Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Introduction to basketball rules

Introduction to basketball rules

A lot. I'll post some original rules for you to see.

Article 46 contact

1. Theoretically, basketball is a "non-contact" game. However, 10 players move at high speed in a limited venue, so it is obviously impossible to completely avoid physical contact.

Secondly, if physical contact (normal basketball action) does occur in order to grab the ball, and this contact does not put the contacted opponent at a disadvantage, then this contact can be regarded as an accident and will not be punished.

Third, touching from behind is an improper basketball action. Usually the player behind is responsible for this contact, because he is at a disadvantage with the ball and the opposing player.

Note: When making decisions about physical contact, the following basic principles must be followed:

Every player has the responsibility to avoid contact by any possible means.

2. Any team member has the right to reach the normal ground position that is not occupied by the opposing team members within the limits of the rules, as long as there is no physical contact when occupying the space.

3. In case of contact foul, the player who caused the contact shall be responsible.

Article 47 trespassing foul

First of all, an intrusion foul is a foul committed by a player who touches the opposing team when the ball is alive or dead.

Second, players are not allowed to block, pull, push, bump, trip and other actions by stretching their arms, shoulders, hips, knees, feet or bending their bodies to abnormal postures; And don't use any rude movements. definition

1, Yin Dang: Physical contact prevented the movement of the opposing team.

2. Collision: It is the physical contact between players with or without the ball pushing or moving to the opponent's trunk.

3. Defensive from the back: It is the defender who contacts the body of the opposing team from the back. Even if the defender tries to grab the ball, it is not appropriate to have physical contact with the opposing team.

4. Hand block: refers to the action that the defender touches the opponent's player with his hand in the defensive state, or hinders his action or helps the defender defend the opponent's player.

5. Picking up the ball: it interferes with the freedom of movement of the opposing team, but [5]? What happened to Weiwei's class? Pull people) contact.

6. Illegal use of hands: When a player tries to grab the ball with his hand and touches the opponent, if he only touches the opponent's hand holding the ball, it is regarded as incidental contact.

7. Push: refers to the physical contact that occurs when any part of the body forcibly moves or tries to move an opponent who has or has not controlled the ball.

8. Illegal cover: it is an attempt to illegally delay or prevent opponents who don't control the ball from reaching the desired position on the field.

In any case, the punishment should be recorded as a violation. In addition:

First of all, if a player who doesn't make a shot is fouled:

1. The non-foul team threw the foul ball out of bounds closest to the foul place and resumed the game.

2. Rule 58 will take effect if the offending team is punished.

Second, if the shooter fouls:

1, if you hit the basket, score points and punish the ball.

2. If the 2-point shot is unsuccessful, two free throws will be awarded.

3. If the 3-point shooting is not successful, 3 free throws will be awarded.

3. If the player who controls the team fouls:

1. The non-foul team threw the foul ball out of bounds closest to the foul place and resumed the game.

2. Exceptions: See Articles 48, 49, 50, 52 and 53.

To annotate ...

First, the vertical principle.

1. On the basketball court, every player has the right to own his own position and the space (cylinder) above his head.

2. This principle protects the ground position occupied by the player and the space above him.

3. Once a player leaves his vertical position (cylinder) and makes physical contact with the opponent who established the vertical position (cylinder), the player who leaves the vertical position (cylinder) will be responsible for this contact.

(1) There is no penalty for the defender leaving the ground vertically (not exceeding his cylinder) or fully extending his hands and arms in the cylinder. (

(2) No matter flying on the ground or in the air, the attacker must not touch the defender or use his arms to expand his extra space (clearance).

Second, the status of legal defense.

1. When the following conditions are met, the defender establishes a legal defense status.

(1) He faces his opponent, and

(2) Both feet land in a normal straddle posture. The distance between the feet is usually proportional to the height.

2. The legal defensive position extends vertically above him. He can raise his arm above his head, but his arm must be in this imaginary cylinder and keep a vertical posture.

Third, the defender's control of the ball.

1. When defending the ball control player (who is holding or dribbling the ball), the factors of time and distance are not applicable.

