Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - No pains, no gains, 600 words composition.

No pains, no gains, 600 words composition.

In spring, the farmer's uncle will sow, and in autumn, the farmer's uncle will reap the fruits of a year's labor. And our study is the same, sowing hard sweat and harvesting the joy of success. Every time you sow, you will get more or less. Just like a hardworking person, his heart has already begun to sow. Here, I want to share some 600-word compositions about no pains, no gains for you to learn.

No pains, no gains, 600 words, 1

Time flies, I have entered the season of fifteen years old, this is my flower season. In this beautiful season, I have gained my father's love.

I haven't been home to school for a long time, and I always don't like the bad food at school. So I called my father. "Dad, I haven't been home for a long time. I really want to eat your cooking. " I said a little coquetry. "Daughter, I'm sorry. Dad is very busy recently. I'll send it to you when I'm free, okay? " I was a little angry and said, "Hum!" Then hung up the phone. I have been angry with my father for several days.

In the afternoon, the weather suddenly changed. It was clear in Wan Li just now, and then it rained cats and dogs. I was sitting in the classroom doing my homework when a classmate shouted, "Ling, I just saw your father at the school gate." I excitedly put down my pen and came to the school gate with an umbrella, only to find my father soaking wet and standing there waiting anxiously. When he saw me, he called, "Daughter, here it is. I brought you something to eat. Dad made it himself to satisfy your last wish. "

As soon as he saw that my clothes were wet, he said anxiously, "why did you get wet?" Hurry back to the dormitory to change clothes and be careful of catching a cold. " I nodded, I took the food, and when I turned around, tears came out. I looked back at him and he smiled and waved to me. Back in the dormitory, I ate a hot meal. I didn't eat a meal, but a heavy fatherly love.

The new semester began, and I wanted to buy a watch, so I told my father. Dad said it was a waste of money. There is a bell at school, so there is no need to buy a watch. I said angrily, "cheapskate!" I went to school. A month later, I went home, and my mother said you went to work. In the evening, I was watching TV when the phone rang. Then I vaguely heard my mother say, "Well, I'll give her some nutrition when I know." After a while, my mother put me on the phone. "Your father's phone." I have a familiar voice with my mobile phone.

"Daughter, now that I get my salary, I have already sent money to your mother. Last time you said to buy a watch, I asked your mother to accompany you to buy a better one. By the way, how have you been studying recently? The senior high school entrance examination will be held in June. Don't just focus on your studies, but also pay attention to more rest, more activities and more relaxation, so that you can have plenty of energy to meet the senior high school entrance examination. " Listen, my eyes are wet. It was also that night that I learned that because my grandmother was ill in hospital and spent all the savings at home, my father went out to work as a construction worker to make up for my nutrition before the middle school entrance examination. I really regret that I was wrong about Dad.

At the age of fifteen, I won the love of my father, which was a great wealth I gained on my way to growth.

No pains, no gains. 600 words, 2

Throughout the ages, persistence is not just a simple word, it is an eternal and profound topic that all literati love to write, because it has our unpredictable power. It is not difficult to find that the success of almost every successful person from ancient times to the present is by no means easy to obtain, but a hard-won victory fruit created through numerous setbacks and hardships, as well as persistence and perseverance practiced in difficulties. In fact, when we are on the road to success step by step, it is the road to happiness.

Madame Curie is famous in the world, not because she has so-called good luck, but because she has a tenacious perseverance hidden in her bones. This is what we call persistence. When she was looking for radioactive element radium, she fell down countless times on this muddy and tortuous road. Everyone tried to persuade her to give up, but she didn't. She tried to stick to what she thought was right, put all the difficulties and obstacles behind her again and again, and devoted herself to her work, although she was not sure whether the path she chose would really pay off. However, in the face of ferocious masks and secular eyes, she persisted.

Many things happen. She discovered the beautiful radioactive element radium, which benefited all mankind and made great contributions to the whole world. Therefore, her persistence made her gain a lot.

And ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, such examples are endless. If the great physicist Einstein didn't choose to study persistently, then there may not be a theory of relativity yet; If Edison, a world-famous inventor, never gritted his teeth and turned a deaf ear to criticism, it is likely that our world is still in darkness; If so, we should all understand that many things and successes in this world are by no means accidental. It is because of unremitting efforts and persistence in the dream road that we can harvest these wonderful sources!

