Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - 2022-05-27 Han Xiangzi, a fairy in folklore.

2022-05-27 Han Xiangzi, a fairy in folklore.

Han Xiangzi's visit to Daoism finally succeeded.

Han Zhongli and Lv Dongbin Erxian saw a white crane and a fragrant roe playing with their hearts on Xiangjiang River. Suddenly, a breeze blew, and the white breath of white cranes and fragrant geese was eclipsed. When the crane saw this, he knew that God was passing by, so he knelt down and prayed to the two immortals: "It's hard to meet in a prosperous time, but it's hard on earth. I hope the immortal can give me the elixir, let me take off my feathers and reincarnate as a human being. " At this time, Xiang Shu lusted after Xiang Shui Shan Lan, and made wild remarks insulting the gods. He was banished to the depths of the river beach by Lv Dongbin, and he was not allowed to stand out until the crane was repaired into a positive fruit, and then he came to visit him. So the crane ate the elixir of Zhong Shi, turned it into a boy in Tsing Yi, and followed two immortals to Changli County, Yongping Prefecture, where he became the son of Han Hui.

Zheng, his wife, dreamed that the sun rose in the east and that precious mirror hung high in the sky. A crane flew down with a peach in its mouth and fell directly into her arms. Next to him flashed a Taoist priest in Tsing Yi, calling himself "Mr. Er", with a sword on his shoulder. At the order of the Jade Emperor, he gave Crane Xiantao as his son. This is Han Xiangzi.

Han Xiangzi's family is actually very well-off, his father is a member, his mother is a good family, and Han Xiangzi's life is also very comfortable. Han Xiangzi's father wants his son to be a scholar or a civil servant.

When Han Xiangzi was very young, his father invited him to study writing, hoping that he would make a difference in the future. However, Han Xiangzi himself is not interested in studying and entering the official career. He is bohemian by nature and even disdains being an official. Han Xiangzi loves drinking, always guarding the bottle and playing the flute, but he doesn't like reading.

Han Yu was very disappointed to see his nephew Han Xiangzi. He told Han Xiangzi that everyone has his own strengths, even if it is a stall. What are your strengths? Han Xiangzi smiled and said to Han Yu, I also have a skill, but you don't know it.

Then he took out his flute and blew it. At that time, it was early winter, and all the flowers had withered, but when they heard Han Xiangzi's flute, they actually bloomed again. It can be seen that its flute skills are superb.

My father was helpless and took the initiative to marry him, hoping that he could change his bohemian character and get married. But Han Xiangzi doesn't like his father making decisions for him. Even if she went to the bridal chamber with the bride Lin Ying, Han Xiangzi never touched the girl, which made her very angry. Later, Han Xiangzi ran away from home and went to Zhong Nanshan.

Han Xiangzi went out to visit Teacher Tao and happened to meet Han Zhongli. He followed them to learn Taoism and got their true story. Later, Han Xiangzi swam to a place and saw a peach forest. Xiantao was ripe. He climbed the tree to pick peaches, and didn't want the branches to break suddenly. Han Xiangzi fell to the ground and died, and his body became immortal.

Lin Ying waited at home for three years. I haven't heard from her for three years, and I don't know if her husband is dead or alive. On this day, she went to the back garden, prepared an incense table, knelt down and said, "I don't know if you are dead or alive, but if you are still alive, you should come back and see your wife." If you are not alive, you should also tell me a dream. " Besides, Han Xiangzi is talking to several big immortals in Zhong Nanshan at this time, and suddenly he feels upset. Lin Ying must be bothering him at home. So I bid farewell to the immortals and set up Xiangyun to go home and have a look.