2. Whenever the opponent occupies (even occupies) the legal defensive position in front of the ball holder, the ball holder must foresee the opponent's defense and be prepared to stop or change direction.

3. Before occupying his position, the defender must establish a legal defensive position without causing physical contact.

Once the defender has established a legal defensive posture, he must keep this posture (see item 5 below), that is, he must not stretch his arms, shoulders, hips or legs to stop the dribbler passing by him.

5. The referee shall apply the following principles when making a ruling on the situation of "blocking or holding the ball":

(1) The defender must face the player with the ball, land his feet and establish the initial legal defensive position.

(2) In order to maintain this defensive posture, the defender can stay still or sideways or retreat. As long as this lateral movement or retreat is considered as a normal defensive action, one or both feet can leave the ground instantly during the action to maintain this defensive posture.

(3) The defender must be in place first, and contact must take place in the trunk. If the contact occurs in the trunk, it should be considered that the defender has been in place first. If you answer the above three questions, then it is the player who holds the ball that causes the foul.

Fourth, the players who are vacated.

1. Players who jump into the air from a certain place on the field have the right to fall back to their original place.

2. He has the right to land in another part of the stadium, as long as:

(1) When taking off, the position is not occupied by the opponent;

(2) The straight channel between the takeoff point and the landing point is not occupied by the opponent.

3. If a player has jumped up and landed, but his momentum causes him to collide with an opposing player who has occupied a legal defensive position near his landing, the player who jumped up is responsible for contact.

4. When the opposing team member has jumped into the air, the team member shall not move to the path of the jumping team member.

It is always against sportsmanship to move and make contact under an empty player. In some cases, this may be a disqualification foul.

Verb (abbreviation for verb) defends players who don't control the ball.

1. Players who don't control the ball have the right to move freely on the court and occupy any position that is not occupied by other players.

2. The factors of time and distance should be applied. This means that defenders cannot occupy such a position:

(1) Being so close to the moving opponent, the opponent doesn't have enough distance to stop or change direction.

(2) Quickly insert the path of the moving opponent, so that the opponent does not have enough time or distance to stop or change direction. This distance is proportional to the speed of the opposing team members, and shall not be less than 1 step and not more than 2 steps. If a player makes physical contact with the opposing team while occupying a position, he is responsible for such contact regardless of time and distance.

3. Once the defender occupies the legal defensive position, he must not stretch his arms, shoulders, hips or legs to stop the opponent passing by him. However, he can turn around or put his arms in front of him and stay close to his body to avoid injury.

4. Once the defender occupies the legal defensive position:

(1) He can shift or move sideways or backward to keep himself in the opponent's path.

(2) He can walk forward against his opponent, but if there is physical contact, he is responsible.

(3) He must pay attention to the space factor, that is, the distance between him and his opponent as shown in item 2 (2) above.

Coverage of intransitive verbs-legal and illegal

1, when a player tries to delay or prevent an opponent who doesn't have the ball from reaching the desired position on the court, cover will occur.

2. It is legal to cover the opposing players when they:

(1) Stand well when touching (stand well in his tank).

(2) When contact occurs, both feet have landed.

3. It is illegal to cover the opposing player when the opposing player has the following situations:

(1) was moving when the contact occurred.

(2) When contacting, establish a cover outside the vision of the opponent standing still, and do not give a proper distance.

(3) When contact occurs, time and distance are not considered for the moving opponent.

4. If the bunker is built in the opponent's static field of vision (front or side), the player can get as close to the opponent as possible without touching, as long as he wants.

5. If the cover is built outside the vision of the stationary opponent, the cover player must allow the opponent to take a normal step towards him without contact.

6. If the opposing team member is moving, the factors of time and distance should be applied, and the cover team member must leave enough space so that the covered person can stop or change direction to avoid the cover. The required distance shall not be less than the normal 1 step, but shall not exceed 2 steps.

7. If there is any contact with the player who has established legal cover, the covered player shall bear the responsibility.

Seven, stop

1. If the player who tries to cover comes into contact with the opposing player who is standing still or retreating during the movement, it constitutes a blocking foul.