Once, I probably didn't know what persistence was, and I didn't think it was meaningful. But now, after experiencing the ups and downs of life and witnessing the birth of so many successes, I really understand that there is no shortcut to success in this world, and the only way is to persist. When encountering wind, frost, snow, rain, thorns, mud and stormy waves, don't be afraid, or even give up. As long as you persist and bite your teeth regardless, no matter how terrible the storm will be, blood will flow down. We will be greeted by a beautiful rainbow!

Therefore, we should all remember this sentence: persistence can succeed! This is the case, especially in life!

No pains, no gains. Composition 600 words 3

A book is a bottle of wine, the longer it gets, the better it smells; Each of us is a bottle of sake. Only by refining in reading can we brew intoxicating fragrance.

Reading makes me happy.

Reading has always been a pleasure. When reading, I will feel very happy in my heart, just like a newborn baby eagle, flying high. Every time I encounter something unhappy, I will pick up the book and start reading it carefully. Reading and reading, I will be immersed in the stories written in the book. Those unhappy things will be temporarily forgotten. For me, reading makes me happy.

Some time ago, I fell out with a good friend because of a small matter. I was very angry and angry. I picked up a book and started reading. Watching, I was attracted by the ups and downs of the story in the book, as if I were taking an adventure with the protagonist in the book … gradually, the unpleasant things were forgotten. As for me, I became calm, thinking that I was wrong in this matter, I went to apologize to my good friend, and we made up again.

Reading inspires me.

Reading will also make me grow. When reading, I will understand a lot of truth and know a lot of things. These reasons can make me make a correct judgment. Sometimes these judgments are important. Some time ago, grandma was walking outside and suddenly met a fortune teller. The fortune teller told grandma that there would be a river of blood at home in the near future. Grandma didn't believe it, but the fortune teller made it clear that she doubted what grandma said.

When I got home, grandma was unhappy. I asked my grandmother, "Grandma, what's wrong with you?" Grandma said with a heavy voice, "Hey, there may be a disaster at home recently. This is what a fortune teller told me. " As soon as I heard it, I thought of these liars mentioned in the book. I immediately said, "Grandma, don't believe what they say. They just want to cheat money and then tell grandma all the tricks I know about liars. " Grandma is happy again. What about the holocaust? No, they just made it up.

Reading gives me insight.

Reading gives me unlimited insight into life. It showed me the direction, and it told me that as long as I persist, I will succeed. So I became strong and could persist in doing things. I entered a wonderful world in the book, where there are princesses, princes and all kinds of wonderful and incredible things. I know, "you can't give up easily if you lose, and you can't be complacent if you win." Reading makes me feel and understand the truth.

Reading makes me happy; Enlighten me; Give me insight. Reading makes me gain a lot.

No pains, no gains. 600 words, 4

Spring grass breeds hope and experiences the nourishment of the soul in "moistening things silently"; Summer lotus breeds hope and stores the sanctity of the soul in the process of "emerging from the mud without dyeing"; Autumn leaves breed hope and gather roots in the heart in the depression of Sasha Vujacic; Winter snow breeds hope and has experienced floating in the beautiful sky. The seeds of hope have not been sown in the world. What they want to create is the light ahead, and so should we.

It is true that hope is in the heart, faith will last forever, and success will eventually come.

Hope is the wise man's optimistic attitude towards life. Under the withered lamp, only his figure, in addition to sasha vujacic's words, nothing. Do you feel tired when you face a handwritten statement? When you are hungry, will you give up seeking knowledge? Will you feel inferior and sad when you see your classmates look like gods? All difficulties have not knocked you down; All obstacles will make you face life with a smile; All the ups and downs will ignite the hope in your heart. Wise Song Lian, hopeful faith and optimistic attitude will lead you to success! In the face of life, optimism is your strength to move forward. Wise people walk on the road full of hope and have an optimistic attitude.

