Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Description of Life Interest in Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival.

Description of Life Interest in Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival.

Zhang Zeduan's "The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival" is so huge that it must have a meaning. So what do the words "Qingming Festival" and "Riverside Scene" mean?

Experts and scholars in The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, through textual research on Tomb-Sweeping Day, have come to three views: First, the meaning of Tomb-Sweeping Day; Second, "the significance of Qingming Square"; Third, the meaning of "Qingming Shi Sheng".

Experts and scholars who hold the view of "Tomb-Sweeping Day" include the late Mr. Zheng Zhenduo, an expert on cultural relics, and Mr. Xu Bangda, an expert on calligraphy and painting. Mr Zheng Zhenduo even pointed out that it was Tomb-Sweeping Day that day.

The expert and scholar who holds the view of "Qingming Square" is the late Mr. Kong from Kaifeng Middle School in Henan. 198 1 Mr. Kong published an article "The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival-Questioning" in Art magazine. In his article, Mr. Kong believes that autumn scenery was painted by textual research on charcoal, stones, fans, watermelons and costumes. Qingming means "Qingming Square".

The experts and scholars who hold the view of "Qingming Shengshi" are Mr. Shi Shuqing, a famous appraisal expert. Mr. Shi Shuqing pointed out: "Qingming does not refer to the day of Tomb-Sweeping Day, but as a kind of morality to praise the peaceful and prosperous times. Qingming means political clarity. The respondent of the report added: 2011-0/-0317: 45 The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is 24.8 cm wide and 528.7 cm long. It is the only representative work of Zhang Zeduan, a painter in the Northern Song Dynasty. The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival vividly records the urban life of China in the12nd century, which is unique in the painting history of China and even the world. In the form of a long scroll, the work uses the composition method of scattered perspective to bring complicated scenery into a unified and changeable picture scroll. This painting is mainly divided into two parts, one is the countryside and the other is the market. There are more than 550 people, 50 or 60 animals, more than 20 ships, more than 30 buildings, 13 cars, 14 cars, 17 bridges and about 180 trees in the painting. They wear different clothes and look lifelike, and various activities are interspersed among them, paying attention to the plot. This painting depicts the prosperity of Bianjing during the Qingming period in the Northern Song Dynasty. It is the witness of Bianjing's prosperity in that year, and it is also a portrayal of the urban economic situation in the Northern Song Dynasty. It vividly depicts the daily social life and customs of Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. What a prosperous scene! This painting depicts the bustling scene and natural scenery on both sides of Bianliang and Bianhe, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, during the Qingming period. In the form of long scrolls, the composition method of scattered perspective is adopted to bring complicated scenery into a unified and changeable picture. There are more than 0/000 people in the painting, with different clothes and expressions, interspersed with various activities, paying attention to drama, dense composition, changing rhythm and rhythm, and ingenious brushwork. All these reflect Zhang Zeduan's high artistic generalization, which makes The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival reach a high artistic level. The whole painting is divided into three parts: 1. Spring scenery in Bianjing countryside: in the sparse forest mist, low thatched houses, small bridges and flowing water, old trees, boats and criss-crossing buildings, farmers are farming in the fields. Two porters are driving five donkeys loaded with charcoal. They are going to town. A willow forest, with faint green branches, makes people feel that although it is chilly in spring, it is already spring back to the earth. In the sedan chair on the road, a woman sat in it. The top of the sedan chair is decorated with willows and flowers, followed by riders and bearers, returning from a walk in the suburbs of Beijing to sweep the grave.

The description of the environment and characters points out the specific time and customs of Tomb-Sweeping Day, which opens the curtain for the whole painting. 2. Busy Bianhe Wharf: Bianhe is the national water transport hub in the Northern Song Dynasty and the main road of commercial traffic. As can be seen from the picture, the population is dense and grain ships gather. Some people are resting in the teahouse, some are telling fortune, and some are eating in the restaurant. There is also the "Wang's Paper Horse Shop", which is a grave sweeper selling sacrifices. Ships in the river come and go, end to end, either pulled by trackers or paddled by boatmen. Some are full of goods, going upstream, and some are nervously berthing to unload.

Across the Bianhe River is a large wooden arch bridge with exquisite structure and beautiful shape, just like a dancing rainbow, hence the name Hongqiao. A big ship is waiting to cross the bridge. The boatman is supported by bamboo poles; Hook the bridge with a long pole; Lead the boat with hemp rope; Several people are busy lowering the mast so that the ship can pass. People in the neighboring ship are also pointing and shouting something. Both inside and outside the ship are busy crossing the bridge for this ship. People on the bridge are also sweating over the tense ferry scene. This is the well-known Hongqiao pier, which is full of traffic and bustling, and is really the intersection of land and water transportation. 3. Busy city streets: centered on tall towers, with rows of houses on both sides, including teahouses, hotels, foot shops, meat shops, temples, public halls and so on.

