profile in life; It makes people sad, it makes people cry, it makes people dull, and it makes me become another me. I think this is a change of excessive deprivation. I am very fragile and can only accept it. After a long period of accumulation, of course, I have reached the peak of negativity.

I am extremely pessimistic about life. Perhaps, I care too much; Perhaps, I am too obedient; Perhaps it is because of these countless "maybe" that I doubt everything. Many times, I can't help feeling desperate and depressed, and even somehow think that death is not terrible, but a lucky relief. Unconsciously, this became the only idea in my heart. What I fantasize about seems to be my great luxury.

The reason why I am like this is entirely because my heart has been hurt by cruel reality; My consciousness was deliberately targeted and buried; My mind is full of n whys; My mind was destroyed by the dirty social atmosphere; My tears are activated by ruthless words and deeds; My body was oxidized by strong oxidant.

I am very sad, but no one knows that sadness is a kind of pain that I can't cry out. I find my "tomorrow" very vague. I think "the future is bright, but there is no road".

This may be a negative representative, but it is definitely a negative essence.

I never knew what I got. I'm afraid it will be a joke from heaven. Maybe everything is my illusion. It disappeared just as I approached. Of course, I would never foolishly deny that I have nothing. I'm sure this is a joke, but it's a serious joke!

I never deny my negativity. I know, it's a kind of helplessness. I didn't mean to pretend, but I felt it was a further torture to myself. (Wanjing Literature

I keep silent, let the outside world corrode/slaughter me and be a "slave" of the world. It's because I understand that resistance is a kind of intelligent refutation, but at the same time, it's also a kind of childish behavior that overreaches. And I know very well that the probability of winning is simply a value equal to zero.

Perhaps, you will say, "You are simply a positive and negative person. Can't you be positive? "

I will answer you: "If you are a positive person, then you are only a negative and positive person. And you are just a negative activist coquetry to a positive and negative person! "

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Article 2: positive and negative people

It is absolutely not false to say that I am a positive and negative person.

It can be said that I can't keep up with the rhythm of life, but I have learned to keep a low profile in life; It makes people sad, it makes people cry, it makes people dull, and it makes me become another me. I think this is a change of excessive deprivation. I am very fragile and can only accept it. After a long period of accumulation, of course, I have reached the peak of negativity.

I am extremely pessimistic about life. Perhaps, I care too much; Perhaps, I am too obedient; Perhaps it is because of these countless "maybe" that I doubt everything. Many times, I can't help feeling desperate and depressed, and even somehow think that death is not terrible, but a lucky relief. Unconsciously, this became the only idea in my heart. What I fantasize about seems to be my great luxury.

The reason why I am like this is entirely because my heart has been hurt by cruel reality; My consciousness was deliberately targeted and buried; My mind is full of n whys; My mind was destroyed by the dirty social atmosphere; My tears are activated by ruthless words and deeds; My body was oxidized by strong oxidant ~ ~ ~ ~

I am very sad, but no one knows that sadness is a kind of pain that I can't cry out. I find my "tomorrow" very vague. I think "the future is bright, but there is no road".

This may be a negative representative, but it is definitely a negative essence.

I never knew what I got. I'm afraid it will be a joke from heaven. Maybe everything is my illusion. It disappeared just as I approached. Of course, I would never foolishly deny that I have nothing. I'm sure this is a joke, but it's a serious joke!

I never deny my negativity. I know, it's a kind of helplessness. I didn't mean to pretend, but I felt it was a further torture to myself.

I keep silent, let the outside world corrode/slaughter me and be a "slave" of the world. It's because I understand that resistance is a kind of intelligent refutation, but at the same time, it's also a kind of childish behavior that overreaches. And I know very well that the probability of winning is simply a value equal to zero. (Wanjing Literature

Perhaps, you will say, "You are simply a positive and negative person. Can't you be positive? "

I will answer you: "If you are a positive person, then you are only a negative and positive person. And you are just a negative activist coquetry to a positive and negative person! "

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Chapter 3: A positive attitude is very important.