In an instant, he returned to his hometown for three years. He pressed the cloud and fell to the ground, turning into a monk with a crooked mouth and short legs and a dirty face. I went to the front door and knocked on the door. At this moment, the maid came out. When she met the Laitou Taoist, she said angrily, "Where did you come from? Go away! " Han Xiangzi said, "I'm from Zhong Nanshan." Hearing this, the servant girl ran back and shouted, "Girl, there's a Taoist in Zhong Nanshan!" When Lin Ying heard the maid shout, he hurried out and said, "Taoist, do you know your people?" ? "Han Xiangzi said;" I know when I am famous, but I don't know when I am not famous. Lin Ying said, "My husband, Han Xiangzi." Han Xiangzi said with a smile, "This person is very good with me." Lin Ying said, "then please tell me quickly, where is he now? "

Han Xiangzi approached Lin Ying and said with a smile, "My darling is really beautiful. Let me hug her and let me tell you something about being original." Lin Ying stretched out his hand and called, only to see Han Xiangzi fly into the air. Lin Ying looked up and there was no Taoist priest. It was obviously her husband, Han Xiangzi, who disappeared into the clouds.

Lin Ying became a crybaby here, but she had no choice but to go home, lie in bed and go to sleep in a daze. In a trance, she saw Han Xiangzi coming to her and said, "You should cultivate immortality, too!" Lin Ying opened his eyes, and there was only himself in the room. But she firmly believed that this was inspired by Han Xiangzi, and she began to learn Taoism through self-cultivation.

Three years later, someone knocked at the door, and the maid opened the door and saw a handsome young man. "I have a letter for your wife." People came in and stepped through the door as they talked. The maid couldn't stop it and quarreled with him. Lin Ying heard the quarrel and came out and asked, "Who is arguing here?" The bearer said, "My name is Wang, and I am a classmate of your family's" xianggong ". Han Xiangzi wants you to remarry, and I have a letter here to prove it. "

Lin Ying took the letter and read it. He burst into tears and threw himself on the screen while crying. Just then, the prince held out his hand and stopped in front of Lin Ying. When Lin Ying looked up again, what was the prince standing in front of him? It's obviously Han Xiangzi. I saw that Han Xiangzi took out an iron eggplant from his pocket and handed it to Lin Ying and said, "You put it in a pot and I will take you away!" After that, Han Xiangzi drove away with Xiangyun.

Lin Ying put the eggplant in the pot, lit the fire and started cooking. After cooking for a year, the iron eggplant hasn't changed at all. Lin Ying sat in front of the fire day and night, so she got carried away. She didn't wash and dress, she just wanted to cook iron eggplant with fire. Spring goes and spring comes. Another year, the iron eggplant is still intact. In the third year, Lin Ying was surrounded by his family, and everything he could sell was sold. There was nothing to exchange for firewood. Lin Ying looked at the iron eggplant in the pot and cried, "Han Xiangzi, Han Xiangzi, I miss Lin Ying and want to follow you, but you tease me again and again. Now I have nothing to burn. Let nature take its course! " Say that finish Lin Ying put the leg in the oven, strange to say, Lin Ying didn't feel pain at all, just to see the iron eggplant in the pot was flat, and she was surprised. She saw Han Xiangzi come in, pulled her out of the house and set up Xiangyun to fly into the sky.

If you are sincere, perfection is inevitable.

Han Xiangzi Du Hua Han Yu

Han Xiangzi wanted to visit his uncle Han Yu, but Han Yu didn't believe in Taoism, so he first moved him with magic. It happened that there was a drought that year, and the emperor ordered Han Yu to go to Nantan to pray for rain and snow. Han Yu prayed many times, but the rain and snow did not fall, and he was in danger of being dismissed from office. On this day, Han Xiangzi dressed up as a Taoist and put up a signboard in the street, which read: "Sell rain and snow." When someone saw this, he immediately informed Han Yu, and Han Yu sent someone to ask him to pray for himself. I saw the Taoist priest coming to power, and in an instant, the goose feather and snow poured down one after another. Han Yu didn't believe this was Taoism, so he said to the Taoist priest, "Is this snow for me or for you?" The Taoist priest said, "I asked for it." Han Yu said, "What evidence is there?" "The snow is three feet three inches thick," the Taoist said. Han Yu sent someone to measure it, and sure enough, as he said, Han Yu thought Taoism was extraordinary.

