Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Childhood quirks

Childhood quirks

This article participates in the ghost story kebab.

It's true. Many years have passed. I often think about it and sometimes tell it to my children, hoping that they will have awe of ghosts and gods.

This incident also affected my view of ghosts and gods. Although I can't explain it, I firmly believe that ghosts really exist and they can do things that we can't.

In the early 1990s, I was still in primary school. At that time, every household had oxen, all of which were very strong buffaloes. During the summer vacation, the task of herding cattle fell on me. Fortunately, there are nine boys about the same age in our village. Every afternoon when it is a little cooler, we will ride on the buffalo and set off in a mighty way.

The water source in our village is better. In the rice fields of Ma Pingchuan, summer is the season of heading rice. In order not to spoil the crops, we will drive the buffalo to the river ditch behind the village and release them, where the water plants are abundant and the cows will bathe in the water after eating. At this time, we will gather in the upstream to swim. In fact, at that time, we were looking forward to coming out to herd cattle just to swim in the river.

But going to the river will pass a cemetery, which is designated by the village. Every time I pass the cemetery, I will drive the cows so fast that I dare not look there with my eyes, as do most other partners. After all, we were small and timid.

The oldest of us was Li, who was twelve years old. In order to be bold in front of us, he often shouts, "Look, what is that?" Often frighten some timid friends to scream.

Sometimes, I will solemnly say, "I saw someone walking in the cemetery just now, but you didn't see it!" " "Everyone knows his lies, and there is nothing he can do.

I remember that afternoon, it was cloudy and it was going to rain soon. After we released the cattle and passed the cemetery, Li turned over, jumped off the horse and got on the bus. He said, "Wait for me! Pee. "

Someone said, "Li, you are disrespectful to the dead. Be careful of them looking for you. "

"I'm not afraid!" He cried after urinating. After that, I scratched a grave twice with a bullwhip.

Ride on the back of an ox and keep walking. At this time, it began to rain lightly. Several cows mooed and ran away happily. These cows are usually docile, which hardly ever happens. At that time, we just thought that the rain surprised the cows and didn't take it seriously.

Li rode on the back of the cow and said to us, "Look at the old man behind him. It's strange to follow us, unlike in our village. "

We turned around and there was nothing behind us. We shouted in unison: "Li, your baby is scaring people again!" "

Li grabbed his head and said, "Really, didn't you see it?"

Everyone ignored him. ......

It rained all night, and the next afternoon, we took the cow out again, but we didn't have Li See Yong Er.

When he came home at night, his grandmother told us that Li had a fever since last night and had been talking nonsense. The doctor in the village came for two injections, but the fever has not gone down.

He didn't tell the truth yesterday, did he? We told the story to grandma. Grandma said after listening: "Look at this kid, he is so ignorant." And then out of the door.

Soon, an old man followed her back We know that he comes from a neighboring village, and we all call him a fortune teller.

He looked at Li, then took out some paper money, wiped it on Li and wiped it in the room. Finally, he gave the paper money to his grandmother, who told us to go home and went out with the paper money.

The next day, Li's fever was gone, and his father treated him with a wooden stick to remind him not to go to the cemetery again. Later, Li told us that grandma went out to the grave that day, burned paper money in front of the grave he had smoked, and said a lot of apologies.

After that, Li never dared to go to the grave to scare us again, and we tried to avoid it.

Many years have passed, and whenever I go back to the village and pass by the cemetery, I still dare not look inside. I have always been in awe of them.