Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What does it mean to tell a fortune and say that you love sleeping?

What does it mean to tell a fortune and say that you love sleeping?

It's not doctors who can tell fortune, but they snore, stop breathing and have a stroke.

Don't underestimate Zhang Zhu sleeping with his mouth closed. Someone had a stroke! A Taiwanese businessman usually sleeps with his mouth open and snores. Even in his sleep, his face turns black. His wife took him to see a doctor and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. The doctor also reminded me to treat it quickly, otherwise there may be a risk of stroke. However, this Taiwanese businessman didn't care and went back to work in the mainland without handling it. Unexpectedly, the stroke really happened. Liu Boren, director of the Department of Otolaryngology, China-Hong Kong Hospital, who admitted the Taiwanese businessman, said that when he came to see a doctor before, the Taiwanese businessman found himself with a stuffy nose, often breathing with his mouth open while sleeping, and even had sleep apnea. Not only did he snore loudly, but he even turned black when he slept because of lack of oxygen. Nasal congestion can make people open their mouths to breathe, causing cardiovascular burden. This Taiwanese businessman went back to Taiwan Province for medical treatment after a stroke, and even boasted that Director Liu Boren could tell fortune, even knowing that he would have a stroke! Director Liu Boren pointed out that there are many reasons for sleep apnea. Among them, nasal allergy or nasal congestion caused by sinusitis will make people easy to open their mouths and breathe, which will lead to sleep apnea. Repeated sleep interruption and insufficient blood oxygen will lead to increased cardiovascular load and even cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Director Liu Boren further pointed out that this Taiwanese businessman had a problem of nasal mucosa hypertrophy, which caused him to be unable to breathe smoothly with his nose while sleeping, and he had to open his mouth to breathe, and he also had severe sleep apnea syndrome and snoring symptoms. Only by using radio wave surgery to eliminate nasal mucosa hypertrophy and suggesting the use of sleep apnea can he improve the situation of sleeping with his mouth open and sleep apnea. Subscribe to the health Aloha audio-visual channel, read health knowledge more easily, and pay attention to your health every day! Line @ ID: @:/supply/article/28330/Not doctors can tell fortune, but they snore with their mouths open. Apnea is prone to stroke Key words: stroke, apnea, snoring, Liu Boren, Clarification Hospital, Otolaryngology.