2. If a player ignores the ball, faces the opposing player and moves with the movement of the opposing player, unless other factors are involved, the player should be mainly responsible for any subsequent contact. The so-called "unless other factors are involved" means that the covered players deliberately push, bump and pull people.

It is legal for a player to stretch his arm or elbow when occupying a position on the court, but when the opposing player tries to pass by him, they must be put down (inside the cylinder). If a player can't put down his arm or elbow, contact is to stop or pull people.

Eighth, touch other players with your hands.

1. Touching an opponent with one hand or both hands is not necessarily a foul. However, when the opponent is in the field of vision of a player, there is no reason to distinguish by hand, and this action can be considered as illegal physical contact. The referee will pronounce a sentence regardless of whether he has benefited or not.

2. If any kind of contact restricts the freedom of movement of the opposing team members, such contact is a foul.

3. dribbling players should not use forearms or hands to stop opposing players from getting the ball. This kind of behavior can get benefits that are not mentioned in the rules and increase the physical contact between the players of both sides.

IX. Central Coordination

1, the vertical principle also applies to central coordination. Both the attacking player in the middle and the player defending him must respect each other's vertical right (column).

2. The coordinator shall not use his shoulders or hips to push the opponent out of his position, nor shall he use his elbows to hinder the freedom of movement of the opponent.

3. Defenders shall not illegally use their arms, knees or other parts of the body to interfere with the freedom of the team.

Article 48 Both parties foul.

A foul on both sides refers to a situation where two opposing players foul almost at the same time. Penalty clause

1, register each player for an invasion foul;

2. No fines;

3. The foul players of both sides jump the ball in the nearest circle to restart the game;

4. If both sides foul the ball at the same time, the opposing player of the winning side should make the ball enter the game state at the end line.

Second, when one foul and another foul of both sides occur almost at the same time, after each foul is registered and dealt with according to the penalty, the game will start again as if neither side had fouled.

Article 49 Fouls against sports ethics

1. The referee thinks that it is a violation of sportsmanship for a player to intentionally cause an intrusion foul on the opposing player who holds or does not hold the ball.

Secondly, at the beginning of the game and near the end of the game, that is, during the whole game, the same scale must be used to judge the foul that violates sports ethics.

Third, the referee must only judge the action.

Four, judge whether a foul violates sports ethics, the referee must follow the following principles:

1. If a player tries to grab the ball through legal efforts (normal basketball movements), it constitutes a foul and does not violate sports ethics.

2. If the player tries hard to grab the ball and has excessive contact (serious foul), this contact is considered to be against sports ethics.

3. It is usually against sportsmanship for a player to pull, hit or push the ball.

Penalty clause

First of all, it is necessary to register the players who violate sports ethics.

Second, we should award the penalty to the non-foul team and add the ball again.

Three, the number of free throws awarded in accordance with the following provisions:

1. If the fouled player doesn't shoot, he will get two free throws.

2. If the player who fouls is shooting, if he hits a ball, he will get one point and another free throw.

3. If the fouled player is shooting without scoring, two or three free throws will be awarded according to the shooting position.

4. When making a free throw, all other players should be behind the 3-point shooting line in the extended part of the free throw line until the free throw process is completed.

5. After the free throw, no matter whether the last free throw is successful or not, any member of the penalty team throws a foul ball at the midpoint of the sideline opposite the record table.

6. Players who throw foul balls should stand on both sides of the extension line of the center line. Have the right to pass the ball to players anywhere on the field.

Article 50 Disqualification Fouls Articles 47, 49, 52 and 53, any very bad immoral foul is a disqualification foul.

Penalty clause

First, it is necessary to register the offending players at one time to cancel the game.

Second, he will be disqualified and ordered to go to the team lounge and stay there during the game, or he can choose to leave the gym.

Third, the penalty and subsequent ball rights should be awarded to the non-offending party.

Four, the number of free throws awarded in accordance with the following provisions:

1, if the player who was fouled did not shoot, he was sentenced to two free throws;

2. If the fouled player is shooting, if he hits a goal, he will be awarded a score and make another free throw;

3. If the player who is fouled is shooting, the shooting will not score, and two or three free throws will be awarded according to the shooting position.