One day, it was Han Yu's birthday, and relatives and friends came to congratulate him. Han Yu held a grand banquet for them. Han Xiangzi came unexpectedly to celebrate Han Yu's birthday. Han Yu was happy and angry when he saw him. Han Xiangzi is sitting at the dining table. Han Yu asked him, "You have been traveling abroad for a long time. I wonder if your knowledge has improved. Please write a poem to express your ambition. " Han Xiangzi sings:

Green mountains and green waters are separated by clouds, and this place is my home; Holding Xia Yun liquid, Chen Bin sings the sunset. Jasper cave plays the piano and smelting white cinnabar in the furnace; Baoding keeps Hu Jin, Zhitian keeps white crow, a gourd ladle hides nature, and three feet of new evil spirits; Solve the problem of wandering wine and it will bloom in an instant. Someone can learn from me and watch Xianpa together.

Han Yu listened to the poem he recited and asked him, "Do you have the ability to create nature?" So Han Yu ordered him to make wine and blossom. Han Xiangzi immediately moved a wine bottle to the hall and covered it with a golden basin. After a while, I opened the bottle and saw that the wine was ready. Han Xiangzi piled up another pile of dirt. Soon, I saw a blooming Bi Hua. It was almost as big as a peony, but its color was more gorgeous than peony. There are two lines of gold on the flower: where is the home of Yunheng Qinling? The heavy snow hindered the horse's progress. Han Yu doesn't understand what this means. Xiangzi said, "The secret can't be revealed. It will definitely come true in the future." The guests sitting here are all very strange. When the banquet broke up, Han Xiangzi said goodbye to Han Yu again.

When he was in Tang Xianzong, Han Yu remonstrated with Buddha's bones, which provoked Xian Zong's great anger. He was demoted as a tidal secretariat and set out within a time limit. Han Yu left his wife and children and went to Chaozhou. After walking for less than a few days, a cold wind suddenly blew and it snowed heavily. Han Yu went to a place where the snow was several feet deep, and it was difficult for the horse to move forward. There is no family nearby, and I don't know where the road is. If you want to retreat by the road, it's no way back. The wind was blowing hard and the snow was falling quickly. Han Yu was soaked, cold and hungry, and all his worries were nowhere to tell. Just when Han Yu was desperate, I saw a man braved the cold and came to the front. At first glance, it turned out to be Han Xiangzi. Han Xiangzi asked Han Yu, "Do you still remember the couplets written on the flowers?" Han Yu asked, "What is this place?" Han Xiangzi replied: "This is the Blue Pass." Han Yu sighed for a long time before saying, "Since it's a fate, I'll supply you with flowers.

I moved to Languan to show it to my nephew.

A letter in the sky, eight thousand in Chaoyang Road at night.

If you want to eliminate disasters for the wise, will you be willing to decline and cherish your old age?

Where is the home of Yunheng Qinling? The heavy snow hindered the horse's progress.

Knowing that you came all the way, you should have done it on purpose so that I could collect the bones by the river.

So Han Yu and Xiangzi went to Lan's house for the night. Han Yu believed Xiangzi's words were true. That night, Han Yu and Han Xiangzi talked about communication, and he was completely convinced. The next day, before leaving, Han Xiangzi took out a gourd ladle of fairy medicine and said to Han Yu, "Take one pill to keep out the cold and clear away heat." Han Yu suddenly realized. Han Xiangzi said, "Come back quickly. Not only are you not ill, but you will be reused by the court. " Han Yu asked, "Will we meet again?" Han Xiangzi replied, "I don't know." So he drifted away. Later, Han Xiangzi changed Han Yu, and Han Yu finally became an immortal.

Alas, Han Yu's fate should be there, and it will eventually become a road!