I have been a timid person since I was a child. I dare not speak in class. There are guests at home, and I feel uncomfortable talking to them. My personality has changed a lot since my mother told me such a story. This is a short story. I will share it with you. I forgot the title, but I remember the details clearly. The content is as follows: A scholar who went to Beijing to take the exam had three dreams two days before the exam. The first dream is to grow cabbage on the wall by myself; The second dream is rainy day. He brought a hat and an umbrella. The third dream is to pass by my lover and miss it.

The scholar thought these three dreams were quite meaningful, so he found a fortune teller to interpret them. After listening to the fortune-teller, continuous shooting thigh said: You'd better go home early. Don't you think it's a waste of time to grow cabbage on the high wall? Isn't it unnecessary to bring a hat and an umbrella? Isn't it fate to miss your lover?

Hearing this, the scholar was disheartened and went back to the store to pack his bags and go home. The shopkeeper was surprised and asked, "You have an exam tomorrow. Why did you go back to your hometown after today? "

The scholar told the shopkeeper everything, and the shopkeeper was happy: "Hey! I can also interpret dreams. Do you think that planting cabbage on a high wall is not a high-level (high school)? Is it unsafe to bring a hat and an umbrella? When I passed my lover, I turned around and couldn't see her?

Hearing this, the scholar felt very reasonable, so he was refreshed, confident and in high spirits. He is full of ideas in the examination room, and finally he will be the first.

From the above, we can see that a positive attitude is a panacea for success and personal goals, so I shouted "positive attitude is very important!" " "

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Article 4: Take responsibility actively.

When my mother was pregnant in October, the moment you were born, my mother took responsibility, and you, the moment you were born, also took responsibility.

Goethe said, "What is your responsibility? It is your responsibility to finish the daily things in front of you. " In a certain social relationship, people will inevitably have certain responsibilities. Everyone plays different responsibilities in society. Everyone plays different responsibilities in society. As children, we should bear the responsibility of honoring our parents. As students, we should bear the responsibility of learning. When we make promises to others, we should bear the responsibility of fulfilling them. ...

No matter where you are and how powerful you are, as long as you are in society, you are bound to bear all kinds of responsibilities. However, when can we shoulder our responsibilities from beginning to end? If not, what will be the consequences?

1On August 23, 967, the former Soviet astronaut Malov found that the parachute failed when he returned from a successful mission. This was only because the ground prosecutors were not responsible enough and ignored a decimal point. It can be seen that there are two kinds of responsibilities: one is to take responsibility seriously and carefully; One is to accidentally "assume" the responsibility. Although both of them took responsibility, the consequences were completely different.

Life should be like a candle, everything is bright when it is lit. Only by actively taking responsibility can we live a valuable life!

Five kinds of junior high school students: Liu

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Article 5: Why not be active?

Teachers often say that we are not active here and there. Indeed, when we hand in our homework, no one wants to be the first to hand it in, the first to recite it, answer questions, stand up and answer, and sing the national anthem loudly. ...

But why is this?

Not everyone is shy and timid (this can be seen from everyone's laughter when the teacher is away), but because everyone doesn't want to be talked about and isolated, just want to live a quiet and ordinary life.

If you shoot yourself in the head, positive people are always easy to talk about.

If you are too active, people will accuse you of being cool and handsome, and no one wants to be implicated-talked about-because of being with people who like cool. Therefore, you are isolated.

Naturally, you don't want to be discussed and isolated, so you "dare not" take the initiative again: your homework is deliberately late, even if it has already been finished; Endorsement is deliberately delayed, even if you have already recited it; Refuse to raise your hand to answer questions, even if you are sure of the answer; When singing, I only dare to hum in a low voice, even if my blood is boiling, and I want to shout it out. ...