Hope is the fearlessness of the brave who dare to sacrifice. Hope is a flag, showing the blood of life. For the eternal sixteen seconds, Li Jianying had the hope of life safety and resolutely changed his life course. In the icy river, Meng Xiangbin had hope for the drowning man to live. He used a jump to enlarge the value of his life. In the past ten years, with the hope of patients' health, Chen Xiaolan risked his life to expose the hidden rules of the industry; His fearlessness is a sacrifice for the people; His fearlessness is even more brilliant, and he sacrificed his life for others; Her fearlessness is a sacrifice to the purest duty of doctors; They all have a belief in their hearts and are making contributions to others. Fearless hope is always in my heart, and so is the ambition of the brave.

Hope is the persistence of the brave in the face of value. Gou Jian tried to eat his food and drink his guts, and finally took revenge and annexed Wu; Li Yu Lacrimosa finally left this position sadly. They are both monarchs, but they get different endings because of their value orientation; They were in the same disaster, but Gou Jian succeeded in rejuvenating the country because he insisted on hope, and Li Yu lost his value because he lost hope, and failed in invading the Song Dynasty and the DPRK. The value orientation determines their success or failure, and even their life. In terms of the value of life, the benevolent sticks to his own value and hopes that the benevolent will succeed.

There is an old saying that "no matter how high the mountain is, it is also at the foot." No matter how far the road is, it is also behind. "As long as you have hope and work hard for it, your boat of life will surely sail to the other side of the ideal.

Hope burns in our hearts, and we will eventually face success and light.

No pains, no gains. 600 words, 5.

Plant a ray of sunshine and reap brilliant results. -inscription

If I can choose my life, I would like to be the sower of the little sun, bringing warm light to myself and infinite hope to the world.

Optimism is the nourishment, self-confidence is the tree species, and youth is the medium, which will eventually yield a beautiful growth.

There is such a dissolute teenager who has seen The River Never Returning. Once sang Zhou Lang Chibi; I used to sing wine; I miss the moon. Facing the magnificent mountains and rivers, he chose to plant a ray of sunshine in his heart after several ups and downs of life, and gained a rare interest in taking pains and a legendary life that will last forever.

Plant a ray of sunshine and reap heroism.

There is such a weak woman who can lean against the cold window alone to send her thoughts; You can also get drunk and worry; She can count yellow flowers; You can also sing overlord. She smiled brightly and cried emotionally. In the face of the turmoil and war in the motherland, she chose to plant a ray of sunshine in her heart, and gained the strength and unparalleled charm of a woman.

Plant a ray of sunshine and reap tough integrity.

Plant a ray of sunshine and reap a harder self.

"Wildfire never completely devoured them, and they grew taller in the spring breeze." Why do humble weeds never bear the call of the spring breeze, but they still grow desperately knowing that the north wind is still whistling? Because they planted a ray of sunshine in their hearts. Without experiencing the cold wind, how can we "have a high spring breeze"? This ray of sunshine is the dignity that weeds desperately guard, and it is also the commitment and stubbornness that weeds never give up.

There is such a ray of sunshine that gives me a thousand rays of light.

Sunshine is silent, but the light and heat it brings is enough to prove that his selfless dedication has made great achievements.

Add caution to optimism and firmness to confidence. Youth doesn't have to burn hard. Careful choice can give off the light of hope and harvest a wonderful life.

Once, I wished I had a small sun, which could give me warmth on a cold night and illuminate under the starry sky. I will not be lonely in the long night, nor will I panic in the sad dusk. But then I chose to plant a ray of sunshine in my heart, turn myself into a sun, give hope to people around me, and harvest sincere friendship and glory.

At all times and in all countries, not everyone has tried to plant a ray of sunshine in their hearts, but most of them have been down and out, numb and wanting nothing. That ray of sunshine is not only to melt the hard ice in your heart, but also to teach you to pay, to teach you to grow and to harvest a different life.

360 lines, and I chose to be the person in sow the sun. Sprinkle sweat and tears, I want to harvest not only the products of pride and frivolity. The world is not helpless, meditation, how many people live wonderfully, and how many people live comfortably? Through the window of history, I see not only glamour, but also helplessness and hesitation behind it. Without light and heat in the heart, there is no goal and hope on the road of life. In the end, it can only be empty and lonely, and it will never yield real happiness and glory.

Planting a ray of sunshine into my heart, I have gained a passionate dream, a wonderful youth and a harvest.

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