During the free throw, all other players should be behind the free throw line extension line and the 3-point shooting line until the free throw process is completed.

6. After the free throw, no matter whether the last free throw is successful or not, any member of the penalty team throws a foul ball at the midpoint of the sideline opposite the record table.

Seven, throwing foul ball players should stand on both sides of the extension line of the center line, and have the right to pass the ball to players anywhere on the field.

Chapter IX Technical Fouls

Article 5 1 Code of Conduct: Definitions

1. The proper behavior of the game requires perfect and sincere cooperation between the players of both sides (including coaches, substitutes and players) and the referees and their assistants.

Two, both sides have the right to try their best to win, but the victory must conform to the spirit of sports ethics and good competition style.

3. Anyone who intentionally or repeatedly violates the above cooperation spirit or rules shall be regarded as a technical foul and punished according to the corresponding regulations.

To annotate ...

First, whenever there is rude behavior between players, substitutes, coaches and players sitting in the team seat, the referee should take necessary actions to stop it.

Second, if any of the above-mentioned personnel attacks the other party in a very bad way, they will be disqualified immediately. And the referee must also report this event to the competent department of the competition.

As long as the referee asks, the security police can enter the venue. However, if spectators enter the venue and obviously take violent actions intentionally, the public security police must immediately intervene to protect the players and referees.

4. All other areas, including crowds, exits, aisles and dressing rooms, are under the jurisdiction of the organizer and the personnel responsible for maintaining public order.

The referee's decision is final and can't be ignored or disputed.

Article 52 A player's technical foul

1. A player's technical foul refers to a foul that does not include all players who come into contact with the opposing team.

Second, the player shall not ignore the referee's advice or use improper behavior, such as:

1. It is impolite to talk or contact with the referee, the technical representative present, the recorder, the assistant recorder, the timekeeper, the 30-second timekeeper or the opposing team;

2. Use words or behaviors that may offend or incite the audience;

3. Teasing each other or shaking hands near each other's eyes hinders his vision;

4. Prevent throwing foul balls quickly and delay the game;

5. After being convicted of a foul, the referee improperly raised his hand when he asked for it;

6, no report recorder and referee changed the game number without authorization;

7. Report recorders and substitute players who have not been called by the referee are not allowed to enter the venue;

8. Leave the venue to gain illegitimate interests;

9. Violation of the fourth paragraph of Article 60, the second paragraph of the third penalty (note): "Interference with the last or only one penalty";

10, the players grab the iron ring and hang their whole body weight on it. According to the referee's judgment, if a player is trying to prevent himself or another player from being injured, it is ok to grab the hoop.

3. A technical foul that is obviously unintentional and has no influence on the game, or is of a management nature, is not regarded as a technical foul; Unless the referee issues a warning before repeating it.

Four, intentional, immoral or bring illegitimate interests to the technical foulers, technical fouls shall be fined immediately.

Penalty clause

First of all, it is necessary to register the offenders for technical fouls.

Second, the opponent was awarded two free throws.

Three, the captain designated free throw players.

To annotate ...

First, players who have behaved badly or repeatedly violated the provisions of this article should be disqualified, ordered to withdraw from the competition, and the same punishment should be imposed on disqualified fouls.

Second, if the technical foul is discovered after the ball enters the game state, then the penalty will be executed just like the foul that occurred when it was discovered. During the period from the occurrence of the foul to the discovery of the foul, everything is valid.

Thirdly, when a player is about to violate some minor problems (such as problems that have not been reported to the recorder), the referee may give a warning to prevent the occurrence of technical fouls. It is wise for the referee to stop in advance and in some cases not to pursue those minor technical fouls that are obviously unintentional and do not affect the game.

Article 53 Technical foul of off-site personnel

First, coaches, assistant coaches, substitutes and players must stay in their own team seats, except for the following situations:

1. With the permission of the referee, the coach, assistant coach or a team member may enter the venue to take care of the injured team member;

2. If, according to the doctor's judgment, the injured player's life is in danger and needs immediate care, he can enter the venue without the permission of the referee;

3. Substitutes can go to the archives to ask for replacement;

4. The coach or assistant coach can ask for a time-out;

5. Only during the time-out, the coach or assistant coach can enter the field and speak to his players, as long as he stays near his team seat; But in the game, the coach can command his players, as long as he is in the team seat area;

6. When the coach or assistant coach stops timing, he can politely ask the record desk about the score and the number of fouls, without disturbing the normal progress of the game.