As a result, everyone is afraid of being talked about and isolated. In the end, they are unwilling to be "early birds" and are not active in the end.

Since "I dare not turn over and meet each other", how dare I "cover my face with a broken hat and cross the downtown area" and become a "bird in the early days" and be shot? Since I don't want to be shot in the head, I naturally dare not take the initiative again.

It seems that it is not that I don't take the initiative, but that I dare not take the initiative.

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Article 6: extremes of love and hate

Love and hate are just a moment's relief. If you understand this moment, you are heaven.

Many things we can't control ourselves, but we can't control ourselves. At the end of the program, we were still scarred. Pain has been carved into the wrinkles on our faces by the knife of years, and choice is like a sharp blade. Sadness or regret has become meaningless. Many things are really beyond our control. Didn't you see the helpless wrinkles on your forehead? That's all the testimony. That's all.

Love too deeply, it will hurt, it will be tired, and it will be worthless. Cheating should not be based on love. A moth who puts out a fire is not deep love, but self-degradation under the excuse of love. Love does not need extreme possession, cheap begging, moths to the fire, and all excuses in the name of love. Love is love, a living verb, which needs no modification or complexity. It is the dedication and purity of a clear spring.

Hating too much will make you crazy, crazy, crazy. Love is painful and hate is deep, but if all love in the world takes hate as the transfer point, what's the point of so-called love to death to separate us? Everything just comes from the fact that you love yourself more than others. When this love is not labeled as love, you lose yourself and indulge in the swamp.

If you are free, you are heaven. Because love is too deep and hate is too deep, which is an extreme ethereal. After pleasure degenerates, it is a kind of nothingness, which you can't remember or have.

Relieved, my heart is quiet, and love and hate are gone.

No.2 Middle School and No.1 High School: Chineydy 20 10

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Article 7: Limitations of calculators

Calculator, a conspicuous word, can be described as a strong hand in calculation and an inseparable partner for middle school students to learn mathematics. It is it that makes hundreds of millions of teenagers easily learn the basic operation of calculators. To praise it, it can be summed up in a wonderful sentence-the messenger of youth calculation. Calculators always help us to calculate complex numbers and make it easy for us to calculate those complicated formulas. For the calculator, I am really filled with emotion! Let's listen to an interesting story about me and my calculator.

On Sunday, I played with my calculator leisurely. Suddenly I had a very strange idea: what is the limit of calculator? Thought of here, I unconsciously associate with the power of 5~9. Do it. I pressed a few numbers at random on my calculator first. After many tests, I finally found out the highest number of times that the "5" calculator can calculate. It turned out to be 143 times, and I suddenly realized that I was happy to record this number. "Very interesting." I silently chanting in my heart. Then, I find out the highest number of "6~9" calculators in turn. The result came out, and I was ecstatic to tell my classmates the answer. The limit of 6 is128th, the limit of 7 is118th, the limit of 8 is110th, and the limit of 9 is104th. Oh, I solved it successfully. I cheered with joy. ...

I have seen through the limits of the calculator, and I have unspeakable joy and comfort. Happiness flows sweetly in my heart like honey, which makes my heart get unprecedented sweetness and mild sunshine and rain.

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Chapter 8: Challenge the Limit

A small egg, what are you afraid of? I can swallow it. But is it possible to throw an egg from the fourth floor to prevent the eggshell from being crushed? That's bullshit! How is that possible? Unless you grab an egg and jump, it's not broken, it's broken!

Hum! I don't believe there's no way to subdue it? Look, this & gt Sabrina, Liao Yiling, Liu Ruige and I discussed it all noon, but three heads are better than one? Joke! Although the fool put the box in the sponge with stupid tricks, layer after layer, the experiment succeeded, but the failed egg has been swallowed by me.

In the afternoon, the students all brought "unbreakable" equipment for their precious eggs, but most of them chose parachute style. It seems that the popularity index of parachutes is quite high!