There are special commodities in the shop, such as silks and satins, jewels and spices, incense and paper horses. In addition, there are medical clinics, cart repair, fortune-telling visits, shaving and plastic surgery, and all walks of life have everything. Large-scale shops are also tied with "colorful buildings and happy doors" at the door, and banners are hung to attract business. Pedestrians in the market are jostling with each other, including businessmen doing business and people watching street scenes. There are monks walking around with baskets on their backs, tourists asking for directions from other places, street children who have heard of books, children of rich people who drink heavily in restaurants, disabled elderly people begging on the edge of cities, men, women and children, scholars, farmers, workers and businessmen, and so on.

There are sedan chairs, camels, ox carts, rickshaws, peace carts, flatbeds, and all kinds. Vividly displayed in front of people. Zhang Zeduan pays great attention to details when he makes this painting. The characters have vivid expressions and realistic movements, which make people feel immersive. He does not pay attention to the contrast between virtual reality and real reality, but depicts everyone in detail, even the trees in the painting are depicted in detail, and the texture and spatial contrast of different trees are extremely full. The proportion of people and food is harmonious, and the distance is clear. When painting, the painter's lines are clear and natural, the colors are shades, the characters' expressions are rich and direct to the heart, and the scenery is natural and harmonious, which fully reflects Zhang Zeduan's high respect for the objective outside world and subjective feelings. Painters pay attention to the description of real things, but also pay attention to the interest of painting itself. In the painter's view, the beauty of painting is not only to depict natural scenery, but more importantly, the beauty embodied in pen and ink itself, which conveys the painter's feelings, momentum and interest. Let's talk about the significance of art appreciation with this work.

By appreciating the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival and extending it to other works, we can see that by appreciating artistic works, we can not only learn aesthetic education knowledge, but also cultivate the ability to create beauty. It is of great significance to our personality, feelings, understanding, outlook on life and concepts, and can cultivate our enthusiasm and initiative and improve our artistic accomplishment and humanistic accomplishment.

More generally speaking, the significance of artistic appreciation lies in making the work complete its creative mission. Works that are not appreciated or appreciated, that is, works that do not conform to the audience, will not produce any social effects, and works of art can only produce effects through appreciation. The process of art appreciation is that the appreciator thinks positively, understands the work according to his own life experience and knowledge, and makes the work perfect. Specific works will have different effects for different audiences, but the * * * in art works is the main effect. Art appreciation aims at improving people's cultural and aesthetic qualities and promoting social development.

First of all, art appreciation can help us broaden our horizons and broaden our knowledge. The world of human life is extremely vast and the content of life is extremely rich, but for everyone, no matter how knowledgeable he is, it is impossible to experience all aspects of social life. However, with the help of many excellent works of art at home and abroad, we can get in touch with many vast fields that life and experience can't touch. Take China's artworks as an example. In the past five thousand years, many paintings, sculptures, handicrafts and various architectural arts can help us broaden our horizons and learn a lot of vivid and rich knowledge that cannot be obtained from books and personal experiences. Foreign works of art show us a vast world. Therefore, through the appreciation of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign works of art, people can travel around the world, stroll through history and greatly expand their knowledge.

Secondly, art can cultivate people's sentiment and promote the construction of spiritual civilization. The characteristic of art appreciation activity is that it is a spiritual activity of feeling and understanding, and it is the unity of emotion and understanding. Therefore, appreciators can improve their understanding and receive education by appreciating artistic works. For example, the painted pottery in primitive society in China and the bronze art in Shang and Zhou Dynasties, as well as their many ingenious and dazzling handicrafts, made people deeply realize the long history of our motherland and the glory of ancient culture, thus enhancing their thoughts and feelings of loving the great motherland. In the process of appreciation, through comparison and identification, we can also realize what is true, good and beautiful and what is false, evil and ugly. The process of aesthetic criticism is the process of improving the spiritual realm.

Third, art appreciation is an important way to improve artistic accomplishment and aesthetic ability. Marx said: "Art objects create mobilized art and people who can appreciate art". That is to say, works created according to the principle of beauty will in turn play the role of aesthetic education, thus improving people's artistic appreciation ability, and the accumulation of this artistic appreciation ability is the process of improving people's artistic accomplishment. The more people who see works of art, the more they can identify and appreciate art. Liu Xie, a famous literary theorist in ancient China during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, said: "You can know the sound by practicing a thousand songs, and you can know the instrument by watching a thousand swords." Appreciating some excellent works of art at home and abroad and analyzing works of art in daily life are important ways to improve people's artistic quality and aesthetic quality.

In the process of appreciating these works of art, we will be moved by real and vivid images and inspire our beautiful and lofty thoughts and feelings. In this subtle process, we will get the purification of mind, the edification of emotion, and unconsciously accept healthy spiritual quality and moral sentiment, thus improving people's emotional state and influencing people's behavior. At the same time, I also got visual pleasure and enjoyment, expanded my knowledge field and broadened my horizons.

Through the appreciation of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, I learned about China's excellent traditional culture and China's excellent traditional thoughts and life values. It broadens my knowledge and is of great significance to cultivate our ability to understand the world, aesthetic vision, healthy aesthetic taste and future life development.