Han Xiangzi Duhe Xiangu

Han Xiangzi, alias Qingfu, is a figure in ancient legends and one of the Eight Immortals. Speaking of the Eight Immortals, He Xiangu is the most alienated person from Han Xiangzi. He Xiangu is an ordinary woman named He Qiong who likes lotus flowers very much. Up to now, anyone who has a portrait of He Xiangu can see a woman dressed in white and holding a lotus flower. That's He Xiangu.

Legend has it that one day He Qiong went up the mountain to collect herbs and met the monk Han Xiangzi. At that time, Han Xiangzi was dying. He Qiong saw that he was pitiful, so he took out part of his travelling expenses to satisfy Han Xiangzi's hunger. Han Xiangzi is very grateful to her. Later, five years later, He Qiong dug wild vegetables on the cliff and happened to meet Han Xiangzi, an immortal. Han Xiangzi was glad to meet his benefactor. Han Xiangzi waved his sleeves, and peach and jujube trees grew on the ground and gave them to He Qiong. After eating these peaches, He Qiong suddenly felt as light as a swallow. So He Qiong also became a fairy.

The origin of Zijin Xiao

Han Xiangzi, the Zijin flute in his hand is made of bamboo in the Phyllostachys pubescens forest in the South China Sea. It is said that Han Xiangzi's magic flute was given to him by the Seven Princesses of the Dragon King in the East China Sea.

One year, Han Xiangzi roamed the famous mountains and rivers to the coast of the East China Sea, and heard that there was a dragon lady in the East China Sea who was good at melody, singing and dancing, and wanted to meet her. So, he goes to the seaside to blow his dick every day. On the third day of March, it was the day when the Dragon Lady of Donghai went out to sea for a spring outing. At night, the dragon lady heard the melodious long flute from the seaside, and she was fascinated.

Han Xiangzi's flute disturbed the dragon lady's heart, so she came to the seaside involuntarily and turned into a silver eel to see Han Xiangzi. Han Xiangzi, he found a stranded silver eel that missed the tide on the beach and looked up at him with tears in his eyes. Han Xiangzi saw that her expression seemed to be intoxicated by the music. She said angrily and humorously, "Eel, eel, do you know the secret?" If you are a bosom friend, please pass my affection to Crystal Dragon Palace! "Eel nodding. Han Xiangzi was very surprised. Out of curiosity, he blew up Yu Pingxiao again. Unexpectedly, the silver eel is deeply connected with human nature and dances in the bright moonlight, which is amazing. The beauty of dancing and the strangeness of expression are rare in the world. Even Han Xiangzi, who traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers, froze. Suddenly there was a flash of silver light and the eel disappeared. I saw a fairy-like dragon lady standing in the moonlight, starting a competition against swallows, sweeping the water and confusing a Han Xiangzi. Dragon girl sings while dancing. It's almost dawn. Suddenly, a wave came and the eel and the dragon girl disappeared.

On this day, Han Xiangzi went to the seaside to give a blowjob again. I don't know why, but after playing for a long time, the dragon girl just won't go out to sea. Is there something wrong with Yuping Xiao? I was depressed when I heard someone calling him from behind. Looking back, it was a strange old fisherman. The old fisherman saluted Han Xiangzi and said, "Xianggong, the princess is very kind of you, and specially sent me to deliver a message. To tell you the truth, it was Princess Seven, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, who was singing and dancing under the moon a few nights ago. Because of the revelation, the dragon king locked him in the deep palace and could not come to see him. Today, she asked me to present a bamboo branch from Putuo, Nanhai, as a fairy flute for Xianggong. I hope "xianggong" will make a fairy flute and write a divine comedy to save the dragon girl from her misery! " Say that finish, the old fisherman handed a bamboo pole and disappeared in a breeze.

Han Xiangzi turned Shen Zhu into a purple and gold flute, and from then on gave up the idea of wandering around the world, went into ancient caves in the mountains and played flute and composed music day and night. In fact, he developed extraordinary skills.