How time flies! After two classes, the conference begins! We named this egg equipment "Egg Suicide". The first one was made by Luo Lu and Song Lu, but the missile-like costume plunged into the sea, and my deskmate Luo Lu ate her invincible fruit. The second one did ordinary things, most of which were wrong, but unexpectedly, and then he was defeated again and again. When we arrived at our team, Mr. Tang threw it down, and Li Yongjian actually held it in his hand. Everyone said it was a foul and my teeth rattled. This disgust, I really want to go up and beat him up! Good solution heart hate! Second, when I put it down, I was thrown around by boys, and I couldn't recognize the eggs.

The game is over, maybe it's just a small challenge, maybe there will be more big waves waiting for me in the future.

Challenge the limit, challenge yourself and challenge every moment!

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Chapter 9: Challenge the Limit

A small egg, what are you afraid of? I can swallow it. But is it possible to throw an egg from the fourth floor to prevent the eggshell from being crushed? That's bullshit! How is that possible? Unless you grab an egg and jump, it's not broken, it's broken!

Hum! I don't believe there's no way to subdue it? You see, Sabrina, Liao Yiling and Liu Ruige discussed the egg adventure organized today for a whole noon, but three heads are better than one? Joke! Although the fool put the box in the sponge with stupid tricks, layer after layer, the experiment succeeded, but the failed egg has been swallowed by me.

In the afternoon, the students all brought "unbreakable" equipment for their precious eggs, but most of them chose parachute style. It seems that the popularity index of parachutes is quite high!

How time flies! After two classes, the conference begins! We named this egg equipment "Egg Suicide". The first one was made by Luo Lu and Song Lu, but the missile-like costume plunged into the sea, and my deskmate Luo Lu ate her invincible fruit. The second one is very general, and most of them are wrong and unexpected. Next, I was defeated again and again. When we arrived at our team, Mr. Tang threw it down, and Li Yongjian actually held it in his hand. Everyone said it was a foul and my teeth rattled. This disgust, I really want to go up and beat him up! Good solution heart hate! Second, when I put it down, I was thrown around by boys, and I couldn't recognize the eggs.

The game is over, maybe it's just a small challenge, maybe there will be more big waves waiting for me in the future.

Challenge the limit, challenge yourself and challenge every moment!

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Article 10: Happiness brings sorrow.

20 12 April 1 1 Wednesday sunny

Oh, my God! The Chinese teacher didn't come today. Did you take the exam again? "Roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast, roast!" There is smoke in the classroom ... Oh, my God, I can't stop talking. I have to shout (exaggerate)! Hey, don't tell me that there is really smoke (fog) in our classroom. Xiao Xin said.

She's really funny.

The most terrible is the music teacher. The teacher took over the class from the Chinese teacher today. He' solved' five naughty boys in the class with a stick (I have never seen him so fierce). When the teacher hit him with a stick, I simply covered my eyes with my hand, and only heard the sound of "brush" and "brush" and the screams of naughty children. Just as the teacher was about to attack again, it was too late to say it, but it was too soon. The naughty boy drew back his hand and the teacher's stick was empty. "Ha ha ha" everyone burst into laughter. I laughed my head off. My nose hit the corner of the table, and suddenly, tears fell like pearls that fell off the line. "Give me your hand," the teacher said angrily. Everyone's laughter came to an abrupt end. The students said that I was scared by the teacher when I cried. Damn it, what do they know? This is called' joy begets sorrow'!

Grade 6 of Caomiao Primary School in Gushi County, Henan Province: Yi

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Article 1 1: My favorite polar museum.

My favorite polar museum is polar museum, Harbin. Harbin Polar Pavilion is one of the four major attractions of the International Ice and Snow Festival. With the theme of real life in the polar region, more than ten leisure experience exhibition areas have been set up, including Penguin Island in Antarctica, Animal Home in the Arctic, Happy Sea Lion Kingdom, Daxing 'anling and Whale Bay. The animal show in the museum is very wonderful.