2. Coaches, assistant coaches, substitutes or players shall not be rude when negotiating with referees, technical representatives, recorders, assistant recorders, timekeepers, 30-second timekeepers or other people present.

3. Only the coaches registered on the record sheet can stand in the competition.

Penalty clause


1, register a technical foul for the coach;

2. Award the opposing team two free throws and subsequent ball rights;

3, the captain designated penalty shooters;

4. When making free throws, all other players should be behind the extension line of the free throw line and the 3-point shooting line until the free throw process is completed;

5. After the free throw, no matter whether the last free throw is successful or not, any player of the team is punished to throw a foul ball at the midpoint of the sideline opposite the record table (exception: see Article 54, paragraph 3, and Article 59, paragraph 2, paragraph 4);

6. Players who throw foul balls should stand on both sides of the extension line of the center line respectively, and have the right to pass the CPPCC to players anywhere on the field.


1. In the following circumstances, the coach will be disqualified from the competition, and will be sent to the team lounge to stay there during the competition, or he can choose to leave the gymnasium;

(1) is registered for blatantly violating these rules;

(2) When being recorded for two technical fouls due to his violation of sports ethics;

(3) Three technical fouls have been registered in the coach's name because he, an assistant coach, a substitute or a player sitting at the team table violated sports ethics. Note: A player who fouls five times (in a 2×20-minute match) or six times (in a 4× 12-minute match) is registered as a coach.

2. If the assistant coach, substitute or any player openly violates this rule, they will also be disqualified from the competition and ordered to go to the team lounge and stay there during the competition, or he can choose to leave the gym.

When a coach is disqualified, he should be represented by an assistant coach registered on the record. If no assistant coach is registered on the record, the captain will act as the agent.

Article 54 Technical foul during rest time

First of all, technical fouls can be announced during the break of the game.

Second, the game break time refers to:

1, the stage before the start of the game (about 20 minutes);

2. The time interval between any two paragraphs, the time interval between two halves and all the time intervals before the deciding game;

3. The rest time of the game ends when the referee takes the ball into the middle circle to perform the jump ball, that is, the moment when the ball enters the game state.

Penalty clause

If the following persons are convicted of a technical foul:

1. Qualified players: players are registered and fined twice. The foul will be counted as a team foul.

2. Coach, assistant coach or team member: The coach is registered and punished with two free throws. This foul is not a team foul.

2. During the free throw, all players except the free throw players should be behind the extension line and the three-point line of the free throw line until all the free throws are completed.

3. After the penalty kick, the game starts or restarts in China circle.

Four, if more than one technical foul, see article 59.

To annotate ...

1. The referee will never allow players, coaches and players to damage the game equipment (such as grabbing the hoop and violent dunking).

Second, when the referee observes this behavior, he should immediately warn the coach of the team.

Third, if this kind of behavior happens again, the offender should be sentenced to a technical foul immediately.

Article 55 Fighting

1. If there is a fight or any situation that may lead to a fight, any seated person who leaves the team seating area will be disqualified, ordered to go to the team lounge and stay there during the game, or he can choose to leave the gymnasium.

However, in a fight or any situation that may lead to a fight, only the coach can leave the boundary of the team seating area in order to help the referee maintain or restore order.

3. If the coach leaves the boundary of the team's seating area and fails to help maintain or restore order, he will be disqualified, ordered to go to the team's lounge and stay there during the game, or he can choose to leave the gym. For any such event:

1. Judge the coach's technical foul and deal with the technical foul according to the corresponding terms.


1. Each disqualification foul shall be recorded as described in Article 6, Paragraph 3 (8) of the Record Form in "Official Competition Procedure".

2. This disqualified foul will not be recorded as a team foul.

3. Do not deal with this disqualification foul, that is, no team will make a free throw because they leave the team's seating area.