Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Tell me about the procedure of becoming a monk. Can I go directly to the temple and ask to become a monk?

Tell me about the procedure of becoming a monk. Can I go directly to the temple and ask to become a monk?

1. Parents or guardians agree to permit (the Buddhist system is flexible), and bring the written materials agreed by parents, ID card, household registration certificate (issued by the police station) and physical examination certificate (not required in some places) to the temple you think is predestined friends. 2. The limbs are complete (Buddhism). Short hands and feet, twisted hands and feet, paralysis, polio patients, leprosy patients, crooked heads, etc. People who can't walk normally can't be banned from becoming monks. 3. Correct the five senses (Buddhism). Blind, cross-eyed, deaf, deaf, crooked mouth, rabbit mouth or missing mouth, mute, etc. , are not allowed to become a monk. ) 4. Not infected with serious infectious diseases (Buddhism, you can become a monk when you are well). (such as AIDS, various skin diseases, etc. ). But this is not the case with colds. 5. People who have no debt problems (Buddhism, paying off debts can become monks). (such as bankruptcy, business failure and debt. 6. Persons who have not violated national laws (criminal) or are involved in litigation. (refers to a person wanted by the police. If it is a crime, but the person released after serving his sentence is not in this case. (Buddhism is flexible) 7. The age of the novice monk is not less than 7 years old (Buddhism), and the age of the novice monk is not less than 17 years old (government). (Buddhism is subject to great precepts at the age of 20, and can become a monk under the age of 20. There is no upper limit on the age of becoming a monk. The Buddha was only 120 years old when he was alive. But at least you must be able to take care of yourself and have the ability to learn and obey the precepts, otherwise you are not allowed to become a monk. 8. sound mind (Buddhism, you can become a monk after illness). (refers to diseases that will lose consciousness, reason and behavior without any mental illness, such as neurasthenia, schizophrenia and epilepsy. 9. Sound and normal. Bisexuality is not allowed to become a monk. ) [Buddhism] 10. Anyone who wants to become a monk must be voluntary, pious, patriotic and law-abiding (including no legal disputes). With the permission of his parents, the temple determines that the person who wants to become a monk meets the requirements of becoming a monk and has passed the examination of a monk group for more than one year (things to be done in the examination stage: reciting the Five Classics, learning Misha Rules and learning the basic knowledge of Buddhism). And send it to the calendar as required. Then, after a short period of study, I asked for the Ten Commandments, which are called Misha or Shamini. Misha is translated according to the pronunciation of ancient India, which means "stop evil and do good". Obtained the qualification of novice monk or novice monk,