Among them, the most striking is Moby Dick's underwater performance, which is unique in China. Especially in the deep blue sea, two female animal trainers and Moby Dick performed the beautiful and romantic In the Heart of the Sea.

Standing on the observation deck on the first floor, I saw Sun Wei and Chen Xianqing swimming in the deep sea with their partners Nikolai and Milla. I saw Chen Xianqing slowly emerging from the water, like a hibiscus emerging from the water. If you look closely, it turns out that Milla pushed her out of the water slowly. Then they went into the water and performed a shocking whale kiss for the audience. Then something even more amazing happened to me. Sun Wei also appeared. They also performed a whale kiss. Finally, Chen Xianqing, Sun Wei, Milla and Nikolai formed In the Center of the Sea, which shocked the world.

Through this trip to polar museum, I got to know many animals, such as penguins living in the Antarctic, bears and wolves in the Arctic, sea lions, dolphins and beluga whales swimming in the sea ... and I saw all kinds of goldfish, which opened my eyes. At the same time, this trip to polar museum, I learned a lot. I like polar museum very much.

Grade 4, Heping Primary School, Anda City, Heilongjiang Province: Wang Xindi

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Article 12: Travel Notes of Blissful Soup

It's the New Year! It's the New Year! Today is New Year's Day, red lanterns are hung all over the branches, and the sound of firecrackers resounds through the streets. What a lively atmosphere! Today, my family came to Gokurakuji to pray for the peace of the New Year to all the immortals.

We got off the bus and bought some incense sticks and candles at the gate of Gokurakuji to offer sacrifices to the immortals. When we entered Gokurakuji, the first thing we saw was a gilded statue of Maitreya. His chest and abdomen are bare, and his face is full of smiles, giving people a cordial feeling, but the four heavenly kings next to him are different. They are: the king of growth, the king of big eyes, the king of controlling the country and the king of many smells. They all carried tools and looked fierce, as if they were going to war.

Further on, there is Sakyamuni, the Buddha with the highest status and the oldest name in Buddhism, that is, Tathagata. There is a tripod and a platform for putting incense and candles in front of him. After that, we put five yuan in front of the Buddha, made a sincere wish and kowtowed three times, praying for peace and happiness in the new year!

We came to guanyin temple, the largest resting place for immortals in Gokurakuji. The guanyin temple here is about five stories high. She has thousands of hands, and each hand has utensils, such as trident mace, lotus leaf, conch, relic and so on.

Next to the Thousand Hands Guanyin Hall is the Lohan Hall. It is said that from the beginning, count as many arhats as you have, and which arhat you count is your corresponding arhat. I counted, oh! He is an incredible man. He rode a rhinoceros with kind eyes and a very kind expression.

Hehe, this trip to Gokurakuji is really fun. In fact, there are Jigong Hall, Buddha Hall and so on. Endless. You might as well go and have a look!

Grade 5, Dabei Street Primary School, Dongpo District, Meishan City, Sichuan Province: Wang Hongru

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Article 13: Positive People and Negative People

In ancient times, there was a scholar who went to Beijing for the third time to take the exam and lived in a shop where he often lived. Two days before the exam, he had two dreams: the first dream was that he planted cabbage on the wall; The second dream is rain. He is wearing a hat and an umbrella. These two dreams seem to have some profound meanings, so the scholar hurried to find a fortune-telling dream interpretation the next day. Hearing this, the fortune teller patted his thigh continuously and said, "You'd better go home. Think about it, isn't it futile to grow cabbage on the high wall? Isn't it unnecessary to wear a hat and an umbrella? "

Hearing this, the scholar was disheartened and went back to the store to pack his bags and prepare to go home. The shopkeeper was surprised and asked, "Isn't there an exam tomorrow? How did you go back to your hometown today? "

When the scholar said this, the shopkeeper was happy: "Hey, I can interpret dreams, too. I think you must stay this time. Think about it, isn't it high (middle) to grow cabbage on the wall? Doesn't wearing a hat and an umbrella mean that you are prepared this time? " Hearing this, the scholar felt that it was more reasonable, so he took the exam happily, and as a result, he actually won a flower exploration.

Feeling: positive people, like the sun, shine wherever they shine; Negative people are like the moon, but the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is different. Ideas determine our lives. What kind of ideas, what kind of future.

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Article 14: Positive people are always happy.

Life is like half a glass of water, and activists will say,' Wow, there is still half a glass of water!' But negative people say,' Alas, there is only half a glass of water!'

In real life, we often encounter such a thing: driving on the road, just before crossing the traffic lights, the red light is on, and you are in the first row. You may complain or even say angrily,' Too bad, it almost passed!' But activists think: great, I can go first when the green light is on!

I am a positive and optimistic person. One morning at school, my mother drove me to the expressway, just along the light rail line, and a light rail car kept pace with us. I shouted,' Look who runs faster between the light rail car and our car'. After driving for a while, the line of sight was blocked by a bush and the light rail train could not be seen. My heart is even more energetic: we will definitely surpass the light rail train! Must have ... after a while, the bushes disappeared unconsciously. I looked for the light rail car carefully, and it was gone! I shouted excitedly,' Yes, our car runs very fast, surpassing the light rail car!' Mom suddenly said that the light rail car might have arrived at the station in advance. I think it's still possible. This is to look at the same problem from two angles. The light rail car is behind us, which makes me very happy! I will have a good time in front of us. It's all ideas, but the results are different. Why not make yourself happy! ? I think we should treat life with a positive and optimistic attitude!

In our thinking, there are always two attitudes towards judgment and choice: positive and negative. These two attitudes will bring us completely different results: positive, full of expectations for life, life is comedy; Negative depression and bad psychological hints will cast a shadow over our lives!

Yes, life is like half a glass of water, and activists are often happy!

Grade 6, Jinjiajie No.2 Primary School, Ganjingzi District, Dalian, Liaoning: Jiao Qiran

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Article 15: My Initiative

20 12 years old, I 12 years old, but during these two semesters, I was always a little distracted in my study. No matter at school or at home, I am always a little distracted. No matter how determined I am, I always want to play games in my heart.

This semester, my father knew what I thought, so he wouldn't let me play computer every day, only on Saturday.

When I first started school, I still wanted to play computer. When I got home at noon, I saw my sister playing computer, so I wanted to go and have a look, but my sister said, "Dad said I would come to see you on Saturday." I have to wait.

On Saturday, I got up early, turned on the computer and played. My sister woke up and saw me get up early, so she told me to get off the plane. I said I would play later, so I couldn't bear to get off. At noon, I said, "Can we play?" Sister said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Let's play after dinner. " "Oh!" I said gloomily. After a while, after dinner, I quickly turned on the computer and played. Because I want to play too much, I just don't log in to QQ and play stealth QQ games. Then my sister went on a business trip. A person played computer at home for a while. I don't know what happened. My father called. I didn't know that was my father. I thought it was those liars, so I didn't answer.

Then it rang a few times, so I answered it. I answered it. It was Dad. Dad said in an angry tone, "Why don't you log on to QQ?" "I ... I ..." I was speechless. Dad asked me to go to QQ, so he chatted with me and I was scolded.

From then on, I studied hard and tried to control myself. Until one day, the teacher said that there would be a parent-teacher meeting, so I told my grandfather. After grandpa went, I thought I was going to be scolded, so I got ready. After grandpa came out, I saw his expression was very happy, so I went up and asked him. Grandpa said, "The teacher praised you!" "I was shocked at the time. I didn't do anything. How can I be praised? Then he asked his grandfather, who said, "The teacher said that you love reading extra-curricular books and are a good student. "I just remembered.

In this way, I fell in love with learning, so I must be proactive!